
Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what it is dangerous for 20-30 week, what to do

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Low placentation - a condition characterized by an arrangement of the placenta is below the standard level due to improper attachment of the ovum. In 95% of all diagnosed cases of this pathology does not manifest itself throughout the pregnancy, but may be complicated by abruption, bleeding, birth of a baby with low birth weight, or hypoxia.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is a low placentation
  • 2 Migration placenta at low placentation
  • 3 Causes of low placentation
  • 4 Symptoms of low placentation
  • 5 Diagnosis of low placentation
  • 6 Prevention of low placentation
  • 7 To which the doctor ask
  • 8 Which is prohibited under low placentation
  • 9 Rules of behavior at low placentation
  • 10 complications
  • 11 How are delivery at low placentation
  • 12 Video on the location of the placenta

What is a low placentation

Placenta - "Children's Place" is manifested in women who are pregnant.

Body begins to form at 12-13 weeks of gestation, provides:

  • embryonic development through receipt of the parent organism of nutrients, oxygen;
  • blood filter, preventing the ingress to the fetus toxic elements found in the mother's body;
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  • abortion prevention by progesterone production, necessary for the preservation of pregnancy.

Normally, the placenta is located on the bottom of the uterus. In the case where the fertilized egg was attached to the front, rear walls or uterine zevu "child seat" is formed and is located below the bottom of the mother.

Low placentation - borderline, indicating the location of the placenta lower uterus at 5.5 cm. Such an arrangement of "child seat" requires close monitoring of gynecological pregnancy due Hazard migration authority with a complete or partial overlapping of the uterine mouth, occurrence of detachment or hypoxia fetus.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

In 95% of all cases the presence of the established disease does not manifest itself during the whole nine-month period. As the growth of the uterus changes its location and the placenta, so the probability is high that the 36th week "afterbirth" will rise by more than 6 cm in relation to the mother zevu that will give the possibility of a natural childbirth by.

If the last ultrasound diagnosis set further lowering placenta overlapping uterine throat, assigned elective caesarean section in order to prevent bleeding caused by detachment of the body to the neck of the disclosure uterus.

Migration placenta at low placentation

Low placentation (a location of the placenta, wherein the child seat is formed below the bottom of the mother) is diagnosed in the 2 m (12-16 week) - 3-m (30-week) trimesters.

As the growth of the fetus grows in size genital organ, thus, the placenta has repeatedly replaced his location. During pregnancy, the appearance, diameter, finding "child seats" changed several times due to the proliferation and atrophy of certain areas.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

In the case of attaching the ovum to the rear wall of the uterus for 9 months placenta Th rises and fixed in its normal position (5.6 cm to uterine throat).

With the development of "child seat" on the front wall due to a strong stretching genitals to 35th obstetric week possible to further omission placenta, with complete or partial overlap of the mother os. In this case, diagnosed placenta previa - a dangerous pathology threatening hypoxia or death of the embryo.

Causes of low placentation

Low placentation is not typical for healthy, young women wearing their first child.

Such a pathological condition often occurs in mothers who have more than 1 child, or patients suffering from:

  • inflammatory genitals of infectious and non-infectious nature;
  • myoma of the uterus or endometriosis;
  • repeated spontaneous abortion;
  • DNA abnormalities of structure of reproduction system.

For reasons that provokes low position of the placenta, are:

  • previously transferred abortion accompanied curettage;
  • the scars left after operational treatment of uterine (unhealed scars after cesarean);
  • 2-3 occurred before pregnancy, culminating in the birth of healthy children;
  • multiple pregnancy;
    Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do
    Multiple pregnancies are almost always Accompanying low placentation
  • the age of the expectant mother, in excess of 30-35 years;
  • bad habits (alcohol, cigarettes).

Medical study found that the lower the formation of "child seat" contribute to:

  • severe injury to the endometrium;
  • abnormal growth of endometrial tissue, interfering with ovum to gain a foothold in the right place;
  • the presence of unhealed scars.

Symptoms of low placentation

In most cases, the low position of the placenta, which arose in the early stages of pregnancy, is not characterized by certain symptoms. Most often (about 80% of all installed instances) the presence of the boundary condition is established physician during routine ultrasound at 12-16, 20-22, 30-32 weeks of pregnancy.

However, in the presence of active growth of the embryo may occur:

  • short spasms in the lower abdomen (without increasing uterine tone);
  • small blood discharge from the vagina.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

These symptoms occur after prolonged walking, jogging, weight lifting. This reaction of the organism possible when the pregnant woman in a long stressful situation. The blood appears in the case of vascular injury "child seat", placental abruption portion.

After the disappearance of provoking factors, discomfort ceased. Severe blood loss is indicative of a large portion of the placenta abruption and requires immediate hospitalization in order to maintain the pregnancy.

