
Features of valgus foot deformities in children: symptoms, treatment and prevention

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valgus in the child Valient deformity of the foot - such diagnosis exposes the orthopedist to some children of the first years of life of the .In the early detection and treatment of pathology, the probability of a complete correction of the foot approaches a hundred percent, in neglected cases, the child in later life has many problems with the spine.

In normal position, in any person, including the baby, the feet are parallel to each other. During the steps, the parallelism is maintained, the main load in this case is the area under the fingers and heel.

With the development of valgus deformity in children, the walking load falls on the inside of the foot, the outside is raised, the little finger does not rest on the floor, but is in a "suspended" state.

The formation of the valgus foot begins at the time when the child begins to walk, this is primarily due to the load on the legs. Especially important is the period of several months after the baby has mastered walking.

It is at this time that the prerequisites for incorrect foot formation and the absence of preventive measures can lead to a neglected stage of valgus deformation.

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Article Contents

  • reasons pathology
  • Classification
    • deformation degrees
  • Symptoms
  • Diagnostic techniques
  • complex
    • conservative medical procedures treatment
    • Surgery
  • Rehabilitation after surgery
  • Complications
  • disease prevention
  • Video: How to determine the baby flat-valgus feet

reasons pathology

Valgus deformation is congenital or acquired .Congenital pathology occurs rarely, more often the disease is detected in the second year of life. The main causes of valgus deformities in children are:

  • Connective tissue dysplasia is the most frequent cause of pathology. The basis of the ligament apparatus of the whole organism is the connective tissue, its incorrect development leads to the weakness of the ligaments. In turn, a weak ligamentous apparatus can not withstand the burden of the whole spine on its legs.
  • Incorrectly matched shoes .Absence of heel, soft sole can not fix the foot, so it begins to bend in the easiest position for it.
  • The poor ecology of leads to a disruption in metabolic processes, which also adversely affects the connective tissue.
  • Valgus deformity often is formed in premature infants.
  • Incorrect position of the foot refers to secondary manifestations of rickets, cerebral palsy, polyneuropathy. All these diseases in one way or another are associated with a violation of the functioning of neuromuscular fibers.
  • Genetic predisposition.
  • Overweight. The probability of pathology increases if a baby with a large body weight starts to walk early.
  • Weak immunity - frequent ARI, bronchitis, pneumonia.
  • Injury, a long finding of feet in a cast.

Classification of

Orthopedics uses a certain classification of valgus deformities of the feet, based on the causes of the pathology: curvature of feet

  • Static develops in the formation of incorrect posture.
  • Structural is associated with a congenital pathology - anatomically incorrect position of the talus.
  • The compensating arises under the influence of the shortened Achilles tendon, with the oblique position of the shin, when the tibia is positioned inside.
  • Hyper-corrective. This form of deformity is associated with improper treatment of clubfoot.
  • Spastic valgus deformity of develops in a child susceptible to extensor muscular spasms that occur when the cortex is broken.
  • Paralytic is a complication of poliomyelitis or encephalitis.
  • Ricky is formed with rickets.
  • Traumatic. The fractures of the bones of the foot and ankle joint, ligament ruptures can lead to an incorrect position of the foot. The axis of the limbs can deviate from the normal position when the hip, knee, hip joint is damaged.

Degree of Deformation

The severity of the course of the disease is divided into several degrees:

  1. The first is set at a deviation of 10 to 15 degrees. The first degree of valgus deformation is well amenable to adjustment by preventive measures.
  2. The second is a deviation from the norm up to 20 degrees. The adjustment is carried out by simple procedures.
  3. The third is the deflection angle up to 30 degrees. The treatment is long, but with the observance of all the manipulations prescribed by the doctor successful.
  4. Fourth - angle of deviation exceeds 300. If therapy is ineffective, surgical correction of deformity is indicated.

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Symptoms of

Parents may suspect valgus deformities of the feet in children as follows:

loading. ..
  • in standing position and with closed knees, the distance between the ankles of both feet is increased to 5 or more centimeters;
  • the lower part of the legs resembles the X-shape;
  • the outer part of the foot is raised, does not come in contact with the floor, and the inner one, on the contrary, rests on the entire plane in a horizontal surface;
  • casual shoes of the kid with one edge is deformed - the inner part is trampled;
  • is uncertain.
At the initial stage of the disease the baby does not experience discomfort when walking. Over time, the child begins to tire quickly, fears running around like peers, complains of pain in the legs. When running it is noticeable that the child balances with his hands, trying to compensate for the instability of movements.

