Infectious Diseases

TB in children. Symptoms first signs as transmitted, treatment

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Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, in which the pathological processes affect the lungs. Pathogen - mycobacterium (tubercle bacillus). Infection is spread by droplet infection (during a call with an infected person, when sneezing or coughing).

A healthy immune system of a child kills pathogens that enter the body. Weakened defenses and direct contact with an infected person leads to the appearance of the first symptoms of tuberculosis.

The content of the article:

  • 1 classification of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of pulmonary tuberculosis

classification of diseases

Tuberculosis exists in various forms and shapes. Closed type of the disease is characterized by the fact that only the pathogens live in the human patient. Open form of TB more dangerous. mycobacteria carrier can infect people around them.

There are also the following types of tuberculosis:

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Title Description
primary tuberculosis Pathologic processes develop immediately after infection with the organism. In most cases, there is self-healing, but the lungs are not restored. Radiographic studies show effects after calcification of tissues.
miliary A severe form of the disease, which develops as a result of internal organ bacteria Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Without a properly chosen therapy patients at high risk of death.
Secondary The disease is characterized by the activity of mycobacteria that have long been in sleep mode, present in the human body. Activities pathogens provoke negative factors.
extrapulmonary tuberculosis The disease is diagnosed in 5% of patients. There are characteristic signs of a specific organ damage.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment
Symptoms and treatment of tuberculosis depends on the shape of the child

The symptoms of a child with tuberculosis occur, depending on the lesion a particular area:

Title Description
Pulmonary tuberculosis There is pain in the chest, which is amplified after a deep inhalation. Appear in the lungs wheezing, runny nose, reduced weight of the child, swollen lymph nodes. Coughing hard and accompanied by phlegm.
intestinal tuberculosis Inflammation cover body wall limfauzly and mesentery. Mycobacteria enter the body of the child with contaminated products.
tuberculous meningitis Dangerous and severe form of the disease. Pathology is a consequence of the spread of bacilli from the lungs throughout the body. Affected brain and spinal cord, leading to neurological disorders.
Tuberculosis of bones and joints Pathological processes involve major long bones and vertebrae. The most common form of this disease is a consequence of the defeat of mycobacterium specific internal organ.
Lupus Under the skin are formed dense knots. When pressed on them arises pain. Damage nodules will lead to the leakage of a white liquid.
Tuberculosis of the sexual and urinary system In most cases the disease affects both kidneys. Inflammation leads to their gradual destruction, which leads to loss of organ function. Mycobacteria also affect bladder, ureters and urethra, causing their deformation. Violated the sexual function and the process of removing urine.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Establish an accurate diagnosis will help the doctor after a complete diagnosis of TB specialist.

Stage and grade

Infection of the child is not only airborne droplets way. Mycobacteria enter the human body and the contact (utensils, clothing), food (dirty products, water) and intrauterine infections (from an infected mother to child).

In medicine, there are following stages of tuberculosis:

Title Description
primary Step local inflammation, which is formed at the place of penetration of tuberculosis infection. The spread of bacteria to adjacent organs called primary tuberculosis complex.
The latent (hidden) Due to a weak immune system infection spreads throughout the body, forming pockets of inflammation.
recurrent Stage of the disease characterized by multiple lesions to internal organs. Human health significantly deteriorated, voids are formed in the lungs, the body temperature rises.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

At any stage need help the doctor to begin treatment and prevent complications of the disease.


The clinical picture of tuberculosis in a child depends on the lesion mycobacteria.

Considering a classification of the disease, each species is accompanied by the following symptoms:

View Clinical signs
primary tuberculosis
  • increased body temperature;
  • It appears compulsive cough;
  • chills;
  • night sweats;
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • decreasing body weight;
  • the skin becomes pale;
  • deteriorating appetite;
  • hemoptysis and separation of purulent sputum;
  • general weakness.
  • high body temperature;
  • severe shortness of breath;
  • headache;
  • respiratory insufficiency;
  • deteriorates internal organs and systems;
  • decreases body weight.
  • swollen lymph nodes;
  • in lesions of the urinary tract pain syndrome occurs in kidney, breaks their work;
  • in lesions of bones and joints there are compression fractures, sore upper and lower limbs, swollen skin around the outbreak site;
  • in lesions of pericardium chest pain, shortness of breath, a strong, appear edema and weight reduced.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Establish an accurate diagnosis and choose the most effective treatment helps the doctor phthisiatrician.

It is important to notice the symptoms of disease in time and go to the hospital to prevent serious consequences.

Causes of

The main source of infection is infected person.

Tuberculosis often diagnosed in the following types of people:

  • children;
  • elderly people;
  • HIV-infected patients with AIDS;
  • people who are malnourished, often suffer from colds;
  • migrants, refugees.

