Diseases Of The Musculoskeletal System

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, exercises, medications, massage

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Polyarthritis - a pathological condition caused by alternately inflammation in the shoulder joint. In this case, in the initial stages of the disease symptoms may be absent, making it difficult to diagnose and reduces the effectiveness of treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes and mechanism of development of arthritis of the shoulder joint
  • 2 Varieties of pathology and clinical picture
  • 3 How is the comprehensive treatment and its components
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 Medications
    • 5.1 antibiotics
    • 5.2 Anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of NSAIDs
    • 5.3 steroid hormones
    • 5.4 analgesics
    • 5.5 Muscle relaxants
    • 5.6 Vitamins and minerals
    • 5.7 chondroprotectors
  • 6 Physical exercise, gymnastics. medical complex
  • 7 Physiotherapy
  • 8 Massage
  • 9 Acupuncture
  • 10 Reflexology
  • 11 manual therapy
  • 12 Hirudotherapy
  • 13 Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of shoulder arthritis
    • 13.1 Tincture for oral Comarum
    • 13.2 onion poultice
    • 13.3 bone broths
    • 13.4 Poultice of mustard
    • 13.5 Compress from the mother and stepmother
    • 13.6 Amber tincture
    • 13.7 Herbal compresses
    • 13.8 turpentine rubbing
  • insta story viewer
  • 14 Lifestyle and diet
  • 15 Video of arthritis of the shoulder joint

The causes and mechanism of development of arthritis of the shoulder joint

The disease develops due to various factors. Among the most common causes is a major injury in the shoulder joint.

Other factors contributing to the development of the disease:

  • Development of a hernia in the cervical region. The process is also accompanied by a pinching of the nerve endings. Thus there is damage to the nerve roots, which leads to disturbances in the circulatory system. Against the background of the disease there are various inflammatory reactions.
  • Surgeries. In most process develops as a result of a surgical operation associated with removing the breast due to the high tumorigenicity. Thus there is a redistribution of blood flow, as a consequence, the supply of the shoulder bag of blood is markedly reduced.
  • Myocardial infarction. vasospasm, located in the area of ​​the body can also cause the development of polyarthritis.
  • Excessive exercise. The process develops due to underdeveloped muscles. The increased load on the shoulder joint lead to injury, in view of which stretchability is developed pathology. Also, the pathology observed in athletes who perform exercises related to increased load on the shoulder.
Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

In extremely rare cases, the pathology is formed due to congenital abnormalities in the structure of the shoulder joint or concomitant infectious and inflammatory processes in the body.

Varieties of pathology and clinical picture

The disease is divided into several types and forms, depending on the clinical picture, the course of nature.

Basic forms:

  • A simple form.
  • Acute plecholopatochnaya.
  • Chronic glenohumeral form.
  • Capsules with a complete loss of motor function.

Also, the pathology is divided into shape:

  • Exchange or crystalline. It is formed due to excessive accumulation of salts in plechesustavnoy bag, which leads to a gradual regression of structures located in the affected area.
  • Reactive. Pathology is formed against various infectious lesions regardless of their location. Often, the disease develops in the transfer cystitis, nervous system disorders, disorders of organs of vision.
  • Posttraumatic. This disease is associated with injuries, bruises, sprains, fractures joint, located in the shoulder area.
  • Infectious. Develops when lesions of the shoulder department of infectious agent. Pathology is often observed in patients suffering from tuberculosis, brucellosis or gonorrhea, and amenable to clinical cure after the removal of the underlying disease.
  • Psoriatic. Most people exposed to the disease of middle age. Develops after six months after suffering a relapse.
  • Rheumatoid. It refers to chronic forms of the disease. Thus there is a connective tissue damage. At untimely treatment of various complications arise.
  • Osteoarthritis. Developing of natural causes related to age-related changes. For this form is characterized by degeneration of cartilage.
Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

Establish the form and type of arthritis can be only after consultation with a specialist and do the necessary research.

How is the comprehensive treatment and its components

An integrated approach includes the use of drugs. Various exercises to help restore the locomotor function of the joint, as well as by physical treatments.

