Childhood Diseases

Urticaria in children. Picture, Symptoms and Treatment of folk remedies, ointments, creams. The reasons for the emergence of signs of how the disease is transmitted, it looks sunny, acute

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Sometimes the immune system is quite sensitive to the allergen enters the body. Urticaria in the child - it is a severe allergic reaction, which is characterized by sudden onset, the appearance of papules or blisters bright pink color. The disease is accompanied by certain symptoms and requires treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is urticaria
  • 2 Causes of
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Classification
  • 5 The first signs
  • 6 First aid
  • 7 Diagnosis of urticaria in children
  • 8 medical therapies
  • 9 What can be done at home
  • 10 medication
  • 11 Folk remedies
  • 12 Diet
  • 13 The consequences of the disease
  • 14 Advice of Dr. Komarovsky
  • 15 Videos about the causes of hives in children

What is urticaria

Urticaria or rash appears suddenly. Rash as blisters typically have an irregular shape. Krapivochnaya fever is often accompanied by painful itching.

Sometimes the rash covers the entire body of the child, turning in a single spot. Duration consideration symptom varies from a few minutes to several days, and occasionally blisters suddenly disappear, leaving no trace on the skin.

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Children under 2 years of urticaria usually occurs in acute form, at an older age - chronic.

Causes of

Urticaria in children appears for the following reasons:

  • physical factors - ultraviolet radiation, cold water or wind pressure;
  • foods which contain preservatives, dyes, food additives;
  • allergic reaction to food:
  1. Confectionery based on cocoa butter;
  2. Strawberry;
  3. cheese;
  4. smoked sausages;
  5. sauerkraut;
  6. honey;
  7. milk;
    Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
    Milk can cause hives in children. To add more skin symptoms vomiting and nausea. This pathology is called lactose intolerance. Treatment can not be!
  8. eggs;
  9. nuts;
  10. citrus;
  • viral, parasitic and bacterial infections;
  • reception of medicines;
  • reaction to the vaccination, blood transfusion;
  • insect bites;
  • allergens transmitted through the air - pollen, animal dander, dust;
  • allergies to cosmetics, household chemicals;
  • presence of chronic infectious diseases - adnexitis, tonsillitis;
  • diseases of the immune system;
  • liver disease;
  • thyroid disease.


Urticaria in the child (Symptoms and Treatment install doctor) is characterized by the following features:

  • rash, pale pink or bright red in color, resembling a burn from nettles or insect bite;
  • rash may have a slight indentation in the middle, and sometimes around them into a red border;
  • the affected areas of the skin itch;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
  • rashes appear on any part of the body;
  • tenderness touch if blisters formed on the skin;
  • blisters fade when pulling;
  • pain in the muscles and joints;
  • local redness usually appear on the cheeks and belly, and then on the back and limbs;
  • the formation of a solid red seal;
  • headache;
  • fever accompanied by shivering;
  • nausea, and diarrhea;
  • difficulty breathing;
  • paroxysmal cough;
  • suffocation;
  • lowering blood pressure;
  • infants occurrence of seizures and loss of consciousness
  • worsening of sleep;
  • mental disorders;
  • angioedema of various localization.


form of the disease Description
1. acute It develops almost immediately after allergen exposure (1 hour to days) with pronounced features. Provoking factor is easy to determine, because the body quickly reacts to the penetration of the allergen. It is enough to eliminate the contact and treatment may not be necessary. This form of the disease usually lasts no more than 1.5 months.
2. chronic For chronic urticaria typical daily form the appearance of lesions, that lasts for more than 6 weeks. Chronic urticaria usually occurs in people aged 20 to 40 years.

There are three forms of urticaria on the severity of the disease:

  • light, when the child is behaving normally feels. Signs of toxicity are absent and are not worried about the painful itching;
  • average, as nausea, diarrhea and fever. In certain areas there is a swelling that spreads quickly - angioedema;
  • heavy, when there is a threat to life. By the above-mentioned symptoms of intoxication is added, a strong angioedema and defeat gastrointestinal tract allergic.Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,

Types of hives:

