Childhood Diseases

False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. How is, causes, first, first aid

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Inflammation of the larynx, accompanied by swelling of the area below the vocal cords, called false croup. In infants and preschoolers disease symptoms are dry cough, difficulty breathing process, narrowing of the throat. In the absence of medical care attack can lead to serious consequences, even death.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of false croup in children
  • 2 Stage of croup in children
  • 3 symptomatology
  • 4 possible complications
  • 5 diagnosing
  • 6 First aid
  • 7 treatment with antibiotics
  • 8 inhalation
  • 9 Treatment of folk remedies
  • 10 warming
  • 11 Video of false croup

Causes of false croup in children

2 different types of the disease: viral and fungal. The classification lies the cause of the disease.

Stenotic laryngitis provoke:

  • Viruses (influenza, adenoids, herpes, measles, whooping cough, chicken pox).
  • Pathogens: pneumococci, Haemophilus influenzae, Streptococcus.
  • Complications arose after previously undertreated rhinitis, pharyngitis, pneumonia, inflammation of the adenoids.
  • Relapse of chronic tonsillitis.
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  • Injury received newborn during childbirth.
  • Previously transferred intrauterine fetal hypoxia.
  • Rickets.
  • The tendency of the child to allergic diseases.
  • Decreased immunity, lack of intake of vitamins.
  • Infection with chlamydia, mycoplasma, ureaplasma.
  • Hyperexcitability of the nervous system.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid

The disease is accompanied by:

  • Severe swelling of the area above the vocal cords and the vocal muscle, leading to a narrowing of the tubular vessels of the larynx.
  • Reflex muscular-tonic syndrome throat.
  • Formation of a large amount of viscous mucus.
  • Barking cough.
  • The gradual development of a strong oxygen starvation.
  • Tachycardia, bradycardia in passing.
  • Hoarseness.

This disease are most susceptible infants and preschool children due to the anatomical features of the structure of the pulmonary system.

False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
Unlike the false from the true croup in children

In Pediatrics distinguish between true (diphtheria) and false croup:

  • The first occurs only in diphtheria. Characterized by the appearance of diphtheria films in the throat. Second provoke viruses, bacteria, hypothermia.
  • When true tubular vascular narrowing throat occurs gradually. Stenotic makes itself felt strong throat swelling has paroxysmal.

Stage of croup in children

False croup in children, symptoms and treatment is determined by the stage of the disease, accordance with the narrowing of tubular receptacles top of the breathing tube (larynx) differs:

  • compensated stage - manifested difficulty inhalation process during exercise, outdoor games, sports, baby crying.
  • subcompensated - is characterized by problems with the breath in a calm state.
  • decompensated - starts with the development of a mixed type of dyspnea (breathing process is completely obstructed).
  • terminal - accompanied by severe shortage of air, causing anoxia organism. It provokes the appearance of cardiovascular, respiratory failure. In the absence of immediate medical assistance ends fatal.


False croup in children (symptoms and treatment of disease differ from the stage of the disease) occurs at 2-3 days after infection.

Attack occurs during the night:

  • The patient wakes up with fear, cause breathing problems, the child is difficult to breathe oxygen. Cry difficult, hoarse voice. Throat redness, swelling of the throat walls, swollen lymph nodes in the neck. Possible temperature jumps (to 40⁰S). Some young patients there is no fever.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  • A dry cough (in character resembling barking). Respiratory reflex hampered during inhalation and exhalation.
  • Razveivaetsya tachycardia, bradycardia developing into. The chest is heard Klokot.
  • After 1-2 hours Klokott accompanying breathing process subsides, stenosis increases arises anoxia. Without rendering first medical care the child may die.

possible complications

Constrictive laryngitis often occurs as a complication of viral, bacterial inflammation of the upper respiratory tract.

The appearance of fibrous films, accumulation of thick mucus contribute to further infection of pulmonary system, leading to:

  • pneumonia;
  • laryngotracheobronchitis;
  • purulent meningitis;
  • otitis.

With strong laryngeal edema occurs inhalational asphyxia. A child can not breathe independently. There is oxygen starvation of tissues, provoking death. Incubation urgently carried out a tracheotomy.


false croup in children treatment is carried out after determining the symptomatic picture of the disease, additional clinical and diagnostic studies.

