Diseases Of The Nervous System

Tic eye century on his face. Causes and treatment for adults, children. Symptoms, how to get rid, remove: drugs, pills, tips neurologist

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With the small twitching of facial muscles around the eye, or a nervous tic eyes, many people face. Its causes are diverse. To cope with this phenomenon, it is important to know as much as possible about its nature. Since in some cases the tick can annoy the person you need the time to begin its prevention and treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of primary and secondary nervous tic
  • 2 Why it occurs more frequently in the eye, eyelids
  • 3 Symptoms in adults and children
  • 4 To which the doctor ask?
  • 5 Diagnosis of nervous system
    • 5.1 Analyzes the reasons for setting a nervous tic
    • 5.2 instrumental examination
  • 6 First aid for nervous tics
  • 7 nervous tic treatment of eyes: effective techniques
  • 8 Drugs: the name of the tablets, instructions for use
  • 9 traditional treatments: recipes means, the dosage regimen
  • 10 Food
  • 11 Relaxation
  • 12 Essential oils for the face
  • 13 Exercises
  • 14 disease prevention
  • 15 Tips neurologist
  • 16 Videos about the causes and treatment of nervous tic

The causes of primary and secondary nervous tic

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Twitching of the upper or lower eyelid - a local phenomenon, it is not controlled by the human brain, almost not subject to the will. Some of his titles - hyperkinesis or blepharospasm. Tick ​​never pursues a man in a dream. In children it is more common than in adults, and more often in boys than in girls.

Phenomena of this kind are primary and secondary.

Primary tick is often seen in children, less common in adults. In most cases, the primary end ticks to 18-20 years. They are associated with hyperactivity of one of the areas of the brain that is responsible for many of the movements that are performed automatically, ie without the involvement of the cortex.

The primary causes of tics include:

  • Stress. mental stress for a long time, emotional stress, emotions, physical exhaustion, fear.
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
  • Allergic manifestations, eye infections, especially accompanied by separation pus, tears. Man forced to blink more often, and this overload can cause cramps unproductive.
  • Body of overload. In the risk zone hobby reading, non-stop use of modern technology, requiring constant concentration of view on the screen. Especially risky eye strain for a long time at night.
  • Regular violation of the basic tenets of a healthy diet, The regime of the day, over-voltage, smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages can lead to this trouble.
  • Genetic factor. This feature can be an inherited trait.

A nervous eye tick (the causes and treatment of disease - later in the article) of the secondary type - more serious neurological phenomenon, the basis for the development of which is brain damage.

It can indicate the following diseases and conditions:

  1. head injury;
  2. poisoning, intoxication (in particular carbon monoxide);
  3. problems with the system of the brain circulation;
  4. Various types of encephalitis;
  5. middle ear disease, stroke, epilepsy, schizophrenia and the like;
  6. infections such as cytomegalovirus and herpes;
  7. use of drugs, some drugs and excess caffeine;
  8. brain tumor;
  9. facial neuralgia, or inflammation of the trigeminal nerve.

Secondary type of tick - a manifestation of another disease to be treated first.

Why it occurs more frequently in the eye, eyelids

Distribution of teak process starts with the muscles of the head. If the condition does not improve, the help is not provided, tics may occur in other muscle groups throughout the body. This can be any jerking of muscles, which is preceded by a feeling of tension. Tiki evolve from localized (in one place) to generalized (affecting different muscles).

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

Most people feel local tics that involve the upper and lower eyelids, due to the abundance of nerves and mobility.

Symptoms in adults and children

Tic eyes causes and treatments which are described in the medical literature in considerable detail, is shown as follows:

  • First, there is a short-term sense of tension century.
  • Then develop their own tick - multiple repetitions of muscle cramps, trace their frequency or rhythm impossible. The intensity of the contractions - from barely noticeable spasms, which are not visible to others, to quite tangible that can virtually close the eye. The duration also varies from one to two seconds. and more.
  • Soreness at the moment no. If their efforts to try to stop the spasms, concentrating attention on them, the attack could be longer.
  • Status teak has no effect on intellectual abilities, nor the work of his nervous system as a whole.

