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Elevated IgE in the blood of adults. Causes and Treatment

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Increased IgE levels in the body of an adult may indicate the beginning of various pathological conditions. To identify the causes and to establish forms of the disease it is necessary to pass a special study.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is immunoglobulin E. The role and function in the body
  • 2 Norms indicators in adults
  • 3 Reasons for increasing immunoglobulin E
  • 4 Varieties of hyper-IgE-Syndrome
  • 5 Signs of high immunoglobulin
  • 6 The danger of high concentration immunoglobulin E
  • 7 Indications for examination
  • 8 Method for determining immunoglobulin E
    • 8.1 Total IgE
    • 8.2 specific IgE
  • 9 deciphering research
  • 10 Drug treatment
  • 11 Treatment of folk remedies
    • 11.1 A decoction of the herb collection
    • 11.2 Eggshell and lemon juice
    • 11.3 Dandelion and burdock
  • 12 Prognosis and complications
  • 13 Video of immunoglobulin E

What is immunoglobulin E. The role and function in the body

IgE - specific substance in the blood, is protective. This type of an immunoglobulin is responsible for the direct interaction of the external body tissue with a potential irritant. Thus there is contact with the mucous membranes, skin, tonsil.

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Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults

Normally, each person has only a small number of substances in the blood. The increase in IgE levels may indicate the presence of allergic or inflammatory reactions.

Norms indicators in adults

Norm of IgE in the blood of the person depends on the age. In this case, the concentration of the substance is reduced in the elderly.

Age Norm
Infants up to 2 months 0-2 CFU / l
Children from 3 months to 1 year From 3 to 20 kE / l
Children from 2 to 5 years 10-50 kE / l
From 5 to 15 years 15-60 kE / l
Teenagers from 15 to 18 years 20 to 100 CFU / L
adults From 20 to 100 CFU / l

It is noted IgE increase in the spring. This is due to the active flowering plants are potential provocateurs allergic phenomena. The norm of the blood substances may vary within 30-250 CFU / L.

Minimum immunoglobulin content occurs in winter, most in December. However, this factor is taken into account when carrying out diagnostic measures.

Reasons for increasing immunoglobulin E

Increasing the level of IgE in the blood in adult patients occurs for various reasons. Set factor provoking the increase in the protein concentration can be by comprehensive diagnosis.

The main reasons:

  • Allergy. The increase in substance occurs in various types and forms of allergic reactions - food, household, allergies to pollen, pets. The disease is accompanied with corresponding symptoms.
  • Myeloma IgE. One form of malignancies, tumors caused by the formation of B-lymphocytes. It is a form of leukemia and affects most of the marrow.
  • Parasitic infestations. This group includes most of the diseases caused by parasites multiplication - worms, ascarids, helminths.
  • Lyell's syndrome. It refers to a severe form of dermatitis. Thus there is an internal organ damage. At untimely treatment of the disease is fatal.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults
  • Hay fever. Develops against the background interactions nasal mucous membranes, oral cavity with the pollen of flowering trees and plants. It represents rhinoconjunctivitis.

Also causes of disease states are caused by the presence of antibody-IgE - bronchial asthma, rhinitis, sinusitis, atopic dermatitis form. Also high protein content may be indicative of non-allergic diseases within the body.

The following diseases are the most common:

  • cirrhosis of the liver;
  • the formation of inflammatory processes on the skin;
  • anemia;
  • malignant neoplasms.

According to recent studies one of the main causes of disease is a genetic mutation. In this case there are changes in chromosome 4. Factors that trigger mutation are not currently installed.

Varieties of hyper-IgE-Syndrome

Elevated IgE in adults whose causes are determined by means of specific methods diagnostics, is divided into two main forms, characterized by different manifestations and the course of disease.

The dominant form. With the development of this type occurs in all of the body damage. Including internal organs, bone and tooth tissue.

Recessive appearance. When the variety observed effect on the connective tissue, affecting the structure of the jaw system. When this does not change the bite in patients. Increases susceptibility to various infectious agents. There may be neurological complications.

Signs of high immunoglobulin

Increased levels of IgE is one of the main signs of diseases involving allergic reactions.


  • rhinitis, nasal congestion, increase the sensitivity of the nasal mucosa and, as a consequence, the development of rhinitis;
    Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults
    When IgE increased, there comes a sensation similar to colds
  • change in the nature, color of skin, rash;
  • cough, bronchitis education;
  • trouble breathing, shortness of breath, asthma - asthma;
  • anaphylactic shock.