At the initial examination the pediatrician, otolaryngologist study the clinical picture of the disease, conduct a visual inspection, auscultation of the lungs. The preliminary diagnosis is set with a bubbling breath, edema of the larynx.

To concretize the disease are appointed:

  • Bacterial inoculation of culture media from the nose and throat.
  • Analysis of blood, sputum PCR, IFA. This study was possible to determine the chlamydia virus, mycoplasma, capable of provoking stenosis of the larynx, detected latent infections, DNA abnormalities. Further study carried blood acidity, oxygen saturation, carbon dioxide gas (gas composition).
  • In the case of adoption of a fungal disease foundations assigned crop on microbial environment Sabur.
  • Laryngoscopy.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  • Visual inspection of the pharynx state (pharyngoscope).
  • Examination of the external auditory meatus (otoscopy).
  • Radiography of the bronchi, sinuses.

The aim of the study is the differentiation of pathology and its separation from diphtheria (true) croup, which is characterized by the gradual development of a stenosis of the larynx, aphonia (complete loss sonority voice) zaglochnogo abscess, cancer of the larynx, bronchial asthma, acute respiratory failure, provoked by hitting a foreign body in the upper part of the respiratory tube.

According to the analysis the doctor sets:

  • Type of diseaseThe conditions under which it is necessary to carry out treatment. Nature diphtheria croup requires compulsory hospitalization, false amenable to outpatient therapy.
  • stage disease. To determine the degree of stenosis, concomitant respiratory disorders.

False croup therapy conducted at home under the supervision of a physician. The kid must provide peace, proper care.

It is very important to follow medical advice, ventilate the room humidify the air. In case of preservation, recurrence of seizures, increased laryngeal edema, treatment is carried out at the received emergency tracheotomy. Upon detection of an attack, parents should immediately call an ambulance.

First aid

False croup in children (symptoms and treatment of pathologies in relation to the stage of the disease) is characterized by a sudden storm in the evening or night. A sick baby wakes up suddenly with horror caused by the inability to breathe, trying to cry.

Heard Klokott sternum, impaired respiration rate occurs hoarseness, dry cough (reminiscent lai). When you see these attacks should immediately call the resuscitation team. Without immediate treatment laryngeal edema increases, they may suffocate.

Actions of parents before the arrival of doctors sent to the relief of stenosis:False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid

  • It is necessary to provide oxygen to enrich the air with water as much as possible. In cold weather, you can wrap the baby in a blanket, bring on the open balcony. If this is not possible, you must turn on the cold water in the bathroom. The room should be with your child, reassure him.
  • You can not scare minor hospitals and doctors. Fear to amplify laryngeal spasm. It is desirable to distract his son or daughter, tell stories. Baby you need to breathe deeply. Inhale to be nose to breathe with the help of the throat.
  • To liquefy the sputum should give the child plenty of fluids, preferably an alkaline nature.
  • Making minor drink antihistamine (Kestin, Zyrtec, Suprastin) for removing laryngeal edema.
  • Perform alkaline saline inhalation, mineral water by means of compression of the inhaler (nebulizer).

If a child suffers frequent laryngitis, you must pre-purchase ampoule dexamethasone, prednisolone, Pulmicort, Berodual. False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aidIn the first case, an attack preparation 2 are administered by injection. Pulmicort, Flomax come inside with the help of a compressor inhaler.

In the event of an attack, parents need to calm down, do not succumb to panic. From action adult life depends on the baby. The main task of the first aid - maximally saturate the air with oxygen and moisture, improving infant respiratory rate.

treatment with antibiotics

False croup in children (symptoms and treatment of disease vary depending on the stage of disease) is eliminated in the stationary or outpatient basis. Hospitalization is needed for infants, toddlers up to 3 years of age in the case of repeated attacks. At home treatment of complex therapy.

Antibiotics are prescribed for bacterial diseases.

Apply broad-spectrum drugs:

  • Tseporin - the active substance cephalosporin. It is indicated for a gram-positive, gram-negative nature of the disease. Administered intramuscularly.

The daily dosage is divided into 2-3 injection:

  1. newborn - 15-20 mg;
  2. Children older than 3 years old when infected by Gram-negative bacteria - 20-30 mg;
  3. minors affected by Gram-positive microorganisms - 40 mg.
  • tetraolean - preparation consisting of tetracycline, oleandomycin. It is used for upper airway pathologies. Approved for use with an 8-year-old age.

