
How to treat reactive arthritis with traditional and folk remedies

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reactive arthritis and treatment

Reactive arthritis is a disorder that appears as a response to an infection, for example, in the genitals, in the urinary system, the gastrointestinal tract.

Standard arthritis occurs 20-25 days after the onset of infection.

In reactive arthritis due to infections of the urogenital organs, the provoking factor are infections in the genitals, bladder, urethra.

If the infection is related to food poisoning, then this condition is called enteroarthritis.

In 2% of people with such poisonings, inflammation of the joints may appear within a few weeks.

Genetic addiction also has a certain significance in the development of the disease.

Violation often occurs in 20 to 40 years.

Representatives of the stronger sex are more likely than women to suffer from this kind of arthritis associated with sexual infections. When food poisoning deviation is often observed in both sexes.

Pain and swelling of the joints in the knees, elbows and toes are the first manifestations of the disorder. Other joints can also become inflamed.

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Reactive arthritis in diseases of the genitourinary system is accompanied by symptoms of inflammation of the prostate and urethra in the strong half, bladder, uterus, vagina - in women.

There may be a frequent urge to urinate, as well as burning at this moment. Pain and redness of the eyes, decreased visual acuity are caused by conjunctivitis, which can occur before the development of arthritis or together with joint damage.

Because the disorder has no specific signs, basically, this diagnosis is established by excluding other causes of joint damage.

To diagnose a doctor, it is important to carefully question a person, examine it and examine the data of laboratory tests.

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If there is a violation of blood circulation in the knee, there is a sickness of the hammer. Timely diagnosis and treatment of the disease is of paramount importance.

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Article content

  • Is the disease curable?
    • Medication
    • Traditional medicine
  • How to treat reactive arthritis in children
  • Findings
  • Video: Reactive arthritis - attendant symptoms

Is the disease curable?

In reactive arthritis, the risk of recurrence and the transition of a disorder to a chronic form is extremely high.

Nevertheless, the treatment of reactive arthritis of the knee and other joints is quite realistic, only needs to delay treatment.

The main principles of treatment for this type of arthritis are antibacterial action and neutralization of joint manifestations.

Medical treatment

From antimicrobial drugs in case of deviation prescribe a wide-ranging agents - azithromycin, doxycycline.

These medications are of different types and are taken by certain schemes selected by the treating doctor. By itself, antibiotic therapy does not relieve arthritis. But the use of antibiotics neutralizes the root cause.

Therapy of joint syndrome is carried out by two main types of drugs - NSAIDs and hormones.

NSAIDs( diclofenac, salicylates, ibuprofen) are used in combination - inside in tablets and externally in ointments. These drugs stop biochemical NSAIDs Diclofenac reactions that cause inflammation of the joints.

Glococorticoids, dexamethasone, diprospan, have a similar effect. These remedies are also used in a complex way - through ingestion and injection into the joint.

Both types of drugs have a lot of side effects, including a blood clotting disorder, a poisoning effect on the liver, stomach and intestines, suppression of immunity.

Although, a decrease in immunity with this disorder is rather good than bad.

When immunosuppression is inhibited the course of autoimmune reactions leading to joint damage.

For this, arthritis uses immunosuppressive drugs that stop the growth of cells and reduce immunity. This means is methotrexate.

It stops the growth of cells, interrupts the course of immune and inflammatory processes, and therefore is a means of choice in reactive arthritis.

But this medicine is also not without side effect - oppression of protective functions does not pass without a trace. Among other things, methotrexate increases the toxic effects of NSAIDs.

Therefore, the drug must be prescribed and administered under the strict supervision of a doctor who knows how to treat joint damage with the least risk to the patient.

Traditional medicine

Reactive arthritis and its treatment with folk remedies consists in the use of natural ingredients in combination with individual medical products:

  1. Such a drug is dimexide. It is used for compresses. For this, the preparation is mixed in equal parts with voltaren or hydrocortisone. Compress with the obtained composition is applied for 30 minutes.
  2. Another means for the lotion is a mixture of the same amount of grated radish and horseradish. Before applying this compress the patient's joint is spread with lotions and compresses vegetable oil.
  3. 200 ml of vegetable oil is combined with an equal number of comfrey leaves. The resulting composition boil for half an hour on low heat. Then the broth is filtered, add to it 50 ml of beeswax and a slightly oily composition of vit. E. This ointment is rubbed into the affected area.
  4. Put a compress on the sore spot with dry heated sea resin. After smearing the joint with fir oil and again apply salt.
Folk recipes do not affect the cause of the occurrence. And therefore, without medications in the treatment of violations can not do, and folk methods only increase the effect of these funds.

How to treat reactive arthritis in children

reactive arthritis

What you need to know about reactive arthritis in children

Inflammation of the joint is considered reactive if it does not appear on its own, but because of any infection of the organism caused by microbes or in. ..


With proper treatment of the causeArthritis symptoms disappear after a few weeks. In half of the affected people, symptoms may appear again. The condition can become chronic.

The sooner the treatment of reactive arthropathy begins, the more likely that the defeat will be defeated in a short time, and its manifestations will not disturb for a long time.

Video: Reactive arthritis - concomitant symptoms

Reactive arthritis is an inflammatory disease with joint damage that develops after the transfer of some infections. A complex of symptoms that indicate this disease.

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