Diseases Of The Respiratory System

Whooping cough. Symptoms in adults, it is, treatment, infectious, the incubation period

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Pertussis is a bacterial infection. The causative agents of disease - Bordetella Pertussis.

Contagious disease in 70-90% of cases transmitted after contact with a sick person.

Pathological processes affect the respiratory tract. Against the background of abjection toxins occurs spasm of bronchial tubes. Irritating to respiratory system receptors, the brain receives a signal and there is bronchospasm. The main symptom in adults - is uncontrolled and nagging cough, due to intense, prolonged irritation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Videos about whooping cough

types of diseases

In medicine, distinguish certain forms of whooping cough in adults, each of which is accompanied by certain symptoms. The clinical picture will help your doctor to establish an accurate diagnosis and effective treatment to choose.

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Types of pertussis in adults:

Title Description
erased It is diagnosed more often in vaccinated people. The clinical picture is continued for a long time, but less pronounced. Status of the larynx is normal vomiting reflex is absent. Obliterated pertussis harder to treat.
subclinical It occurs in humans after close contact with a sick patient. The main feature - the short-term cough. The general condition of the person is satisfactory.
abortive There is a sharp regression of clinical signs of the phenomenon with the termination of the disease. Abortive type of pathology characteristic of catarrhal period.
Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period
Symptoms and treatment of pertussis depends on the clinical form

forms of the disease:

Title Description
typical Whooping cough develops no symptoms.
atypical There is a slight cough, in some situations it is missing.
bacillicarriers The man is not sick, he is a carrier of the pertussis bacillus.

It is important to establish an accurate diagnosis and begin treatment as progressive pathological processes provoke consequences.

Stage and grade

Whooping cough (symptoms in adults may not appear immediately, but after 5-10 days after infection of the body) with the development of pathological processes, 3 extends the steps of:

Title Description
Bluetongue The initial stage of the development of pertussis, when the bacteria are actively multiplying. The stage at which there are characteristic symptoms similar to a common cold symptoms (SARS). Fever, cough occurs. In some cases there is no fever. Man disturbing dry and compulsive cough, which can not be cured by various means.
Spasmodic (paroxysmal) Severe stage of whooping cough, accompanied by strong attacks. Man coughs uncontrollably and unstoppable. During the attack the face gets red or blue tint. Vein in the neck swollen, his eyes watering. When a person coughs, he sticks out his tongue. High probability of spasmodic whooping cough when breathing stops. Seizures are accompanied by separation glassy viscous sputum, sometimes vomiting. Bad cough violates the patient's quality of life, provokes muscular pain in the chest and abdominal wall. Disturbed hemodynamics, together with phlegm is released blood, there is a pneumothorax. Spasmodic step pertussis adult incontinence is also accompanied in most cases formed diaphragmatic hernia.
authorization period Stage of development of the disease when clinical signs are reduced. Painful cough lasts up to 2 months. Seizures are reduced temperature decreases. Rash on the face and neck disappears, appetite is restored.
Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

The last stage of whooping cough in adults - a recovery. Retained only residual cough for 6 months, other symptoms recede.

As the severity of disease are the following extent:

Title Description
easy Pathological processes develop gradually with increasing symptoms. well-being satisfactory. Moderate cough is accompanied by bouts of up to 15 times per day.
Moderate to severe The disease progresses. The cough becomes more frequent up to 25 seizures a day. Is accompanied by signs of choking, vomiting, turning blue lips, face and neck. Overall health deteriorates, there are problems with sleep and appetite. Face pale and swells. The high probability of complications.
Weight Condition of the person is degraded. Patient tormenting coughing up to 50 seizures a day. Nausea, vomiting and convulsions.

Identify the disease and determine the degree of its development will help the physician therapist, appointing a thorough examination of the patient. It is important to start early treatment to prevent serious consequences.


Pertussis (symptoms in an adult requires careful diagnosis to determine the source of pathological processes) is transmitted 90% of the airborne droplets. The first symptoms appear after 5-20 days. The average incubation period is 2 weeks.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

The first symptoms of the following diseases:

  • fever;
  • appearance of rhinitis;
  • weak cough;
  • general malaise;
  • irritability.

As the progression of pathological processes and spasmodic cough becomes paroxysmal in nature.

There is a whistling sound, the symptoms are more pronounced:

  • red or blue in the face;
  • eyes watery, bloodshot;
  • tongue is bent towards the top, it is pushed in some situations;
  • veins in the head, face, neck swelling;
  • frenulum of tongue is injured or ulcerate.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

With cough sputum stands on the consistency of thick and viscous. Neck and face are covered by a rash, swollen eyelids, skin pale. It is important to diagnose the disease to start treatment.

Causes of

The causative agent of the disease is the aerobic infection - pertussis bacillus. In the environment, under the influence of UV rays it dies quickly. When a pathogen enters the respiratory system of the human body, the infection is firmly fixed due to ciliated epithelium. Bacteria settle in the larynx, bronchi and provokes the development of the inflammatory process.

