
Ketogenic diet for epilepsy: basics, menus and recipes

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ketogenic diet Epilepsy is a serious illness characterized by seizures, a disturbance of consciousness, changes in mood and other manifestations.

Recently, the treatment of epilepsy uses the method of a ketogenic diet, which leads to quite positive results.

This method of therapy is a diet with the highest fat content and minimum carbohydrate content. With the help of such nutrition, it is possible to control epileptic seizures. The diet is prescribed by the attending physician and is strictly controlled by a nutritionist.

The name derives from the concept of "ketones", which means the formations that form during the exchange of fats as an energy source. As you know, in order to produce energy, the body uses carbohydrates, which are contained in various products.

But since the diet supposes their restriction, the source of energy is fat. Ketones do not pose any threat to the body, they can be found in urine and blood.

Contents of the

  • What is the essence of the diet
    • What is the essence of the diet
    • insta story viewer
    • Features of the diet for children
    • Contraindications and side effects
    • Sample menu for 6 days
    • Recipes for dishes
      • Scrambled eggs with
      • Grilled sweet pepper
      • Turnips in the oven
    • Important nuances that must be taken into account

What is the essence of the diet

The mechanism of long-term restriction in the necessary nutrients that enter the body with various products, acts in such a way that the frequency of epileptic prenatalthe decline decreases to a considerable extent. Sometimes seizures disappear altogether, which allows a person to live a full life.

After the appointment of a diet, the doctor constantly monitors the patient's condition and takes any necessary measures if there are any complications or worsening of the condition.

The main principle of the diet is based on starvation. During the first three days the patient should drink boiled or filtered water. Mineralc use is strictly prohibited, in connection with its composition.

During fasting, physical activity should be minimized, in some cases, even bed rest is envisioned.

After three days of fasting, the patient goes on eating solid food. This transition should be carried out gradually.

The daily intake of food is divided into small portions( about 3 times less than usual).Eating is performed more than five times a day.

ketones as an energy source

It is very important that the patient himself learns to calculate the number of necessary nutrients that are necessary to maintain normal vital activity and general physical condition.

Features of a diet for children

With regard to the treatment of children with epilepsy from one to twelve years of age, a ketogenic diet is prescribed in cases where seizures can not be controlled with antiepileptic drugs. Most often, the diet is prescribed for patients with Lennox-Gastaut syndrome.

Also, many data indicate that a very high result can be achieved in the treatment of the following pathologies: Vest syndrome

  • Vest syndrome;
  • Drave Syndrome;
  • Burneville disease;
  • Duse syndrome;
  • motor cramps.

In general, this diet can be used in conjunction with the rest of the therapy for each case of the disease, if there are no specific contraindications.

A somewhat modified diet is used to treat children. The main difference from the standard diet is the principle of using special fatty cocktails, which are made on a dairy basis. This drink has a special composition, developed by a specialist - a dietician.

An analogue of a cocktail can be ice cream, cooked on the same principle. Due to this nutrition, children get used to eating very fatty foods, which has antiepileptic effect. The rest of the dishes that are included in the menu are selected by the medic.

Contraindications and side effects of

Self-starting a diet for people with epilepsy is prohibited. Before you start, you should always consult your doctor, because for her there are some contraindications:

  • kidney and liver diseases - a huge amount of fat has a harmful effect on these organs, ie, they can simply not cope with the load;
  • heart disease and blood vessels;
  • is a metabolic disorder;
  • diabetes - if this rule is not followed, the diet can cause the most severe consequences;
  • of the endocrine system.

Keto diet menu It is very important to maintain a special diary when eating a diet, in which it is necessary to note the frequency and duration of convulsive seizures.

The obtained statistics will help the doctor to determine the duration of the diet.

In some cases, there is a risk of different side effects:

  • decreased physical activity;
  • regular constipation;
  • formation of kidney stones;
  • decrease in the level of acidity in the blood;
  • dehydration;
  • weakened bones, and as a consequence - the risk of frequent fractures;
  • increase in cholesterol.

