Hand Treatment

Osteoarthritis of the wrist joint - symptomatology, treatment, prevention!

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The term arthrosis of the wrist joint describes a group of rheumatoid diseases, which are characterized by the presence of dystrophic degenerative lesions of this part of the human body. It can occur simultaneously with arthritis( inflammation) of the joint.

Osteoarthritis of the wrist joint

Arthrosis of wrist joint

In the course of getting acquainted with further information, you will learn everything about the considered ailment: from general information to methods of diagnosis and treatment options.

Material content

  • 1 General information about the disease
    • 1 General information about the disease
    • 2 Classification and causes of arthrosis
    • 3 Characteristics of arthrosis
    • 4 Diagnostic measures
    • 5 Features of treatment
      • 5.1 Video - Arthrosis of wrist joint
      • 5.2 Video - Gym for wrists( joint gymnastics) with arthrosis

General information about the disease

A healthy joint and changes in arthrosis

Healthy joint and changes in arthrosis

This type of arthrosis is diagnosed relatively rarely. To its origin, most often lead to various injuries, in particular - dislocations and fractures of the wrist.

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Dislocations and injuries can lead to arthrosis

Dislocations and injuries can lead to

arthrosis. Among the of the characteristic, the following symptoms should be noted:

  • pains that subside during the movement of the hands( if there is inflammation, the pain will, on the contrary, become worse);
  • crunch;
  • decreased mobility.
The pain is felt, the joint painfully moves

Pain is felt, the joint painfully moves

Externally, wrists do not undergo almost uncharacteristic changes, but insignificant deformations can be noted. Expressed changes occur only in the presence of a fracture with displacement.

The disease becomes particularly dangerous in the presence of complications in the form of arthritis. For such a combination, the appearance of painful sensations is characteristic, even in a state of rest with noticeable enhancement during movements, pronounced changes in the appearance of the affected area, swelling, puffiness, and the like.

Especially dangerous arthrosis, complicated by arthritis

Arthrosis complicated by arthritis

is especially dangerous. Arthrosis can be caused by the peculiarities of professional activity associated with frequent excessive loads on the wrist area. In such conditions there is a strong vibration of the joint, which leads to its thinning and degradation.

To confirm the diagnosis, an X-ray examination is performed, during which the degree of joint change is determined and its condition is monitored for the presence of an inflammatory process.

X-ray of the hand

X-ray of the hand

The patient also has to pass blood tests to check for inflammation - if there is such an infection( present, as noted, if arthrosis occurs in combination with arthritis), the clinical and biochemical parameters deviate from the norm.

Blood sampling for analysis with arthrosis suspected

Blood sampling for analysis with arthrosis suspected

Biochemical indicators of blood

Biochemical blood counts

It is important to understand that the treatment of arthrosis requires a comprehensive approach, is long and rather complicated. Self-activity in these matters is unacceptable - everyone must be dealt with exclusively by a qualified specialist. Otherwise, the pathology will progress and become irreversible.

Treatment of arthrosis will be complex

Treatment of arthrosis will be an integrated

. Brief information on such a disease as arthrosis of the wrist joint you received. Further, we propose to study more detailed information about each significant moment.

Classification and causes of arthrosis

In accordance with the causes that led to the appearance of arthrosis, the disease is classified into several groups. About them in the table.

Table. Groups and varieties of arthrosis of the wrist joint

Forms of arthrosis Causes of occurrence of
Specific Syphilis and gonorrhea, as well as tuberculosis, are most often caused by the appearance of specific arthrosis.
Nonspecific purulent Appears when the joint cavity infects various kinds of infectious agents.
Infectious-allergic Occur as a complication of various infectious diseases. Most often, it is measles and dysentery.
System Develop as a complication of systemic connective tissue diseases.
Exchange Appears as a result of a violation of internal metabolic processes, for example, with gout.

Characteristic signs of arthrosis

Characteristic signs of arthrosis

Characteristic signs of arthrosis

The list of the most characteristic signs of arthrosis of the wrist joint with accompanying explanations is given below.