Of no small importance of therapeutic exercises and diet compliance. In addition they used traditional medicine, allowing to eliminate the symptoms and manifestations of the pathological process.


Early diagnosis of the disease contributes to the favorable course of disease, and in most cases can be treated. Detect pathological process in the early stages allows the X-ray examination. In addition to establishing a form of arthritis is assigned to a computer or magnetic resonance imaging.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

To confirm or refute the infectious form of the disease are appointed by common blood and urine tests. Changes in the level of lymphocytes may indicate inflammation within the body.


Arthritis of the shoulder joint, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the severity of the disease requires a comprehensive approach. Drug therapy is determined by the physician, according to the prescribed form and the nature of the origin of the disease. An integrated approach with the disease helps to achieve high therapeutic results and eliminate the risk of recurrence and complications.


This group of drugs is aimed at relief of inflammatory and infectious processes in structures Pleven joint. Matched only by the attending specialist.

Funds from the group of antibiotics are taken in the case of residual streptococcal infection after an earlier respiratory diseases. In the future, a maintenance therapy in the form of an intramuscular injection of penicillin.

The most effective drugs are considered to be the means belonging to the group of cephalosporins and penicillins protected.

Ceftriaxone. It is produced in the form of tablets, powder for solution. Medication belongs to the group of broad-spectrum antibiotics. It is used for infection of the respiratory tract, the genitourinary system, and in treatment of patients with weakened immune systems.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

The dosage depends on the severity of the disease and is calculated from the age and weight of the patient.

Anti-inflammatory drugs from the group of NSAIDs

Drugs from the class of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are appointed in the first place. This group of substances to reduce inflammation and pain. The materials can be made both inside and in the form of intramuscular and intravenous injections.

The most effective means are the following drugs:

  • Diclofenac. Appointed during exacerbation or as maintenance therapy. It is sold in powder form for the preparation of intramuscular solution. Dosage in exacerbations of not more than 150 mg, during maintenance therapy - three times smaller (50 mg).
  • Nimesulide. Analgesic and anti-inflammatory agent for oral administration. Also produced in the form of a gel for external application. Appointed with joint pain, gout, arthritis, rheumatic diseases. In exacerbations recommended dosage is 400 mg.
  • Ketoprofen. Produced in various dosage forms - suppositories, injection solutions, capsules, gel. It is used in inflammatory diseases of the musculoskeletal system. During exacerbation administered intravenously or intramuscularly. Dosage - 300 mg.
Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

Drugs belonging to the class of NSAIDs, may optionally be administered in other dosage forms.

steroid hormones

Treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint should only be done under medical supervision. Funds are selected according to the clinical manifestations and associated symptoms. Hormonal drugs are used to eliminate edema and inflammatory reactions. Short courses and apply only during exacerbations.

The most effective drugs in this group are prednisolone and dexamethasone. Used as an intravenous solution for fast relief of inflammation. Hormonal treatments based on dexamethasone and prednisolone are used only on prescription.


Means the dosage groups used to relieve pain caused by inflammatory reactions. Analgin, paracetamol (to enhance the action of other drugs) - simple analgesic drugs are often prescribed.

Muscle relaxants

Drugs can prevent the development of muscle convulsions, restore motor function of the shoulder joint. Medicaments also reduce pain.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications
Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Remove the symptoms and treatment will help strengthen the muscle relaxants such as Sirdalud.
Name Active substance release Form Dosage
sirdalud tizanidine pills 2 and 4 mg (30 pcs.)
baclofen baclofen capsules 10 and 25 mg (50 pcs.)
Mydocalm tolperisone tablet / solution 50 and 150 mg (30 pcs.) / 100 mg
diazepam diazepam tablet / powder 2, 5 and 10 mg
Trunks dipotassium clorazepate capsules 5 and 10 mg (30 pcs.)

Vitamins and minerals

Vitamin complexes help to strengthen the immune system in the fight against infectious and inflammatory processes. Minerals help to strengthen the skeletal system, slowing its destruction.

When polyarthritis following vitamins are the most effective: A, B, C, E and D. Of the macronutrients are often prescribed magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, selenium, copper.

