
Why, after a dream in the morning, does the lower back ache and what can I do?

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low back pain In the modern world of advanced technologies, so many adaptations have been invented to make life easier for ordinary people.

For example, elevators, escalators, cars, etc. All this has led to the fact that humanity has ceased to move. Sedentary lifestyle, improper diet, stress, pollution - all this has a very negative impact on health.

It would seem that it is necessary to do a man in the 21st century - to live and rejoice. Only now, unfortunately, often, back pain in the morning breaks our plans and causes a lot of anxiety.

Provoke lumbar pains for any movement, whether smooth or sharp. In addition to pain, stiffness, inability to straighten, or, conversely, to bend down, is possible.

Contents of the article

  • Why does my back hurt in the morning?
  • The concept of primary and secondary pain
  • Why does the pain to the middle of the day often subside?
  • Patient examination
  • Complex of measures in this situation
  • The launched disease is dangerous
  • How to avoid pain and illness?
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Why does my back hurt in the morning?

The spine is a complete system, including: bones, joints, muscles and ligaments. Damage to any of these components will result in a malfunction of the entire system.

The backbone of the backbone is the entire weight of our body, in addition, all the weight that we have to lift. That is, incredibly colossal load falls on the human support system. It's no wonder that pain can occur.

Let's take a closer look at the reasons that the loin most often hurts in the mornings:

  1. Often the cause of morning pain may become an uncomfortable sleeping posture, an uncomfortable bed or excessive physical activity on the eve of .In this case, the pain will be localized at the bottom of the back, in the region of the sacrum. The mechanism of occurrence is simply muscle spasm or changes in the curve of the back. These reasons are absolutely not dangerous, it is not necessary to sound the alarm. Just try not to overload your back for the next time.
  2. Subcooling .
  3. The main disease causing back pain is osteochondrosis is a dystrophic cartilage damage, in the first
    osteochondrosis - causes of back pain

    Osteochondrosis and scoliosis are the causes of back pain

    turn, intervertebral discs. Osteochondrosis can affect all parts of the spine: cervical, thoracic, lumbar and sacral. In this case, more often the pain directly in the back causes the localization of the process in the thoracic and lumbar region. For this pathology is characterized by the systematic nature of pain and its increasing nature.

  4. Muscle Dystrophy .In addition to back pain, patients often complain of a feeling of "frozen" in muscle groups. The pains are very intense, they pass by the middle of the day, when a person moves a lot.
  5. Renal colic is pain from the kidney region that radiates into the lumbar region.
  6. Another reason - curvature of the spine .Normally, a person has 4 bends - 2 lordosis and 2 kyphosis. They are considered physiological. But as a result of injuries or other causes, the angle of bending may change and then they will bear the name of pathological.
  7. Joint pathology .There is a large group of joint pain that can cause pain in the spine. Often these are systemic lesions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, Bechterew's disease, arthrosis.

The concept of primary and secondary pain

Primary pain occurs as a result of a pathological process directly in the components of the spine. That is, with the defeat of joints, muscles, bones and ligaments.

Secondary pain - develops as a result of injuries, compression of structures, tumor processes, pathology of internal organs. That is, all of the extravertebral pathology provokes a secondary pain syndrome.

Why does the pain of the middle of the day often subside?

Pain in the lower back is typical for the first half of the day, then the pain passes.

This is a general pattern for all etiologies of the onset of pain. Why is this happening? Everything is very simple.

After sleep, when the muscles and bones were at rest, there comes a period of activity, accompanied, often, by sharp movements.

sore back In the mechanism of pain will lie: reducing the amount of inter joint fluid, spasm of muscles and ligaments.

During the day, a huge number of physical movements occur, resulting in the development and even distribution of articular fluid that lubricates the joint surfaces, which reduces pain.

Also muscles and ligaments stretch, warm up and asymptomatically perform their function.

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The main danger of pain in the morning, which is for dinner, is that the patient ceases to pay attention to the ailment. It is perceived as a temporary phenomenon, stiffness from sleep, a lot of excuses are invented, so as not to visit a doctor.

