Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Scoliosis in adults. Treatment gymnastics exercise, folk remedies, massage, corsets, the operation

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Scoliosis - a spinal disorder that develops in childhood or adolescence. Most often it is stored in adults due to lack of timely treatment. Less often, it arises from the influence of external factors. Treatment of spinal scoliosis in adults could move much more difficult than in childhood, when bone tissue is in the process of formation.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Traditional and folk methods of treatment of scoliosis in adults
  • 2 drugs
  • 3 Folk remedies
  • 4 Physiotherapy
  • 5 Yoga
  • 6 wearing a corset
  • 7 Massage
  • 8 Physiotherapy
  • 9 Eastern therapy techniques
  • 10 Surgery
  • 11 Video of Scoliosis

Traditional and folk methods of treatment of scoliosis in adults

scoliosis treatment can be traditional or folk methods.

The main thing is that the chosen procedure was focused on:

  1. Search and elimination of the root causes of disease.
  2. Getting rid of the blocks that have a negative impact on mobility.
  3. Preventing and stopping possible changes in the joints and the patient's gait.
  4. Strengthening bone, normalization of the skeletal system.
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  6. Improve blood circulation paravertebral tissues.
  7. Elimination of pathologies caused by the development of scoliosis.
Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation

Among the traditional methods are distinguished:

  1. Physiotherapy - provides for the implementation of the patient set of exercises with a moderate load. It can be carried out independently at home and in the gym under the supervision of a qualified coach.
  2. manual therapy - performed by specialists (in the people - bonesetters). It is the impact of the therapist hands on some parts of the patient's body.
  3. orthotics - Methods, which provides wear a special corset which helps the spine to support the body and physically affects its shape.
  4. operative intervention - used in special cases, when conservative treatment methods do not help deal with the problem.
  5. Treatment with medication.Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation

As methods folk medicinal herbs tinctures are applied for oral administration, ointments prepared independently and talkers are used for external application. Any use of folk remedies is only possible after consultation with the doctor, and in cases where there is no need of surgical intervention.


Scoliosis in adults, the treatment of which requires a comprehensive approach that can not be cured with drugs. But, as additional funds, medication can greatly facilitate and accelerate the process of normal spinal condition recovery.

Most of the drugs in order to:

  • relief of pain;
  • elimination of inflammatory processes:
  • restoration of bone and muscle tissue, thanks to the restoration of the balance of vitamins and minerals.

In the treatment of scoliosis following groups of drugs are used:

  • Analgesics. Used for getting rid of the pain associated with the axial load on the curvature of the spine. In no case can not tolerate the pain, even in the event of the slightest pain, should received regular aspirin. It improves the blood supply to the spine active ingredient that reduces inflammation and relieves spasms. Aspirin can be applied without a prescription. The only contraindication is its negative effects on the gastrointestinal tract. As an analogy can be seen paracetamol and analgin.
    Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents. Are more potent and effective drugs than analgesics however are recommended for use in the expression pains. This group includes: Ibuprofen, Diclofenac, Voltaren. They help reduce inflammation, get rid of muscle spasms and reduce pain. These preparations are made in the form of tablets, ointments, and injections. 3. COX-2 inhibitors.
  • COX-2 inhibitors. These medicaments are more perfect in comparison with the above groups of drugs because they have no contraindications and does not affect the operation of the gastrointestinal tract. Recommended for use to reduce inflammation paravertebral tissue and pain.
  • Muscle relaxants. This group of drugs include agents, relieves muscle spasms. They have a number of contraindications, including drowsiness and lethargy, so recommended only during exacerbations. The most common drug of this group - Mydocalmum.
  • Non-narcotic analgesics. This group of drugs to treat severe pain relievers: ketanol, ketaleks, ketanov. Drugs help get rid of the pain and relieve spasm. They have a number of contraindications, which include: nausea, headache, disturbance of a chair and a negative effect on the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Vitamins and complex bracing means. Vitamin, mineralized complexes with a binding composition in the presence of calcium and vitamins D and P. They need to improve the overall condition of the body, improve muscle tone and increase the effectiveness of therapeutic exercises.

Folk remedies

Folk remedies can not be considered a full treatment of scoliosis. But as a complementary therapy to reduce pain and accelerate the healing process, their use is justified.

The most effective means can be considered compresses and warm baths.

manufacturing manual compression:

  1. In one cup of warm water to dissolve 2 tbsp. l. salt, it is better to use sea. The resulting liquid is necessary to moisten the bandage, a small towel or piece of cloth, applying a compress to the place of location of pain. Two hours later, the compress can be removed and put ointment Menovazin.
    Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
  2. We need to take equal parts horseradish potatoes and shelled, which must be passed through a meat grinder. The resulting slurry should be wrapped in a cloth and use as a compress. Compress worth keeping until until the burning sensation.
  3. A compress made from rye flour is mixed in the water in the form of a small cake. Putting it on the affected areas, you can immediately feel relief.