At risk are also unfavorable people with antisocial lifestyle (alcoholics, drug addicts, persons who do not have their own place of residence or those who are in prison). Tuberculosis of the child occurs due to increased moisture, if the baby is in a poorly heated and ventilated room.

Distinguish the following risk factors, which are activated under the influence of mycobacteria:

  • unsatisfactory social conditions;
  • frequent colds;
  • stress and physical stress;
  • comorbidities, lowering defenses the child's body;
  • weak immunity;
  • long-term use of glucocorticoids.TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Child needs urgent help phthisiatrician full examination and treatment, chosen expert. Parents should avoid independent actions that can cause serious complications.


Tuberculosis of the child (the symptoms appear in the background of provoking factors) is treated under the strict supervision of a TB. If he is concerned about prolonged cough, you should consult your pediatrician, who will send the patient to an additional examination. The results after the diagnosis is recommended to visit a TB.

To identify TB in children help to the following tests:

Title Description
X-ray examinations The most effective method of diagnosing TB in children, which is prescribed in the first place.
Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) A survey to determine the foci of pathological processes.
General blood analysis Results of the study show an increased white blood cell count, which indicates the development of the inflammatory process.
Mantoux test (tuberculin test) A study to determine the reaction of the child's immunity to mycobacteria.
Microscopy We investigate the sputum for detection of the causative agent.
Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) It allows you to determine antibodies to TB in the patient's blood.
Polymerase chain reaction (PCR) We study the blood, urine, sputum, cerebrospinal fluid. Experts reveal the DNA of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Histological examination (biopsy) survey method, which helps to identify the disease in the case of low current pathological processes (tuberculosis of bones). A biopsy is used if there is no way to determine the pathology of other methods.
Fluorography The diagnosis is made in large quantities. With its help specialists determine latent pulmonary disease.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Differentiate tuberculosis in a child is difficult, but current diagnostic methods can identify the disease and early treatment.

When to see a doctor

A child's immune system is weak, compared to an adult. Symptoms of the disease progresses faster and earlier appear. Parents are important to pay attention to the cough in children, because it is one of the main signs of tuberculosis.

Symptoms of the disease are amplified in the evening and at night. Cough is accompanied by sputum and blood temperature rises. These are symptoms for which one should seek immediate medical attention.


Tuberculosis of the child (symptoms more quickly, because the immune system is underdeveloped) is a serious disease that in the past people died. Modern medicine allows doctors to control the disease and even prevent its development. The primary prevention of tuberculosis in a child - is vaccination. BCG vaccinated children do on the 3-7 day of their lives in the hospital.

Doctors also recommend to remember the simple rules:

  • maintain a healthy lifestyle, strengthen the immune system;
  • avoid stress and to support the work of the nervous system;
  • fully eat, eat more foods containing vitamins, minerals, and protein;
  • follow the simple rules of hygiene;
  • every day in sports.

Ventilate the room and do wet cleaning in the nursery. Prevent a disease or identify it at an early stage will help to regular check-ups by a doctor, chest X-ray.


Therapy phtisiologist chosen doctor after a complete examination and on the basis of the results obtained. You can not delay the campaign to the expert, especially when it concerns a child.

Given the form and severity of the disease, the doctor prescribes a fixed therapy or treatment at home. A set of activities involves the use of medicines, folk remedies, if there are no contraindications and physiotherapy.


Medicines can quickly eliminate the mycobacteria that cause tuberculosis. They also help to prevent the re-recurrence of pathological processes. Doctor to prescribe drugs TB doctor, it is important to strictly adhere to its recommendations.TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

drug Group Title application
antibacterials "Cycloserine" "pyridoxine" Children dosage is 1 tab. 2 r. per day.
immune-boosting drugs "Glutamyl," "Timalin" Drugs accelerate the healing process, reduce the risk of complications and improve the effectiveness of anti-TB drugs. Children appoint 1-5 mg for 3-10 d. It all depends on the degree of immunity. If necessary, after 1-6 months of therapy, a refresher.
corticosteroids "Prednisolone", "Hydrocortisone" The recommended dosage for the child is 1-2 mg / kg. Daily rate divided into 4-6 receptions.
TB drugs "Streptomycin", "Ethambutol" The patient is administered 15 mg / kg 1 p. a day in the morning after a meal. The course of treatment lasts 2 months.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Medications selects the physician, taking into account the severity of pathological processes and the individual characteristics of the patient.

Traditional methods

Tuberculosis of the child (symptoms require consultation and a TB properly chosen therapy) can be treated recipes medicine men and healers. But they will not help to get rid of the inflammation must be a complex effect on the body.

Folk remedies reduce the negative impact of medicines, improve the appetite. The use of non-traditional methods should be discussed with your doctor, since many components can provoke allergic reactions in children.

