Infectious Diseases

Rotavirus in adults. Home treatment: drugs, alcohol, coca cola. How many days, feedback from the forums

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When a person has diarrhea, primarily suspected poisoning. But the same symptoms rotavirus. The disease is in adults and children. As a result, it affected the gastrointestinal tract and upper respiratory tract. Another name in the disease - an intestinal flu.

vomiting is most common among the symptoms and abdominal pain. The disease needs treatment. The therapy involves the use of medicines, folk remedies and other methods.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Nature infections
  • 2 Causes of infection
  • 3 How to distinguish a rotavirus from poisoning?
  • 4 The incubation period for rotavirus
  • 5 What happens in the body in contact with the infection?
  • 6 The first signs of infection in adults
  • 7 Features of the disease in adults
  • 8 Rotavirus infection and pregnancy
  • 9 Possible complications and consequences
  • 10 How many days is contagious rotavirus infection to others?
  • 11 Diagnostics
  • 12 Home treatment using drugs
    • 12.1 rehydration therapy
    • 12.2 chelators
    • 12.3 enzymes
    • 12.4 Funds from diarrhea
    • 12.5 antiemetic drugs
    • 12.6 Means to restore microflora
  • insta story viewer
  • 13 Traditional recipes
  • 14 What drugs can not be treated?
  • 15 Is it necessary to lower the temperature?
  • 16 How quickly cured through diet?
  • 17 Does rotavirus alcohol, Coca-Cola?
  • 18 Do I need an enema?
  • 19 Can I get infected again?
  • 20 Vaccination for adults
  • 21 Videos about rotavirus

Nature infections

Rotavirus (adult treatment includes use of drugs) differently called enteric (gastric) or influenza gastroenteritis. If we look at under a microscope the virus, you can see the protein shell to the rim, like a wheel. Thanks to him, the stomach enzymes can not act on the virus.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

There are 8 types of the disease, they are designated by letters - A, B, and so on. In humans, common type A.

Causes of infection

There are the following ways of infection:

  • Airborne. Paragraph include sneezing, coughing, kissing. Infected liquid reaches the mucous membranes of a healthy person, there is a development of the disease.
  • Contact-household. For this item, characterized by the use of some cutlery for the whole family - plates, cups. The same goes for things. The virus can be transmitted to a healthy person by contact with infected (handshake).
  • Fecal-oral. The infection can enter the body through the patient's stool (faeces, urine). Pathogens enter through the mouth if a person does not wash hands before eating or after using the toilet. Paragraph nekipyachonoy include the use of water and milk.

Also, the virus enters the body through food. This can happen if the food was not fully cooked or poorly cleaned.

How to distinguish a rotavirus from poisoning?

Rotavirus infection is similar to poisoning, but there are small differences between them. Poisoning is characterized by sudden appearance of symptoms. Symptoms develop rapidly due to the use of substandard products or chemical action, that is, the state can not be transmitted from another person. And poisoning happens at any time of the year.

Rotavirus - it is more a seasonal disease that occurs in winter or autumn. There are times when there is pathology in the summer, but this is unusual. And if rotavirus affects one member of the family, then other relatives who live with a man too ill.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

Comparative table of poisoning symptoms and rotavirus infection is as follows:

symptomatology Manifestation with rotavirus Manifestation for poisoning
Fever Symptoms appear suddenly. High temperatures can hold up to several days Rare condition associated with high temperature. Rate increases slightly for a period not exceeding 24 hours
Isolation vomitus repeated vomiting repeated vomiting
Pain in the abdomen Discomfort is reduced after isolation vomitus The pain may persist for several days
Diarrhea For the stool is characterized by a strong unpleasant smell. In some people, diarrhea is not Diarrhea persists for more than 2 days
Symptoms of respiratory illness (runny nose, sore throat) present There are no
Bloating and flatulence The emergence of possible present
Change the color and smell of urine Natural and appears dark liquid ammonia odor No

The incubation period for rotavirus

The incubation period - this period of time, which lasts from the moment of getting the disease organism to the pathogen in the primary manifestation of symptoms. When rotavirus duration of 3 to 5 days. Then there are the primary symptoms.

