Violation Of Speech

Revealing the cause and correcting for delays in speech development

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delay in speech development Speech development delay( PID) - a pathology characterized by the child's retardation in speech mastering, consider the lag in speech development at the age of 2-4 years.

According to psychologists, speech therapists, defectologists, neurologists, the problem is really serious, because such violations in the development of the child lead to an aggravation of the situation in mental development and adaptation in society.

Pathology is formed in children in 3-10% of cases, according to statistics, boys suffer more often than girls. The concept covers a wide range of speech formation: the child does not pronounce sounds, does not speak words, can not talk in sentences in 4 years and others.

Often in children, speech delay and disturbance of psychological processes develop together - the baby does not perceive the sounds and words of the interlocutor, does not communicate with him in simple words, characteristic of his age.

Etiology and pathogenesis of

The etiology of delayed speech development has not been accurately studied to this day. Here it is possible to talk about the reasons that specialists conditionally divide into two groups:

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  1. Primary causes of include violations of intrauterine development, against which there is a speech and the child is silent psychological lag. In the first year of life the child's nervous system is not stable, not fully developed - this is an indirect cause of dysfunction of motor and general psychological functions. The crumb gets up late, begins to crawl, does not make any sounds, does not react to the spoken speech of adults, does not respond to his name.
  2. The secondary causes of are related to external factors that are provocators of the "psychological" delay in speech development. Among the prerequisites can be attributed to the unfavorable situation in the family, fear and other factors. A special feature of secondary causes is a sharp interruption of the characteristic babble babble.

With age, more defined psychoneurological disorders are defined - the kid is afraid of people, does not want to play with peers, does not talk about his desires, does not answer questions and other problems.

Provoking factors

Among the reasons for the delay in speech development, there are three main factors:

  1. Biological factor .During intrauterine development, the cells of the brain and the peripheral nervous system were damaged. Often this is due to pathologies and problems of pregnancy of a woman - gestosis, thrombophlebitis, placental abruption and other causes that led to oxygen starvation of the fetus. The biological factor represents the most part of the revealed pathologies - infection in pregnancy, prematurity, craniocerebral trauma of the fetus in the womb or at birth. Affect the oxygen starvation can mother's disease, alcohol or smoking, use of illegal drugs or drugs.
  2. Hearing loss .The underlying factor is also the hearing impairment of the child, which is revealed at an older age. Speech formation is impossible without a hearing aid - a child who is hearing a hearing can not repeat the sounds of adults, which also determines the delay in speech development.
  3. Social and educational factors .Due to the poor social component, the child does not utter sounds and words - this is due to small communication with adults or peers, with stress or stressful situations, with a shortage of activities conducted by parents.

In most cases, the true reason for the delay in speech development remains unclarified.

How it looks in practice

The symptomatology of speech development delay is individual for each case. It's difficult to notice problems to parents. PIR is determined by the following characteristics:

  1. At the age of half a year the kid should react to gestures of adults - movements during games cause in the child activity, the child especially if the mother plays with it.
  2. In 8-9 months, the crumb should repeat light words for adults( "mom", "dad", "baba", "lya").In connection with the pathology of the baby does not try to pronounce syllables, sounds.
  3. To year the child in the vocabulary should have about 10 simple words( "give", "on" and others).These words are used constantly and pronounced clearly. A kid can call objects and toys a year, but only sounds similar to words. A child with pathology does not say words, syllables, does not communicate with adults, points to objects, does not respond to adults' speech.
  4. In a year and a half the child is actively lobbing, his speech acquires an understandable character, he performs simple assignments of adults - "sit down", "go here", "share candy".
  5. In two years , a child with a delay in speech development speaks only a few words separately, does not try to repeat new words or just keeps silent.
  6. In 2.5 years the child actively communicates with adults, calls parts of the body, shows animals, says their sounds. A child with pathology does not use more than 20 words, does not answer questions( "where is your nose", "show the pens," "as the cat says"), does not fulfill orders, can not relate two words to a simple sentence.
  7. Children in 3 years can speak with short sentences, they are easy to understand, they can tell about desires, tell about feelings. Children with disabilities in speech development can not speak to adults, do not talk about their desires. The speaking baby speaks without stopping, swallows the endings or even half the words.
  8. In 3,5-4 years old , a kid with a backlog can start talking with phrases from cartoons or repeat the words of adults. No own offers.
In the main symptoms of delayed speech development include small activity of the baby, lack of sounds, lack of response to adult speech, non-fulfillment of requests and instructions, inability to make simple sentences at the age of 3 years.

