Other Diseases

Diseases on the nerves: stains, rash, itching, allergies and other health disruptions

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nervous diseases The phrase that all diseases - from the nerves, almost everyone heard. Often it is said in a joking tone, but in fact, there is a fair amount of truth in it.

The psychological state of a person has a significant impact on his physical health. Surely, many noticed that when life is not all smooth and has to be nervous, health also starts to fail: there are pains of an obscure nature, general weakness, it is very easy to get into such a condition with a cold.

The problem is that people turn to traditional medicine, but do nothing to eliminate the cause of stress, so the drug course helps only for a while, and then the disease resumes. Therefore, it is important to listen to your condition and understand whether the disease is the result of an infection that is caught or the cause is deeper.


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Psychosomatics - what is it?

People have long started to notice that the mental state has an effect on overall health and well-being. The science of psychosomatics deals with the study of all issues related to this field. It is thanks to her that you can find out which diseases are caused by fear, guilt, aggression and other negative emotions.

Psychosomatics helps to understand the patterns of the emergence of diseases on the nerves, to find the cause of their problems and take some further steps.

Diseases caused by various emotional states and stresses are called psychosomatic. There is a logical question - why some people can get sick, strongly perenervnichav, and others easily endure stress?

As a rule, psychosomatic diseases occur in those who do not want to solve their problems, try not to think about what is bothering, pushes it all as deeply as possible. Disease in this case is a protective reaction of the psyche, a signal that you need to sit down and analyze your condition, understand yourself and do something to eliminate the cause of anxiety.

Emotions and Diseases

In some cases, a person may have a predisposition to psychosomatic illnesses. Their cause can be not only the denial of their problems, but also some other factors:

  • the presence of chronic diseases;
  • negative atmosphere and constant quarrels in the family since childhood;
  • phobias related to health or going to doctors;
  • has a negative attitude towards one's own body and appearance.

Psychosomatic disease requires not only medical treatment, but also mandatory work with psychological problems.

Some people can find out for themselves what is bothering them, and someone will need counseling from a psychologist. If you understand that you can not cope with emotions or can not decide what exactly bothers you, then do not hesitate to contact a psychologist. A trip to this specialist can greatly facilitate your life and help get rid of the disease.

The temperature on the nerves is a rare phenomenon

One of the frequent psychosomatic diseases on the nerves is the temperature increase. Such a symptom can occur with any stress: before passing the exams, while working on an important project, because of a quarrel with colleagues and as a result of other unpleasant events. A person begins to feel weak, and the body temperature rises. Often this condition is confused with the onset of a cold, but it may not be in infection and viruses. The temperature on the nerves

Why does the temperature on the nerves increase? In ancient times, the temperature rose, not allowing the primitive man to freeze or helping to mobilize forces and not get caught up in the enemy, and for modern people this phenomenon remains a signal of danger. The body literally screams that he does not cope with stress, and tries to burn out the tension by raising the temperature.

Specialists in psychosomatics call it care in the disease - unconsciously a person knows that during illness he can get a breather, do not face stress factors, for example, you can not go to the exam or take a break from work. Therefore, the body and causes symptoms of the disease - so you can stay at home and at least somehow escape from stress.

Do I need to knock this temperature down? If it is less than 38-38.5 degrees, then it is not worth it. It is better to take care to calm down - to take herbal decoctions with sedative action or similar medications.

It is also worthwhile to ensure a quiet environment - to stay in silence and lie down in bed. And, of course, you need to understand the cause of concern, and try to eliminate it as soon as possible.

Allergy, eruptions and spots on the body

Also often on the nerves of allergy develops and its various manifestations - hives, all kinds of spots and skin rashes on the body. It is known that an allergic reaction occurs when interacting with certain substances or objects - allergens. Why can she get nervous?

rashes and stains on the body

In the photo, body spots that have arisen on the nerves of

When a person constantly experiences stress, the body may start to work incorrectly and produce an increased number of inflammatory mediators. When they become too much, the reaction will start itself, and pseudoallergen can become anything. At the same time, if you take a test for research, it turns out that the immunoglobulin E has not increased in the blood, and there is also no positive reaction to allergens, as happens with normal allergies.

The treatment of allergic reactions on nerves is mainly in working with a psychologist and solving problems. Also, a doctor can prescribe an antihistamine to remove allergic symptoms.

Separately it is worth noting the itching on the nerves, the symptoms of which have a similar nature with allergic reactions. Its cause also lies in the malfunction of the body, which is under the influence of stress.

This increases the level of histamine, dilates blood vessels, reduces the level of hormone production of the adrenal cortex, responsible for the anti-inflammatory effect. All this, in combination, causes itching.

Symptom may manifest itself or in combination with redness and rashes on the skin. It is localized in different places. As a medicine, as with allergies, an antihistamine may be prescribed. And it is necessary to work with a psychologist.

Cough on nerves

Cough is a symptom of many diseases, but it can also occur on the basis of stress. Usually a cough occurs due to irritation of the Cough respiratory tract and the presence of foreign substances there, these are reflex attempts of the body to get rid of any substances. During stress, there are no such reasons, but because of nervous tension the brain starts to give wrong signals, and the person coughs.

