
Rules and habits that will help prevent a stroke

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cigarette mode Annually more than 30 million cases of stroke will be recorded worldwide. About 400 000 of them fall to Russia. Stroke ranks third in the rating of causes of death, leaving behind cardiovascular and oncological diseases.

In Russia, due to mortality, stroke is second only to myocardial infarction.

At present, this disease is a real social and medical problem. The fact is that after him only 20% of people can return to their old life, and 50% die within a year after the initial stroke.80% of the total number of patients receive disability.

Socially, the transfer of an attack in one of the family members leads to high financial costs and other difficulties, as long and combined treatment is required, in most cases, the services of a nurse will be needed to care for the patient.

In addition, there is a rejuvenation of stroke to 25-30 years. Among the young and able-bodied population there are 1 case of disease for every 30,000.The statistics on the effects and survival rates apply to all, regardless of age. brain damage

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In recent decades, there has been a tremendous increase in the number of patients. In Russia, they annually increase by 2-3%.Only in Moscow every day 8-10 facts of hospitalization with stroke of the brain are fixed.

In connection with this, the prevention of diseases leading to a stroke becomes urgent. However, for successful struggle, there are not enough public measures, doctors say.

Given the fact that smoking is often the cause of a stroke, obesity and lack of physical activity, citizens need a vigilant attitude to their own health.

Assess your risks

It is a mistake to believe that the disease threatens only the elderly and weakened people. In practice, there are cases of even postpartum stroke among young women. In this regard, it is recommended to take a test for the likelihood of the disease.

It consists of several questions. It is designed to determine the risk of stroke for each person. On the final score, you can compare the forecasts and draw the corresponding conclusions.

Stroke is a consequence of circulatory disorders in the cardiovascular and neurological systems of the body. The presence of these or other factors increases the likelihood of the disease.

These include:

  1. Genetic factor .Vascular diseases, violation of cerebral and coronary circulation, which are the direct causes of stroke, are often inherited.
  2. High concentration of lipids in the blood , also causing obesity.
  3. Age of the .After 65 years of age, the likelihood of an attack increases by 20% every 5 years.
  4. Heart Diseases .
  5. Ischemic attacks - always are harbingers of an approaching ischemic stroke.
  6. Diabetes mellitus , which is the cause of hypertension, atherosclerosis and obesity.
  7. Reception of oral contraceptives , which have a significant effect on the endocrine system.
  8. Smoking - repeatedly increases the risk of stroke even in young and healthy people. Quitting smoking reduces the risk by half.
  9. Carotid artery stenosis - is the cause of obstruction of vessels and the development of atherosclerosis.
  10. Constant psychoemotional stress, stress and lack of physical activity .

risks of stroke

If a combination of three or more of the above factors occurs in a person's life, the likelihood of the disease is multiplied.

Where the stroke is, there is a heart attack

It is important to consider that the presence of the aforementioned factors in the anamnesis can lead to both cerebral stroke and a heart attack. Infarction - the death of cells of a specific part of the body due to thrombosis, embolism, spasms or atherosclerotic vascular lesions.

When these disorders occur in the heart muscles, myocardial infarction is fixed. Myocardial infarction develops under the same conditions as a stroke.

The acute stage is very similar to the ischemic stroke: increased blood pressure, pale skin, numbness of the extremities, dyspnea and tongue sinking. However, they can be distinguished by the localization of pain: in case of a heart attack, severe pain is observed in the region of the heart, in stroke, in the head.

The degree of complications and death, as well as in stroke, depends on the speed of first aid. Treatment is aimed at the restoration of dead cells and the establishment of vessels.

If the stroke is dangerous to an actual disability, then those who have suffered a myocardial infarction have the status of a formal disability. According to survival statistics for the first year, the picture is more optimistic - 90%.However, the likelihood of a second infarct depends on the adequacy of treatment and on the revision of the lifestyle.

how to avoid a stroke

Note for women

According to statistics, the risk of stroke in women comes later than men - after 60 years as opposed to 40 years old. However, risk factors prevail at a younger age.

In fact, men are easier to tolerate this type of failure than women. In order to reduce the likelihood of stroke and avoid related disorders( heart attack, TIA), women should pay attention to the following:

  1. Fluctuation of blood pressure during pregnancy is a threat of cardiovascular disorders. When planning a family, you must first cure the existing diseases.
  2. The intake of oral contraceptives is practiced by the vast majority of women. The substances in their composition are aimed at changing the hormonal background. This is the cause of the development of a complex of diseases. Should not choose excess weight and problems hormonal methods of contraception.
  3. Women are more likely to have such vascular diseases as thrombosis and varicose veins .They must be cured in a timely manner.
  4. women are prone to the emotional perception of the world of , which leads to chronic overstrain of the nervous system. Impulsive women should often rest and, if possible, revise their worldview.
  5. Smoking after 30 years dramatically increases the risk of stroke in women.
  6. Often occurring migraines should not be ignored.
It should be noted that after a stroke, men recover more quickly than women. The mortality rate among women is 30% higher than that of men.

Things to remember for men

In men, a stroke occurs 15-20% more often than in women. Among the factors that preceded the stroke, those that are more common in men, and which should be avoided, to prevent it are noted:

  1. Abuse of alcohol and smoking .Despite the existence of female alcoholism, this dependence is predominantly masculine. In case of refusal of alcohol and nicotine, the risk of an attack is reduced by 2 times.
  2. Lack of physical activity .After 40 years of physical education or light sport must be present in the schedule.
  3. Taking drugs entails a lot of medical and social problems. Treatment requires considerable effort. The most correct step is not to start using them under any pretext.
  4. Workaholism - for men of all ages, career and business take first place in life. However, one should not forget about regular rest and restoration of forces.

prevention of stroke

Other risk factors are the same for both sexes. In the end, it all comes down to the need to lead a healthy lifestyle and to give up all bad habits.

How to prevent stroke and infarct-video on the topic of disease prevention:

What can not I ever do? !

Stroke imposes many limitations, both at the acute stage and after. Those who are surrounded by relatives who have a high risk of developing the disease, you should know a number of important rules relating to the acute stage of the attack:

  • with a sharp deterioration of the state of health in any case should not be given to the patient;
  • in case of unconsciousness, do not use ammonia or other substances containing acid;
  • should not waste time and delay the call for medical care.

Regarding the post-stroke period, it requires the revision of all aspects of life and exclude from it harmful factors:

  • to exclude coffee, alcohol and tobacco;healthy lifestyle
  • products with high cholesterol content: animal fats, pork, lamb, whole milk products, fast food, egg yolk, margarine;
  • to reconsider the way of food processing, to exclude: fried, smoked, salty dishes;
  • should exclude stressors from life;
  • should not miss medicines prescribed by a doctor;
  • during the remission period, you can not drive a car, engage in active sports;
  • is not permissible for both physical and mental overwork.

Argumented conclusion

Based on the foregoing, we can conclude that such insidious diseases as a stroke, does not spare anyone. It, more often than not, is not an independent disease, but an acute manifestation of many other diseases. Winning after the fact costs too much effort, nerves and money.

we are for a healthy life

The preconditions are the decisive ones. Many countries are implementing programs in the health care system, and a healthy lifestyle is being promoted. From a stroke there are no vaccinations, there are only recommendations. They need to watch for the rest of their lives.

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