Title Recipe application
expectorant collection Mix elecampane root (25 g), althea (20 g), leaves mother coltsfoot (15 g), sage (10 g) and fennel fruit (10 g). Pour 1 tbsp the resulting mixture of hot water (1 st.), put on fire. Bring to the boil, insist 10 min and filter. Received agent is recommended to take 1 tbsp. 3 r. per day. The drug reduces the cough, eliminates hoarseness.
badger fat Mix in equal proportions of cocoa, badger fat, honey and aloe juice. Means take 1 tsp 3 r. a day before meals. Badger fat can be used in pure form and 1 tablespoon 3 r. in a day.
vegetable infusion Burdock root and red clover flowers mixed in equal proportions. Pour 2 tablespoons collecting particulate hot water (0.5 L). Wrap and leave for 2 hours. Strain and mixed with the juice golden whiskers (0.5 teaspoon). Received means take 1/3 art. 2 r. per day. The course of treatment is 3 weeks. You can take a break 1 month and continue therapy.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

In tuberculosis recommended to use every 5-6 days raw egg previously beaten with sugar or honey. Sorcerers and healers also recommended every evening to eat a clove of garlic with a small piece of bread and honey (1 teaspoon).

Other methods

Comprehensive treatment of TB involves the use of physical therapy:

Title Description
Aerosol antituberculosis drugs The therapeutic effect is achieved by creating an active concentration of active ingredients in the field of tuberculosis.
iontophoresis During the procedure, using a constant electric current, which helps the drugs get into the inflammatory focus. Increasing the concentration of drug in the affected area, and accelerated healing.
ultrasound therapy Applied mechanical vibrations of ultra-high frequency. Ultrasonics enhances phagocytosis, eliminates residual inflammatory changes, prevents pulmonary fibrosis and stimulate tissue regeneration.
phonophoresis Drugs are administered together with ultrasound to enhance their action.
Ultrahigh frequency therapy Use of high frequency electromagnetic field. It improves blood flow and lymph circulation, which helps to eliminate inflammation. It reduces the number of seizures, increased stroke volume of the lungs.
amplipulse During the procedure applies an alternating sinusoidal modulated current small force (TMB).
Phototherapy (phototherapy) radiant energy is used to achieve a therapeutic effect. Phototherapy activates biochemical processes. Reduces inflammation, increases the protective forces of the body, eliminating pain.
magnetic therapy On impact the patient's body is constant, alternating or pulsed magnetic field. Enhanced circulation, activates metabolic processes, decreasing pain sensitivity.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

Physiotherapy adversely affect the activity of mycobacteria, prevents their development. It accelerates the regeneration process eliminates many symptoms of inflammation and supports the child's body.

Cope with tuberculosis not only helps to comprehensive treatment, but also correct, balanced diet. Vitamins and minerals support the child's body immunity, help him to resist disease.

Tuberculosis of the child (symptoms, depending on the affected area of ​​the body) in the absence positive dynamics after drug use or presence of complications treated operative intervention. Widely used endoscopic surgery.

The operation will prevent the patient's death. Pulmonary hemorrhage, for example, can affect the entire respiratory system, causing the person can not breathe.

possible complications

The lack of timely treatment, or failure to comply with the doctor's recommendations will lead to occurrence of serious complications:

Title Description
pneumorrhagia Pathological processes develop due to the destruction of the blood vessels resulting in tuberculous inflammation. In most cases, a complication is fatal.
Pneumothorax In the pleural cavity (the space around the light) is accumulated air. Violated the integrity of the alveoli (the final part of the bronchial tree). The air pressure on the lung and contravention provokes otdyshku respiratory process.
respiratory insufficiency Massive tuberculous inflammation leads to a decrease of the working volume of the lungs. Reduced process of blood oxygen saturation. In humans, there is a severe shortness of breath, in some cases asthma attacks.
Heart failure It appears more frequently with impairment in the respiratory system. Increased pressure in the blood vessels of the lungs, which provokes an enhanced functioning of the heart.
Amyloidosis of internal organs Prolonged tuberculosis internal organs accompanied by the formation of a specific protein (amyloid), which gives their functioning.
TB in children. Symptoms are transmitted, treatment

The consequences of tuberculosis infection also include pulmonary heart, empyema pleura, the formation of voids in the lungs and damage to other internal organs.

Tuberculosis in most cases can be successfully treated, if time to go to hospital and strictly comply with all recommendations of a TB. It is important for parents to monitor the child's health, do not miss the first symptoms of the body's infection and to take urgent measures. Lack of treatment will lead to serious consequences, the child in this state is dangerous to others.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of pulmonary tuberculosis

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TB in children. Symptoms first signs as transmitted, treatment
Infectious Diseases

TB in children. Symptoms first signs as transmitted, treatment

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease, in which the pathological processes affect the lungs. Pathogen - mycobacterium (tubercle bacillus). Infectio...