Types Of Diseases

Factors, signs, treatment of hemorrhoids in men

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This unpleasant disease, like hemorrhoids, occurs not only in the fairer sex, arising as a result of complex births. Men similarly undergo the examined pathology, moreover, due to the performance of heavy, excessive physical work, the number of patients is constantly increasing. The signs of hemorrhoids in men are common for all sick people, it's impossible not to notice them. In case of neglected cases, the patient is concerned about the symptoms so much that the quality of his life is significantly distorted without medical intervention.

signs of hemorrhoids in men

Why do men have hemorrhoids?

If you describe the cause of hemorrhoids figuratively, the disease occurs because of significant stagnation of blood in the hemorrhoidal veins."Culprits" of stagnation are certain factors that are considered by specialists as innate and acquired. Congenital factors are the most dangerous, because they do not lend themselves or are difficult to treat. As for the acquired, they are easy to eliminate, often there is an opportunity to protect themselves from them.

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Hemorrhoids in men occur due to:

  • hereditary predisposition;
  • excessive( uncontrolled) consumption of alcoholic and alcoholic beverages;
  • chronic constipation associated with digestive disorders;
  • lifting heavy objects;
  • sedentary lifestyle.

With genetic predisposition, a person should protect himself as much as possible from the above factors, which can lead to stagnation of blood. That is, neglect alcoholic and alcoholic beverages, avoid constipation, periodically enriching your diet with fruits, vegetables, lots of fluids, do not lift weights, lead an active life, go in for sports, doing many hours of walking.

Many patients do not understand why alcoholic drinks lead to the formation of hemorrhoids. All this is explained by the fact that excessive consumption of alcohol can lead to an expansion of the veins of the pelvic region, as well as an increase in the flow of blood to them. Therefore it is not surprising that after a certain time, under constant negative influence of alcohol, stagnation of blood in the veins is observed. The process ends with the obligatory formation of hemorrhoids of different sizes.

Almost all men prefer nourishing, coarse, fatty foods, not worrying about the fact that it not only contributes to obesity, but it significantly disrupts the bowels, causing certain abnormalities, among which constipation is the most common. With constant attempts, striving to empty the intestine, there is a significant blood supply in the hemorrhoidal veins. The result of constipation is always hemorrhoids.

A similar pattern occurs when performing excessive physical work associated with the forced lifting of heavy objects. We are talking about workers who, during the whole working day, repeatedly lift heavy furniture, building stones, carry various weights. They periodically have to strain, which is due to the influx of blood to the pelvic veins. This is how hemorrhoids form.

As for the many hours of immobility, this factor affects employees of offices, banks, various enterprises, which have to spend all their working hours behind computer monitors. The situation is aggravated by the preference for traveling by means of transport, rather than by foot.

How to identify hemorrhoids?

The signs of hemorrhoids in men do not at all differ from those of the fairer sex. If at the outset of the disease the symptoms are of a short-term nature, they bother the person for two or three days, then later they become worse, taking on a chronic character. With such a picture of the manifestation, it will be necessary to use the help of a specialist who will take part in the selection of an individual treatment regimen, providing, if not complete, partial relief from the patient's troublesome symptoms.

painful sensations

Symptoms of hemorrhoids are characterized by:

  • frequent constipation, arising with an increase in hemorrhoids;
  • excretion with mucus slurry;
  • itching, burning;
  • edema with inflammatory inflammation;
  • bleeding;
  • at times intolerable pain in the anus;
  • feeling of great discomfort;
  • tingling sensation when defecating;
  • by prolapse of hemorrhoids, subsequently difficult to be guided back.

At first, the signs of hemorrhoids do not greatly bother the man, so he does not consider it compulsory to seek help from a competent specialist. Firstly, because the signs are quickly eliminated, although for a while, secondly, men prefer not to advertise their sores, especially if they concern intimate places or the rectum. However, they do not understand that "ignoring" subsequently leads to the fact that discomfort, provoked by pain, does not give the patient a rest.

In addition, frequent loss of nodes leads at times to the fact that the patient can not sit quietly, sleep, work, engage in habitual hitherto affairs, enjoy life. Often, because of the advanced form of hemorrhoids, men became aggressive, quick-tempered, not controlled by their feelings, emotions. Therefore, it is so important to go to the examination in time, to start competent treatment.

Fighting hemorrhoids

To prevent any signs of hemorrhoids from disturbing the patient, you need only competent treatment from an experienced specialist. This is not so difficult, because the medicine has a large assortment of medicines in the form of candles, ointments, creams, effectively eliminating the signs of hemorrhoids. They perfectly relieve inflammation, fight with bleeding, heal wounds.

A number of medications are involved in the toning of blood vessels, perfectly provides the outflow of venous blood. After a certain time, the patient feels a noticeable relief, the pain is not so strong, the bleeding stops. The course of drug treatment should be carried out to the very end, even if the signs of hemorrhoids no longer bother or bother less.

In parallel with the main method of treatment, it is advisable to apply recipes of traditional medicine, which have no less positive effect than traditional ointments, suppositories. Widely used enemas and baths based on broths of chamomile, calendula, sage( the temperature of the broth should not differ from the temperature of the human body).It is desirable to carry out similar procedures at night, so that the medicinal properties of the herbs have their effect while the person is sleeping.

To avoid the re-emergence of signs of hemorrhoids will help a number of preventive measures. This means that a man should avoid or, if possible, prevent the influence of all those major factors that contribute to the development of hemorrhoids.
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