Also prescribed vitamin and mineral supplements. To eliminate the pain and rapid regeneration of damaged tissues used ArtriVit. Orthomol Arthro plus is used in various diseases of the joints and cartilage.


Arthritis of the shoulder joint, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the shape of the pathological process, amenable to a comprehensive approach. The preparations belonging to the group chondroprotectors help strengthen cartilage and prevent its further destruction. Means data used for a long period of time.

Are appointed by the following drugs:

  • Arthritis. It is produced in the form of tablets. The main active substances - glucosamine hydrochloride and chondroitin sulfate sodium. It is contraindicated in renal function during pregnancy. The course of treatment can reach 6 months.
    Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications
  • Teraflex. Capsules have anti-inflammatory and regenerating action. It is indicated for degenerative changes in the joints and spine.
  • Don. The drug is based on glucosamine. It is produced in the form of capsules, powder for suspension for oral administration, as well as an injection solution for intramuscular administration.
  • Chondroitin sulfate. It is intended for intramuscular and intravenous administration, as well as for outdoor applications.

The dosage form is selected according to the physician of the disease and the extent of damage.

Physical exercise, gymnastics. medical complex

The structure of the complex also includes the treatment of various physical exercises that promote recovery of motor function and strengthen the cartilage and muscle tissue. In this set of exercises is chosen individually, based on the characteristics of the disease and the patient's body.


  • It is necessary to make a smooth (not sharp) rotational movement of the shoulders forward and backward.
  • A smooth raising and lowering the arms.
    Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications
  • Bending both arms at the elbow.
  • Be concatenated in a locking fingers and make sipping a slow upward movement.
  • Pulling the patient hands forward and a rotary motion. First rotates, then counterclockwise.

The second set of exercises meant by a use of wooden sticks. To do this, take a walking stick in the patient's hand and gradually takes her aside. Then make several uplift and subsidence cane. Perform each exercise slowly and carefully.


Arthritis of the shoulder joint, symptoms and treatment of which depends on the nature of the origin of the disease, can be resolved by physical therapy. Physiotherapy selected according to the established form of the disease and severity of symptoms.

Basic methods of influence:

  • Electrophoresis. Is the most effective treatment to date. The method allows to increase the strength of action and activity of drugs. It uses lower dosages of drugs, which significantly affects the incidence of side effects. Current starts the regeneration processes, increases the overall tone of blood vessels and capillaries.
    Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications
  • Electromagnetic effect. Restores vascular tone, prevents the formation of thrombi, improves blood supply to the joint capsule.
  • Laser. Promotes reduction of inflammation, it has an analgesic effect. The procedure increases the natural regeneration of tissue, affects the local blood flow.
  • oskigenatsii method. It delivers oxygen humeral joint, which leads to increased recovery and elimination of inflammation. It has contraindications and side effects, as a consequence, is often replaced ozone therapy.

Efficacy fizioprotsedur increases significantly with the simultaneous use of drugs and therapeutic and performing gymnastic complexes.


Massages help to accelerate recovery of damaged shoulder joint.

The complex action:

  • Careful and slow stroking of muscles located in the area of ​​a trapezoid. At the same time move towards the shoulders.
  • Rastiratelnye movement in the neck area. Actions need to perform open palms.
  • In this procedure involve the 4 fingers of both hands. Trituration is carried out in a spiral in the neck area.

This complex is warming.

After running it proceeds to the next step:

  • Neat stroking motion of the entire arm.
  • Hand triturated using 4 fingers while moving spirally.
  • Next run pinch movement of the entire arm area.
Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

The complex is specifically designed for patients suffering from arthritis of the shoulder joint. Resort to massage action is allowed only after consulting your doctor.


Acupuncture is an alternative treatment for arthritis of the shoulder. This method is assigned only on the testimony of a doctor, as it has numerous contraindications, including hypertension, diabetes, and somatic disorders.

The treatment method helps to eliminate pain, restore locomotor function of the joint, which greatly affects the quality of life and human performance.


