Diseases Of The Nervous System

Epilepsy. Causes of adults, symptoms, treatment of the disease. From what occurs at night, alcohol purchased. How to stop the attacks of folk remedies, pills, drugs at home

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Epilepsy - a disease caused by a violation of the brain. The reason for its occurrence may be a hereditary factor, external or internal influence. Single seizures in adults does not mean that it is a chronic epilepsy. This may be due to accumulated fatigue, poisoning, severe stress.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of epilepsy in adults
  • 2 symptoms of epilepsy
  • 3 First aid
  • 4 Interictal manifestations of epilepsy
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 Forecast
  • 7 epilepsy treatment
  • 8 medical methods
  • 9 Drug-free methods
  • 10 Especially life with epilepsy
  • 11 Videos about epilepsy

The causes of epilepsy in adults

Epileptic seizure in a patient often occurs suddenly, there is no apparent reason. When the first seizures necessary to apply to the neurologist, to identify the source and destination disease treatment.

In medicine distinguish the causes of the 3rd group:

  1. idiopathic. This group includes hereditary factor, no visible changes in the structure of the brain. These people neurons are arranged differently than in healthy people and in the event of adverse conditions cause an epileptic seizure.
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  3. symptomatic. Characterized by changes in the cerebral cortex. Sometimes the appearance of attack can be influenced by external factors (loud noise, fright, strong excitement). This group includes the reasons: head injury with blood circulation or bleeding; presence of tumor in the brain; long anoxia; complication after infection (meningitis, encephalitis, tetanus); stroke and increased intracranial pressure; side effects of prolonged use of toxic drugs and alcohol; Poisoning by toxic substances (mercury, lead, carbon monoxide); narcotic drugs; deterioration of brain cells due to age-related changes.
  4. cryptogenic. This group includes not identify the causes of the disease. No change in the cerebral cortex.
Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs

Head trauma and oxygen deprivation may be unsuccessful during childbirth, but the disease can make itself felt only in adulthood. Attacks that bear the symptomatic cause, can be caused by anxiety, fatigue or exhaustion of the organism. Sometimes it can occur without concomitant factors.

symptoms of epilepsy

Epilepsy (causes of adults may be uncertain, which sometimes makes it difficult to diagnose) is different from the symptoms of a nervous breakdown. That it is possible to quickly identify the disease and seek medical help. Epileptic seizure can occur in various forms, so the symptoms may vary.

The main symptoms of epilepsy:

  • unconsciousness;
  • the patient can not control the work of the muscles;
  • possible increase in body temperature on the attack time of up to 38 degrees;
  • stillness and emptiness of the eyes;
  • speech impairment;
  • skin become bluish tinge;
  • a temporary cessation of breathing, or a strong deceleration;
  • head thrown back unnaturally;
  • spontaneous process of urination and defecation;
  • convulsive twitching of the limbs;
  • presence of foam secretions from the oral cavity, sometimes vomit;
  • after returning to the feeling of the patient does not remember happening.

Attack can not always accompanied by any symptoms, depending on the form fit can be present flow features described in the table.

They are as follows:

Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs
Type of attack symptoms notes
classic fit
  1. The patient to attack and exhibits enhanced activity perevozbudimost.
  2. Due to muscle tension a person loses his balance and lying takes an arcuate shape. Breathing is substantially reduced or absent. The complexion becomes tinged with blue from lack of oxygen. Period lasts up to 30 seconds.
  3. Involuntary spasmodic contraction of muscles with foam mouth release. After the end of seizures occur restoring breathing and skin color. Duration 5 min.
  4. The patient is unconscious, the muscles are completely relaxed, that provokes the enuresis, sometimes the process of defecation. The duration of the period up to 30 min.
  5. Man falls asleep. Since the brain needs time to recuperate. After returning to the consciousness of the patient is marked weakness, headache, loss of coordination.
During the seizure the patient may bite his tongue and cause injury to themselves involuntarily.
Abanas The patient falls into a faint, his consciousness is turned off. He looks at a single point blank stare. Hands, feet, facial muscles remain motionless. The duration of no more than 30 seconds. At the end of the attack the person can continue the conversation, or do an action begun before the epilepsy. Attack the patient himself does not remember. attack danger. It can happen on a pedestrian crossing or when bathing.
Attack without convulsions It characterized by weakness in muscles, due to which the balance is lost. Possible temporary loss of consciousness. No seizures. In the fall is likely to get injuries.
Night fit Characterized by an unconscious movement during sleep. Often repeated action that the patient produces a day. A person can go to the balcony and fall with him, tripped on the subject and to lose his balance.
Attack with a slight contraction of muscles Can tick century, arms, legs. muscle twitching only the first half of the body. The patient is conscious. Perhaps speech disorder.
Attack with overexertion of muscles body muscles tense, and the patient can not change the position while the tone is not back to normal. Usually a person receives an arched position. Perhaps the trauma, if a person lose his balance.

Before starting the attack the patient may notice a change of smell, hallucinations, teak century or finger. This will allow to prepare for the seizure and hold. Even if there are doubts about the presence of epilepsy and seizures are not often need to see a neurologist, until the disease started to progress.

Each fit disrupted cell functionality and occasionally killed neurons in the brain.

First aid

When an epileptic fit is important to first aid. A person during a seizure is often in a state of irresponsible and loses his balance. To do this, the patient must be carefully laid on its side, is placed under the head roller improvised (or it can be placed on the knees). Do not give to roll over on his back.

Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs

In this position, it eliminates the possibility of choking with saliva or vomit. Remove chains, watches, and bracelets, so they do not interfere with the blood supply. Also, the patient may they injure themselves. When there are a number of things are dangerous, they should push back or remove.

Ensure supply of fresh air. To do this in the room you need to open the windows in the street to ask others not to crowd near the patient. To facilitate breathing to relax robe. can fan the patient to improve ventilation.

If the patient's mouth open, do not hold language, or he may bite his or her fingers to anyone who provides assistance. During the first phase of the attack, the tongue is tight, and there is no sticking of it. You can not try to open your mouth, if it is closed, so it is possible to injure the jaw or broken teeth. Insert objects into his mouth to prevent biting tongue is prohibited.

Do not wake up, do not try to drink the patient and not to give medication to the arrival of an ambulance. Do not leave the patient alone. When a person comes after an attack, you need to give him a drink of water and go to sleep. The body itself will demand it.

If the victim is trying to get to the end of the attack, it is not necessary to give him to do so.

You can not try to bring the patient to feel or move it (move the victim is allowed, if the place where the attack occurred, is dangerous).

If at the time of seizure a person walks, do not wake him or hinder movement. It is only necessary to clear the way for him and prevent a fall. When the attack duration of 5-7 min., It is necessary to call an ambulance as needed drugs reduce muscle tone.

Interictal manifestations of epilepsy

Epilepsy (the causes in adults often remain unclear, so the patient can be in constant tension between seizures) is dangerous not only attacks, but also between attacks manifestations. Man is at constant readiness to seizures, in this regard, becomes inattentive, irritable. Headache becomes constant.

Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs

The patient, due to tightness of the disease, can move away from friends and inward. Often loses interest in life, and a sense of inferiority. Therefore, if a person is very sensitive to the onset of the disease is recommended to be observed not only by a neurologist, but also a psychiatrist.


Epilepsy is subjected to continuous diagnostics to determine the cause of the attacks. In adults suffering from seizures, in the primary treatment of the disease investigated the presence of a hereditary line.

And also collect information about how attacks occur, how long it lasts. Sometimes the doctor may ask the family members to remove during the attack, for the correct diagnosis.