Terms of use of warm baths:

  1. You need to collect fresh pine branches, having made the infusion by boiling them for 10 minutes on low heat, and insisted more than 4 hours. Strained infusion must be diluted in a bath of warm water 1: 1.
  2. In 5 liters of water should be boiled chamomile 500 g for 6 minutes. Strained broth is added to a warm bath.
  3. You can take a bath with sea salt. One should use a bath of sea salt 2 kg, pre-dissolved in the pan (the salt crystals must be completely dissolved in water). Acquire sea salt is recommended in pharmacy.
  4. Gathering 1 kg of aspen bark, it is necessary to make the broth in a pot, boil it for 10 minutes. Broth should also drain and add to the warm water.

Take warm baths need for a week, alternating addition of various concoctions. The residence time in water should not exceed 20 minutes, the chest must be above the water level to protect the heart from the effects of camomile active substances.


Scoliosis in adults, the treatment of which is particularly important in stage 2, it is necessary to carry out by means of physiotherapy.

It must comply with a few rules:

  1. It is necessary to strictly limit the exercises that can aggravate the condition. These include: pull on the bar or hanging on the Swedish ladder; jumping, tumbling and other acrobatic elements; weight training via the additional weight (dumbbell bar, dumbbells); active run; torso twists.
    Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
  2. At the beginning of the training necessary to accurately perform the exercises, keeping a slow pace. It is constantly guided by the body to stop the reaction and training in case of pain.
  3. The number of repetitions and power load must be increased gradually, without overstrain of the back.
  4. It should alternate exercise the upper and lower back. One day to do the exercises, focus on the shoulder girdle, the second day - in the lumbar region.

All exercises should be carried out strictly under the instruction of physical therapist without breaks, just everyday training can lead to the desired effect. Recommended after training to have a half-hour rest, in turn rested on the sides.

Any workout should consist of three phases:

warm-up It allows you to warm up your muscles, ligaments stretch and strengthen the blood circulation in the muscles.
base load Performing the recommended exercise to correct curvature of the spine and strengthen the muscle groups of the back.
The ending Reducing the load, perform stretching exercises, breathing recovery.

The process of the exercises must be accompanied by breath control. Easy to have to constantly work to saturate the muscles with oxygen. Special training is significantly different from the usual. Because the curvature of the spine has a different effect on the muscles of the right and left sides of the back.

Because in the training program need to include these types of loads:

  1. unbalanced - aimed at training the muscle groups of one side of the body, while the opposite side is paralyzed.
  2. symmetric - contribute to the retention of the spine in an upright position. The load is evenly distributed on both sides of the back, resulting in muscle tone, a positive effect on the correction of the spine curvature.
  3. Detorsionnye - a special type of loads, provided for a relaxation of tight muscles and putting in the tone of relaxed.
  4. restorative - strengthens the whole musculoskeletal system, increase immunity and prepares the body for physical activity.

The development of training programs should only doctor, based on the individual characteristics of each patient.

Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
Scoliosis in adults can be corrected by exercise. Such treatment is effective.

But some of the most effective exercises are:

For muscle groups back
  1. Lie on your stomach, arms outstretched to the sides and lifting her head up, lifting the little arms while clenching hands into a fist. Root 5 exercise, increasing to 20.
  2. Lying on his stomach turn to raise his legs without tearing the pelvic floor. Perform 5 reps with a gradual increase to 15.
For the lateral muscles
  1. Lie on your right side, lean on his right hand, placed perpendicular to the body. Slowly raise and lower left leg. You need to do 5 repetitions and repeat the exercise on the left side.
  2. Lying on your side, you need to pull up the lower arm, resting his other hand on the floor. It is necessary to raise both legs up as much as possible. You need to perform 3 repetitions on each side.
for the press Lie on your back, keep your hands along the body. Alternately, lift your legs, with the second pause at the top, alternating with lifting both legs. Start standing with 3 repetitions, gradually rising to 7 times.
To correct posture Lying on your back you need to slowly raise and lower your head and shoulders. Start standing with 5 repetitions.
For correction of the spine Take an object weighing 1 kg, suitable book, bag of sand or grains. Sitting on a chair to put the subject on his head, holding the balance, and then get up and walk around the room so that it does not fall.