Diagnosis of low placentation

Low placentation (such pathological condition is most often installed in 2nd-3rd trimesters) diagnosed during a routine ultrasound:

  1. The diagnosis is carried out during the 1st (12-16 weeks), 2nd (20-22 weeks) ultrasound study. In this case, the expectant mother put on obstetric control.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do
  2. The final diagnosis is confirmed at 35-36 weeks of gestation, after the child's growth is completed. In most cases, this term placenta migrates to the level characteristic to its normal position.
  3. If the placenta does not rise to the 36th week, or it is stated further lowering, the presence of cephalic presentation, with partial or complete overlap uterine mouth, 38-week yakusherskoy young mother placed in a hospital pathology of pregnancy to monitor the status, cesarean section.

In addition to the US to establish low position "child seats" probably during the inspection on the gynecological chair.

This manipulation is conducted by an obstetrician in the case of a pregnant complaints about the appearance of spotting. Low placentation is set in the case of probing the edge of the placenta at the time of genital examination palpatsionnogo puney. In the normal state to get your fingers "afterbirth," the doctor will not succeed.

Prevention of low placentation

Low placentation (such pathological condition is most common in women who have been surgical curettage of the uterus) - a borderline condition caused by trauma to the genital mucosa authority.

In the course of medical research found that not correct fixation of the ovum to the uterus bottom (as subsequently the formation of low-lying placenta) contribute to scarring, scars, strong growth of epithelial tissue. This pathology does not occur in women under 30 years of age, wearing his first child.

The most common low placentation appears moms:

  • having more than 2 children;
  • suffering from benign tumors of the reproductive organ;
  • having not cured inflammatory reproductive system;
  • post-abortion, miscarriage, cesarean section (because of the presence of scars).Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

To reduce the probability of occurrence of the boundary condition, doctors recommend:

  1. Plan pregnancy not earlier than in 2-3 years after gynecological surgery involving curettage (including post-caesarean section). The time period required for healing of scars.
  2. Undergo preventive gynecological examinations at least the 1st time in 6 months. for timely diagnosis and treatment of inflammatory and infectious processes of the reproductive organs.
  3. Try to have a 1st child up to 35 years of age. "Starorodyaschimi" increasingly faced with the low-lying placenta.
  4. Refrain from abortion, accompanied by curettage.
  5. Stop smoking, consuming large amounts of alcohol.

To which the doctor ask

After diagnosing low placentation expectant mother put on strict control of midwifery. For a successful pregnancy and birth of a healthy baby a woman needs to fully trust your doctor to perform all the doctors orders.

In the presence of pathology is recommended to conclude a contract for the pay of pregnancy and subsequent birth with an obstetrician gynecologist 1 or higher category.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

This service offers physicians paid medical clinics, doctors who practice in hospitals and reception is carried out in the antenatal clinic. Such a precaution will avoid unpleasant situations during pregnancy, women will add confidence.

In the absence of the material may be trust doctor prenatal and, if necessary, to lie in the hospital pathology of pregnancy.

Which is prohibited under low placentation

Low placentation (a borderline state is common in pregnant women over 35 years of age) requires compliance with a future mother certain rules of conduct.

During the 9-month period E prohibited:

  1. Make sharp movements. Avoid sports activities, to abandon running, jumping, weight lifting (over 3 kg).
  2. to have sex. At low location placenta any sexual contact capable provoke detachment, with heavy bleeding.
  3. Travel on public transport (especially during peak hours).Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do
  4. Exposed to stressful situations. Strong adrenaline provokes increase uterine tone and as a consequence of placental abruption. Expectant mother need only positive emotions.
  5. Activities, accompanied by great mental stress. Any overvoltage, severe fatigue cause dizziness, headache, worsening of the general condition of the pregnant woman.

In case of bleeding should immediately consult your doctor or call the ambulance crews.

Rules of behavior at low placentation

Confirmed low placentation (no bleeding, increased uterine tone, pain) does not require specialized treatment. Border state requires special obstetric monitoring, an additional ultrasound diagnostics (while maintaining a low level of the placenta in the 36th week).

For a normal pregnancy, a woman needs:

  1. Often to rest. Recommended bed rest, during which the need to raise the legs in position, elevating them above the pelvic area (with a roller or a pad).
  2. Fully fed. Do not consume foods that cause a violation of stool (constipation provokes an increased tone of the uterus).Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do
  3. Avoid prolonged physical and mental stress. Locomotor activity at low placenta location should be minimized.
  4. Get enough sleep. It recommended good night and sleep during the day.
  5. Avoid sexual contact. We accept only the light caresses to 20-22 weeks of pregnancy without full penetration of the penis.
  6. It is mandatory to be appointed for each midwife appointment, Pass tests, study, recommended by the doctor. We should not give up of inpatient treatment, especially in the case of the first symptoms of placental abruption.