Treating cough caused by stress is difficult. Medicines will not help here, because there is no infectious agent to be dealt with.

You can use sucking lozenges to soften the irritation in the throat, but the main treatment is working with a psychologist. Since coughing is an unconscious reflex aimed at erasing something from the body, perhaps the person himself wants very much to get rid of something. Understanding the psychological state, it is worth starting with this.

Heart Disease

Pain in the heart is a symptom that accompanies many mental disorders, but often the heart starts to ache even under normal stress.

Like all nervous diseases, it is a sign that the body is exhausted, tired and in need of rest. The heart can be painfully compressed when a person constantly experiences a feeling of fear, anxiety or anguish.

Also psychosomatic pains in the heart are found in people who do not have enough attention. From life experience, they know that usually seriously ill receive a lot of attention from others, so the body subconsciously begins to copy the symptoms characteristic of various heart diseases.

Before starting treatment, it is important to make sure that the cause is indeed psychosomatic, since true heart disease is extremely undesirable to trigger. Therefore, first you need to visit a cardiologist. If this does not work, then the patient should go to a psychologist or a psychotherapist, and also try to exclude stressful situations in life.

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract on nerves

stomach pain from nerves Stress often affects the gastrointestinal tract. Because of irregularities in the brain, blood circulation deteriorates, which strikes the mucous membrane.

Because of this, gastritis or an ulcer may develop. Also, nervous tension causes rapid or, on the contrary, too rare bowel contractions, diarrhea, constipation and nausea - a common phenomenon on the nerves, in the case of such disorders, pain, burning in the rectum, swelling and other symptoms common to common gastrointestinal illnesses can occur.

It is important to begin treatment as soon as possible, as nerve gastritis progresses very quickly. Usually patients are prescribed medications that relieve inflammation and help regulate the balance of microflora. It is required to strictly follow a diet. And psychological problems are solved at the reception of the appropriate specialist.

Can my nerves hurt?

Many are very afraid of toothache, because it means that you will have to go to the most terrible doctor - a dentist. But, probably, it is necessary to visit absolutely other expert.

Teeth can get sick from nervous tension. The reasons are different. If someone is very worried about dental health, he is afraid that they have not been cured or had a painful session with a doctor, indeed, teeth can begin to whine against the background of these unrest.

Also, pain can appear if a person is worried, but he desperately does not want to think about it. As a result, the subconscious mind, as the signal can give, that the problem still has to be solved.

In case of nerve pain, dental treatment is not required. It will be necessary to calm down, take suitable medications and, possibly, visit a psychologist. Also it is necessary to eliminate the cause of unrest.

Cystitis and Related Nervous System Diseases

Usually, diseases of the urethra are infectious, but if they have started on a nervous basis, then the cause may be Pain in the bladder permanent stress, the inability to throw emotions, painful psychological experiences or problems in the sexual sphere, all this affects thework of the brain, and he ceases to give the right signals to the bladder, which leads to cystitis and similar diseases.

Drugs can be prescribed to get rid of symptoms, but the main treatment is psychological. It is necessary to eliminate the problem and understand yourself, and with this patient a psychologist will help.

Intimate problems of

Intimate stress problems Very often people experience intimate problems because of nervousness, and this affects men and women. As a rule, because of this, sexual contacts either do not bring pleasure, or even become impossible. There can be several reasons.

Constant fatigue and tension contribute to the fact that a person ceases to experience sexual attraction. Some people are hampered by complexes, insecurity, fear of doing something wrong or disgraced before a partner. The reason may be and previous failures in his personal life.

All these problems are treated only one way - psychoanalysis. A person needs to understand himself, get rid of complexes and stresses. Help can advice a sexologist and a psychologist.

Nauseous and troublesome. ..

Many people know first-hand what's up with the excitement. This is a manifestation of reflexes that have been preserved in people since ancient times. Then the nervous state usually meant that now it is necessary to fight or run away, therefore the organism should have pulled out all superfluous - hence the nausea.

In our time nervous excitement can cause anything, but ancient reflexes have not gone anywhere. Also, a strong strain causes muscle spasms, which ends in vomiting.

In case of nausea, which has arisen on the nerves, treatment will be to get rid of the stressful situation. If there is no way to do it quickly, then you need to calm down. A slow deep breathing or washing with cool water will help.

How not to be sick of nerves?

Although there are a lot of diseases that can arise on the nerves, preventive measures for them are the same:

  • try to avoid stresses, less nervous and look for the positive sides in what is happening;
  • often go outdoors, go for a walk;
  • , physical activity and exercise are good preventive measures;
  • it is important to observe the regime of the day and sleep well;
  • do not postpone the problem for later, if something disturbs you, take the time to analyze your emotions and understand the sensations;
  • pay more attention to body signals, learn to listen to them and understand when rest is really necessary.

Compliance with these simple recommendations will avoid diseases on the nerves of the soil and maintain your health.

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