Tumors And Cysts

Cyst of cerebrovascular plexus in the fetus and newborn

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baby sleeps The vascular cyst is the first formation that appears in the brain. Its presence can be seen during the six-week development of the fetus. The process of cerebrospinal fluid production begins and the concentration of sugar begins.

Liquor is needed to nourish the brain and spinal cord. The vascular plexus is a complex structure. Both vascular plexuses speak about the correct development of the two halves.

There are situations when brain division does not occur in the hemisphere. This phenomenon is considered the most serious malformation. It is called holoproencephaly.

Mechanism of formation

The vascular cyst occurs approximately at a frequency of up to 3% of all brain tumors. The structure of vascular plexuses does not contain nerve cells, but, despite this, it is fundamental for the normal development of brain neurons.

This is due to the fact that the sugar contained in the liquid is the primary food for the development of nerve cells from the very first stages of development.

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The ultrasound picture usually shows a complete absence of a vascular cyst as early as the 28th week of fetal development, as the fetus is actively developing, and its functions are stabilized. Sometimes a cyst in the head is present in a newborn baby and can even be found in adults.

It is important to understand that such a cyst poses no threat to the baby and its future.

Some cases have several such formations. But even such a situation is in no way capable of influencing the work of the brain, and will not lead to deviations that may require surgical intervention.

Provoking Factors and Diseases

The causes of the formation of the vascular cyst are unknown until the end, the main provoking factor is the herpes virus. Herpes virus

The cyst of the vascular plexus can cease to exist immediately after birth, but can often manifest itself in adulthood as an education that appears due to other diseases:

  • birth and other trauma, concussion;
  • infection;
  • aneurysm;
  • ischemic stroke;
  • hemorrhagic stroke;
  • microstroke.

When it comes to affecting the vascular walls, it is about the arterial, since the venous ones are not involved in such processes.

American scientists in their studies draw a parallel of vascular plexus cysts with the risk of an abnormal chromosome increase. In its essence, this is a genetic abnormality having a connection with a copy of the 18 chromosomes( Edwards syndrome).

For example, Down syndrome begins development with a copy of chromosome 21. A copy of the 18 chromosome can lead to the death of the embryo, or to the birth with multiple defects and anomalies:

  • neural tube defect;
  • hammers-feet;
  • twisting fingers on the hands;
  • hygroma cyst;
  • hydrocephalus;
  • micrognathia;
  • rocker feet;
  • growth limitation and others.

Regardless of the location and size of the cyst, Edward's syndrome has an extremely insignificant chances of existence. Additional confirmation of the absence of the syndrome is achieved with the help of placental biopsy with ultrasound. This method determines the genetic chromosomes by 99%, but there is a possibility of interruption or complication of pregnancy.

How can this be manifested?

The cyst of the vascular plexus can provoke a newborn to malfunction the organs and develop tissues. The size of the cyst and its predisposition to growth are important.

Reasons for cysts to grow:

  • cavity with increasing fluid pressure;
  • progressive infectious, as well as inflammatory processes;
  • tremors, injuries, bruises of the brain when already having a cyst in a child.

cyst in the brain Even if the cysts are constant in their size, most cases indicate complete harmlessness to the body in childhood. But to undergo a regular examination from specialists and observe a cyst is simply necessary.

With voluminous changes in the body, especially during the adolescent period, those cysts that do not show themselves in any way can start to increase suddenly. Large formations with increased pressure on nearby tissues can cause some symptoms:

  • aching persistent headaches with varying intensity and duration;acute headache
  • disturbed the work of organs that provide hearing, smell and vision;
  • drowsiness or vice versa - insomnia;
  • problems with motor coordination;
  • hypotension of muscles;
  • sensation of pulsation and noise in the head, increased pressure inside the skull;
  • sudden frequent fainting and convulsions;
  • tremor;
  • regurgitation;
  • pulsation, felt in the fontanel, swelling;
  • epilepsy, local paralysis of the hands or feet, with complete numbness.

When the location of the cyst is concentrated in the occipital are frequent - the visual function is impaired( deteriorated acuity, veil, doubling).

Education located in the cerebellar region, disrupts the coordination of movement. When growths are located near the pituitary gland, this can lead to disrupted endocrine system and the development of genital organs.

Severe cases can lead to a divergence of the joints in the cranial bones and a delay in mental and physical development in children.

What is a pseudocyst in the head of a newborn - Dr. Komarovsky knows:

Providing medical care to

As a rule, a vascular cyst does not require any treatment, becausethe body can deal with it independently and efficiently. Even if the size of education remains the same, the child's development will not slow down in any way.

Increased volume and accelerated growth still force doctors to prescribe a course of corrective drugs that can speed up the resorption of such a cyst.

Such a specialist is a neurologist. Drug therapy for cysts consists of taking medications that eliminate liquorodynamic disorders, reduce the production of cerebrospinal fluid, and improve blood circulation in the brain.

Treatment begins with admission:

  • Cinarizine is a drug that favorably affects the cardiovascular system and helps to stabilize and even destroy unwanted buildups, including cysts;
  • Cavinton - is prescribed for impaired blood circulation in the brain.

Cavinton The above drugs are well tolerated and do not cause undesirable effects and reactions in the body. But drugs can be started only after consulting with a professional.

There is no methodological treatment for such formations. Doctors recommend repeating the procedure of ultrasound examination every 3 months, observing the dynamics of reduction of the vascular cyst, until disappearance.

When subependimal cyst is detected, it is necessary to perform MRI or MR-diagnostics 2-3 times a year. The process of the formation of cysts of this kind is considered favorable. However, with complications, it is possible to increase the pressure in the enlarged cystic cavity.

The arachnoid cyst requires special attention - radical measures. It will not be able to disappear on its own. The child will be under the constant supervision of a neurologist. If surgical intervention is indicated, it will be performed by a bypass operation, by endoscopy or by microneurosurgery.

Preventive measures

Preventing the development of the vascular cyst is very simple. The most important task is to try to avoid any kind of infectious diseases, and also to avoid hypothermia.

It is very important not to be in the places where the possible foci of infection are concentrated. Particular attention should be given to the state of immunity. Even the slightest hypothermia with reduced immunity can cause infection. The condition of the vessels should always be in a satisfactory condition. health of the pregnant and fetus

It is very important to try to exclude factors that affect negatively the entire vascular system and heart. This is a non-normalized use of products containing any amount of caffeine, alcohol and tobacco. Excessive stresses on the body, stressful and affective states are of great importance.

Other causes of cysts are subjective, depending on the development and growth of the body. Pregnant women should carefully monitor the condition of all organs and systems, trying to exclude diseases of any kind. Each suffered an illness can negatively affect the condition of the child and cause the formation of a vascular plexus cyst.

Prognosis and complications

Timely diagnosis of vascular plexus cysts in the fetus makes it possible to make the most successful prognosis. In time, the detected cyst, which has a constant small size over an extended period, indicates a favorable prognosis.

If the formation has progressive growth and squeezes the brain tissue, then this can cause increased pressure in the skull, and even cerebral hemorrhages with the development of complications. Such a case will make it possible to make a prediction only after a timely successful surgical intervention. Painful consequences will not occur if the cyst has been removed correctly before the onset of complications.

Cysts found out of time do not tend to increase. This can lead to pathological changes in the brain tissues with irreversible consequences.

Such situations lead to lifelong auditory, coordination and visual problems. A more serious complication is hydrocephalus. In the ventricles of the brain, liquid accumulates in excessive amounts. The CNS activity and cranial structure are disrupted.

There are cases of sudden death from a rapidly growing education. Newborns should be screened regularly.

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