In the event of increased uterine tone and bleeding woman is placed immediately to the hospital pathology pregnant women, which conducted drug therapy aimed at preventing detachment "child seat," normalization of placental circulation.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

Applicable products:

Name Pharmacology Dosage
Ipradol Relaxes the uterine muscle, prevents increasing the number of cuts genitals 10 ml of intravenously further requires switching to infusion therapy. The imposition of the drug before the 22nd week of pregnancy
tranexamic acid Prescribed for the treatment of systemic hemostasis. It improves blood circulation. 100 ml of intravenously for one hour, then the dosage is adjusted depending on the blood test values
ceftibuten Cephalosporin antibiotic. It is used in minor bleeding is accompanied by the appearance of bruises. Shown to prevent growth of Gram-positive and Gram-negative pathogens 2 c. per day (5 days)
aktovegin Vitamin preparation with magnesium and vitamin C. Improves vascular structure of the placenta and blood supply. By day 10 ml / m (medicine divorce saline or glucose).

Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to doIn addition to drug therapy, it is recommended the use of herbal infusions and teas:

  1. Ginger tea with honey and raspberry. Drink improves tissue trophism, prevent infection, soothes, improves blood flow to the uterus.
  2. Freshly squeezed juice of carrots, beets and apples. Assigned to strengthen and stabilize the placental vascular circulation.
  3. Herbal tea from St. John's wort. Shown to enhance vascular network.
  4. The infusion of nettle. It stops the blood loss, stabilizes blood flow.


Low-lying placenta, in 95% of all diagnosed cases at an early period, during pregnancy (as fetal growth and uterus) lying above, occupying the correct position. The definitive diagnosis is only in the 36th week of pregnancy.

In case of low previa woman goes to a hospital for preparation for delivery and cesarean section. At low placentation "Children's Place" is located under the uterus.

As the growth of the fetus, increasing the activity of the child intensifies the pressure on the placenta, causing:

  1. Bleeding caused by partial detachment body fragments.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do
  2. Poor embryo supply nutrients and oxygen, which can cause hypoxia fetus or birth of the baby having a low weight.
  3. Complete detachment of the placenta, resulting in the death of a child. This pathology is most typical for the attachment of the front wall of the uterus placenta. It arises in the case of a pregnant high activity, weight lifting, exposure to stressful situations.

Concern is the location of the placenta on the front wall of the uterus. During pregnancy, the body is stretched, causing the "afterbirth" go below to the mother zevu fully or partially cover it. In this case, need urgent hospitalization and woman holding birth by caesarean section because of the probability of occurrence of detachment and heavy bleeding.

The greatest danger for the health of the woman has cervical pregnancy in which the fertilized egg attaches to the uterine cervix. This pathology is eliminated by extracting operational reproductive organ together with an embryo. Trying to get the child's immediate cause placental abruption, bleeding heavily, threatening the woman's life.

How are delivery at low placentation

Normally, the placenta covers the cervix does not prevent the exit of the newborn. Before the advent of the baby born "child seat" function, delivering little man with oxygen and nutrients. After giving birth, the placenta peels safely and out of the body.Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

At low location of the birthing process depends on the finding of end organ to the third trimester.

In 95% of all diagnosed cases of disease to the 36 th week of pregnancy, the placenta rises, taking the correct meta.

If the distance between the uterine throat and "child seats" up to 5-6 cm shown holding birth naturally.

When attaching placenta below 5 cm to uterine throat level decision birthing process scrolled the child location. When cephalic appointed natural childbirth, requiring special attention and obstetric medical manipulations.

Stages of childbirth:

  1. Puncturing the membranes to accelerate the emergence of fights.
  2. Securing the child's head right position of the placenta.
  3. The birth of the baby and painless taking out "child seats".Low placentation. What is it during pregnancy, childbirth, what it means, what is dangerous, what to do

In the breech, the low location of the placenta, cesarean section is assigned.

If the body down below, blocking the cervix, compulsorily performed a caesarean section. Operation is appointed in order to prevent bleeding that occurs when cervical dilatation, prevention of early detachment of the placenta that can provoke the death of the baby.

When diagnosing pathology in the 36th week of the expectant mother goes to the hospital maternity pathology, which are appointed by the necessary tests, more ultrasound diagnostics, preparation for surgery.

Carrying out the procedure:

  1. Pregnant is local or general anesthesia, depending on the evidence.
  2. The doctor conducts an incision in the abdomen and then into the uterus.
  3. The child carefully removed from the woman's body. Baby clean, cut the umbilical cord, forced to make the first breath, weighed. If the woman is awake, put the newborn on the mother's chest.
  4. The doctor removes the placenta, sews the uterus and peritoneum.

After cesarean section a new pregnancy is planned no earlier than 2-3 years. The mother scar heal, reducing the risk of low placentation in a subsequent pregnancy during this time.

Low placentation - border state, which is characterized by the attachment of the uterine wall placenta. This pathology can induce hypoxia, abruption, birth of underweight due to non-receipt of a sufficient amount of oxygen and nutrients.

Most often, the low position of the placenta does not occur throughout the pregnancy ends with the birth of a healthy baby.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video on the location of the placenta

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