Dying, pertussis bacillus releases poison - endotoxins. Active bacteria produce an enzyme - adenylate cyclase. All these substances are irritating cough receptors, causing severe attacks.

Among vaccinated whooping cough is rare. The main reason for the appearance of the disease in adults - is the absence of vaccination. At older ages, whooping cough often runs hard, because the condition of the body is weak. In most cases, serious complications arise, because of the long incubation period.

The vaccination does not guarantee that the person is protected. Vaccination softens the course of the disease and protects against the possible consequences.


Identify the disease at an early stage of development is difficult because many of the symptoms of whooping cough in adults are similar to the symptoms of SARS and influenza. Diagnosis allows to differentiate pathological processes and to choose effective treatment.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

Title Description
General blood analysis The results show an increased level of leukocytes, lymphocytes.
Bacteriological sputum culture It allows you to define pertussis wand into the patient's body. Experts examine the mucus that collects on the back of the throat when you cough.
Serological blood test To determine the presence of specific antibodies in the patient's blood serum.
Linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) The survey results show the presence in blood of IgM antibodies and IgG antibodies starting from the second week after infection with the organism.

Determine the antigen of the pathogen help the polymerase chain reaction (PCR). To prevent the occurrence of complications the patient is also recommended to visit the lung specialist and undergo chest X-rays (FLG). The smear of the mucous membranes of the upper respiratory tract is further used for the diagnosis of disease.

When to see a doctor

Whooping cough (symptoms in adults to help determine the stage and extent of the disease) is not immediately, not only the first symptoms are very similar to the common cold and flu. But even in this case, do not hesitate or be engaged in self-treatment. You need to be diagnosed and begin treatment under medical supervision. Otherwise, a high probability of serious complications.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

the therapist will need help if cough every day becomes stronger.

Specialist immediately appoint blood and chest X-ray analysis. Ambulance person would need if he was gasping for breath during an attack. The patient grabs frightened by the throat and swallowed breath.


Warn the disease can be, if you remember the useful recommendations of doctors. The primary method of prevention of pertussis - is vaccination. Adults recommended immunized (injected immunoglobulin that has antibodies to a disease).

There are also ways to reduce your risk of getting an infection in the human body:

  • it is important to avoid contact with sick people;
  • stop smoking;
  • dress according to the weather, to prevent hypothermia;
  • support the immune system activities and proper nutrition.

Regularly performing breathing exercises can help reduce the risk of infection.

There are several combination vaccines for the prevention of whooping cough:Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

Title Description
DTP The vaccine with whole cells that protects against pertussis, diphtheria and tetanus.
Infanrix Vaccination does not contain cells. It helps to prevent whooping cough, diphtheria and tetanus.
Infanrix Hexa The vaccine provides additional protection against Hib, hepatitis B and polio.
Tetrakok Vaccination protects additionally against polio.
Bubo Kok The vaccine contains a component that additionally helps prevent the development of hepatitis B.
Pentaxim Vaccination helps to prevent diphtheria, tetanus, Hib, pertussis and tetanus.

Expressed immunity to the disease lasts for 3 years after vaccination. At the expiration of this time the immune system weakens.


Fight against whooping cough helps to kill the infection, therapy reduces coughing, facilitates the effects of hypoxia on the body. It is important to prevent complications, to support the work of the respiratory system and to prevent the occurrence of neurological pathologies. In complex situations, doctors use mechanical ventilation.


Treatment of pertussis has been a doctor therapist. Specialist prescribes medicines, given the state of the patient and the development of the inflammatory process. It is important to adhere to bed rest, to limit the impact of negative factors on the nervous system and to comply strictly with all the doctor's prescription.

Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period
drug Group Title application
antibacterials "Azithromycin", "Erythromycin" Medications eliminate pathogens pathological processes. The adult dosage is 0.5 g for 3 d day.
antipsychotics "Atropine", "Propazin" Reduce coughing. The medicine is administered subcutaneously. The adult dosage is 3 g per day, divided into 3 doses.
antitussives "Codelac", "Sinekod" Suppress coughing, blocking the transmission of impulses to the cough center. Adults appoint 1 tab. 3-4 p. per day. 3-5 g extends therapy.
expectorant drugs "Bromhexine", "Ambroxol". Medication taken after meals. The adult dosage is 1-2 pi. 3 r. in a day. Minimum course of treatment - 4-5 d.
antipyretic drugs "Ibuprofen", "Paracetamol" Adults appoint 200-400 mg (1-2 tab.) For 5 h. every 4-6 hours. The maximum daily dosage of drug, which can not exceed - 1200 mg (6 tab.).
anticonvulsants "Seduxen", "Chlorpromazine" The initial dose for adult patients amounts to 2,5-5 g 1-2 p. per day. it is recommended to increase the number to take medicine to achieve a therapeutic effect, to 10 g

Whooping cough (symptoms in adults can determine the extent and stage of development of pathological processes) are treated holistically, not only drugs but also vitamins, mineral complexes.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

During the illness need to strengthen the body. In some situations, apply immunostimulating agents ( "Echinacea", "Eleutherococcus"). Restore the psycho-emotional state helps anxiety medications containing plant components ( "Motherwort", "Valerian").

