Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Herniated lumbar spine. Symptoms, treatment exercise Bubnovskaya. To which the doctor ask

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spinal hernia - this is the most frequent disease of the locomotor apparatus of man. Most often it occurs in the lumbar region, at least - in the neck, upper chest area. Its symptoms are expressed aching or sharp pain sensations that bind movement. The disease is difficult and dangerous, it must be treated, and the sooner the better.

The content of the article:

  • 1 How does a hernia
  • 2 stage
  • 3 symptoms
    • 3.1 Among women
    • 3.2 men
  • 4 Pain in hernia
  • 5 Causes
  • 6 Diagnostics
  • 7 Treatment of acute period
    • 7.1 medicines
    • 7.2 manual therapy
    • 7.3 LFK
  • 8 subacute period
    • 8.1 drug therapy
    • 8.2 Physiotherapy
    • 8.3 Hirudotherapy
    • 8.4 Acupuncture
    • 8.5 Kuznetsov applicator
    • 8.6 Bubnovskaya Methodology: description, exercise equipment
  • 9 Exercise therapy in the recovery period
  • 10 Radical therapies hernia operation using
  • 11 Consequences and forecasts
  • 12 Video of vertebral hernia

How does a hernia

Most often, back problems occur in the stronger sex aged 25 - 50 years. In women, a hernia can occur when excessive load on the spine, trauma, age-related changes. A healthy intervertebral disc allows the mobility of the spine, takes away the burden.

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Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
How does a hernia

Inside is a nucleus pulposus containing liquid. Outside disc enclosed in a collagenous annulus fibrosus, which protects it from damage. If you violate the integrity of the shell, the kernel starts to bulge and eventually comes out. It begins to put pressure on the nerve endings and cause discomfort.


Emergence and disease formation occurs gradually.

Its development can be divided into 4 stages:

stage Characteristic symptoms
Vertebral disc prolapse Bulging nucleus pulposus at 2 - 3 mm. Rare pain during stress.
disc protrusion Protrusion core 4 - 15 mm, the occurrence of cracks in the anulus fibrosus, reducing disc height. Periodic aching and sharp pain in the lower back during overloads.
extrusion discs Yield core beyond its boundaries, destruction of the annulus fibrosus, the narrowing of the intervertebral channel. A sharp pain in the lower back, swelling and limited mobility.
sequestration hernia Separating a portion of the nucleus from the primary drive Piercing pain, limb immobilization.

When the rupture disk and the exit extrusion ring nucleus outwardly failure occurs after rotation body, lifting a heavy object.

There is a "cross" in the back, after which the person can not move. When disease 1 to 3 stages shown drug treatment followed by reducing treatment. When sequestration hernia, the disconnected part of the core dies quickly and creates the preconditions for the emergence of inflammation with purulent focus. In this case, urgent surgical intervention.


Herniated lumbar spine, the symptoms of which, depending on the stage of different symptoms, causes inconvenience to people, reduce their quality of life.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Herniated lumbar spine

Symptoms of this disease include:

  • Man feels aching or sharp pain when moving, especially with tilt and swivel the body to the side.
  • There may be partial or complete loss of sensation in the lower extremities.
  • Autonomic dysfunction may be: reduced skin temperature, swelling, increase skin dryness.
  • immobilization of the lower extremities may occur in severe cases.

Among women

Women sometimes feel, without knowing pain, that it is caused by intervertebral hernia. If left untreated, it is increasing in size, there will be more to squeeze blood vessels and arteries, blood circulation in small pelvis. As a result, it can lead to serious diseases of female reproductive organs, such as endometriosis, fibroids.


Men intervertebral hernia in the lumbosacral region leads to the disruption of the urogenital system. When running forms of the disease may have problems with defecation, urination and potency.

Pain in hernia

The main sign of the emergence and development of disease is a gnawing pain in the lumbar region, which occurs and increases with physical exertion. It can "give" in the leg or in both at once. At an early stage of the disease and the pain goes away for some time does not bother the person.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Pain in hernia

Later, at any time, with a sharp turn, the slope may be a sharp, piercing pain in the back, which captures the entire lower part of the body.

Most often painful sensations arise on the outer surface of the inner leg and of the foot. Sometimes a person can not straighten up and step on the foot. In severe cases, the person has severe pain in all movements. It strongly limp and can not keep the body upright while the spine bends to relieve pain.


