
What should be food after a stroke?

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food after a stroke Stroke( in other words, a "brain stroke") is a disease in which the supply of blood to a certain area of ​​the brain stops, which leads to a disruption or temporary loss of its performance.

Stroke is referred to as urgent diseases, i.e.the earlier to begin treatment, the easier it is to avoid serious consequences, up to a lethal outcome.

Depending on the cause, the stroke can be of two types: ischemic and hemorrhagic.

Contents of

  • Why can a stroke strike anyone?
  • Incorrect food - a risk factor
  • Power rules
  • When to retreat nowhere else
    • Nuances of cooking
    • What else you need to remember about nutrition?
    • We drink to not hurt
  • At last

Why a stroke can strike anyone?

The specific causes of the onset of the stroke are not fully understood, but the most common medical conditions are:

  • narrowing and / or clogging of the cerebral arteries;
  • rupture of the cerebral vessel;
  • sudden increase or decrease in pressure;
  • any blood diseases;
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  • Inflammation of the brain during another disease;
  • the use of unhealthy food and the wrong way of life.

Malnutrition is a risk factor

According to current research, a stroke occurs in people who consume fatty foods one or more times a day, four times more often than others.

After the studies, scientists proved that those who changed their diet to healthy, reduced the risk of stroke by at least 12-17%.

Nutrition rules

First of all, to avoid a stroke you need to properly organize food. It is necessary to calculate your daily rate of calories and try not to exceed it. food after a stroke

It is desirable to completely eliminate fatty foods and to minimize the consumption of salt products .Fat food contributes to the formation of cholesterol, therefore, the risk of stroke is significantly increased.

Foods rich in pectins must be in the diet daily. The most common are fresh fruits, berries, vegetables.

The ability of the body to remove toxins and excess water is improved by adding whole grain bread, whole grains to the listed products.

It should be noted that the use of clean drinking wagons without gas, dyes and sugar plays an important role.

The daily intake of an adult should be up to 2 liters of water.

When to retreat nowhere else

The food after the stroke happened should be even better to avoid its relapse.

Doctors recommend eating fractional, at least 5-6 times a day. In this case, portions should be small, so as not to overeat and not load the body additionally.

The basis of the diet for stroke is lean meat( for example, chicken without skin, turkey, rabbit, beef), vegetables and fruits, whole grains.

You need to follow and to ensure that the diet was enough of the necessary vitamins and minerals. Also need to add blue and purple products.

The most common and affordable - grapes, eggplants, red cabbage, blue onions.

They have in their composition important elements that favorably influence the body and help it reduce the risk of a stroke and heart attack.

After a stroke in the menu, you must add carrots. It is desirable to eat at least five times a week.

Special attention is paid to dairy products. After a stroke, they should be excluded from their diet.

Only low-fat kefir or cottage cheese is allowed in very small quantities. Also exclude any oils used in cooking, and eggs.

Daily consumption of any meat increases the risk of a double stroke. But sources of vitamin B6 should be consumed more often.

This includes:

  • seeds;
  • walnuts;
  • peas;
  • spinach;
  • wheat germ;
  • fish.

In addition to the body for its better functionality, products containing folic acid are needed. The most common are broccoli and asparagus.

After a stroke of the brain, the body needs calcium in the first days, and it is known to be found in most fruits, legumes, fish and whole grains.

restoration of speech Recovering speech after a stroke is not an easy task, but it can be solved. Tips and exercises you can study in our material.

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Nuances of cooking

The first time patients who have suffered a stroke, it is hard to swallow food. At this time it must first be brought to a state of mashed potatoes.

If the liquid is also a problem, then special thickeners are added to it. When food is brought to such a state, it loses some flavor.

Therefore, it is possible to add different sauces, reducing the amount of salt and spicy spices to a minimum. Spicy spices are also different, respectively, do not get bored and do not get bored.

Cilantro and parsley will make the food more flavorful and pleasant to taste. Sometimes it is possible to dilute the diet with baby food, since it is ideal for composition, i.e.does not contain anything superfluous and harmful to the body.

What else should you remember about nutrition?

product pyramid With high blood pressure, the risk of recurrent stroke increases fivefold.

And to keep the pressure under control, should minimize the use of salt , because it contains sodium.

It affects the change in blood pressure, as the amount of blood in a person increases.

To not leave the body completely without the fats in which it needs to restore its work, you can add to the diet of olive and rapeseed oil.

At the same time, exclude butter, whole milk, fatty meat and fish, fried foods.

Meat and potatoes should be cooked only in the oven or a couple, and there are no more than two times a week.

With increasing fiber in the body, the level of cholesterol is noticeably lower. You can use both foods containing fiber, and add it to some other dishes, for example, in porridge.

For better absorption of fiber, you need to drink a daily water requirement. Recall, for an adult it is about 2 liters.

It is very important to take into account the composition of all medications after a stroke in the preparation of a diet. Some people need complex vitamins for good digestion.

Or, on the contrary, you need to exclude something, so as not to harm.

Potassium, for example, is needed to assimilate the drug warfarin, which is often prescribed to all patients who have suffered a stroke.

Calcium is found in oranges, bananas, tomatoes, avocados, spinach and not only.

It is absolutely forbidden to add to the food semi-finished products, fast food and similar products. This can only worsen the condition.

This also applies to all alcoholic beverages, since it represents a serious danger to all people, both those who have suffered a stroke, and those who have passed this fate.

From the menu after a stroke, it should be deleted:

  • sharp and fatty cheeses;prohibited products
  • smoked products;
  • canned food;
  • mushrooms;
  • by-products;
  • fish and meat broths;
  • products from puff or dough.

Cholesterol levels actively help to reduce cereals. However, this only applies to dark grains. White rice, for example, can not have the necessary useful properties, like buckwheat or wheat cereals.

Wheat in its composition has phytonutrients - important elements for the recovery of the body.

Bilberry has in its composition very important for human health antioxidants. After a stroke, they help the body recover from the experience.

We drink, not to hurt

We need to pay attention and a liquid diet. Tea should not be strong, it can add lemon or honey at will, it will not do any harm.

You can not be afraid of fresh home compotes, but with a minimum amount of sugar. Useful are juices and fresh, preferably not purchased, but made independently, broth of dogrose, bran.

At last

When preparing a diet for stroke, you do not need to include the same dishes on the menu every day.

menu for stroke Soon they will start to disgust, which will affect negatively on health and mood in general. In addition, the benefits of such a meal will decrease noticeably.

The more attention is paid to a person, the selection of foods for his nutrition in accordance with all the recommendations of a specialist, the sooner he will return to the habitual way of life.

However, to eat according to these recommendations will need to be daily to prevent the risk of a recurrence of a stroke.

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