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Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, photos, reviews of doctors, price

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Ceramic inlays - special miniature device, attached to the teeth. They are used in dentistry for a variety of dental problems.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why dental tabs in dentistry?
  • 2 The tab is different from the seals?
  • 3 Inlays and veneers - what's the difference?
  • 4 In some cases, set the tab?
  • 5 What quality parameters has dentures tabs?
  • 6 The types of dental ceramic inlays
    • 6.1 reducing
    • 6.2 stump
  • 7 properties of ceramics
  • 8 Types of ceramic inlays
    • 8.1 cermet
    • 8.2 pressed ceramics
    • 8.3 zirconia
  • 9 Pros and cons of ceramic inlays on the tooth
  • 10 Contraindications to install
  • 11 The stages of manufacture and installation
  • 12 Are there any complications?
  • 13 Lifetime and maintenance features
  • 14 Price of dental inlays
  • 15 Video of the ceramic inlays on the teeth

Why dental tabs in dentistry?

Dental tabs are designed to eliminate defects and deficiencies, chipping, dents in the crown of the tooth. This is accompanied by further destruction and tooth loss.

Set in this case the seal is not advisable, due to which ceramic inserts are used. These structures perform the function of sealing and represent the modern equivalent of the filling material.

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The tab is different from the seals?

The difference lies in the tab manufacturing process and forming the material. Ceramic inserts are produced in special workshops laboratory after impression taking damaged area. A distinctive feature of the tabs is the degree of shrinkage of the material. When installing the seals over time occurs shrinkage and deformation of the material, which leads to the formation of pressure on the tooth wall.

Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

A small tooth thickness may further lead to chipping, and as a consequence loss of the seal. When installing mikroproteza ceramic product immediately set to the target area. When fixing the seal must additionally to grind a surface or with a special solution to add material.

The service life of the filling products is much lower than ceramic structures. The 1st case, the product lifetime is from 3 to 5 years, in the 2nd - from 10 to 15 years. Casts of deformed surfaces allow most accurately produce tab and set with all the structural features of the patient's teeth.

Inlays and veneers - what's the difference?

Ceramic inserts on the teeth and veneers differ substantially from each other. Veneers are used for aesthetic design of the tooth row - eliminate irregularities, giving teeth whiteness. The tabs are designed for complete dental restoration.

Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

Different material and manufacturing. The tabs are made of various materials, including gold and silver. Veneers are installed on the front of the dentition, the product color should not be different from the natural.

In some cases, set the tab?

Products are installed at various defects and damage of the tooth crown.


  • carious lesion one or more teeth;
  • damage to dental hard tissues at or traumatizing, caries development;
  • Erasing of the tooth - restoring or improving masticatory functions;
  • damage, defects in the filling material.
Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

The tabs can be applied in the defect and extensive lesions of teeth when conventional fillings can not cope with the task to eliminate the defects and damage.

What quality parameters has dentures tabs?

Microprosthetics tabs has several advantages and qualities. First of all, pay attention to the lifetime and durability of the material - in some cases the figures reach 20-25 years.

If improperly installed product and the absence of preventive annual inspections in places abutment tab and a tooth wall may occur secondary caries lesion. In this case, it is recommended to replace the structures and treatment.

The product itself is not the cause karieticheskogo defeat. To prevent the development of disease and defects need to pay due attention to technology installation tabs. This requires a degree of control to the teeth abutment tabs walls. Care should be taken so that no ridges and edges during the procedure.

Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

This avoids further functional and aesthetic disorders. In cases of improper installation may be disturbed occlusion and provoke the development of sensitive teeth. With the development of caries or other conditions necessary to make the structure concealment and carry out the appropriate treatment. When this tab is replaced by a new one.

The types of dental ceramic inlays

Ceramic inlays on the teeth are divided into several types depending on the purpose and carry out the functions.


Reducing design helps to restore the natural color of the affected area and to give a shape corresponding to the tooth structure.

