
Dietary nutrition for arthrosis: tips and menus

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nutrition for arthrosis Osteoarthritis is considered a disease of the elderly, but recently this violation affects young people. Arthrosis is called inflammation of the cartilage in the joints and a change in the bone structure. The disease is treated with medication and with the use of physiotherapy.

The diet, which should be observed with arthrosis, alone does not treat the disease, but can only alleviate the suffering of the patient and helps to get the body the necessary nutrients.

The purpose of dietary nutrition is to reduce excess weight, to provide a full saturation of the body with the necessary trace elements, eating foods that can help in the restoration of tissues and in stimulating metabolic processes.

Contents of the article

General recommendations for nutrition

  • Almost all substances are useful if as far
  • Culinary inhibitions
  • What is needed
  • Menu option for the week
  • Rice diet
  • Gluten-free diet
  • Asked - answer
  • General dietary advice

    Dietary nutrition for arthrosis, in the first place, is used to eliminate excess weight, because the disease mainly

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    Excess weight and joint disease affects people with obesity. The therapeutic diet focuses on reducing the intake of fats and carbohydrates.

    It is necessary to completely reject the roast, cook steamed, bake in the oven or cook. For a day you should eat 5-6 times in small portions and only when there is a feeling of hunger.

    After eating, you need to walk down the street or do a hundred steps at home. The last time they eat food is not later than three hours before going to bed. Be sure to limit the use of salt and sugar. It is necessary to include in the diet dishes based on gelatin: jelly, jellied, jelly, kissel, eat them every day.

    Almost all substances are useful if, to the best of

    To restore joint tissues, relieve pain and inflammation, it is necessary to eat foods containing useful and necessary substances:

    1. Protein is a natural cartilage restorer.
    2. Carbohydrates - regulate metabolic processes and do not allow rapid weight gain. In the diet should be complex carbohydrates - they are digested for a long time and do not harm the body.
    3. Fats - nourish the joints, but only vegetable and contained in the fish are acceptable.
    4. Vitamins - strengthen the immune system. You can drink vitamin complexes or get with food.

    In addition, the body needs mineral complexes, which include zinc, magnesium, potassium.

    proteins carbohydrates and fats

    Culinary prohibitions

    In articular pathologies, in particular arthritis and arthrosis, certain foods and culinary desserts are categorically prohibited, among which are:

    • confectionery desserts with cream;
    • freshly baked bread and baking;
    • ice cream and desserts based on milk;unhealthy food
    • chocolate and products with it( butter, paste);
    • chips, croutons, breakfast cereals, toast;
    • spirits and beer;
    • tea, coffee and sweet soda water;
    • pickles, smoked products, spicy seasonings, margarine, mayonnaise;
    • fatty meat;
    • whole milk and fatty sour-milk products.

    Do not eat fast food, sausages, caviar red or black. Smoking should also be abandoned.

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    What is needed

    A joint arthrosis diet involves a low calorie diet and the use of appropriate products.

    The list of allowed products for this disease is as follows:

    : Meats for meat : turkey, rabbit, chicken.
  • Varieties of fish that contain a lot of fat : salmon, mackerel. They contain a large number of fatty acids that inhibit fish useful aging of bone tissue.
  • Sour-milk products : kefir, whey, yoghurt without additives. In the serum, a lot of calcium, in other products based on milk, it is much less.
  • Spinach, parsley, dill, green salad - they also have a lot of calcium.
  • Nuts : almonds, hazelnuts, walnuts. Rich in vitamin E, essential for nourishing articular tissues.
  • Whole-grain bread or bran - contains complex carbohydrates.
  • Fruits and freshly squeezed juices .
  • Vegetables : cauliflower, carrots, zucchini.
  • Beans - beans and peas , they contain a lot of vegetable protein.
  • The source of fat is cow's oil in reasonable quantities. Also, you should eat food, which contains vitamins of group B: bananas, eggs, cheese, seafood.

    Menu option for the week

    Dietary nutrition during an exacerbation of arthrosis is calculated for at least two weeks, we offer an approximate menu for the week:

    1. Monday : Breakfast - cottage cheese, 2 toast, oiled and tea with milk.2 breakfast - nuts, tea with ginger, fruit. Lunch - vegetable soup, cabbage salad, buckwheat with chicken. Snack - jelly and biscuits. Dinner - fish baked, rice. oatmeal with fruit
    2. Tuesday : Breakfast - oatmeal with dried apricots, coffee with milk, biscuits.2 breakfast - yoghurt, fruit. Lunch - chicken broth with herbs, baked beef, broccoli. Snack - compote with dried fruits, banana. Supper - stewed rabbit, salad from any vegetables.
    3. Wednesday : Breakfast - scrambled eggs, toast, tea, cocoa.2 breakfast - fruit jelly, tea with ginger. Lunch - the ear with the addition of vegetables, any vegetable salad, boiled chicken and macaroni of solid varieties. Snack - yogurt, cookies. Dinner - jellied fish, salad, compote.
    4. Thursday : Breakfast - baked chicken breast, boiled eggs, toast, coffee.2 breakfast - sandwiches, compote. Lunch - beetroot, steamed steaks, rice porridge, any salad. Snack - Kissel on milk with fruit, mint drink. Dinner - soufflé from lean meat, carrot zrazy, juice.
    5. Friday : Breakfast - cottage cheese with yoghurt, sandwich, tea with ginger.2 breakfast - soft-boiled egg, sliced ​​fruit with nuts, low-fat yogurt. Lunch - soup with noodles, meat zrazy, vegetables for the season, compote. Snack - fruit jelly, biscuits. Dinner - cereal from porridge, butter, juice.
    6. Saturday : Breakfast - cottage cheese casserole, green tea with toast.2 breakfast - apples in the oven, tea with ginger. Lunch - vegetable soup with meat broth, steak, baked with cheese, boiled buckwheat, salad, compote. Snack - a salad of fruit, kissel. Dinner - fish baked with vegetables, tea with mint.
    7. Sunday : Breakfast - buckwheat with milk, toast, cheese, cocoa.2 breakfast - scrambled eggs, tea with ginger. Lunch - the ear, porridge "Friendship", boiled pork, baked in the oven, any salad, jelly. Snack - apples baked, jelly. Dinner - zrazy vegetable, low-fat kefir.
    It is necessary to drink a lot of plain water, in addition to other drinks.

    For auxiliary treatment of arthrosis, there are useful and approved diets.

    Rice Diet

    soaked rice The diet is based on eating a soaked rice for breakfast, which binds and removes toxins from the tissues. Among other things, soaked grains are able to rid of the salts accumulated in the spine and joints, stimulate metabolic processes, burn extra pounds, improve kidney and liver function.

    To comply with the diet should stock up on brown rice or plain ground and bran( 1/3 of the volume of rice).You will need numbered glass jars of small volume - 5 pieces:

    1. Take 3 spoons of rice, wash it and put it in a jar with number 1, add water. In the morning, wash the rice in this jar and pour it again, and pour rice into the jar of number 2 and mix it with water.
    2. Such procedures with rice do all the following days, until all the banks are filled with rice.
    3. On the sixth morning, the rice from the banks number 1 should be eaten for breakfast: it can be cooked without any additives on the water, or used raw, moistened with boiling water for 10 minutes beforehand.
    4. Before this, 30 minutes before rice, you should drink a glass of warmwater.
    5. After eating rice, do not eat anything for 4 hours, then drink a glass of water and you can normally eat lunch.
    6. In the first bank it is necessary to again pour rice and soak - such manipulations should be done every morning until the course of treatment is over - 40 days.
    The rice diet is not contraindicated. During its carrying out it is necessary to refuse alcoholic, salty, sharp and sour.

    Gluten-free diet

    The essence of this diet is the refusal to eat food that is made up of gluten - a gluten contained in wheat, oats, Gluten-Free Diet rye and barley. The purpose of the diet is weight reduction, normalization of metabolism, cleansing of the intestine and removal of harmful substances from it.

    During the diet, products are allowed: buckwheat, rice, millet, meat and fish are not very fatty, fruits and vegetables, vegetable oil and cow, tea, coffee.

    Prohibited products that include gluten: the above cereals, sausage products, fish semi-finished products and canned food, shop spices, kvass on rye flour. Nutrition fractional - 5-6 times a day, the last time you can eat 3 hours before bedtime.

    Asked - we answer

    We have collected the most popular questions that concern the peculiarities of nutrition for arthrosis and gave the floor to a specialist:

    1. Question: What is metabolic arthrosis and how should I eat with this kind of disease? Answer: Metabolic arthrosis appears in humans as a result of eating foods that contain chemical additives. These include preservatives, steroids, hormones, dyes and others. If such a diagnosis is made, then it is necessary to eat only natural products that do not contain artificial additives. nutrition for arthrosis
    2. Question: What should I do to eat small portions and eat up ?Answer: Visually increase the portion by feeding it on a small plate - so it seems bigger. Eat slowly, chew food carefully, take short pauses during meals - the stomach will be saturated faster and much will be impossible to eat. As soon as the saturation has made itself felt, you must immediately leave the table and rinse your mouth. The signal that the stomach is full, fed into the brain with a delay, so people tend to overeat, so the signal of saturation can not wait.
    3. Question: Why does arthrosis need to eat more protein food ?Answer: Protein is involved in the restoration of all types of joint tissues. It promotes the production of collagen - a life-giving and reducing substance. The protein contains fermented milk products, some varieties of meat and fish, legumes. Collagen is present in holodtsah and jelly.

    Therapeutic diet is very important for patients with arthrosis. Strict adherence to a diet recommended by a doctor is the right way to recovery. Untimely and incorrect treatment leads to complications and even disability.

    We must take responsibility for our health responsibly and do not expect that everything will pass by itself.

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