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Dry mouth. The causes of the disease in some women, men. Elimination constant sensation of dryness, bitterness, burning. How to get rid of in the morning, during pregnancy

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One of the problems in the body is insufficient work salivary glands that causes dry mouth. The reasons which cause inadequate secretion of saliva, a lot, but ignoring the problem can lead to the aggravation of the situation and the chronic form of the disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Disease and physiological factors
  • 2 Signs of disease, are accompanied by dryness, bitterness, burning in the mouth
  • 3 helicobacter pylori gastritis
  • 4 Hypotension
  • 5 Pregnancy
  • 6 glandular cheilitis
  • 7 IBS
  • 8 A side effect of antibiotics
  • 9 In diabetes
  • 10 pancreatitis
  • 11 During menopause
  • 12 HIV
  • 13 What does the time of the appearance of dryness: morning, afternoon, evening, night
  • 14 The consequences of constant dryness
  • 15 How to make the correct diagnosis?
  • 16 Treatment of dry mouth
  • 17 symptomatic therapy
  • 18 Treatment with traditional medicine
  • 19 Videos about dry mouth

Disease and physiological factors

Salivary gland dysfunction affects about 12% of the population. Reduced activity of the salivary glands causes a weakening of the protective functions of the oral cavity, which causes the development of pathogenic microflora.

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Unhealthy condition oral mucosa leads to gum disease, can provoke development of caries, chronic tonsillitis, stomatitis. Bad breath and sores on the lips - the consequences of the lack of proper treatment.

Dry mouth (which causes the disease it causes, will be described hereinafter) can be provoked by the following factors:

  • violation of nasal breathing;
  • reception of various groups of drugs: antibiotics, antidepressants, sedatives, antifungal agents;
  • infectious disease or viral nature, accompanied by fever and general intoxication;
  • presence of diabetes, HIV infection, anemia, hypotension;
  • abuse addictions;
  • dehydration;
  • diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

In addition to dryness in the oral cavity can be observed the presence of additional symptoms that can not be ignored for an accurate diagnosis.

Signs of disease, are accompanied by dryness, bitterness, burning in the mouth

Factors that provoke defective work of the salivary glands, may be short-term, long-term and permanent. Short-term phenomenon often resolves on its own and does not entail the development of serious pathologies.

Prolonged dryness in the oral cavity, which is accompanied by bitterness and burning may occur under the following conditions:

  • The appearance of inflammatory lesions in the head and spine.
  • Diseases of the mouth and dental problems caused by a lack of saliva to maintain a healthy microflora.
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract: enteritis, lazy stomach syndrome, colitis, gastritis, gastric ulcer, dysbacteriosis.
  • Inflammation of the liver and biliary system.
  • Disruption of the endocrine system.
  • Hypotension.
  • Menopause.

Responsible attitude to their own health is taken into account all the associated symptoms. This will help to prevent the development of complications in the presence of any of the diseases.

helicobacter pylori gastritis

This type of gastritis is quite easily spreads between people. Enough light contact with the patient or sharing glasses and dishes to Helicobacter settled in a healthy body.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

The typical symptoms of this disease are:

  • odor and dryness in the oral cavity;
  • nausea, a feeling of thirst;
  • stomach pain and a burning sensation in the esophagus;
  • flatulence;
  • a feeling of heaviness in the stomach.

Upon detection of helicobacter gastritis shown complex treatment drugs and maintaining a medical diet.


Constant attacks are accompanied by symptoms of hypotension:

  • dizziness;
  • constant sensation of thirst and dryness of the mouth;
  • Unhealthy skin color;
  • general weakness.

Chronic hypotension is caused by constant low pressure and makes it impossible to function normally all organs and systems. In addition to reducing the salivary flow is frequently observed state of apathy, fatigue, impaired thermoregulation.

Dry mouth, along with the above symptoms is a direct indication for the treatment of a physician and cardiologist. They will help determine the causes of the disease which are negative manifestations.


During pregnancy, a woman is faced with unusual for her symptoms. This is due to heavy load on all organs and hormonal instability.

Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning
Sometimes a dry mouth is not the cause of any disease. Pregnant women often feel dry, although it is considered a normal condition and goes away after childbirth

The feeling of dryness in the mouth when child-bearing may occur for various reasons:

  • Dehydration due to toxicity.
  • Increased sweating.
  • Difficulty in nasal breathing.
  • Anemia.
  • Unusual taste preferences.

Most often, the work of the body in the postpartum period is normalized, the swelling will cease to disturb and consume the food will be more useful. During pregnancy, a woman can help themselves fluid balance control, rejection of bad habits and the use of the most healthy food.

glandular cheilitis

Overdried sensation in the mouth may be caused by an inflammatory disease that affects the salivary glands are thicker in the lip. The risk of glandular cheilitis increases at times when the purity of poor quality care of the oral cavity, smoking and the presence of active lesions at mucosal inflammation.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

The main symptoms at Haley are:

  • peeling and burning sensation on the lips;
  • redness, bleeding ulcers;
  • dryness of the mouth, lips and tongue;
  • painful.