Children perform worse with stress and often do not understand what is happening. Hence, the more violent reaction, which can lengthen the attacks teak or teak generate activity. This means that when an excessive focus on one-off episode may develop a series.

To which the doctor ask?

Since different primary tics caused by psycho-emotional state, and secondary to the more serious causes of organic properties, and the experts will be different in this regard. If a child tick happens rarely, affecting only the eyes, it is enough to consult a pediatrician. Usually special treatment in such cases is not required.

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

When the tick has appeared in an adult, often repeated and even amplified, you may need to consult a neurologist or neurologist and an additional examination. In some cases, may advise and psychotherapist. In addition to these experts, the secondary tics involved in trauma, oncology, psychiatry, infectious disease, toxicology, genetics and drug treatment.

Diagnosis of nervous system

In some cases, for the correct dosage regimen required to make a survey of the patient's nervous system. Physicians by various techniques differentiate blepharospasm and other hyperkinesias seizures, such as epilepsy.

Analyzes the reasons for setting a nervous tic

Tic eye develops for many reasons.

To clarify the etiology, as well as the correction of the treatment plan in some cases carried out laboratory tests:

  • Ionogram shows blood levels of the patient's calcium and magnesium ions, which is responsible for the lack of convulsive.
  • To diagnose the state of the thyroid gland, which can affect the appearance of teak, it makes sense to take a blood test for thyroid-stimulating hormone.
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
  • In urine, experts can detect traces of psychotropic substances, drugs.
  • copper levels in the blood is defined to exclude gepatotserebralnoy dystrophy - hereditary liver disease affecting the nervous system in general.
  • General blood test will show the presence of infection in the body.
  • Fecal conducted on eggs of worms (the diagnosis of tick in children).

instrumental examination

With instrumental surveys reveal physicians, resulting in tick eyes appeared especially important when this phenomenon occurs in the adult.


  • To investigate the activity of different brain regions, the establishment of seizure patients designate holding of the electroencephalogram (EEG).
  • To exclude brain pathology (tumors, hemorrhage, etc.), apply the method of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI).
  • Skull examined for computer tomography to detect tumors and bone injuries (CT).
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
  • Myography (EMG) detects the electrical activity of different muscles at rest and during stress. Held for diagnosing signal transmission from nerves to muscles.

First aid for nervous tics

Since the most common cause of primary nervous tic is eye fatigue, and the first means will naturally relaxation. Experts advise when Abbreviations century close your eyes, try to relax the muscles of the face and neck.

To quickly remove muscle tone, you can first open wide eyes, and then a few times to blink rapidly and dramatically. Behind closed his eyes and for a minute at rest. To tick is not repeated, and is not fixed, it is important to stop for the next 30 minutes. strain your eyes reading, take a break from watching TV, not to look in the phone or on the computer screen.

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

The best "cure" for the eyes in this case - a look into the distance.

First aid in the event of a child with teak - distract him from this phenomenon, completely turn your attention to something interesting. This ensures not only that the child does not focus on the unpleasant feeling, but also in his brain quickly calm down unwanted nerve impulses.

An adult with a lingering eye tick can strongly press for 7-8 seconds. finger on the middle of the eyebrows, where the nerve passes. In addition, one way is pressing 2nd finger for 5 seconds. on the corners of the eyes, which reduces the eyelid.

nervous tic treatment of eyes: effective techniques

After finishing examination, the attending physician, if necessary, prescribe treatment teak. But only if other causes, except psychosomatic, for its occurrence is not found. In secondary tick it disappears after a symptom relief underlying disease. Separately secondary tick is not treated.

Therapy may be dosage and without the prescription drugs (therapeutic techniques mode establishment).