In severe cases of allergic reactions condition can be fatal.

The danger of high concentration immunoglobulin E

Elevated IgE levels in the blood can lead to various pathological changes in the body, characterized by the occurrence of chronic diseases. This state is otherwise called Job's syndrome.

Long-term high concentration of the substance causing toxic damage of the organism, contributes to suppression of the functioning of the internal organs and systems. It is noted the formation of severe infectious lesions of the skin.

In severe disease syndrome flow may lead to death, as a consequence, at the first sign of the disease is recommended to seek immediate medical attention.

Indications for examination

Indications for diagnosis are the symptoms and reactions that accompany the development of the syndrome. In the first place, carried out a survey and examination of the patient - the skin, mucous membranes.


  • swelling, redness, flushing, rash;
  • burning sensation, itching symptoms;
  • prolonged coughing, can not be cured;
  • itching of the mucous membranes;
  • watery eyes, runny nose;
  • frequent episodes of bronchospasm;Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults
  • anaphylactic reactions.

To determine the exact cause of the development of state appointed by the complex types of diagnostics.

Method for determining immunoglobulin E

Elevated IgE in adults, the causes of which have diverse nature of origin, can be determined by a variety of laboratory and instrumental kinds of research.

Before the procedure, in order to avoid displaying incorrect results in 10 hours it is recommended to refrain from eating. Also for 4 days before the research is necessary to stop taking any drugs.

Total IgE

This kind of diagnosis allows to establish the presence of high blood IgE level of the patient. Thus there is a diagnosis "allergy." The most informative method of diagnosis is a radioimmunoassay. The method consists in the study of blood serum of the patient, added to antigens.

Screening tests help determine the cause of the syndrome. The procedure is based on a smear taken from the affected area of ​​the mucous membranes.

Diagnosis to determine the presence of the following conditions:

  • atopic dermatitis form;
  • development of allergic bronchial spasms;
  • worm infestation;
  • neoplasms;
  • the development of fungal infections;
  • hyper-IgE syndrome.

The classic methods of diagnosis also includes a blood analysis on the presence of antibodies.

specific IgE

Study immunoglobulin E specific shape is performed by immunoblotting. The method of research is the formulation of skin allergy tests.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults

Diagnosis to determine the presence in the blood of antibodies to antigens, allowing to determine allergies to specific types of foods, vegetable mold, chemical, animal origin. Conducted by enzyme immunoassay.

On the skin smeared with a special test strip markers. In the presence of allergens in the locus of the strip there is a corresponding reaction - change color, darkening.

immunosorbent assay (ELISA) is used to quantify the protein content. Diagnostics to determine not only the fact of the existence of the syndrome, but also to establish the likelihood of the development of the pathological process in the future.

deciphering research

Elevated IgE in adults, the causes of which depend on the development of susceptibility and sensitivity to provocateurs, decryption requires a competent specialist. In determining the results recorded score of the test protein.


  • Bronchial asthma, allergic nature origin - 120-1200 IU / ml.
  • Allergic rhinitis form (rhinitis) - 120-1000 IU / ml.
  • Syndrome hyper-IgE - 1000-14000 IU / ml.
  • Myeloma - from 15 thousand. IU / ml.
  • Atopic dermatitis - 80-14000 IU / ml.

The indicator does not differ according to gender. However, before carrying out a study of women 18 to 40 years should consult further with your doctor to determine the most appropriate date in accordance with the menstrual cycle. Deciphering the data should be engaged in only by a specialist.

Drug treatment

Selection and development regimens depend on the prescribed form of the disease and causes trigger the development of the pathological process. If you suspect a tumor formation more research is needed at the oncologist.

After determining provocateur necessary to exclude any contact with the allergen and observe prescribed by the attending physician recommendations on the use of drugs.

Assigned comprehensive treatment on the basis of the following groups of drugs:

  • Antihistamines. Drugs help eliminate symptoms of allergic reactions, while suppressing production of histamine. Means relieve swelling, soothes, eliminates signs of irritation and redness. Medicaments 4th generation have fewer side effects, and sedation. This group includes: Claritin, Zodak, Zyrtec.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults
  • Sorbents. They are effective at a toxic lesion, as well as the development of reactions in the gastrointestinal mucosa. The most popular are: Polisorb, Laktofiltrum.
  • Hormonal treatments. Assigned in severe forms of allergic reactions. Applied in the absence of the therapeutic effect of antihistamines. This group includes: prednisolone, Gidrokotrizon.
  • Antiallergics for external application - creams, ointments, gels. Contribute to relief of inflammatory and allergic reactions, reduces swelling and irritation, eliminate itching. Medicines of this group: Fenistil, Allergozal. In severe cases, and only with the permission of the expert appointed by the systemic corticosteroids - Celestoderm, flutsinar.
  • Immunotherapy. The method of therapy can not only eliminate the concomitant symptoms, but also act directly on the causes of the state. However, the treatment is carried out only when the relationship of allergic processes and increasing IgE concentration. The method consists in a gradual (long-term) administration to the patient of small doses of allergen. Appointed by this method only on the testimony and the resolution of the attending physician.