In most cases, these products are of restoration and aesthetic character. Installed separately, without the subsequent fixing of the crown.

This type of product can withstand heavy loads, does not require additional treatment after fixation.


Applied to repair damaged or deformed portion of a tooth crown. After the fastening tab in the art installed crown. Fastened articles directly into the tooth channel, simulating the lower part of the crown.

Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

Tab performs the function of the support element, helping to secure the crown as an individual, and the whole structure - the bridge.

properties of ceramics

The tabs help prevent further tooth decay due to the high strength ceramics. The material is able to withstand heavy loads and temperature gradients, which allows further prevent depulpation installation and crowns.

Material properties:

  • A high degree of wear resistance (durability). Unlike seals have a longer service life in compliance with all the rules for the care and use of the product. Possess the highest degree of strength cermet structure.
  • Safety and environmental. The material does not cause allergic reactions or other adverse effects on the body.
  • increased strength. The design is more compact and reliable fit to the walls of the tooth. The product is resistant to mechanical and thermal influences.
  • Appearance. eventually ceramic does not lose its aesthetic qualities, not covered by the coating, resistant to dye.
Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

tabs also have a lower degree of shrinkage generated during wear or under the influence of any precipitating factors.

Types of ceramic inlays

Ceramic inserts on the teeth are divided into types depending on the degree of strength, additional manufacturing and material properties.


Tabs made of a metal or metal compounds. Such products have high aesthetic qualities, however, are not reliable in terms of wear and use of the products. Designs often drop out of established locations under the influence of temperature changes, in view of which is rarely used.

pressed ceramics

The basis of the composite products is porcelain. Material obtained by injection molding - under high temperatures and pressure. Mikroprotezy have a lower level of wear resistance, but are more attractive appearance.


Structure produced by grinding the prepared metal oxide. Casts are manufactured using high-tech equipment, computer programs that can improve the reliability and quality of these tabs.

Upon completion of zirconium preform was subjected to calcination, adding molten mass porcelain.

Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors
Ceramic inserts for zirconia teeth.

Products are popular because they have a high degree of strength, and have an attractive appearance.

Pros and cons of ceramic inlays on the tooth

Ceramic inserts are installed on the area of ​​the damaged tooth, has its advantages and disadvantages compared with the filling material.


  • high reliability and strength - is achieved by manufacturing the material;
  • resistance to aggressive substances;
  • no need to adjust the design by accurately producing the impression;
  • the ability to precisely fabricate and repeat the shape of the tooth;
  • bite correction, simulation of all features of the patient's dentition structure;
  • aesthetic quality - the product look more attractive in contrast to the seals, repeat the anatomy of the tooth;
  • shorter rehabilitation period;
  • the absence of discomfort and discomfort while wearing designs;
  • prevent development of infectious disease - pulpitis, caries;
  • safety and environmental friendliness of the material;
  • increased durability and service life.
Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

Among the disadvantages of isolated manufacturing complexity and, consequently, high cost. In addition to the cost when installing seals dental treatment takes much less time. Fixing ceramic design - a complex and time-consuming.

The disadvantages also concerns the preparation and installation of the tab. Processing of the cavity to create certain conditions may last for two weeks.

Contraindications to install

Installing mikroprotezov ceramic has some relative and temporary restrictions, which are taken after all the necessary preventive or remedial measures.


  • breach of oral hygiene - before installation of structures is carried out cleaning and appointed alternate methods to comply with the rules of hygiene;
  • caries lesion greater than 65% of the hard tooth tissues - setting tab is only possible after treatment;
  • small cavity depth - less than 2 mm;
  • penetration approximal cavity to dentita;
  • presence of bruxism (teeth grinding) - pathology lead to rapid seaming surface of the article.
Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors

Having one tooth wall as a contraindication to install the ceramic structure. In this case it is not possible to install the product, due to which the filling material is applied or completely replaced part of the tooth.