Examination of the specialist

the child It is difficult to determine the delay in speech development - the results of the examination of the baby by a group of specialists, including speech therapists, pediatricians, neurologists, defectologists, psychologists are analyzed here.

Initially, if problems are found, you should contact the pediatrician who will analyze the course of pregnancy in the mother, the birth of the child and the physical condition at the time of the referral to a specialist. Based on the available data, the doctor will send for further examination to a narrow profile specialists.

After the pediatrician, a neurologist usually examines the child. On the basis of complaints of parents, it is recommended to pass an instrumental examination. Then the child is examined by a speech therapist, which checks concentration of attention, auditory and visual reactions, motor development of the child and other factors.

Based on the findings of a speech therapist, a survey is conducted by a defectologist, a psychologist and other specialists, depending on the reason for the delay in speech development.

Correction of a violation of

There is no precise and conventional treatment for delayed speech development. A child may be prescribed conservative treatment in order to normalize the work of the brain and restore the peripheral nervous system.

The aim of the treatment is to restore the normal functions of the child. Here, drugs such as Encephabol and Encephalbol Pantogam, whose pharmacological properties are directed to microcirculation of cells and active brain function, can be used. Also use physiotherapy methods of treatment - magnetotherapy, electrostimulation, massage.

Parents' actions during the treatment period play no small role. The task of parents to create a quiet atmosphere for the baby in the family is to normalize the child's psychological state.

It is also important for parents to conduct classes and play with the baby in games aimed at developing fine motor skills - finger and moving games. It does not do without classes to concentrate the child's attention and improve speech activity.

Sometimes in the treatment there are difficulties associated with improperly selected nootropic drugs, improper dosage, unwillingness of the child to deal with, laziness of the child, lack of time for parents. If problems arise, the methods of treatment should be reviewed, an approach to the baby should be found, and a speech therapist should be registered.

Coguitum is not a panacea?

Cogitum Cogitum - adaptogenic and tonic, restoring the central nervous system. The preparation includes potassium acetylaminosuccinate - a substance that activates acetylamino-succinic acid, contained in the tissues of the central nervous system, and sends an impulse to the brain.

Produced in the form of a liquid solution in ampoules for oral administration. Has a banana flavor.

The drug is taken only with the permission of specialists, since it is contraindicated for children under 7 years old.

Cogitum is used for general strengthening and improvement of the child's physical, psychoemotional development, is widely used for delaying speech development, while at the same time reviews about the drug are contradictory.

I had a gestosis, as a result the child was born with hypoxia. It's hard to bring up when the kid does not say anything at all. We tried a lot of drugs, the neurologist advised Kogitum. After 3 days of use, a nightmare began! The kid began to shout, to be capricious, I did not understand what he was demanding. Stop drinking.

Alena, 30, Khabarovsk

Our child was born healthy, but then we began to notice that he does not want to communicate with us. With age, there was no improvement, there is no question - in 2 years even "mom", "dad" does not speak. Cogitum advised the defectologist. They began to drink, they drank from two weeks ago, some words began to break through. A month later the child became more active, began to communicate with us. The drug helped us.

Alexander, 27 years old, the city of Orsk

To preventive actions in order to exclude the delay of speech development, one can include timely classes and games with the child, PZR correction aimed at improving fine motor skills and sound pronunciation of syllables, words. Only timely noticed deviations in development will help to quickly restore the child's functions.

It is impossible to predict the results or the time of correction with the ZRR, everything is strictly individual, which means that parents should not listen to the opinions of others, advice and guarantees from the specialists themselves.

To complicate the same situation, instability in the family, new stress for the child and other unpleasant moments can. Do not let screams at home, do not scold the kid for minor offenses, do not correct him if he pronounced the word wrong - it can scare him, and he will shut up again.

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