Mental And Psychological Disorders

Circular psychosis: phases, symptoms, treatment

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circular psychosis The main symptom of circular psychosis is affective disorders, in which the depressive phase is replaced by a manic one.

The duration of each of the phases of "insanity in two forms"( therefore this disease is scientifically called bipolar disorder) can vary from several weeks to several years. Healthy gaps( remission phase) last from several months to decades. The expressed form of the disease is called cyclophrenia, the mild course of the disease is called cyclotomy.

For the first time the problem began to be discussed in the days of Hippocrates, determining the condition of the patient MDP( manic-depressive psychosis), as a manifestation of two separate diseases - mania and melancholy.

Combined the two opposite syndromes only in the XIX century. Since then, circular psychosis has been studied and discussed in terms of bipolarity of the phases.

So, scientists have discovered signs of this disease in many famous personalities - Lermontov, Kant and Pushkin. Officially proven facts is the presence of manic-depressive psychosis in Vincent Van Gogh and NV Gogol.

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Contents of

  • Communication of MDP with bipolar disorder
  • Causes of violation of
  • Disease phases, their symptoms
  • Diagnosis of violation
  • Treatment approach
  • Consequences and prognosis
  • Preventive measures

TIR communication with bipolar disorder

A circular type of psychosis refers to bipolar affective personality disorders in whichThe patient experiences directly opposite mental symptoms per phase.

Today, all types of manic-depressive disorders with cyclic phases are called circular psychosis. However, initially the term was intended for states where acute phases alternate with each other without healthy gaps between them.

Causes of a violation of

The exact causes of the development of the disease are unknown, but some modern scientists suggest that the disease is the result of Mask for two faces evolution as a means of adapting to extreme climatic conditions.

The reduced appetite and prolonged sleep, characteristic of the depressive phase, helped the person survive the cold and long winter. The manic phase intensified the energy potential necessary for productive activities in the summer.

According to statistical research, women are more likely to be affected, especially those who have experienced prolonged post-natal depression. A genetic predisposition also plays a role - the disease is often transmitted through the maternal line, if the relatives suffered from any kinds of affective psychoses. Some personal characteristics also serve as risk factors( a melancholic type of person is more likely to face this problem than sanguine persons).

To provoke the first affective attack, which in the future can repeatedly happen, can a serious endocrine disorder, severe mental and traumatic brain injuries, some infectious diseases, drug or alcohol intoxication.

The chance of contracting TIR is in 4% of the adult population of the planet. In this case, the majority of cases occur in young age - from 20 to 25 years. With age, patients often face depressive phases. Manic periods are smoothed out and become much shorter. Most patients with confirmed diagnosis also suffer from other mental disorders.

Phases of the disease, their symptoms

Patients with circular psychosis, regardless of phase, experience a number of somatic disorders. This is a metabolic disorder, usually with a sharp and significant weight loss, increased heart rate( tachycardia).But there are significant differences. So:

  1. The manic phase of the bipolar disorder is characterized by psychomotor excitement, which consists in the Manic phase nonstop effort to continuous operation without the slightest signs of fatigue on the part of the patient. The increased mood is combined with the intellectual upsurge, often developing into delusions. Increased appetite and insomnia are also symptoms of this phase of the disease. Patients begin to lead a promiscuous sex life, abuse alcohol, litter money or begin to engage in savings. The manic phase often opens the creative potential of the patient. Man begins to engage in creativity to the detriment of his basic work, personal relationships and even sleep.
  2. Depressive phase of of manic depressive psychosis is a sharp decline in mood, motor and speech retardation, ideas of persecution and self-flagellation. Often, patients in this period are visited by thoughts of suicide, and the symptoms are much more pronounced in the morning. The feeling of longing is felt by the body. Patients note aching pain in the chest, in the heart, other organs and parts of the body. Frequent somatic symptoms include a sharp decrease in appetite, accompanied by regular constipation, the absence of menstruation( amenorrhea) in women.
  3. is a healthy phase, during which the patient's mental, physical and personal condition is completely normalized, he can live his normal life, work and exist in society. If in some situations only a manic or depressive state predominates, then in the other phases, one and the other are interchanged without healthy intervals. The absence of intermissions, observed only in a third of patients with circular psychosis, complicates treatment and leads to disability more often.

Phase change BAR

Diagnosis of a disorder

MRI of the brain When diagnosed, the disease is differentiated from schizophrenia and reactive depression. Manic-depressive state differs from schizophrenia by the preservation of the intellect with the predominance of a sociable nature and the absence of degradation.

Reactive depression is characterized by the fact that the patient is accused of his own troubles by the circumstances and surrounding people. Patients with a circular psychosis are inclined to take all responsibility solely on themselves.

Obligatory for the diagnosis of the disease are the following examinations: survey and sighting radiography of the skull with vasodilatation of vessels, MRI and EEG.To establish the exact cause of the current unstable brain condition helps the biochemical analysis of blood, urine, toxicological expertise.

Approach to treatment

During the treatment of circular psychosis, the most important role is given to psychotherapeutic contact with the patient. Constant suggestion that time will put everything in its place and the disease will recede, bears fruit, while a person comes out of depression or copes better with attacks of aggression.

Indication of occupational therapy, observance of the regime of the day, frequent walks in the open air and a menu full of carbohydrates. Zoloft

As a drug treatment, antidepressants, normotimics - mood stabilizers and atypical antipsychotics are traditionally prescribed. When choosing pharmacotherapy, the doctor takes into account how many phases the patient has already suffered. The more bouts of depression or mania were, the more likely that, despite all the measures taken, the patient will be declared incompetent.

The indispensable indication for placing a patient in a hospital is suicidal manifestations, characteristic of the depressive phase of the disease, outbreaks of uncontrolled aggression during the manic period. In the event that a person committed a crime during one of the phases, he is also referred for examination and compulsory treatment.

Consequences and prognosis of

The most serious consequences of the disease are voluntary withdrawal from life or the development of schizophrenia. During the manic phase, people can commit crimes, including on sexual grounds.

Patients with circular psychosis may be deemed insane, and in the case of frequent seizures, they can be transferred to a disability group, and can, with proper treatment and control, remain able-bodied and active members of society.

Timely access to specialized specialists practically guarantees 100% recovery without relapse of the disease.

Preventative measures

Walk with good health Preventive measures that must be followed in order to avoid relapse are complete abandonment of alcohol, a calm and measured lifestyle, choice of a profession not in any way related to stress, regular reasonable physical activity.

A person should be surrounded with maximum care and attention, encouraged in case of failure, praised at every opportunity, monitor compliance with sleep and wakefulness.

Patients under compulsory supervision of a specialist are prescribed normotimics( lithium preparations) and antipsychotics. Such simple preventive measures will allow the patient to fully socialize.

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