There are a number of suggestions for alternative medicine:

  • massage;
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
    The causes of disease are different, as well as the treatment of nervous tic eyes. Help massage, acupuncture and osteopathy.
  • acupuncture;
  • Botox;
  • Osteopathy and others.

Drugs: the name of the tablets, instructions for use

Tic eyes causes and treatments which are administered by the neurologist, often eliminated using medications that affect the nervous system in general.

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

There are several types of medicines:

drug Name Key actions Let's say if the reception children
calcium gluconate Assigned when calcium deficiency. It controls the process of nerve impulses and muscle contraction and relaxation. Yes
Magne B6 Is indicated for magnesium deficiency, also comprises a pyridoxine, improves absorption of magnesium. These substances are actively involved in the metabolism, regulate the nervous system, reducing spastic activity. After 1 year
Glycine It regulates the metabolism and the central nervous system, improves performance, reduces the mental stress. Yes
Sedatives, nootropics
Infusions of medicinal herbs (valerian root, motherwort, sedatives charges) Gently soothe the nervous system, helps to fight insomnia and increased anxiety Yes
afobazol Controls the level of anxiety, tidies sleep easily stimulates efficiency no
Persen It is used for control of sleep, it has a slight sedative effect, improves mood and reduces anxiety With 12 years
Phenibut It helps to cope better with stress, improves blood circulation and transmission of nerve impulses Yes
Pantogamum Improves brain blood flow, reduces the effects of stress, relieves anxiety and is anticonvulsant Yes
diazepam It eliminates fear and anxiety, reduces tension psyche, relaxes the muscles, has a slight soporific effect Yes
phenazepam Has provided substantial assistance in getting rid of anxiety, seizure activity, relaxes the muscular system no

traditional treatments: recipes means, the dosage regimen

Common method of folk healing packs are from plants and broths for lotions. For the treatment of ocular teak apply compresses of geranium leaves. They should be crushed to highlight the juice, wrap with gauze and attach to the disturbing place for 10-15 minutes. This procedure is recommended to repeat for a few days.

Also for lotions used a decoction of the leaves of plantain with honey. To cook 2 tablespoons. l. chopped fresh leaves are brewed in a half glass of boiled water, cooled decoction is mixed with h. l. honey, and then applied on a cotton swab to the closed eyes for 20-30 min. The procedure can be repeated every day for a week.

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

Such lotions are also made in a similar manner from broth chamomile and simply applied to the closed eyes cotton pads soaked in cold water.

In addition to external resources, traditional recipes and offer soothing decoctions for oral use. Glass chamomile infusion (one packet filter in 200 g of boiling water) to cool to 40-30 degrees, mix with h. l. honey. Taken in the morning and evening.

Decoction of 1 tbsp. l. Hawthorn berries in a glass of boiled water drink in the morning, afternoon and evening 100 grams before meals. A decoction of mint, chamomile and lemon balm (according hours. l. each herb) drink before bedtime. Such fee calms the nervous system and helps relieve anxiety.


Food - the most important component of a healthy lifestyle, which is a basic requirement of doctors in the treatment of tics. Important as a balance of nutrients coming from the food, and the mode of its reception. On the day you need to organize a 5 meal: 3 main and 2 additional snacks. This is especially true of the child.

All food must contain the correct ratio of carbohydrates, fats and proteins in the following proportions: 50, 20 and 30%. Variety, fresh food, slow carbohydrates, low sugar, plenty of fruits and vegetables - these are the basic principles of healthy eating.

Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

It is important to supplement the diet products supplied calcium and magnesium: Hard cheese, canned fish, legumes, leafy green vegetables, sesame seeds and sunflower seeds, cashews and pine, bran, cocoa.


Nervous eyes tick (causes and treatment of it are directly dependent on the state of the human nervous system) well amenable to correction, if the patient along with other methods of treatment practiced various techniques relaxation.