Diagnostic procedures

If you suspect a pathology of the foot, you should consult an orthopedist. The physician prescribes a preliminary diagnosis on the basis of an external examination, a number of surveys are carried out to confirm:

  1. of , a survey method aimed at detecting changes in the longitudinal position of the feet;
  2. radiography is carried out in three projections. Children are now rarely done;
  3. computer plottography allows you to evaluate the morphological parameters of the entire foot;
  4. in a number of cases is shown ultrasound diagnosis of joints ;
  5. densitometry is indicated for suspected osteoporosis.

To exclude congenital or acquired CNS pathologies, the doctor prescribes an examination in a pediatric neurologist .It is also necessary to visit an endocrinologist and surgeon.

Complex of medical procedures

The main goal of treatment of valgus deformity of feet in children is restoration of normal, anatomical position of the foot. At the first degree, it is enough to wear orthopedic shoes, massage courses and constant physical training, all this allows to strengthen the musculoskeletal apparatus.

Detection of heavier degrees requires long-term comprehensive treatment.

Healing insoles

Curative insoles

Conservative treatment

Methods of conservative treatment include:

  • Foot baths are needed to improve muscle tone and ligaments. To prepare the bath you will need salt in the amount of 1/3 cup and 10 liters of warm water. In salted solution the child is planted on the waist for 15 - 20 minutes, after the bath can not wash, you just need to wash the genitals. Baths are held every other day, enough for a course of 15 procedures. It is recommended to repeat the whole course every four months.
  • Paraffin wraps on the legs are done on the entire foot or as high boots. Paraffinotherapy is carried out in polyclinics, with sufficient experience, parents can do this physiotherapy at home.
  • Massage of with valgus deformation is one of the most important treatment points. Professional massage is recommended for a specialist. At home mom can use simple massage techniques, having previously received instructions from a doctor. It is recommended to do paraffin wraps first and then massage on softened muscles.
  • Physiotherapy also uses electrophoresis, magnetic or electrical stimulation of the foot muscles.
  • Therapeutic gymnastics should be conducted daily. A selected set of exercises should be aimed at strengthening the muscles and ligaments.
  • The use of special insoles and orthopedic shoes will be prescribed by the orthopedist, guided by the degree of deformation. The wearing of orthopedic shoes should be permanent, especially with pronounced changes.
  • Useful for kids with valgus deformation swimming, cycling.
  • At home you can use special massage mats and rollers.

Surgical intervention

Surgical intervention for correction of valgus foot in a child is resorted to in rare cases and only when all the treatment measures are ineffective:

  1. The Dobbs method consists in manual manipulation of the feet, after which a gypsum is applied. For straightening up to 6 sessions are required, held once a week, after each manipulation of the foot changes its position. Gypsum fixation is carried out from the middle third of the thigh and to the entire foot, the knee is bent at 90 degrees. At the last stage the doctor fixes in the right position the talon-navicular joint. is used for bonding through the skin. Then again, the plaster is applied for about two months, then the plaster boots are put on. After removing the gypsum to prevent relapse, it is necessary to wear braces - special shoes fixed and exposed at an angle on the plate. In the first weeks of treatment, the braces are worn almost without removing, in the future they are recommended to be worn for the time of night and daytime sleep. The children treated with the Dobbs method in the future need special footwear with the support of the arch.
  2. The arteroid surgery is aimed at creating a fixed joint between the talus and calcaneus bone, this allows to strengthen the muscles of the inner arch. After surgery, pain is possible when walking, so this surgery is rarely used.
  3. Modern surgery offers for minimally invasive surgical procedures .The course of the operation consists in changing the angle between some bones of the foot, as a result of which the tension of the ligamentous apparatus increases.

Rehabilitation after operation

foot massage After carrying out arthrodetic operations and surgical interventions according to the Dobbs method, the recovery period can take up to six months.

During this time it is necessary to wear orthopedic shoes, braces, shock wave physiological procedures allow to increase blood circulation in the feet.

After six months, you can begin to play sports and to normal physical activity.

Complications of

Valgus deformity of the foot in the absence of adjustment leads to:

  • flat feet;
  • osteochondrosis and arthrosis;
  • persistent pain in the legs;
  • violation of posture.
With prolonged flow without appropriate treatment, the load on the entire spine increases and this child subsequently suffers from a multitude of diseases of the musculoskeletal system.

Prevention of disease

Preventing the development of valgus deformation of the feet is not so difficult. Parents should follow the following recommendations:

  • Do not have to practice the child's previous walk. It is recommended to put on the legs starting from 7-8 months for several minutes a day.
  • The necessarily needs the correct shoes with a heel, a hard back and with a sole bent in the area of ​​the toe.
  • Strengthening the ligament apparatus is carried out with the help of massage, gymnastic exercises. The kid is well helped in the correct formation of the feet of occupation on the Swedish wall.
  • Regular must undergo preventive examinations of .

If you suspect a wrong foot position, you should always consult an orthopedist, in the early stages of the pathology corrected for several months.

Video: How to identify a flat-valgus feet from a toddler

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