
Infarct - dangerous to the enemy at the gates of the brain

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cerebral infarction Infarction is a disorder of the blood circulation of the brain. Problems arise because of a lack of blood supply. In this case, the nerve cells of the affected area of ​​the brain may become dead. The disease is also called ischemic stroke.

Such disorders often occur due to the formation of thrombi in the circulatory system. The disease affects the human brain and is a cause of disruption of the central nervous system.

As a result of the transfer of such a disease in humans, motor, speech and other natural functions of the body can be disrupted.


  • Causes of trouble
  • Causes of trouble
  • Classification of violation
  • Clinical picture of
  • Diagnosis of
  • Treatment approach
  • Recovery period
  • Prophylaxis package
  • Prognosis depends on many factors

Causes of trouble

The main cause of necrosis of the brain region is artery occlusion. The reason for the formation of thromboses is the transformation of the vascular wall, as well as the deterioration of rheological properties.

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Prolonged spasms of blood vessels in the brain can also cause ischemic cerebral infarction.

Irreversible changes can occur due to inadequate supply to the brain of the necessary nutrients.

Formation of blood clots in the brain

Classification of disorder

The etiopathogenetic subtypes distinguish the following subspecies of cerebral infarct:

  • atherothrombotic;
  • cardioembolic;
  • lacunar;
  • hemodynamic;
  • hemorheological.

The disease can be localized in such areas:

  • internal carotid artery;
  • anterior cerebral artery;
  • middle cerebral artery;
  • vertebral artery;
  • basilar artery;
  • cerebellum;
  • area of ​​the Talamus;
  • posterior cerebral artery.

brain damage

Clinical picture of

The following symptoms are observed:

  • weakness or complete numbness of the left or right half of the body;dizzy
  • severe migraine;
  • difficulty in orientation in space and time;
  • increased drowsiness;
  • nausea, vomiting reflexes, dizziness;
  • worsening of the receptors in the hands and feet;
  • obstructed speech;
  • weak stunned;
  • shakiness.

During an attack a person begins to turn pale, blood pressure decreases. If a cerebral infarction occurs in the trunk itself, a rapid increase in blood pressure is rarely seen. The pulse increases, but becomes weaker.

With repeated heart attacks, the mental state of the patient may be impaired. Symptoms of asthenia can often be observed even after the normalization of the mental state.

Diagnosis of

Diagnostic methods used:

  • cerebral angiography;
  • computed tomography;
  • MRI of the brain;
  • examination of carotid arteries;
  • study of the liquor;
  • magnetic resonance imaging.

Approach to treatment

brain A cerebral infarction is considered an emergency and always requires immediate hospitalization of the patient. Restoration of the circulatory system in the brain, preventing further possible damage to nerve fibers are the main goals of treatment in the hospital.

As soon as the state of ischemic stroke begins to develop, patients are assigned special agents that promote the dissolution of thrombi:

  1. Thrombolytics are very successfully used in the treatment of myocardial infarction. In addition to dissolving the formed thrombus, these agents prevent subsequent damage to nerve tissues, significantly reducing the area of ​​injury. It should be borne in mind that such drugs can be administered only to a particular group of patients and are used at different stages of the development of the infarction.
  2. Another group of drugs used to change blood properties, antiaggregants , preventing the process of gluing together platelets. Antiaggregants are included in the list of conventional means for fighting stroke caused by cerebral atherosclerosis or all kinds of blood infections that promote the formation of clots due to aggregation of platelets. Such medications are also used to prevent the occurrence of a second stroke.
  3. It should be understood that the uniform elements of the brain tissues are gradually unlocked without the intake of a sufficient amount of oxygen, as well as nutrients. This process is accompanied by a list of various biochemical reactions, the prevention of the development of which is assisted by cytoprotectors or neuroprotectors of .In addition, neuroprotectors contribute to an increase in the activity of cells located next to the already lost shaped elements. Thus, neighboring cells are able to perform functions of dead.

Surgical methods of treatment are also used, for example, carotid endarterectomy. The action necessary to remove the inner wall near the carotid artery, damaged by an atherosclerotic plaque during deformation or when the blood vessel narrows.

This type of intervention is also used for prevention. It is necessary to take into account existing indications and contra-indications before making a decision and carrying out such operations.

Patients who had suffered a cerebral infarction in their time have a fairly high chance of recovery, as well as a full recovery.

Recovery period

The ability to maintain the old way of life after a heart attack has been affected largely depends on the timely and post-infarct rehabilitation quality rehabilitation procedures.

In order to be able to return to the old life as soon as possible, it is recommended to undergo rehabilitation in special centers, where complex measures are used that contribute to the treatment of strokes.

Basically, these processes are very lengthy, but all cases of the disease are of an individual nature, so the condition of some patients is normalized later, while others are faster.

Today there is a sufficient number of developed techniques for restoring the functionality of the nervous system after the diseases that have been transferred. The most effective effect on the condition of patients is provided by specially designed therapeutic and sports complexes.

Procedures help to restore the strength and motor functions of the affected side of the body within three months. Social and psychological adaptation processes take much longer.

Complex of preventive measures

Prevention of disease must necessarily have a certain effect on the factors that cause its occurrence.

Unfortunately, specialists in modern medicine do not have the possibility of influencing each conditioning factor. First of all, it is necessary to list the circumstances that modern medicine can not influence.

When a person reaches the age of 55, the chances of having a stroke increase and double after every 10 years.

A large propensity for the disease is observed in men. An important role is played by all kinds of genetically conditioned predispositions. The remaining known causes of the disease can be controlled.

We list the main preventive measures:

  1. Diet .This method of prevention is primarily aimed at preventing the progression of atherosclerosis. The right diet implies a minimum amount of food in the diet, which includes animal fats or cholesterol. To the use of a sufficient number of fruits, vegetables, protein and cereals, as well as vegetable oil. Sea fish will be very useful, because such food contains fatty acids that prevent the damage of blood vessels.
  2. Smoking .The likelihood of developing a cerebral infarction increases under the influence of nicotine. Blood vessels narrow and smoking addiction increases the intensity of the processes that contribute to the development of atherosclerosis. One of the main preventive measures is the refusal to use tobacco.
  3. Stress .It has long been studied and proven the impact of stress on the chances of developing a stroke. It is necessary to learn to look at the events taking place in life, more positively, avoiding the development of conflict situations. If there is no possibility to deal with this problem on your own, it is better to seek the help of qualified psychologists.
  4. Control of lipidemia .Excessive amount of fats in the blood contributes to the development of atherosclerosis and increases the likelihood of a cerebral infarction by changing the blood composition. If you detect an increase in cholesterol or any other substances that increase the likelihood of atherosclerosis, it is recommended that you switch to a special diet and, if necessary, undergo a medical course using medications that help normalize the lipid spectrum in the blood.
  5. Physical Exercises .You need to exercise regularly. This prevents saves from obesity and other disorders that are significant risk factors. Physical stress also contributes to reducing the risk of blood clots. The probability of premature death is reduced by approximately 30% with constant exercise.

prevention of strokes

Prognosis depends on many factors

The prognosis for the further development of the disease depends on the location and size of the affected area, as well as some concomitant disorders and diseases. The favorable prognosis may worsen, depending on the size of the damaged area and the time of the beginning of the treatment procedures.

In severe cases, it is very difficult to restore memory, speech, normal coordination of movements, especially when the patient transfers to someone.

Each day of this condition reduces the possibility of recovery by about 15%.It should be borne in mind that about 25% of people who have had an infarction leave their lives in about a month.

If the patient has a lacunar stroke, the likelihood of a lethal outcome is about 2%.

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