The stages of manufacture and installation

Before the production of dental structures need to go through research and get professional advice.


  1. Diagnostics. Primary Active orthodontist involves performing the inspection of the oral cavity for the presence of contraindications. After inspecting the assigned computer 3D-modeling, it is necessary to accurately manufacture the cast of the damaged area. In addition, you must pass a tomographic study can adequately assess the damaged area.
  2. dissection. If there are restrictions to the installation it is necessary to begin to eliminate all the problems and diseases. This removes all the destroyed tissue.
  3. making. In the production process design patient set temporary seal. Typically, the product is made within 7 days, regardless of the complexity and upload lab. To create mikroproteza used porcelain mass, which is subject to the compact. Then, on the resulting paste is applied to the ceramic layers. Cermets made by casting metal, followed by applying a ceramic mass. Tabs on the basis of zirconium dioxide are produced by means of digital simulation. The material is milled by means of special equipment - CAD / CAM systems.
    Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors
  4. fixation (Installation). Before installing dental tabs processing routine performed by a special working surface sandblaster. In this case, the treated area becomes adhesive. The product is then secured to the damaged site using a dental cement, whereupon all zashlifovyvayut fixing material.

After completing all the necessary procedures of review set mikroproteza and occlusal contacts. For this purpose, a special articulating paper, allows you to create contact between the tab and antagonists of the structure.

Are there any complications?

Ceramic inlays on the teeth, after their installation, in some cases, can cause various complications. Subject to all rules of procedure did not cause complications. However, under poor cleansing surface before installation, and a secondary caries lesion may evolve with insufficient removal of the destroyed tissue.

With increased sensitivity of teeth in the patient's discomfort may occur and the presence of a foreign object in the mouth.

In rare cases, there is opening of the cavity, which leads to detachment and loss structure. In the formation of such a defect must consult a specialist for re-fastening tabs or manufacture of a new design. These complications occur very rarely due to the high degree of reliability of a ceramic material.

Lifetime and maintenance features

According to experts a minimum service life of ceramic structures is 5 to 7 years. However, the technical service life of such products generally last longer. On the guarantee period will also affect the manufacture of the material. Thus, the cost of tabs pressed ceramic or zirconia can reach 15 years.

The duration of the operation of devices affects the right care products.

Recommended use:

  • compliance with the rules of oral health - treatment is performed at least 2 times a day, with the duration of each scraper should be between 2 min .;
    Ceramic inlays on the teeth. What is it, a photo, price, reviews Doctors
  • mouthwash, especially after each meal or snack;
  • Prevention of the action, causing compression of the dentition - the process leading to deformity and loss mikroprotezov, and therefore it is recommended to give up strenuous exercise;
  • preventative visits to the dentist and orthodontist - at least 1-2 times a year.

Also recommended treatment time engage associated oral diseases, including infectious and inflammatory processes caused by irregularities in the internal body. Any changes or the development of unpleasant sensations is recommended to consult a specialist to determine the cause.

Price of dental inlays

The cost of ceramic inlays is significantly different from conventional seals. Price may vary depending on the clinic, conducting fabrication and installation procedures. The value is also influenced by material of manufacture, type of installed mikroproteza. The higher the aesthetics and reliability of the material, the higher the cost of the product.

Material The cost of additional services, including installation cost tab
cermet from 3 to 4 thousand. rub. 8 thousand. rub.
zirconia 4-5 thousand. rub. 15 thousand. rub.
pressed ceramics 3-5 thousand. rub. 14 thousand. rub.

Before installing the ceramic inlays on the damaged area of ​​the teeth is necessary to consult with several experts, including the therapist, orthopedist, endocrinologist, cardiologist. After installation it is recommended to pass the monthly preventive checkups at the doctor.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the ceramic inlays on the teeth

What is a ceramic seal (press tab):

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