The high probability of occurrence of a hernia is high in people suffering from degenerative disc disease and who have a family history of the disease.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods

Other causes are diseases of the following factors:

  • When the curvature of the spine load on it is uneven. This leads to wear discs.
  • The preparation of various spinal injuries after being hit or dropped from a height.
  • The disease can occur in athletes at the wrong exercises by lifting a heavy weight. This may lead to strain on the disc.
  • People who are forced to work for a long time in an uncomfortable position, there is a one-sided effect on the drives.
  • People leading a sedentary lifestyle, do not provide the necessary physical strain on the body. As intervertebral discs have their vascular system, they are powered by the muscular tissue of the back when the human movement. wheels feel starvation and become more fragile in weak muscles.
  • Women with pregnancy and childbirth body is under a double strain placed on the spine. During this period, they may cause this disease.
  • Women over 50 years are also at risk. After menopause, hormonal changes the body occurs: changing the structure of internal organs tissues often occurs a sharp weight gain. These factors contribute to the emergence of a hernia.

For normal operation of the intervertebral discs should be consumed during the day plenty of water. they dry up and destroyed by dehydration.


Herniated lumbar spine, the symptoms of which differ sharply by pain, is a serious disease and is fraught with various complications. To detect it and make a correct diagnosis, it is necessary to conduct a thorough examination.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods

To this end, the following effective methods currently exist:

  • Radiography - is the initial stage of diagnosis. With this procedure you can see the distance between the discs and for them to judge the presence of a hernia.
  • More rigorous method of research is a discography. In this case, the disc with the needle injected contrast agent. After development, the image, the shape and size of injected drug a doctor can make a diagnosis.
  • Ultrasound examination is one of the accurate and safe diagnostic tools.
  • The most effective and expensive method of examination is considered magnetic resonance imaging. By means of electromagnetic signals of a certain frequency is scanned patient intervertebral discs. The device receives the response signals, decodes them and draws a picture of the spine.

Treatment of acute period

During acute illness the person experiences a sharp piercing pain in the lumbar region, where it can not move. Patient is prescribed bed rest, painkillers. After a few days of treatment, the pain will begin to decrease.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Treatment of acute period

At any diseases of the lumbar spine it is recommended to lie, putting a pillow under your feet. Also in the acute phase of the disease, be sure to use a special bandage for the back. It helps to relax muscles and reduce their spasm. Strapping Belt must be worn when a person is in an upright position. During the rest it needs to be removed.


First of all, during this period the patient should remove the acute inflammatory process. He takes from 2-3 weeks.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods

To do this, the doctor prescribes several types of drugs of different directions:

  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs. One of the most effective and fast means considered diclofenac, has long been used in medicine. His counterparts are indomethacin, piroxicam.
  • Muscle relaxants are designed to relieve tension in the muscles. They can be sirdalud, Mydocalmum.
  • Drugs relieving tissue edema, such as furosemide or acetazolamide.
  • B vitamins They help restore damaged tissue structure.
  • If necessary, your doctor may prescribe vascular drugs that improve blood flow.

In severe cases, can lead neurologist novocaine block disadvantaged spine portion. This procedure will help numb and improve the patient's condition.

manual therapy

According to the doctors in question: whether it is possible to use manual therapy in the acute phase of the disease, differ sharply. Some of them are categorically against such procedures at this stage of treatment. Other experts believe that it is possible to carry out this treatment after the removal of edema with painless compliance regime.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
manual therapy

This treatment gives a good result when a hernia except for a shift of the intervertebral discs.

When properly conducted procedure, there is a circulation recovery and reduce pain. As a result, after the first session the patient has an overall improvement in health. Depending on the severity of the disease, these need to spend a few procedures.

For the treatment of hernias by this method should be very careful in choosing a specialist. In any coarse, unskilled manipulation disc injury can occur, which can have serious consequences, until disability.


Conduct gymnastics at acute stage of the disease is very risky. Any exercise may enhance the pain, swelling clamped nerve endings and increase of inflammation.

subacute period

Herniated lumbar spine, the symptoms of which become less pronounced in the subacute stage, needs to be treated as a medical drugs and other methods of rehabilitation. These include a variety of physical therapy, massage, hirudotherapy, acupuncture.

drug therapy

Subacute treatment period begins at 3 - 4 weeks after onset. At this time, the patient should continue to take the medication drugs anti-inflammatory and analgesic effect. This should be done to consolidate the results and complete recovery. Otherwise, the disease may become chronic, hernia size will typically increase.


During the treatment of hernia, physiotherapy is needed to restore the motor function of the spine, its mobility, reduce any ill effects. Depending on the disease, the individual patient, the neurologist conducts the necessary appointment.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods

Procedures used for physical therapy, curative effect on a particular body portion. Thus, at the cellular level occurs tissue regeneration, improving blood circulation.