What happens in the body in contact with the infection?

After the virus enters the body, you may notice the symptoms of a respiratory infection. Manifestation of the initial stage depends on the human immune system. For example, if the attenuation body is not fighting infection.

After 3 - 5 days, the virus enters the intestine. Then begins the most pathogenic period, which is accompanied by vomiting, fever. Normal body cells are replaced immature epithelium which does not absorb water. The result is a loss of fluid. Acute phase lasts from 3 to 5 days.

14 days after the virus enters the human body, formed a strong immunity to the disease. Reinfection can only be the case if the system is weakened.

The first signs of infection in adults

Rotavirus (adult treatment provides for compliance with proper nutrition) - a disease that has the primary symptoms. If the immune system is weakened, the first may show signs of respiratory disease (runny nose, sore throat). If the immune system is normal, then these symptoms may be absent or negligible. Main symptoms are manifested in the acute phase.

They include the following symptoms:

  • nausea;Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies
  • vomiting;
  • diarrhea (stools);
  • pain in the abdomen;
  • bloating in the abdomen;
  • high body temperature;
  • pain in the head;
  • dizziness.

Features of the disease in adults

Most often, a strong manifestation of symptoms characteristic of people with reduced immunity. As well as this notice as a child. In a healthy person with a normal immune system, symptoms may be absent or not clearly manifest.

Some people are not even aware of rotavirus infection and sickness blamed on the intestinal disorder. But even if asymptomatic, the person is dangerous to others, the disease can be transmitted to others.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

There is a certain list of people who have rotavirus infection is difficult:

  • the elderly;
  • with chronic diseases;
  • with constant exposure to stress and other negative factors.

Rotavirus infection and pregnancy

Rotavirus infection is dangerous for pregnant women. The virus itself does not cross the placental barrier, so no effect on the fetus. But dehydration (lack of fluid) can act destructively. Because of gas formation and bloating in the abdomen, the uterus begins to contract more frequently. This increases the risk of miscarriage or premature birth.

The main thing in treatment of rotavirus in pregnant women - reducing the likelihood of complications that may be caused by the symptoms of the disease.

For treatment use the following methods:

  • removal of toxic substances;
  • restoring the optimal liquid level;
  • normalization of the immune system;
  • restoration of the natural intestinal flora.

Possible complications and consequences

Rotavirus in children is often complicated. For adults the situation is different. If the complex therapy is initiated in a timely manner, the prognosis is favorable.

Even despite the fact that the adult concerned about diarrhea, which may be strong, no serious complications arise. The only consequence - is acidosis, which appears due to the lack of large amounts of fluid. In rare cases may occur with heart problems, namely, acute left ventricular failure.

If the therapy is not available, then the organism loses a large amount of liquid.

As a result, there may be different effects:

  • Dehydration - this is the most serious complication of rotavirus infection. Independently lead to normal state is not possible. In this case, treatment is carried out in a hospital environment. To normalize the level of liquid in the body, use intravenous drugs, and tablets and prescribed diet. If dehydration is not treated, the condition can be fatal.
    Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies
    In the treatment of rotavirus in adults it is important to drink plenty of fluids
  • Violation of the intestinal microflora. Virus detrimental effect on the gastrointestinal tract. As a result, the chair can be changed.
  • A weakened immune system.
  • Violation of the internal organs function. Especially paragraph touches the heart and kidneys.

How many days is contagious rotavirus infection to others?

Many people are concerned that they may be infected with rotavirus infection from someone - something. For example, if a large family of people ill with the disease. After his recovery, during the 14 days it is considered infectious. Even if no symptoms, the agent can penetrate into the body of a healthy person.