Adult Yoga - one of the ways to treat scoliosis of the spine. It can be attributed to the physiotherapist, while yoga has some special features. yoga should be under the supervision of an instructor, you can sign up for group lessons. The purpose of yoga is to create a corset of muscles and ghosts in their tone.

Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation

yoga will help stop the development of the disease, and eventually roll back her, adjusting posture.

Usually accompanied by a yoga breathing practices that help improve blood supply to the spinal card and to saturate the blood with oxygen. When visiting group yoga classes in fitness centers, it is advisable to go swimming, in the presence of the pool. Such a complex training is recommended not only for the treatment of scoliosis, but also for the prophylaxis and prevention of disease.

wearing a corset

Corsets are used for the treatment of scoliosis in the later stages. They are auxiliary complementary physiotherapy.

It performs the following functions:

  • stops the progress of the disease;
  • It captures the spine in the correct position, stretching and straightening it;
  • stabilizes the functioning of internal organs;
  • It reduces the load on the spine and allows the muscles to relax;
  • It helps maintain the correct posture.

There are many kinds of corsets, among which are:

  1. supporting corset - intended primarily for adults. It helps to relieve the load on the spine and reduce pain. Prevents the further development of the disease.
  2. correcting corset - used to treat children. Not only it helps stop the progression of the disease, but also to correct the spine, so it must be adjusted individually.
Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation

The support brace is not designed to treat the disease, it is used when the skeleton is completely formed and growth of bone tissue has stopped. Their main function - to stop the progression of the disease. The use of this corset is appointed individually by the attending physician.

The course of treatment is generally up to 3 months with periodic repetition. Wearing a corset supports need about 6 hours a day, during the greatest load on the spine.


Massage is a part of complex treatment on a level with physiotherapy, physiotherapy, and the course of medication using the corset. The main function of massage at a scoliosis - an improvement of blood circulation in the paravertebral tissues, improving muscle tone and accelerate the movement of lymph.

Properly executed massage relieves tired muscles, eliminates pain and relieve the load on the internal organs.

When the massage is best to use additional resources, such as oil, which relaxes the body and give a tone of muscles. Perform massage, should a qualified person, as an inexperienced person washes do more harm than good.


In addition to massage, the following methods of physiotherapy:

  1. power shower - a procedure is a kind of whirlpool. Impact on the spine executed high pressure water jet. Regular treatments help correct the curvature of the spine.
  2. electrophoresis - stimulation of the muscles of the back with the help of electrical impulses. It allows you to get rid of the pain and relieve muscle tension. If a special ointment, electrophoresis promotes deeper penetration of the active ingredients.
    Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
  3. phonophoresis - ultrasonic effect on tissue. It enhances circulation and paravertebral tissue oxygen saturation. It is also recommended for use with subcutaneous medications.
  4. Termoprotsedury - thermal effects on the affected spinal section, is used to improve lymph circulation, accelerating the recovery process and the allocation of cellular debris.
  5. Laser - the procedure is the impact directional light beam. It promotes the removal of run-off and reducing inflammation.

Eastern therapy techniques

Scoliosis in adults, the treatment of which was engaged in oriental medicine for a long time, contributed to the development of various methods, combined in groups.

They are as follows:

  1. acupressure - a kind of acupressure, produced by pressure on certain points of the body in charge of internal organs and systems.
  2. Acupuncture - acupuncture, which is the impact on the sensitive points of the body using fine needles. The course of treatment consists of 14-15 sessions performed every day or every other day.
  3. vacuum massage - Run with cans. It is aimed at strengthening the muscles and relieving pain by stimulating the subcutaneous receptors by vacuum.
    Scoliosis in adults. Treatment: gymnastics, folk remedies, massage, corsets, operation
  4. visceral massage - the impact on the human internal organs through the abdominal wall. It helps to relieve the internal organs from the negative effects caused by the curvature of the spine. This massage stimulates the liver, pancreas and stimulates the digestive tract.


Scoliosis in adults, the treatment is performed by surgery, usually remains in a state of neglect, when conservative treatments do not help.

The indications for surgery are:

  1. Severe pain that does not stop after taking painkillers and intensified during the day.
  2. Neuralgia
  3. Lack of effect of the application of the conservative treatments.
  4. Scoliosis of 3-4 degrees.
  5. Personal desire of the patient. More often than not insist on the surgery the young girls who have complexes because of the curvature of the spine.
  6. Cardio-pulmonary insufficiency.

Summing up, it should be noted that there are many methods of treatment of spinal scoliosis in adults. Each of them can help cope with the disease, most importantly, time to pay attention to it and begin to deal with the problem.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of Scoliosis

How to treat scoliosis of the spine, exercises:

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