  • An effective and commonly used method of treatment is electrophoresis. In this process occurs administering to drugs with an electric current.
  • The use of ultrasound in medicine has a positive effect on the damaged organ. It activates metabolic processes, decreasing pain and inflammation.
  • In modern medical equipment is widely used therapeutic effect on the fixed and variable fields of different frequencies. Magnetic therapy is used to treat all spinal pathologies.
  • For the rehabilitation of the body a good way to treat a hernia is a laser. With this method, improvement narrow light flux directed to the damaged organ, reduces pain and spasm.
  • The use of mineral water in baths and showers a beneficial effect on bone and muscle system of a person. This type of medical procedures is called balneotherapy.


Hirudotherapy involves a treatment of various diseases with the use of medicinal leeches. In the treatment of hernias in the lumbar region, doctors often recommend this technique to their patients. During the procedure leech is injected into the body of biologically active enzymes.Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods

These substances are able to restore damaged tissue structure, improve blood circulation and reduces swelling.

Course of treatment is the doctor for each patient individually. To obtain a good result usually lasts 10 sessions. Only contraindication data treatment method idiosyncrasy is administered to human leeches substances. Before the procedure necessarily required to test for allergic reactions.


Herniation of the lumbar spine, treat a variety of methods. One unusual way to recovery, which helps reduce the symptoms of the disease, is acupuncture. With this method a specialist acts with a sharp object at certain points of the body that are responsible for the work of the human body.

As a result, their activation occurs, regeneration processes are triggered in the injured body part. Thus removed the pain and the patient's condition improved.

Kuznetsov applicator

More than 20 years ago, a teacher from the Ural village Ivan Kuznetsov was invented applicator, later named after him. It is a mat with a needle attached to it squares. His modus operandi was based on the effects of needles on acupuncture points of the human body.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Kuznetsov applicator

The applicator has been registered as a tool for improving endurance athletes. Using it relieves pain occurring in back. To this it was enough to lie on this mat for 20 min. Currently, interest in acupuncture increases and by the people, and by scientists.

Experts are exploring new, innovative treatments, and people want to be healthy without the use of medication. The department created reflexotherapy device, wherein the method Ledneva applied, based on influence on acupuncture points by weak electric current discharge.

Bubnovskaya Methodology: description, exercise equipment

One of the most interesting and effective way to treat herniated discs was a system based on the work of the muscles of man. Dr. Bubnovsky more than twenty years moved on crutches after the injury. Subsequently, he developed his own method of healing the sick by means of movement

Bubnovsky believes, loading their muscles to exercise, you can solve many problems associated with spinal diseases. To wake up the internal forces of the body, he calls on all people to move more to carry out recreational gymnastics.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Methodology Bubnovskaya

Exercises Bubnovskaya procedure aimed at:

  • to improve the mobility of the vertebrae;
  • normalization of blood circulation;
  • amplification of a weak muscular system.

Conducting therapeutic exercises should take place with a calm and steady breathing of the patient. The amount of exercise is desirable to do 10-15 times. With the lack of physical fitness, they should be gradually introduced in the daily range.

System exercises Bubnovskaya:

  1. You need to start gymnastics with breathing exercises. To do so, sit back on his heels, making a full breath, raise your hands up and get up on his knees. On the exhale - back to sit on your heels. Then you need to spend a few slow cleansing breaths.
  2. This exercise helps stretch the spine. Lying on his back, bent legs need a little push. Then he should throw his hands back and take a breath. On the exhale, it is necessary to lift the upper body and pulled to the knees.
  3. To perform this exercise you need to lie on your back and legs bent at the knees. On the exhale, lift the pelvis should be to bring together and knees.
  4. In the following exercise you need: supine hands put under his head and feet to cross each other. On the exhale, pull your knees and elbows together.
  5. Relaxation exercises for the lower back is performed on all fours. It is necessary to shake his pelvis in different directions for 1 minute.
  6. The following exercise is performed at the same position of the body. To do this, on the inhale lean forward as you exhale, you need to straighten your arms and sit on your heels.
  7. Standing on all fours on the need to make exhalation swings upwards at first right, then left foot.
  8. The following exercises are performed sitting on the floor. Hands put behind his back, his feet do twisting swings from side to side for 1 minute.
  9. You need to turn on your right side and do inspiratory swing leg bent to shoulder as you exhale - a move straight leg. Similarly, should do these exercises lying on your left side.
  10. To perform this exercise should lie on your back, legs bent at the knees, hands on hips. One should try to sit down on the exhale without using their hands.
  11. The following exercise is carried out in such a way: you have to get on all fours and do side leg bent swings, trying to raise it parallel to the floor.
  12. You need to lie on the floor belly down, arms extended along the body. Need to raise exhale feet from the floor, the upper part of the body at the same time must remain motionless.
  13. With the same initial position of the body to be raise the upper body. Legs can not be separated from the floor.
  14. To exercise should lie on the right side, on a breath left knee touch the floor legs and exhale to make a move up. Then make a similar exercise lying on your left side.
  15. Starting position: Lying on the floor, his knees pulled to his chest. The legs should straighten up, keep your feet parallel to the floor. Then you need to inhale put your knees to the right, as you exhale - pick your feet up. After putting his knees to the left, and feet should again pick up.
  16. The following exercise is carried out to strengthen the abdominal muscles. To do this, lie on the floor, legs bent and put your right foot on the knee. Left elbow should reach to the knee of the right leg. Then you need to change the pace.
  17. To perform the exercise you need to sit down on the mat and in this position, perform the movement back and forth on the thighs and buttocks.
  18. Check strength exercises is necessary cleansing breath.
  19. After that you should do stretching muscles. To do this, you need to sit on the floor, feet to connect with each other. On the exhale, gently tilt the head to the feet, stretching his back.
  20. The following stretching exercise is performed as follows: straighten your right leg, left at the same time it should be bent. On the exhale, you need to reach for your toe. After that you should change the leg and perform a similar exercise.