Rotavirus in adults is the responsibility of infectious diseases. In budgetary organizations can apply to the therapist. He will hold examination, interviews with patients. Next, the doctor will prescribe to the desired direction of specialization (infectious disease, gastroenterology and other). In severe manifestation of symptoms need to call the ambulance crews.

As the diagnostic use of the following studies:

  • Poll. At this point it is important to specify all of the symptoms that are bothering the person. Due to the complete description of the symptoms, the doctor can make a diagnosis and prescribe treatment.
  • Inspection. The specialist may use palpation of the abdomen. As well as examining the oral cavity.
  • Blood tests. If the erythrocyte sedimentation rate is increased, then there is a high probability that the patient rotavirus infection. The same applies to the increase of white blood cells.
  • Letting urine. When a rotavirus liquid natural detect unit content of leukocytes.
  • Letting feces. The study called coprogram. On the disease can be judged if the biomaterial contains undigested food particles.
  • Polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The method is common. Through research, in human excrement can detect genetic material which belongs rotavirus.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies
  • Rectal examination (sigmoidoscopy). The method is rarely used as a diagnosis of a disease. Visually, the rectal mucosa cells are not damaged.

Home treatment using drugs

Rotavirus in adults (treatment includes not only the use of drugs) requires therapy. Medicines - is the basis for the treatment of rotavirus infection.

Apply the following groups of products:

  • rehydration;
  • chelators;
  • enzymes;
  • antidiarrheal;
  • antiemetic;
  • reducing microflora.

rehydration therapy

drugs group fills a lack of fluid in the body and regulates the water and electrolyte balance. Popular rehydration products are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
rehydron The contents of the package to be dissolved in 1 liter of boiled and cooled water. The result is a colorless solution that must be ingested in small sips. The increased amount of sodium, vomiting (during fast reception)
  • Hypersensitivity to the constituents;
  • dehydration severe forms;
  • coma;
  • bowel obstruction;
  • vomiting heavy nature.
360 – 380. Rates are per package, consisting of 20 packages. Some pharmacies can be purchased individually means.
GIDROVIT Package contents dissolved in 200 ml of drinking water or boiled water. The mixture should immediately drink. A single dose of the drug for adults - 1 - 2 package. Accepted necessary after each bowel movement. Nausea, vomiting, allergic
  • increased level of potassium;
  • failure chronic and acute forms of kidney;
  • persistent vomiting;
  • disturbance of acid - base balance;
  • violation of the digestion of carbohydrates in the intestines.
380 – 400. Rate is for a package containing 10 packs.


Rotavirus in adults can be cured through enterosorbent. drugs group contributes to the removal of toxic substances from the body. Popular medicines in this group are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
polisorb The drug need to stir in 1/4 - 1/2 cup of water. Before each use, the solution should be prepared fresh. Mean dosing of a medicament for adults - from 0.1 to 0.2 g per 1 kg. Accepted need 3 - 4 times a day. Maximum dosage - 0.33 g / kg. Allergies, constipation, labored and painful digestion. GU bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract, increased sensitivity to the composition. 50 – 420
enterosgel Recommended taking means 15 - 22.5 g of 3 times a day. This is about 1 - 1.5 tablespoons The daily dosage of the drug should not exceed 67.5 g Nausea, constipation, aversion to the facility (in severe renal insufficiency and liver). Increased likelihood of allergies, intestinal atony (decreased muscle peristalsis). 400 – 500


Rotavirus violates the functionality of the gastrointestinal tract. Particularly affected are the functions of digestion and absorption. The enzymes should be used for the normalization of gastrointestinal function. Popular medicines in this group are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
festal Accept means 3 times a day for 1 - 2 tablets
  • allergic reaction;
  • abdominal pain;
  • nausea;
  • vomiting;
  • hyperuricemia (non-compliance with dosing).
  • allergy;
  • pancreatitis acute form;
  • chronic phase of pancreatitis;
  • violation functionality liver and kidney;
  • hepatitis;
  • increased bilirubin;
  • increased probability of occurrence of diarrhea;
  • age category up to 3 years.
100 – 700
mezim Accept agent 1 - 2 tablet 2 - 3 times per day. Precise metering is set by your doctor. Allergies, problems with a chair, abdominal discomfort. High probability of allergy, pancreatitis acute form, exacerbation of chronic forms of pancreatitis. 80 – 300