It is used 2-3 times a day:

  1. tablet form - 20-30 mg;
  2. injection - 10-20 mg / kg.
  • Supraks - antibiotic-based tsifiksima. It destroys bacteria at the cellular level. Used as a suspension (400 mg. / Day.).

The duration of antibiotic therapy is 5-10 days.

In addition to antibiotics are appointed:

  • glucocorticosteroids (Hydrocortisone, Prednidazol) - reduce laryngeal edema. False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aidDrugs are used for inhalation, are assigned to the acute stage of disease. Recommended dosage is 1 ml of the suspension diluted with 2-3 ml saline. The procedure is carried out for 5-10 min. using a nebulizer. The day allowed no more than 1-2 inhalations.
  • antihistamines Medicines (Tavigil, Kestin, Suprastin) - inhibit the growth of edema, decrease irritation. Used on 1/4 tab. 2-3 times a day.
  • sedatives (Anti-anxiety drugs) are assigned to 1-2 times a day. The dosage is determined by the doctor. Valerian tablets, Nevrogel often used.
  • antispasmodics (No-spa, Baralgin, Sulbutamol) remove and prevent spasms of the larynx.
  • Of antitussives used Mukaltin, Ambroxol 1 tablet. 3 times a day.
  • antiviral (Kagocel, Citovir). Admission is carried out strictly according to the instructions: 1 cap. 3-hole day.
  • To reduce the inflammation of the larynx inhalations Budenitom. Lasolvan used to improve sputum discharge.

Also medications prescribed frequent warm alkaline water. Hot drinks provoke blood flow to the larynx, contribute to strengthening of the stenosis.

In the course of treatment should be as often as possible ventilate the room. It is recommended to use air ionizer. The baby should sleep on high pillows. Semi-sitting position during sleep can reduce the cough.

During treatment, are prohibited:

  • solid, fatty, spicy foods;
  • chocolate, candy, honey, confectionery products can cause irritation, allergic reactions;
  • any throat sprays for treatment (anti-angina Bioparox), antitussive syrups;False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  • allergenic foods.
  • sweet carbonated drinks;
  • lozenges and candy;
  • Lugol's solution, kerosene to lubricate the vocal cords;
  • hot tea and coffee.

All of the above traumatize the larynx, irritate, it promotes strong mucosal swelling top of the breathing tube, a decrease in the lumen. Drugs used only in tablet form, both in / m, in / injection.

When drug therapy inefficiency, repetition attacks tracheotomy is performed (neck minor dissected, is inserted into the hole tracheostomy) for regulating Incoming oxygen. Tiny subjected to surgical treatment, the device is connected to the forced feed gas mixture (artificial lung ventilation).


Attacks of acute laryngitis in young children it is recommended to stop using inhaled through a nebulizer. During therapy prescribed medicines inhalation 1-2 times a day. Drugs acting inside, affect the focus of inflammation, relieve edema, normalize breathing.

Recommended use:

  • hydrocortisone - is used to reduce swelling in the acute stage pathology. The dosage was 1 ml per 3.2 ml. saline.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  • Boudin - suspension for the treatment of diseases of the respiratory system. Is assigned for the relief of acute inflammation, and in the further course of treatment. For treating 1 mg of the drug is diluted with saline in a ratio of 1/1, is heated to 38⁰S, dressed with a nebulizer.
  • Pulmicort - 0,25-0,5 mg per day is diluted with saline to 2 mL total weight.
  • Lasolvan - shown to liquefy phlegm and output it from the lungs. 2-3 mg of the drug mixed with the same amount of saline.
  • Esentuki 17 - alkaline mineral water. Inhalations recommended as often as possible (within 45 minutes).

When false croup is best to use a nebulizer. The device helps to deliver a drug directly to the inflamed area.