Antiparasitic drugs are used only when a confirmed diagnosis of helminthiasis, ascariasis. This group of substances allows only affect adults parasites without affecting the eggs. With the development of food allergy must be followed a special diet that excludes the potentially harmful products that trigger the disease.

The list of prohibited products:

  • citrus fruits - oranges, lemons;
  • various berries;
  • fruits and vegetables with bright color (red);
  • chicken eggs;
  • different varieties of sausages, in particular smoked;
  • confectionery;
  • foods with added preservatives.

With the development of hyper-IgE-Syndrome appointed more serious drugs because of the high risk of infection or viral infection.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults

Medicines Group:

  • Antibacterial, antimicrobial and antifungal. Are appointed by the concomitant development of bacterial infection.
  • Systemic steroids - hormone. They are used in severe cases.
  • Cytostatics. Used in the event of severe forms of atopic dermatitis.

In more complex and advanced cases may be carried out surgical interventions associated with bone marrow transplantation. Similar operations are performed only for the purpose of the treating specialist.

Treatment of folk remedies

Elevated IgE in adults, whose causes have been pre-set by the special procedures allowed to normalize by means of various methods of folk medicine.

In addition to primary therapy and only after consultation with the attending experts use traditional medicines.

A decoction of the herb collection

To prepare the broth use plants to prevent the development of allergic reactions, reduces inflammation and other symptoms of the pathology.

Necessary ingredients:

  • 60 g of the leaves of hypericum;
  • 75 g herb centaury;
  • 15 g of corn stigmata;
  • 30 g arvense;
  • 45 g of camomile inflorescence or ordinary chemist;
  • 60 g rosehip berries;
  • 45 g of dandelion roots.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults

All plants should be mixed thoroughly with a blender grind. From this charge composition of 15 g and poured into the container. Then pour all of 0,25 liter of boiling water. Pushing means for 6-7 hours. Then charge put in a water bath and heated to boiling.

At the end of 4 hours decoction filter and take 1/3 art. per day. Consumed before every meal. Duration of treatment - from 3 months to 5 inclusive. Duration depends on the severity of the patient's condition and is determined by the attending allergology.

Eggshell and lemon juice

To prepare the means used chicken shell of boiled eggs. Take 2-3 eggs and purified from the shell. Then pulverized in a mortar to form a powder mass.

Means is recommended to take daily 1 tsp Before use, the shell must first sprinkle a few drops of fresh lemon juice. Duration of treatment - 1 month.

Dandelion and burdock

To prepare the means necessary to take in equal parts burdock root and dandelion. The plant must be thoroughly mixed and crushed.

From the prepared mixture taking 2 tablespoons and poured 0.6 liters of boiling water. Collect necessary to insist at least 12 hours. Further the composition should be boiled at low heat for 7-10 minutes. Then leave the infusion is 10-15 min. and filter.Elevated IgE Causes and Treatment in Adults

The resulting broth is recommended to use 4-5 times a day with 100 ml. Duration of the course - at least 1 month. If necessary, and only with the permission of the specialist treatment can be extended.

Prognosis and complications

With timely treatment prognosis for recovery in most cases positive. Syndrome amenable to clinical cure in compliance with all the expert advice, including dietary meals. When complicated forms of treatment is prescribed not only the underlying disease but also comorbidities.

In severe forms or in advanced cases of the syndrome may lead to additional complications. At the same time develop recurrent infections, sepsis occurs defeat. Specific preventive measures to prevent increase of IgE in the blood of adults, not developed.

However, experts recommend to observe good personal hygiene, avoid any contact with the agent provocateur of the disease, to eliminate the use of potentially hazardous food and time to treat infectious diseases, especially diseases in history, caused by the activity of Staphylococcus aureus.

It is also recommended to undergo an annual preventive check-ups by a specialist that will help to identify the disease and its causes in the early stages.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

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