Funds from diarrhea

As prevent dehydration while loose stools, it is recommended to use antidiarrheal drugs. Through the use of the group of medicines can eliminate painful urge to defecate. Popular antidiarrheals are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
Imodium Tablet you need to put into the language, it automatically dissolves. The drug does not require zapivaniya.

If the acute form of diarrhea, it is recommended to take 2 tablets means after each bowel movement. And then the dosage was reduced to 1 tablet.

  • abdominal pain;
  • violation of a chair;
  • nausea;
  • dry mouth;
  • fatigue with minimal exertion;
  • drowsiness;
  • dizziness;
  • skin rashes.
  • bowel obstruction;
  • constipation;
  • bloating;
  • ulcerative colitis, acute form;
  • pregnancy;
  • Hypersensitivity to the components.
150 – 370
loperamide Starting means dosage - 2 capsules. When the situation is normalized, the medicament dosage is reduced to one capsule. Means it is recommended to take after each bowel movement.
  • allergy;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • dizziness;
  • dry mouth;
  • abdominal discomfort;
  • decreased urine volume.
  • a high probability of occurrence of an allergy;
  • Gastrointestinal infection;
  • pregnancy;
  • lactation;
  • age group up to 6 years.
15 – 60

antiemetic drugs

Due antiemetic drugs can eliminate the appearance of vomit. Popular medicines in this group are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
domperidone Take necessary means 1 tablet 3 times a day. The maximum dosage of medication a day - 30 mg. Disorders of the gastrointestinal tract, allergic reaction
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • breast-feeding;
  • age group up to 5 years;
  • a high probability of occurrence of an allergy.
80 – 180
metoclopramide Accepted to be 3 times a day. Dosage of the medicament - from 5 to 10 mg per once.
  • change in stool;
  • dry mouth;
  • fatigue with minimal exertion;
  • headache;
  • depression;
  • problems with menstruation;
  • allergy.
  • bleeding in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • neoplasm;
  • glaucoma;
  • pregnancy;
  • breast-feeding;
  • a high probability of an allergy.
30 – 40

Means to restore microflora

The normalization of intestinal microflora occurs after receiving drug. Popular medicines in this group are listed in the table.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

drug Name batching Side effects Contraindications The cost (in rubles).
Linex Means taking 2 capsules 3 times a day. If you are using Linex Forte, the dosage is 1 capsule per day. In the drug is well tolerated. Perhaps the emergence of allergies. Hypersensitivity to the composition. 300 – 600
bifiform In acute diarrhea remedy is recommended to take 1 capsule 4 times a day. When the situation is normalized, dosing is reduced to 2 - 3 capsules daily.

To normalize the intestinal microflora should take 2 - 3 capsules a day. Duration of treatment - from 10 to 21 days.

not identified Hypersensitivity to the components. 400 – 700

Traditional recipes

When rotavirus in adults can be used folk therapy. Compared with drugs, herbal recipes have a low probability of side effects. It is recommended to use a popular therapy in combination with medication, proper diet.