Many of them, everyone can choose what to taste:

  1. classes at the yoga studio;
  2. nightly walks in the fresh air;
  3. slow exercises to soothing music;
  4. fragrant baths;
  5. meditation;
  6. relaxing massages;
  7. bath procedure without extreme experiments;
  8. communicating with pets;
  9. netyazholaya working in the garden and much more.
Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist

The basic principle of selection should be that as a result of a busy person feels calm, cool and get rid of negative emotions and thoughts.

Essential oils for the face

It justified the use of aromatic oils in the treatment of hyperkinetic. Useful for getting rid of a nervous tic are peppermint oil, orange, rose, lavender and juniper. They are using special aroma lamps saturated with air in the room, a man, literally one drop can be applied to the back of your hands, or pendants, take a bath.

It is important to remember is that the first time it is necessary to apply the oil in small doses and with care in their own skin they can cause an allergic reaction.


The basic principle of exercises to help get rid of the spasmodic contractions - is alternating voltage and complete muscle relaxation.

The specialists of the following exercises are recommended:

  • Much squinting, then open your eyes and relax your eyelids. Done 7 to 10 times.
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
  • In a prone position with their eyes closed to relax the muscles of the neck and face. Opening his mouth, say the sound "s" or "I" at the same time the most relaxing the upper part of the face. Repeat 5 times. This exercise can be done with cool or herbal compress on the eyes.
  • With moisturizer lower eyelid massage, and then for 40 seconds. it is necessary to blink without stopping.
  • In the sitting position to blink several times and then squint, his eyes wide open. Repeat the sequence 5 times. When charging cover eyelids and sit for 5-7 minutes., To relax the muscles around the eyes. The head should rest against the backrest.

disease prevention

Tic of the eye (the causes and treatment are described in the article), as well as many other neurological conditions, well amenable to prevention. It is to create a favorable psychological climate, establishing the regime of the day, food. If in today's world it is impossible to live without stress, then minimize their consequences - is quite capable to everyone.

It is necessary to observe the basic rules of maintaining overall health and nervous system, in particular:

  • In a healthy body healthy mind. It is important not to run the disease, timely medical examinations take place. You should not self-medicate. Council applies to any disease, but is particularly relevant in relation to the eye. Any eye infection and a different kind of problem it is important to finish the cure to the end.
  • Observe mode, sleep and rest. Night's sleep in a sufficient amount (for children up to 7 years - day mandatory), vacation, weekend and evening walks in the fresh air. All this will help to give the psyche of resources to deal with stress.
    Causes and treatment of nervous tic eyes, century, signs on the face of the adult, child. Medicines, tablets, tips neurologist
  • Proper nutrition - the foundation of health.
  • Reasonable physical activity is important to maintain a balance.
  • Avoid bad habits: smoking, receiving large doses of strong alcohol and other psychoactive substances. Do not get carried away coffee, from which large doses of the nervous system suffers.
  • You should regularly give your eyes a rest. When reading, watching TV, working on a computer or smartphone can not forget about the pauses every 1.5 - 2 hours. During rest for 5 - 10 minutes. should look alternately translate the horizon on a close objects. You can just close your eyes and relax.
  • Eye tick in children - a clear sign of the increased level of anxiety. Parents and loved ones important to protect young children from the stress, conflicts, difficult choices, and other traumatic events psyche.

Tips neurologist

On the way to get rid of this unpleasant phenomenon doctors isolated a number of issues that are important to everyone:

  1. attention to themselves and to all new, what happens to the body;
  2. observation of the dynamics of the process;
  3. conscious exclusion of harmful factors;
  4. strict adherence to the advice of experts.

Like any other "failure" in the human body, a nervous tic - a symptom of trouble bodily or mental properties. Eyes react, as a rule, first: many, very moving muscles begin to behave properly and signals the problem.

In most cases, the causes of the phenomenon are simple and easy to explain, the phenomenon does not require treatment. It is important only to return to a healthy lifestyle - and teak stop by itself.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the causes and treatment of nervous tic

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