  1. Severe pain in the affected area .Usually intensified in the interval 3-5 hours in the morning. The intensity of unpleasant sensations can be so strong that the patient will wake up at night.
    Pain in the wrist

    Wrist pain

  2. Inflammation of the .The features of the manifestation of the inflammatory process may differ depending on the nature of the development of the disease. For example, if arthrosis occurs in combination with arthritis, the disease manifests itself symmetrically, i.e. Both wrists will be affected.
    Inflammation of arthrosis

    Inflammation of arthrosis

  3. Stiffness, mobility limitation .As a rule, these signs are noted after awakening. They often go by for dinner.


  4. Severe pain, swelling and redness of , occurring most often without significant causes and just as quickly passing on average a few days later. Similar exacerbations appear almost at the same time intervals.
    Redness and swelling

    Redness and swelling

  5. Reducing the severity of pain after active movements with the limb with the affected joint .In most cases, this change in the state of health is indicative of arthrosis. In the presence of other non-inflammatory processes, the described actions usually lead to increased pain.
    Reducing pain after physical activity

    Reduction of pain after physical activity

  6. Formation of tight nodules under the skin. Dimensions of such formations are in most cases comparable to peas. In parallel, the appearance of gouty tophi on the fingers of the upper limbs.


  7. Chills, excessive sweating , occurring in combination with joint pathology.
    Chills with arthrosis

    Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

Diagnostic measures

First of all, the patient is referred for X-ray examination of the affected area in order to determine the severity of pathological changes and confirm / disprove the presence of inflammation( arthritis).

Arthrosis of brushes of the 2nd degree in the picture

Arthrosis of brushes of the 2nd degree in the image

Additionally, in order to clarify the fact of the presence of arthritis, blood tests for general clinical indices and rheumatological tests are submitted. The bottom line is that in patients with arthrosis, the results of the tests do not deviate from the norm, and arthritis is accompanied by certain disorders.

Treatment features

The treatment order is determined by the causes of the onset of the disease and its stage. For example, if an acute purulent process is detected in the patient, an arthrotomy is performed, the essence of which is to organize drainage to ensure the removal of pus from the joint cavity. The resulting liquid is sent to a bacteriological study to identify the pathogen and its sensitivity to antibacterial drugs.

If there are chronic arthritis, immobilization( restriction of mobility) of the joint is done.

Bandage on the wrist to immobilize the hand

Bandage on the wrist for immobilization of the brush

In parallel, preparations of anti-inflammatory and antibacterial groups are prescribed. As the inflammation subsides, the methods of physiotherapy and physiotherapy, as well as massage, are practiced.



In order to eliminate inflammation, a specialist can recommend the use of non-steroid drugs.

Medicines will be prescribed by a doctor

Medications prescribed by the doctor

More on the treatment of arthrosis

More on the treatment of arthrosis

Additionally, painkillers are prescribed. Therapeutic physical training allows to restore the broken mobility of the joint.

LFK for the wrist

LFK for the wrist

The main task of any treatment is reduced to the maximum possible minimization of the severity of the symptoms, the transfer of the disease to remission and the restoration of impaired functions. In extreme cases, in the absence of positive results using other therapeutic techniques, resort to surgical treatment. This is a radical and, as practice shows, the most effective option.

The rest of the treatment scheme is developed individually. As a rule, the best results are achieved when working with the following program.

  1. Patients are assigned chondroprotectors - special drugs, the reception of which contributes to the saturation of damaged tissues with the necessary nutrients. Specific preparations and the scheme of their application are determined by the treating specialist, taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient's condition.


    Chondroprotectors for arthrosis

    Chondroprotectors for arthrosis

  2. Measures are being taken to normalize the mobility of the joint. In this case, manual therapy is good.
    Manual therapy

    Manual therapy

  3. Actions are being taken to improve blood circulation and normalize metabolic processes in affected areas. The list of treatment procedures is quite extensive. For example, special compresses and therapeutic muds, massages with the use of various anti-inflammatory ointments, electrophoresis, magnetotherapy, etc., are good.
    Mud Treatment

    Mud treatment

    Gel based on non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

    Gel on the basis of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory substances

In especially severe cases, saturation of the joint with special "lubricating" substances can be performed additionally. Most often these are injections based on hyaluronic acid - the drug is injected into the joint, which means a significant improvement in the patient's condition.

Hyaluronic acid injection

Hyaluronic Acid Injection

As mentioned earlier, the best results are achieved with a competent integrated approach with simultaneous use of several methods of treatment. In the rest, the patient has to adhere to medical recommendations and adjust to an early amendment. Be healthy!

be healthy

Be Healthy

Video - Arthrosis of wrist joint

Video - Gym for wrists( joint gymnastics) with arthrosis

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