The procedure is aimed at restoration of blood circulation, eliminating swelling, improve muscle tone and blood vessels. It allows enhance the action of drugs. Process is carried out with the help of fingers and acupressure special needles on the acupressure points.

manual therapy

Chiropractic helps to stop pain, improves blood circulation, restores the metabolic processes in the body. This improves motor function in the cervical-thoracic region. The procedure has contraindications.


The specific method of treatment aimed at improving the local blood circulation, eliminate pain and inflammatory reactions, removing puffiness.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

Leeches applied to certain points on the affected area. Bite leads to nerve irritation that affects the blood flow. The first improvement occurs after 5-6 treatment sessions. This method of treatment is not assigned in allergic reactions.

Recipes of traditional medicine for the treatment of shoulder arthritis

Polyarthritis shoulder joint symptoms and treatment is determined after diagnosis, can be eliminated by the means used in alternative medicine. Methods of traditional medicine are allowed to use only after consulting with your doctor.

Tincture for oral Comarum

To prepare the means necessary to take 2 tsp chopped herbs and the same amount of green tea. Thereafter plant mixture should pour boiling water and left for 10 min. The infusion is recommended to take throughout the day.

onion poultice

For applying a compress it is necessary to take 1 large onion and cut it into 2 parts. The resulting halves are applied to the affected area from above and applied gauze or bandage. Compress helps reduce attacks of pain and eliminate inflammation.

bone broths

Tool allows you to improve the condition of the bone and cartilage. To prepare take a few feet of beef and cook for several hours on low heat.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

The resulting broth should take 0.5 cups per day.

Poultice of mustard

To prepare the poultice is necessary to take 1 part mustard and 1 part honey. All mixed thoroughly and add 2 tsp salt. The resulting mixture is recommended to be applied to the affected joint, rubbing for 2-4 min. After which the remains of the means necessary to rinse with warm water.

Method 2 nd: you must take a small handful of mustard seeds and heat in a pan. everything should then pour in gauze wrap and apply to the site of inflammation.

Compress from the mother and stepmother

Tool allows you to eliminate inflammation and relieve pain. For the preparation you need to take 3 tsp grass and add 0.5 liters of water. Thereafter, the mixture should be put on fire and boil for 5 minutes. In broth moistened gauze or bandage and applying to the subject area 2-3 hours, pre-wound tape.

Amber tincture

To prepare the means necessary to use only natural (untreated) stone.

Rubbed and ground to powder amber mass and pour rubbing alcohol - 50 grams of mineral on half a liter of alcohol.

After cooking insist means necessary for 14 days. Means wipe diseased portions 1 times a day.

Herbal compresses

To prepare the means necessary to take 100 grams of leaves of lemon balm, rosemary and raspberries. To this mixture was added another 200 g herb thyme. All thoroughly mixed and pour water - 6 tsp means for half a liter of water.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

Put on fire and boiled for 2-4 minutes. Thereafter the broth is lowered into the fabric and gauze is applied to the affected area. Use 2 times a day.

turpentine rubbing

To prepare the rubbing is necessary to take 1 tsp vinegar and honey, mix with egg yolk and 2 tablespoons directly of turpentine. The thus obtained mixture is recommended to be applied to the affected area two times a day.

Lifestyle and diet

To promote health and solidify during therapy results it is necessary to adhere to a healthy diet and lifestyle. Reduce the likelihood of recurrence of the disease or need to perform daily physical exercise and an active lifestyle. It is recommended to frequently visit the open air, hiking.

Avoid excessive exercise, especially in the joint structure. Also need to give up bad habits - smoking, alcohol. You need to change and diet. The menu should be present foods rich in various vitamins and minerals. The diet includes nuts, fresh vegetables, fish and seafood, as well as dairy products.

Arthritis of the shoulder joint. Symptoms and treatment, folk remedies, exercises, medications

It is necessary to eliminate foods that are high in fat, including animal fats. It is recommended to observe the water balance and consume at least 2-3 liters of water daily. It is also necessary to adhere to conditions of sleep-wakefulness and avoid psycho-emotional stress.

These recommendations will help to recover after the treatment of arthritis of the shoulder joint and avoid the development of relapses and the unpleasant symptoms of the disease.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of arthritis of the shoulder joint

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