To clarify, is not epilepsy consequence of an infectious disease or a tumor, appointed by giving blood and urine tests. If they are confirmed, then remove the original cause of the disease. After recovery, seizures may stop.

epilepsy treatment will be scheduled after the passage of procedure:

  1. MRI (Magnetic resonance imaging). It is used to eliminate tumors and determine the operation area, if it is decided epilepsy surgically.
  2. CT (CT scan). It helps to identify abnormal neuronal activity locally. And also shows the status of soft tissue and bone in the brain.
  3. EEG (Electroencephalogram) EEG and video. It is used to measure brain waves and to clarify the diagnosis and correction of the treatment, if prescription medications do not reduce the number of attacks.
  4. PAT (Positron emission tomography). It helps to detect injuries and scars that can provoke seizures.
  5. SPECT (Single photon emission computed tomography). Applied prior to surgery, to determine the portion of the brain for removal. PET and SPECT can be used only in conjunction with MRI.
  6. An ophthalmologist should check the condition of the vessels in the fundus of eye swelling and whether disk drives are not available.
  7. Testing for attention, Speech and memory.
Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs
Epilepsy is diagnosed by different methods, such as MRI, EEG, CT, PET.

The final diagnosis and treatment a doctor can determine after the passing examinations. MRI and EEG several times can be assigned. Before and after the attack. For a more accurate picture of the disease.


Treatment of seizures has a favorable outcome. After timely treatment, the patient is able-bodied, but with limitations (you can not work at night and in the field with high precision and extremely hazardous). Seizures may occur less frequently than once every 5-7 years. If more frequent, the neurologist appointed anticonvulsants.

The outcome of treatment is influenced by the following factors:

  • the cause of the disease. After infectious diseases, epilepsy is more difficult to treat;
  • how often seizures occur if treatment is started at the first attack, the chances for full recovery above;
  • social and everyday living conditions;
  • age. From 18-45 years a better chance to transfer a disease into remission;
  • compliance with all treatment recommendations.

If epilepsy is not treated, the disease may progress to dementia. Also attack can end in a fatal outcome due to irreversible changes in the brain.

epilepsy treatment

Epilepsy (causes of adults identified in the survey and influence the assignment of treatment) docked with the correct treatment. After the end of the diagnosis rate is assigned by a neurologist and psychotherapist.

It includes:

  1. Receiving the drugs: anticonvulsants. To prevent the attack; painkillers. After the seizure sore muscles, and there is a severe headache; vitamins and sedatives.
    Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs
  2. Physical exercise and dieting.
  3. Surgical intervention (under local anesthesia). It may be imposed, if the reception of drugs considered inappropriate.

Treatment with drugs takes a long period, it may be permanent.

In the treatment should not be:

  • taken randomly drugs requires strict intake over time;
  • if the drug were side effects, can not be independently replaced by counterparts;
  • while improving the well-being to stop taking drugs;
  • loud music and long pastime in front of the computer. Watching movies on the flickering screen.

Only a neurologist and psychotherapist may cancel or reduce the amount of prescription drugs. The period of treatment is necessary to avoid stressful situations and great exercise. If therapy is yielding positive results, or they do not exist, must be reported to a specialist for treatment adjustments.

medical methods

Epileptic seizures can reduce or get rid of them for a long time (5-7 years) with the help of medication. Some drugs recommended to take before the attack (for its prevention) and after (for removal of painful symptoms).

Appointed medicines:

  1. Anticonvulsant drugs: Phenobarbital. Suitable for removal of seizures for children and adults. Successfully used in all types of attacks. Addictive; lamotrigine. Effective in any attacks. It goes well with other drugs for epilepsy; Depakine Crono. The dosage may appoint a neurologist, depending on the type of seizures. carbamazepine. Relieves spasms and normalizes the nervous condition; clonazepam. It relaxes the muscles, relieves stress and seizures.
    Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs
  2. Soothing and relaxing facilities: Phenazepamum. It has a potent effect. Eliminates cramps and calms the nervous system; sibazon. It is struggling with seizures and epileptic seizures. It balances the nervous condition; Medazepam. Relieves muscle tension, does not cause drowsiness, it stimulates the brain; lorazepam. It is struggling with an attack of epilepsy. It has a strong effect.
  3. To balance the mental state: Chlorpromazine. It helps to quickly recover from an attack.
  4. Means to restore brain health: Cortexin. It balances the psychological state. It improves blood circulation and protects the brain from damage during the attack; piracetam. It improves the performance and power of brain cells, contributes to the development of intelligence; mexidol. It protects from stress and damage to brain cells. Improves oxygen exchange;
  5. Means for withdrawal of excess fluid from the body, to eliminate swelling of the brain during a seizure: Lasix. Strong diuretic effect; diakarb. Outputs excess fluid, combats cramps, improves the condition of the brain.