Popular herbal recipes:

  • Decoction of St. John's wort. For the preparation you need to take 1.5 tablespoons component and 250 ml of hot water. Put in a water bath, heated about 30 min. Filtered, add required amount of boiled water to make the total volume was equal to 250 ml. Take a decoction must be warm. Dosing equipment - small sips, up to 5 times a day. The mixture is allowed to store in a refrigerator.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies
  • A decoction of the rhizome. To prepare the recipe, it is necessary to take 1 tbsp component in dry form and 1 cup of hot water. Simmer 1 -. 2 minutes, then placed in a container must be thick cloth and hold until cool. Dosage mixture - 1 tablespoon every 10 min.
  • Decoction of pomegranate peels. Thanks to the prescription can reduce diarrhea. For the preparation should take 1 - 2 tablespoons crusts and 1 cup of hot water. Boil for 5 minutes. Wait for cooling the mixture filtered. Accepted 100 ml of 2 - 3 times per day.

What drugs can not be treated?

Rotavirus in adults (treatment involves the use of folk therapy) - a disease which does not recommend the use of antibacterial drugs. This group of drugs has an effect only on the bacteria, but not viruses. The result may be a worsening of the situation. In addition, antibiotics have a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.

Is it necessary to lower the temperature?

A small temperature increase churn is not desirable. pathogen activity decreases if the component is increased. That is, the body fights infection on their own.

An increase in temperature is a protective function. It is not recommended to reduce the rate, which is below 38 degrees. But we need to monitor the temperature, if it rises to the level of 39 degrees, then you must take action.

How quickly cured through diet?

With the help of diet can alleviate the condition. If a person adhere to malnutrition, the bodies are loaded.

it is recommended to adhere to the dietary table №4 rotavirus. Power intended to limit salty and sweet. And also it is recommended to eliminate fried, smoked, flour.

The main rule when rotavirus - Avoid dairy products. If we neglect can develop lactase deficiency. Pancreas in full does not produce the enzymes necessary for proper digestion of dairy products.

Nutrition should be a fraction. It is recommended to eat up to 10 times a day. Portions should be 30 - 150 g Due to the split meals, the stomach enters the small portions of food. It is recommended to cook steamed, roasted or boiled. Should be replaced with foods high in fat to low-calorie.

Do not forget about drinking regime. The recommended amount of pure water a day - at least 1.5 liters.

Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

And to add to the diet:

  • raspberry tea or lemon;
  • juice;
  • jelly.

Does rotavirus alcohol, Coca-Cola?

Some sources indicated that rotavirus can be used alcohol and Coca - Cola. After taking alcoholic drinks increase the burden not only on the liver, but also the entire body. The result is a deterioration, but no therapeutic effect.

On the application of the Coca - Cola with rotavirus can find positive reviews. But it is not known that a man took, together with a drink.

For example, if use coca - cola with drugs, it is not clear from what recovery occurs. If only Coca use for the treatment of rotavirus - Cola will not be able to cure the disease. It is better to apply the techniques that are often prescribed by the doctor - medicine, nutrition and folk therapy.

Do I need an enema?

If a person is present vomiting or diarrhea, you should not do an enema with rotavirus. If we neglect this rule, the liquid will come out hard and condition deteriorate. Therapy rotavirus is aimed at preventing dehydration. Enema can be used only with the permission of a doctor.

Can I get infected again?

Reinfection of rotavirus infection can occur. But the probability of this is minimal.Rotavirus in adults. Treatment with drugs and folk remedies

The body produces protective proteins against the disease. Most often re-infection occurs at a reduced functionality of the immune system.

Vaccination for adults

If you get vaccinated, the probability of infection is significantly reduced. The event is not included in the list of mandatory vaccinations. You can choose to be vaccinated against rotavirus charge in private clinics. This item refers to the preventive measures and helps prevent infection.

Commonly used vaccines:

  • RotaTeq. US drug manufacturer. The vaccine is to be administered 3 times at regular intervals.
  • Rotarix - Belgian vaccine. Immunity to the disease is formed after 2 months. after administration. Re-vaccination should be done after 60 days.

Rotavirus causes vomiting, diarrhea and abdominal pain. Treatment involves the use of drugs, folk remedies, proper nutrition. As a precaution it is recommended adults get vaccinated, which will reduce the chance of infection.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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