Remove the swelling of the airways to help antihistamines ( "Suprastin" "Claritin"). It is important to take the full course of treatment chosen doctor to prevent serious complications and consequences.

Traditional methods

Therapy pertussis conducted comprehensively. It is important that the drug picked therapists, given the diagnostic results and the degree of development of pathological processes. Many of the components of alternative medicine can trigger allergic reactions or exacerbate the patient's condition.

Title Recipe application
Garlic butter Mix vegetable oil (250 mL) with crushed garlic (4 large cloves). The resulting mass is put on fire, heat for 5 minutes. Cool and take scheme. Received means take 1 tsp 3 r. a day for 3-4 weeks.
Sunflower seeds The product is clear, 2 tbsp fry and chop. Add the honey (1 tablespoon) and water (2 tbsp.). The resulting mixture was put on fire. Heat for 30-40 minutes, cool and drain well. The medicine is recommended to take 1-2 tablespoons every day before meals for 3 weeks.
Syrup Grass creeping thyme (thyme) grind. Mix 20 g and 50 g of raw garlic. Pour all the components with water (0.6 L) was put on fire, heat, until the liquid is evaporated by half. A solution to cool, filter and add to it a natural honey (300 g). The syrup obtained by taking 1 teaspoon 3 r. per day.
Compress Mix honey and chopped garlic in equal proportions. Heat the resulting mass and placed on the chest. Top is covered with a gauze compress and wrap up warm scarf. Compress put every day before going to bed.
Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

An adult whooping cough, you can use a variety of lotions or compresses, but medicines for internal use to help achieve a better therapeutic effect.

Other methods

Whooping cough in adults treated with complex methods. Medications can help reduce symptoms.

You can use folk remedies, unless there are serious contraindications should also remember the doctor's recommendation:

  • to carry out sanitary-hygienic cleaning the room where the patient (ventilate and do wet cleaning);
  • maintain the optimum air temperature in the room (18-20 ° C), the fresh air helps to reduce the number and severity of coughing bouts;
  • adhere to a moderate regime, abandon the exercise, avoid negative psycho-emotional factors;
  • maintain optimum humidity in the room;
  • daily walk at least 2 hours.

During treatment with pertussis for adults are also encouraged to adhere to the diet:

Featured products prohibited products
  • milk products (yogurt, fermented baked milk, yogurt)
  • broth
  • fresh vegetables
  • cereals
  • eggs, liver,
  • cottage cheese
  • sour fruits and berries
  • solid products
  • crackers
  • alcohol, strong tea, coffee
  • grilled and smoked dishes

If the disease is often accompanied by vomiting, the food should be consumed in the form of mashed potatoes, in small portions, drink water more often.

Whooping cough can be used inhalants, which are able to take a strong, spasmodic cough. The procedure is carried out with saline or herbs. Inhalation is recommended to use a special device (nebulizer). He breaks down the drug into small particles, which penetrate into the remotest parts of the bronchial tree.Whooping cough. Symptoms and treatment of adults infectious, the incubation period

The therapeutic effect occurs rapidly due to direct exposure to the active ingredients in place of the inflammatory focus. Already after the first procedure, coughing decreases.

In stationary conditions the treatment of patients with pertussis designate chest massage, electrophoresis, UHF, ultraviolet irradiation. In some situations the oxygen therapy is performed to prevent the occurrence of respiratory failure.

possible complications

Without timely treatment of whooping cough in adults and progresses to provoke serious consequences:

Title Description
Bronchitis, pneumonia Disease are a consequence of the presence of a permanent inflammatory focus in the lungs.
secondary infection Due to a weakened immune system and reduce the movement of lymph develop congestion. It creates a favorable environment for the development of pathogenic organisms (pneumococci, staphylococci, streptococci).
Hemorrhage During severe spasms violated the integrity of blood vessels. High probability of bleeding in the brain and eyeballs.
Umbilical hernia Provoke persistent coughing.
Cardiac and pulmonary insufficiency Pathological processes lead to malfunction of the respiratory system.
prolonged hypoxia Blood circulation in the brain tissue of the myocardium. For prolonged hypoxia result in whooping cough structural changes in the bronchi.
chronic whooping cough In some cases the disease is fatal.
atelectasis The disease, which is characterized by lung tissue sticking to the loss of its lightness. Reduced respiratory surface, disturbed gas exchange, tissues and organs receive less oxygen. This is a dangerous condition, especially for the brain. The severity of the disease depends on the extent and area of ​​lung disease.

Pertussis also provokes serious brain disease, are accompanied by loss of consciousness and seizures. Against the background of strong paroxysmal cough can stop breathing, there are seizures, encephalopathy develops.

Whooping cough is a severe and debilitating illness. Its main symptom - a long, painful cough in adults. Without timely treatment is violated not only the habitual way of life, increases the risk of serious complications.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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