Good results physiotherapy at regular gives its application. Necessarily before the training should consult with a physician. Most importantly, you must listen to your body, not to overload the muscles, carefully perform new exercises.

Exercise therapy in the recovery period

Herniated lumbar spine, the symptoms of which disappear with the onset of the recovery period should be treated with massage, improving physical education. This step comes after the 6 weeks of the disease. At this time, the healing of the damaged disk and restore the functions of the spine.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Exercise therapy in the recovery period

The main objective of therapeutic exercises is to strengthen the muscular system of the spine. Physical activity is the key to recovery. The result of training the back muscles become more resistant, increasing the distance between the discs is reduced protrusion of the nucleus pulposus.

Any physiotherapy carried out only under a physician's guidance. He individually select the desired range for the rehabilitation of the patient.

The exercises are usually conducted at a slow pace, lying on his back and carried as follows:

  1. It is necessary to straighten the legs and pull the toes themselves and from themselves.
  2. It should take turns in the direction of right and left legs.
  3. It is necessary to raise the hands up while inhaling, with socks to pull over.
  4. Legs should push the sides. Then the feet must be turned inwards, touching the big toe and then expand outward.
  5. Should bend the right leg at the knee and slide the heel on the floor, straighten it. Then, the same needs to be done with the left foot.
  6. It is necessary to alternately lift up the right and left leg.
  7. We need to do a circular motion raised right and left foot alternately.
  8. Should bend the right leg at the knee, expand it and put it aside. Then, the same needs to be done with the left foot.
  9. It is necessary to both legs bent and lift the hips several times.
  10. One must turn to the right side and lift up his left leg. Then do the left leg forward and backward. Both legs should be bent at the knees and straighten them.
  11. Should lie on your left side and do the same exercise.
  12. You must lie on your stomach and lift up his legs alternately.
  13. In the same position in the direction you need to take each leg alternately.
  14. Lying on your stomach should bend your knees and lift up both legs.
  15. In the same starting position should try to lift his head up.
  16. Should lie on your back, raise your hands up and spread them apart. Socks at the same time have to pull forward.

One of the auxiliary exercises for the spine is stretching it. This can be done while lying on his stomach on a chair without a back. Thus there is a natural tension of the vertebrae in the lumbar region.

Radical therapies hernia operation using

The complex methods not amenable to conservative treatment cases used surgical removal of the hernia. Usually, surgery is a last resort.

Herniated lumbar spine. The symptoms, the treatment Bubnovskogo exercises and other methods
Radical therapies hernia operation using

For the meeting shall be the following indications:

  • Prolonged pain that can not be removed medical drugs.
  • If progressive leg weakness.
  • Failure of the urogenital system.
  • Reducing the volume of the thighs.

Despite the fact that the possibilities of modern medicine is very high, this method of treatment is quite traumatic procedure. After it possible postoperative complications until the disability. In addition, it is possible that the hernia may reappear.

Consequences and forecasts

It is a complex disease, hernia, is not for human judgment. Depending on its stage, you can select the desired mode of treatment. As a preventive measure, after the restoration and rehabilitation activities, helpful person constantly engaged in gymnastics or other gentle physical exercise. They may be walking, swimming.

In everyday life, to be followed from the harmful effects of the spine:

  • axial load should be avoided, in which a man stands up straight and holds the load, especially at arm's length.
  • To exclude hypothermia lower back and legs. This can cause a spasm of blood vessels and the development of the inflammatory process.
  • In sporting activities should not be lifting weights, doing lunges.
  • You can not engage in parachuting, riding on a horse.

Hernia of the spine, including the lumbar treatable at any stage of the disease. Using modern methods of medicine, you can remove the symptoms, improve overall health, live a full life.

Video of vertebral hernia

Exercise therapy in lumbar hernia:

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