Instructions for use:

  1. Inhalation medicaments held for 30 minutes. before meals. Use only clean the device.
  2. It is best to use a capsule for a nebulizer. Sterile syringe slurry is delivered to the liquid container, diluted with saline solution in the required proportion. For accurate dosing is used a measuring cup, attached to the inhaler.
  3. Capsule solution joins the system by means of the adapter tube.
  4. The device included in the network.
  5. A child wears a mask or mouthpiece pinches her lips.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  6. Admission pair shows the nebulizer.
  7. During inhalation it is necessary to breathe deeply by mouth.
  8. Duration of treatment from 5-10 minutes. The end of the steam supply evidence of the complete evaporation of the liquid.
  9. Nebulizer switched off. Cleaned under running water.
  10. There should be no inhalation before bedtime to avoid amplification of allergic cough.
  11. Within 30-45 min. after inhalation should refrain from eating, gargling.

In the absence of an inhaler can be carried out a procedure in the bathroom (bath filled with hot water), to use a pan of hot water. Medicines for such inhalations not apply. You can use hot water, baking soda, herbal fitosbory. You can not apply the essential oils that irritate the mucous membrane of the larynx.

Treatment of folk remedies

Recipes for traditional medicine, used to treat stenotic laryngitis:


  • Herbal consisting of camomile flowers curative Lencas ordinary requires pour 300 ml hot water. Infuse 45 min., Strain and bring to boil. Remove from heat, put on the table. A child needs to lean over the pot, cover your head with a blanket, inhale herbal pairs 10-14 minutes.
  • ½ tsp baking soda can be dissolved in 250 ml of boiling water. Kid (can be with his mother) must breathe steam emanating from the solution 5-7 min.
  • The crushed leaves of black currant brewed hot water. Infused, filtered, brought to a boil, used for inhalation.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid
  • 1 h. l. zaparivat series of boiling water (350 ml). The suspension is cooled, infused (50 min.), Filtered, brought to a boil. Child leaning over a bowl and inhale the warm steam. The treatment lasts for 8-10 minutes.

In no case can not force the child to breathe the hot steam. Since the boiling until the inhalation must be at least 2-3 minutes.

Therapeutic drink is recommended to take 3-4 times a day. The liquid should be used in the form of heat.

Prohibits any hot drinks.

  • Chamomile flowers are brewed with boiling water. Fitootvar infused for 30 min. Used after a meal.
  • ½ h. l. ground herb rosemary poured 2 tablespoons. cold water. The suspension is cleaned in a dark place kept 8 h. Prepared infusion is adopted for removing edema maintain immunity.
  • In 200 ml of warm milk must melt 20 g of butter. Said drink is consumed in the form of heat, 2 times a day.
  • Mineral carbonation without the alkaline water is heated to a temperature 37-39⁰S. It is drunk 5-7 times a day to improve sputum discharge.

The sinuses may be baby dig 2 cap. any vegetable oil. After the procedure, the child should be lying on your back for 3-5 min. Oil enters the throat, airways obezzarazhivaya, softening the fibrous film.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid

The food should be eaten warm porridge with the addition of butter. Food warms the throat, fat is a natural antioxidant, relieves inflammation.


In the acute stage false croup not be carried out warming. Contraindicated warming compresses, rubbing fat, essential oils. In the normalization of the hot bath can be used with baking soda. The steam helps to restore the vocal cords, reduces hoarseness. Any warming procedures are carried out only on the recommendation of a pediatrician.

When non-acute phase of disease is assigned fiziolechenie:

  • quartz;
  • UHF;
  • magnetic therapy;
  • darsonval;
  • electrophoresis.

Procedures help to eliminate the hoarseness, eliminate the remnants of airway damage.False croup in children. Symptoms and treatment of folk remedies, inhaled antibiotics at home. Causes, first aid

In the treatment of false croup is strictly prohibited:

  • Install mustard on the area of ​​the larynx, rubbing his throat and chest badger fat, essential oils. These actions may provoke an involuntary spasm of the larynx.
  • You should not give your baby honey, raspberry jam, citrus juices (especially if your baby has a tendency to allergies). These products irritate, increasing the stenosis.
  • Apply cold preparations containing codeine. Syrups suppress coughing, lead to stagnation sputum, pneumonia, lung abscess.

Acute inflammation - false croup, accompanied by laryngeal stenosis, occurs in infants and preschool children. Symptoms and treatment of diseases directly depend on the stage of the disease, the nature of its appearance. Timely medical action properly chosen therapy can eliminate the pathology, to prevent the emergence of complications and death.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Video of false croup

Elena Malysheva tell a false croup:

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