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Mao inhibitors - what is it, what is the list of drugs

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First of all, let's look at the terms: what are inhibitors and what does the word MAO mean?

So, inhibitors are certain substances that suppress the course of enzymatic( mainly) processes.

MAO is a simple abbreviation for MonoAminoxidase.

MAO inhibitors are a set of chemicals that help suppress the enzymatic reaction of monoamine oxidase.

Note that some of the psychotropic drugs and substances of natural( natural) origin can be classified as MAO inhibitors, and those, depending on their properties, are conventionally divided into several groups.

For example, there are irreversible and reversible groups of MAO inhibitors, in addition, there are non-selective and selective samples thereof.

So, for example, a reversible process is considered in a complex of an inhibitor with monoamine oxidase.

During the active exposure process, the inhibitory substance is decomposed and released, which is then discharged outward, through the blood.

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Enzymes do not suffer and do not get damaged.

Irreversible inhibitors react with monoamine oxidase, losing the properties and metabolism of the enzyme.

However, in this case, a new enzyme is synthesized in the body.

Non-selective inhibitors act actively, regardless of the type and properties of MAO, whereas selective inhibitors act accordingly, regardless of the type of MAO.

In the process of suppressing or reducing the action of monoamine oxidase, all these inhibitors help raise the level of mediator monoamines in the synaptic cleft. In parallel with this process, one can pay attention to the acceleration of nerve impulses.

There is reasonable suspicion that this substance can be used as antidepressants.

MAO-B inhibitors are used, in addition, in the treatment of Parkinson's disease and in the treatment of narcolepsy.

It should be noted that the use of certain medications should be carried out very carefully, together with drugs-inhibitors MAO.

Here, in general, refers to those drugs that contain substances that affect monoamine metabolism. 323a

Once again, we note that the parallel use of such substances is accompanied by uncontrolled intensification of processes, which can be life threatening.

As some medicinal preparations alone and their combination with individual foods can be dangerous for human life, if they are taken or eaten with MAO inhibitors.

In particular, we can talk about food products containing in their composition different types of monoamines.

For example, serotonin syndrome or hypertensive crisis can be "earned" by taking:

  • tryptophan;
  • tyrosine;
  • tyramini some other similar drugs.

For a better understanding of our rather complicated opus, it should be noted and rewritten those foods that should be avoided when used in conjunction with MAO inhibitors:

  • cheeses;
  • alcohol( including beer);
  • meat;
  • dried, smoked, pickled products;
  • extracts of yeast and brewer's yeast;
  • beans;
  • sauerkraut;
  • sour-milk products and some other food products, including fruits.

Only competent specialists can consider products compatible with MAO inhibitors.

List of drugs-inhibitors MAO:

  • nonselective irreversible drugs( tranylcypromine, isocarboxadiz, phenelzin, iproniazid, nialamide);
  • selective irreversible drugs( selegelin);
  • selective reversible drugs( pyrlindole, moclobemide, metralindole, befol) and some derivatives of beta-carbolines.

Take care of yourself.

Stay healthy!

MAO inhibitors Our next article is devoted to MAO inhibitors.

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