It is very important not to let go of glandular cheilitis chronic. To do this, you should pay attention to the frequency of occurrence of cracks on the lips, flaky crusts and permanent dryness. With long-term presence of symptoms should seek help from a medical facility.


Violation of the intestine can be caused by hormonal differences, dysbiosis or changes in eating habits.

Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) is accompanied by additional features:

  • abdominal pain;
  • abrupt changes in stool from diarrhea to constipation;
  • flatulence, abdominal distension.

These unpleasant symptoms can add a sense of weakness, nausea and dry mouth. Development IBS largely contributes to the psychological state of a person, so important in the treatment of disease is the elimination of voltage stress.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

In addition, the need to diet and treatment with drugs to improve the functioning of the intestines.

A side effect of antibiotics

In some diseases, antibiotics are the only measure of treatment. Despite their high performance, antibiotics can cause a number of negative side effects.

The main negative consequences include:

  • violation of intestinal microflora;
  • allergic reactions;
  • malfunction of the digestive system;
  • violation of cellular respiration.

In connection with such disorders may have problems with a chair, nausea, dry mouth.

To minimize the negative manifestations should follow the recommendations:

  1. To carry the drug at certain times.
  2. Take probiotics throughout the course of treatment.
  3. Dieting.

Discomfort may occur immediately after you start taking antibiotics, and may a few days later. If there are other side effects need to consult with your doctor and the possible removal of the drug.

In diabetes

Dry mouth (cause some diseases cause her appearance, help establish biofluid analysis) delivers discomfort if worried for a long time.

The level of glucose in the blood can be varied, which will help to reduce the body protection functions and lead to dehydration.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

The presence of diabetes occasionally obliges the patient to be under a doctor's supervision, pass examinations and receive the necessary guidance. Receiving insulin preparations will maintain blood sugar levels and eliminate the additional discomfort in the form of oral dryness, general malaise.


food intake of provoking the production of specific substances that are required for the digestion products. In general, the process of metabolism such enzymes are vital. For various reasons, the ducts to the organs can be overlapped, in which case the food processing process is activated directly in hardware.

In this case there are cutting pain character, the temperature may rise may cause nausea and dryness in the oral cavity. Upon the occurrence of an acute stage can be a sharp deterioration of the patient. In order to avoid a sharp deterioration should seek medical attention at the first suspicious symptoms of pancreatitis.

During menopause

In connection with the beginning of a full attenuation processes functioning ovaries in women occur numerous changes in the whole organism. Along with irregular menstruation and constant tides can feel the dryness of mucous membranes.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

A sense of lack of hydration can affect the throat, mouth, vagina and eyes. This condition is associated with a decrease in levels of the hormone estrogen, the lack of which leads to a variety of discomfort.

To get rid of dry mouth can help the following recommendations:

  • During the day, the water should be consumed in sufficient quantity in order to avoid dehydration.
  • When drying of lips use special moisturizers.
  • Limit the use of smoked and salty foods. It is necessary to increase the intake of juicy fruits and vegetables, herbs.
  • To facilitate the overall health it is desirable to saturate the body with vitamins, not excluded the use of sedation drug origin.

If dry mouth alarming in some areas, it is necessary to take care about the level of air moisture by applying a moisturizer. If possible, pass a comprehensive examination, as a result of which we can determine the presence or absence of health problems.


HIV is characterized by a decrease of immunity and the body's resistance to various diseases. In this regard, the disease of the mucous membranes in the mouth - is not uncommon for HIV. Dysfunction of the work of the salivary glands can lead to an exacerbation and the development of other diseases.

To eliminate such unpleasant symptoms such as dryness, you should take care of a healthy diet and normalization of drinking regime. We should pay special attention to ensuring that the food was full of the most beneficial vitamins that are the basis for maintaining immunity.

What does the time of the appearance of dryness: morning, afternoon, evening, night

Understand the reason of defective work of the salivary glands, which can cause the development of physiological or pathological problems help the observation time of day when the problem begins to disturb:

  • Drinking alcohol the night before will necessarily entail a strong feeling of thirst in the morning. If we add to this the use of unhealthy foods, saturated fats and salt, then feeling very thirsty it is justified. This reaction is requested the body of the need use enough water is required to remove harmful toxins. Insufficiently humidified indoor air results in the inability to carry out a full breath nose. In addition to this you should pay attention to the drugs that people took recently.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning
  • Dryness in the daytime. You should not consider this a symptom separately, often it is accompanied by other atypical manifestations.