Yes, in some cases, it really is. But there are situations when the pain syndrome is provoked by a serious pathology, which must be identified as early as possible and treated.

Do not neglect your health, relying on maybe and expecting that by the time the pain will pass.

Applying to the clinic, you will be given a comprehensive examination, which will establish the diagnosis and prescribe the treatment.

Examination of the patient

If morning or during the day the back is hurted in the lumbar region, the patient should:

  1. Hand over the general analysis of blood and urine .This will help determine the presence of acute phase indicators and clarify the systemic disease or only the spine is affected. Also, urine analysis will help to exclude the possibility of irradiation of renal colic.
  2. Make biochemical blood test - concentration in blood of calcium, phosphorus, creatinine, etc.
  3. X-ray of the spine in several projections. On the x-ray, you can see any degenerative-dystrophic process, whether it be arthritis, arthrosis, joint space, scoliosis, etc. roentgenography of the spine
  4. If the X-ray is not informative, needs to make a computer or magnetic resonance imaging of the spine. This will identify the intervertebral hernia, pinching of nerves, trauma, curvature and any other abnormalities.
  5. It is very important, in addition to laboratory methods of examination, and collection of anamnesis , that is, the history of this disease and your life, in general. The doctor should find out when the pains arose, which preceded this, whether the intensity of pain attacks changed, what kind of pain, how long to last, etc. Also need to clarify whether there were cases of systemic diseases in the family, such as arthritis, Bekhterev's disease, arthrosis. The conditions of work, the conditions of rest, how long the rest lasts. All this is necessary to clarify the clinical course of the disease and the establishment of a correct diagnosis.

Complex of measures in this situation

After all the tests are completed and the diagnosis is established, treatment begins.

In modern medicine, there are 3 approaches to treatment:

  1. Etiotropic - elimination of the cause causing pathology.
  2. Pathogenetic principle - influence on pathogenesis, that is, on the mechanism of pathology formation.
  3. Symptomatic - elimination of adverse symptoms, such as pain, for example.

The back pain therapy is based on etiotropic treatment. It is aimed at eliminating the underlying disease and will be different in each specific situation.

For the relief of pain, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs is used:

  • Indomethacin;
  • Ibuprofen;
  • Diclofenac.

They are used, as a rule, inside while eating. To protect the gastric mucosa from ulcerative lesions, Indomethacin should be combined with antacids, drugs that reduce acidity. The antacids include Omeprazole, Almagel, Rennie, Gastal, etc.

It is also possible to use all these substances in the form of gels, ointments. In addition to removing inflammation, they also have an anesthetic effect, that is, symptomatic treatment is performed.

The following group of drugs - muscle relaxants, drugs that reduce the tone of skeletal muscles and its motor activity. These include Pancuronius and Vicuronius.

But the use of these drugs must be carried out only strictly under the supervision of the attending physician. Their uncontrolled reception can lead to paresis or paralysis of the muscles.

It is not necessary to carry out self-prescription of any preparations independently. It is better to contact specialists and make sure of the expediency and effectiveness of using a particular drug.

A simple exercise with morning pain in the lower back - shows the manual therapist:

The launched disease is dangerous

The main complication is the worsening of the process, its generalization and timing, when the back hurts every morning.

Transition of the disease into a chronic form will lead to persistent pain. Perhaps the deterioration of the process is so that evolving persistent paralysis with subsequent disability and inability to walk. After all, back pain can be a very serious pathology.

How to avoid pain and disease?

To avoid problems, it is necessary: ​​therapeutic swimming

  1. Avoid provoking factors: lifting of gravity, hypothermia, long-term presence in one uncomfortable position, intensive physical exertion.
  2. It is recommended to lead an active lifestyle: ride a bicycle, skate, roller or just walk more often. Give up the elevator and the escalator, slowly rush to the floor slowly.
  3. Swim and therapeutic exercises are very effective against back pain.

Take care of your health, do not delay the diagnosis and treatment for later. The earlier you apply for treatment, the less side-effects you will endure.

After all, the back is the only support of our body, its health determines our activity, the ability to move. Life is motion. Take care of the opportunity to live and be happy every minute healthy.

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