Those people who have this diet contraindicated should limit themselves to eating badly digestible, heavy, spicy, salty, smoked foods, and marinades. It is also necessary to reduce fluid intake in any form.

Sample menu for 6 days

The menu is made up to 6 days and can look like this. The first three days are plain water.

Day 4:

  • 2 chicken boiled eggs, a small spoon of butter, coffee and cream;
  • 2 sausages, a teaspoon of mayonnaise, half of tomato;
  • fatty cottage cheese with sour cream( 150 g.);
  • boiled chicken breast with butter( 10 gr.);
  • steamed beans with olive oil( 2 tablespoons).

Day 5:

  • bread with butter;vegetable salad with onions
  • 150 gr.turkey meat;
  • vegetable salad with onions;
  • soup with sour cream;
  • fried pork meat with tomatoes;
  • fried eggs with brisket;
  • fresh cucumber;
  • bread.

Day 6:

  • 4 hard-boiled quail eggs;
  • coffee with cream;
  • 150 gr.boiled beef;
  • boiled turkey meat;
  • tomatoes with mayonnaise;
  • small piece of boiled low-fat fish;
  • boiled asparagus.

Small snacks are allowed between the main meals. You can eat:

  • yogurt;
  • a fermented woman;
  • kefir;
  • cottage cheese.

Recipes for dishes

There are a lot of interesting recipes for nutritious and delicious dishes. Here are some of them:

Scrambled eggs with ham

Products: food for epilepsy

  • 2 eggs;
  • 50 gr.ham;
  • 50 gr.processed cheese;
  • 1 tbsp.a spoon of oil;
  • greens and / or condiments.

Fry the ham, then drive in the eggs. By the end of the cooking process, add the cheese and cook the dish on a small fire for a few minutes. Before use, season with herbs or spices.

Grilled sweet pepper

  • Products:
  • 2 pcs. Luke;
  • spices( to taste);
  • 200 gr.pepper;
  • 1 tbsp.a spoonful of olives;
  • 2 tbsp.spoons of olive oil;
  • 1 teaspoon of capers;
  • vinegar.

Cut the pepper into the pre-prepared sauce from the above ingredients, marinate them. Place on a baking tray and bake until cooked.

Turnips in oven

Products: Turnips in the oven

  • 450 gr.turnips;
  • 150-200 gr.cheese;
  • 1 chicken egg;
  • 1 tbsp.a spoon of butter;
  • 2 tbsp.tablespoons of sour cream;
  • greens;
  • seasonings, salt.

Clean the turnips with water and cook for about an hour. Then cool, beat in a blender and mix with spices and sour cream. Then drive in the egg and add the cheese, then you need to again beat the ingredients in the blender.

This mass is placed in a mold and put in the oven( the temperature should not be less than 170 degrees).Prepare the dish until the moment when a crust appears. In the end, sprinkle on top with herbs and spices.

Important Nuances to Consider

Numerous studies show that a ketogenic diet actually reduces the frequency or stops seizures in many people. In more than half of cases, seizures are reduced by 50%, complete remission is observed in 10-15% of all cases.

In addition to the diet, it is necessary to continue the course of drug therapy, however, in some patients, the amount and dose of the drugs used in the a fit of epilepsy is to be reduced. The moment, in which it is possible to start reducing drugs, is established by a specialist.

It is very important to remember that when using this method of therapy, you must use all the products, if you ignore any of them, the effectiveness will be significantly reduced.

Some difficulties can arise in the treatment of a child when the family has other children who eat in the ordinary regime. In this case, parents need to be vigilant and monitor that the child does not break the diet.

The patient should be inspected every few months. It includes:

  • general inspection;
  • study of urine composition;
  • study of blood composition;
  • measurement of weight and height( in children).

If the patient is gaining weight, the diet may change. In the event that the necessary control of seizures is reached for some time, the doctor recommends stopping the diet.

It will be phased out over a period of several months. At this time, there may be a deterioration in the general condition of a person, the resumption or increase in the frequency of seizures.

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