Day dryness is the most dangerous and its presence for a long period - a direct indication for treatment to the doctor:

  • Dryness of the mouth in the evening may occur due to the amount of food intake with a high salt content or insufficient water consumption during the day. In sports also do not forget about the need to replenish lost fluids. Normalization of water balance helps to balance the whole body.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning
  • At night, due to saliva deficiency may disturb snoring, which will lead to poor sleep quality. To a large extent it depends on the air in the room: it must be wetted, and the room must be ventilated. To eliminate the discomfort, you can use a humidifier. Mouth breathing does not allow normal functioning salivary glands.

If the self-elimination of the causes does not help restore normal functioning of the salivary glands, you should seek help from a doctor. Full treatment will not only eliminate the common symptoms, but also a comprehensive approach to the treatment of disease.

The consequences of constant dryness

Saliva need for constant human humidification and purification of the oral cavity. If time does not understand due to dysfunction of the salivary glands, the daily life is clouded by unpleasant sensations.

Lack of salivation further leads to adverse effects:

  1. The appearance of cracks in the corners of the lips.
  2. The appearance of halitosis.
  3. The appearance of the teeth and gum disease.
  4. Burning tongue.
  5. food taste is changing.
  6. Partial or total atrophy of the mucosa.
  7. Hoarse voice.
  8. Deterioration of diction.

Particular attention should be paid in the event of dry mouth, together with the appearance of an unpleasant taste, which may be metallic, bitter or sour.

How to make the correct diagnosis?

Timely diagnosis is an important step towards solving the problem of dryness in the mouth. The first is to make a complaint to the therapist, who will hold a visual inspection of the patient's mucous membranes.

Further diagnosis will be more narrowly focused and consists of the following types of surveys:

  1. Blood donation for an overall review and determine the level of sugar content.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning
  2. A blood test biochemical indicators.
  3. Chest X-ray.
  4. Ultrasound diagnostics.
  5. Analysis of urine.

Computed tomography and sensing salivary gland ducts can be assigned as a supplementary examination of the patient. Based on the results obtained for the therapist direct patient consultation with narrow specialists: infectious diseases, endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, surgeon.

Based on the results of the analysis will be assigned the appropriate treatment depending on the causes of the violations.

Treatment of dry mouth

Dry mouth (which causes disease are such deviations, has been described previously) may be indicative of various disorders. Drug therapy should be adjusted by a qualified physician, considering the individual characteristics of the patient and to identify the disease.

General principles of treatment will include the following recommendations:

  • Treatment of the underlying disease, against which there dryness in the oral cavity. If for some reason, the disease can not be completely cured, it must be assigned a general therapy to minimize the clinical manifestations.
  • Maintaining standards of a healthy lifestyle. Should abandon bad habits and eat a useful quality food.
  • Normalization of lifestyle. Time to sleep and work should be distributed in such a way that the body does not feel the lack of rest.
  • Maintaining the optimum drinking regime. It recommended daily intake of water for at least 1.5 liters per day for an adult.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning

Depending on severity of the disease can be assigned to maintain therapeutic diet which can significantly alleviate the patient's condition.

symptomatic therapy

Without a diagnosis, cure dry mouth is meaningless.

However, temporarily alleviate the condition possible with the recommendations:

  • Normalize fluid intake.
  • Use a humidifier in the room.Causes of dry mouth disease, causing dryness. Eliminating the constant dryness, bitterness, burning
  • To increase saliva flow can be used chewing gum.
  • Apply special preparations on a temporary basis - saliva substitutes.
  • Toothpaste should be high fluorine content, rinses should be selected based on plant.

In addition, the attention should be paid to consume foods: eliminate fast food, dry snacks, smoked. The diet should be as full of beneficial vitamins, the food should be soft and not dry.

Treatment with traditional medicine

Advice of traditional medicine is unlikely to be able to help with complex diseases, but as maintenance therapy can remove unpleasant sensations.

Among all the recommendations can identify the main:

  • Increasing the use of coriander seeds, parsley.
  • The saturation of the diet of fruits and vegetables.
  • Drinking water with lemon juice in the absence of visible diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Use teas supplemented with sheets of mint and eucalyptus. This will freshen breath, to remove possible unpleasant taste and will promote development of the saliva.
  • Rinse mouth infusions blueberries, sage and chamomile. The therapeutic agent can be prepared, the ingredients Gulf in an amount of 1 tablespoon Each 1 cup boiling water. 1:00 will be enough to prepare the composition, after which it can be used.

These methods are a short-term ways to improve the condition, but does not override the requirements of drug therapy.

In everyday life, dryness of the mouth is able to deliver a lot of inconvenience, so ignore this problem is not necessary. Determine a cause of the disease is the lack of saliva, help systems examination and treatment, aimed not only at eliminating the symptoms, but also carrying out a full therapy.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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Causes and treatment of dry mouth:

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