These drugs can only assign neurologist and psychologist. They also prescribe the dose that is lower if the attacks are no more than 24 months. Complete cancellation occurs when seizures no more than 5 years.

Drug-free methods

Epilepsy (the causes in adults may require surgery, but sometimes to get rid from seizures, enough medication, and dieting) effectively treatable with complex therapy.

Methods of non-pharmacological treatment:

  1. Diet. In the presence of seizures, the menu should be excluded salty and fatty foods (it provokes excess fluid consumption). Limited reception beverages (alcohol completely eliminated), to prevent swelling of the brain during a seizure. The diet should contain a lot of vitamins and minerals. Eating oily, saltwater fish reduces the number of attacks. Products that can cause allergic reactions are excluded. Effective for the treatment of epilepsy ketogenic diet (from the diet completely removes some of the nutrients), it is rigid and is not suitable for all patients. Contraindication may be a violation of the digestive tract and heart. Follow the diet (ketogenic) under the supervision of a physician.
    Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs
  2. Surgical intervention. It is prescribed, when drug therapy does not work, it begins to develop multiple sclerosis, or when the patient's condition deteriorates. During operation erases damaged area of ​​the brain. After its execution may complete absence seizures.
  3. Vagus nerve stimulation. The patient is sutured to the chest pulse sensor, which by means of pulse irritating effect on the vagus nerve. The device is worn up to 5 years.
  4. Ethnoscience. It includes the use of infusions and herbs to relieve nervous tension. herbal medicine course alternates after 31 days, as it is not recommended to use one kind of infusion over a month.
  5. Homeopathy. It can only be used in treatment. It reduces the severity of attacks and helps the body to recover more quickly after an attack.
  6. Impact on the point. Similarly, acupuncture, exposure occurs only when pressed with fingers.
  7. Magnetic therapy. It helps to balance the nervous state of the patient.
  8. Laser therapy. The course of treatment of 1.5 years. It helps to get rid of epileptic seizures with a laser. The course selected individually.
  9. Acupuncture. Impact on points with needles. Reduces nervous stress.
Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs

In any treatment is necessary to observe the regime of the day. The greatest effect is given comprehensive treatment includes diet and medications or surgery. Vagus nerve stimulation gives the best results in the treatment, when it is also to follow a diet.

Especially life with epilepsy

Subject to all of the measures designated by the neurologist and psychologist, the patient's life is not much different from the life of a healthy person. It is important not to exacerbate attention to the disease and do not expect constant attacks.

Restrictions in the presence of epilepsy:

  • taking medication and diet with constant supervision of specialists;
  • Each attack is marked in the calendar;
  • avoid sharp sounds and flickering, a bright light;
  • can not be closed when taking a bath, and you must have a special attachment to the case in the attack did not go under the water;
  • when eating to use unbreakable dishes, preferably plastic;
  • restful sleep;
  • driving and alcohol consumption are excluded;
  • bathing is possible only under supervision;
  • prohibited night and daily work schedules.
Epilepsy. Causes of adults at night, alcohol, acquired, symptoms, treatment of folk remedies, pills, drugs

Epilepsy docked only when correctly and consistently taking medication. The neurologist may prescribe a course of treatment, even if the causes are not identified. In adults, aged 45 years, the disease is easier to treat. Early treatment gives a greater chance of complete disappearance of seizures.

Author of the article: Svetlana Kotlyachkova

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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Epilepsy, what it is and how to deal with it:

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