
Molluscs for sexual strength

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  • Composition of mollusc
  • The role of mollusks in sexual life
  • What pathologies treat mollusks
  • Choosing the right mollusc

Than useful mussels for men will tell their composition. This product is highly valued by the inhabitants of the sea coasts. This clam is present in many dishes of modern restaurants. Its taste qualities are enhanced when properly prepared. The value is only of marine mollusks or grown in special conditions. River mussels are dangerous to humans.

The use of mussels is undeniable

Composition of mollusc

Mussels are useful for men because of their composition. They contain substances such as:

  • Group B vitamins;
  • Iron and zinc;
  • Folic acid;
  • Manganese;
  • Iodine compounds;
  • Selenium and phosphorus.

Group B vitamins are essential for the proper functioning of the nervous and muscular system. When the substance is supplied in sufficient quantity, the transfer of nerve impulses is normalized by the man, the neural connections are restored, the elasticity of the muscular tissue is improved. If these processes in the body are violated, then various pathologies develop.

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A huge influence is exerted by zinc on the body of a man. This microelement is responsible for the production of testosterone. Testosterone is necessary for the functioning of the male sex glands. With proper hormonal work, the patient normalizes spermatogenesis, improves erectile function.

Folic acid is responsible for metabolic processes in tissues. Under its influence, the normalization of cellular nutrition occurs. Acid has a positive effect on the genetic characteristics of men. When a large amount of substance enters the bloodstream before conception, the risk of genetic abnormalities in a child is significantly reduced. Iodine compounds are inherent in all inhabitants of the sea depths. Mussels contain iodine in the same amount as sea kale. This compound can improve the endocrine gland. This connection is useful for men living in regions where goiter is endemic. Daily use of mussels can reduce the development of goiter, and restores the production of hormones.

Selenium and phosphorus are necessary for a person to maintain the immune defenses of the body and form a strong memory. The action of substances extends to the nerve roots of the brain.

The role of mollusks in the sexual life of

Men are sensitive to their sexual health. Any deviation causes panic attacks. To prevent such pathologies, it is recommended to carry out prophylaxis. Mussels in the diet of men help improve the performance of several systems. The mollusk is useful for the following processes:

  • Increased sexual activity Men's erectile capacity;
  • Normalization of blood circulation in the inguinal vein;
  • Strengthening of sperm formation;
  • Improved quality of seminal fluid;
  • Strengthening of sexual activity.

The erectile ability of a man depends on the coordinated work of several systems. For a long lasting erection, you need good blood supply, a hormonal background and a nervous system. If the work of one of the systems is broken, the man has sexual weakness.

Mussels have a positive effect on nutrition and the functioning of the inguinal vein. The inguinal vein carries blood to the cavernous bodies of the penis. The bodies are responsible for filling the penis. If the blood supply is broken, the erection becomes incomplete. Mussels can strengthen the supply of blood vessels, normalize the elasticity of their walls.

An important role is played by mussels in sperm formation. For conception, only those spermatozoa that have the correct structure and rectilinear motion are needed. The substances contained in mussels help strengthen the work of the male sex glands of a man. The testicles are responsible for the production of healthy spermatozoa. In medical research, a significant improvement in the qualitative characteristics of gametes in patients eating seafood was found.

Molluscs also improve the qualitative characteristics of semen secretion. They strengthen the work of the prostate gland. The iron is responsible for the formation of secretions and partial production of testosterone. With the daily use of mussels, the prostate gland normalizes. Such men rarely have prostatitis.

Mussels have long been considered a natural pathogen. The aphrodisitic properties of mollusks are based on the content of a particular component. The substance is a natural analog of androgen. This hormone is responsible for the erectile function of men. The consumption of mussels helps to quickly achieve sexual readiness and significantly increases the period of sexual contact.

What pathologies treat mollusks

Mussels are necessary for a man to maintain the health of the body. They can reduce the development of many pathologies. Molluscs are recommended for the following problems:

  • Sexual disorders;
  • Shellfish Hormonal changes;
  • Cardiovascular diseases;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders;
  • Decreased immune defense;
  • Inflammatory pathologies of the prostate;
  • Hypertension;
  • Goiter of the first degree;
  • Obesity.

With sexual disorders, seafoods normalize the work of the genitourinary system. Under the influence of various substances, sexual activity increases, and sperm counts improve. Many mussels are recommended before conception. This helps to increase the sexual power and avoid genetic disorders in the child.

Due to the large amount of zinc, the hormonal background is restored. Mussels increase the production of testosterone, help balance the hormonal system. The product is needed for patients who are in adolescence or on special treatment.

Cardiovascular pathologies often occur against the backdrop of age-related changes. The composition of mussels improves the vascular system, strengthens the walls of veins, enhances the production of red blood cells. Under the influence of mussels there is a normalization of arterial pressure, peripheral circulation improves. The risk of developing vegetovascular dystonia and hypertension decreases.

Also these seafood products are used to reduce the symptoms of goiter of the first degree. At this stage of the disease, you can significantly reduce the intake of medications. The amount of iodine in several mussels covers the daily dose of tablets.

Molluscs have an important dietary value. They are a product for protein nutrition. The amount of protein in it is equal to the egg. Also mussels have a low calorie content. Due to this, you can consume a large amount of product without harming the figure. If the mollusk is combined with different cereals, it will help to significantly reduce body weight. Due to these properties mussels are favorite foods of many nutritionists.

Choosing the right mollusc

Not all mussels have useful functions. For a man, only fresh sea shellfish are needed. Before serving, they are thoroughly processed and rinsed. If the mussel was not grown under artificial conditions, it is kept on a monthly quarantine in pure running water. This is necessary to remove from the mollusc various dangerous substances that the shellfish collects during the period of life.

Do not be skeptical about your diet. Correct selection of products will significantly improve the protective properties of the body and improve sexual activity.
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