  • grocery - manifested after the use of any type of food. It is characterized fever, nausea, diarrhea and itching rash. They are located on all parts of the body: abdomen, feet, cheeks and hands. Rashes resemble burn after contact with nettles in the form of bubbles of pink or red. Food urticaria lasts up to 3 hours and sometimes several days;
  • demographic - swelling occur in the field of mechanical impact: raschos blow or rubbing. The resulting scars are white or red, and pass quickly;
  • slow - the main factor causing the rash is squeezing. For example, too tight clothing or a heavy bag on his shoulder;
  • cold - rashes are formed under the influence of cold air or water;
  • heat - acts as an agent provocateur hot water (bathing), intense exercise or severe stress;
  • solar - the appearance of urticaria associated with exposure to the sun, the skin is sensitive to ultraviolet radiation. Factors influencing this process can be cosmetic as well as kidney disease or thyroid;
  • vibration - rashes are formed under the influence of vibration (work with percussion machine tools);
  • adrenergic - urticaria view in which lesions are the result of generating enormous amounts of epinephrine, that is typically associated with stress;
  • contact - when the skin comes into contact with the allergen. it acts usually pollen, animal dander, dust or jewelry of different metals. The rash may be accompanied by itching;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
  • water (Intolerance water) - is the result of skin contact with water, but the fluid does not act allergen. Water - the conductor, by dissolving a salt and other chemicals;
  • allergozudyaschy acute dermatosis (Cholinergic) - this type of urticaria appears after severe stress and physical overexertion. The disease is formed due to intensive production of acetylcholine in the body, which often tend to men at a young age;
  • pigmentary - urticaria, at which are formed on the skin, benign tumors, consisting of mast cells. Mastocytosis is manifested in the form of spots of brown-yellow, brown-red, or papules. The diameter may reach 5 cm. In places where the skin rash resembles orange peel. If the disease develops, performed cosmetic surgery;
  • angiitis - a disease in which the skin spots appear, resembling hives. The basis of the disease is an inflammatory process affecting small vessels and capillaries, resulting in a rash;
  • infectious - urticaria, developing due ingestion of pathogenic foreign microorganisms.

When the rash makes itself felt after taking the medication, it is about drug urticaria (allergy to the drug). Urticaria is called idiopathic if not identified the cause of the disease after the conducted complex investigations.

The first signs

Urticaria in the child (symptoms and treatment - important elements for any disease) usually begins suddenly. For the disease in question is characterized by the sudden appearance of papules, spots or blisters in different parts of the body. they are usually very itchy and itching, sometimes merging into a single fabric. In some cases, it appears weakness, headache and fever.

At the initial stage the rash disappears as quickly as it appears. Generally quite a few hours.

First aid

The rash formed in the acute form of urticaria, speed (from several hours to 2-3 days).

Child can severely disturb an itch, so there are the following recommendations:

1. you must first remove the allergen - a pet, a product or a medicament.

(Taken into account age) to eliminate the burning and itching, use special anti-allergy cream, permitted for children:Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,

  • Desitin;
  • fenistil;
  • Elidel;
  • Gistan.

If the funds are not available, made cool compresses (250 ml of water and vinegar tablespoon) or cream is applied by sunburn;

2. to reduce the irritation and itching, it is desirable to put on the baby cotton things. To prevent the likelihood of scratching rashes should cut the child fingernails;

3. in case of fever, nausea, diarrhea or angioedema ambulance called immediately;

4. before the arrival of an ambulance to the child is necessary to provide plenty of drinking. For this purpose, suitable alkaline solution (per 1 liter. water 1 g of baking soda) or weakly alkaline mineral water.

To bring the allergen from the digestive tract, given enterosorbent:

  • enterosgel;
  • White coal;
  • Smecta;
  • Polisorb.

5. When angioedema resulted from an insect bite or injection injections place above the bite or injection tight tighten.

Diagnosis of urticaria in children

Urticaria in the child (symptoms and treatment are determined as appropriate) requires a diagnostic measures. In order to detect the disease and prescribe the right treatment, you should first visit a pediatrician.

This doctor may refer to specialists narrow profile:

  • dermatologist;
  • immunologist;
  • allergist;
  • a neurologist;
  • endocrinologist.

The following tests shall be to make a diagnosis:

  • general analysis of blood and urine;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
  • blood chemistry;
  • blood samples for HIV, RW;
  • coprogram.

When you need more detailed examination to clarify what kind of disease in question is assigned to the following list of research:

  • faeces check Materials and oral mucosa for bacteria;
  • Revmoproby - a whole range of biochemical studies directed at the diagnosis of autoimmune conditions of the organism;
  • differential diagnosis for parasites: Trichinella, Echinococcus, opistorhisov and others;
  • coprogram - expanded the study of feces.

an allergic reaction survey includes the following procedures:

  • detection of inherited diseases and allergic reactions (allergic history collection);
  • Tests in vitro (in vitro);
  • tests to determine the body's response to cold, heat and pressure;
  • prick test for allergy;
  • intradermal tests infectious allergens.Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,

A list of instrumental studies:

  • ultrasound of the abdomen;
  • electrocardiogram;
  • esophagogastroduodenoscopy - sensing technique that allows a micro camera to examine the stomach, duodenum and esophagus;
  • X-rays of the sinuses;
  • panoramic picture of the chest;
  • diagnosis of the state of the cardiovascular system using veloergometry.

Complex surveys individually appointed after consultation with the attending physician.

medical therapies

First determine the cause of urticaria and following treatment.

Upon detection of the allergen to the effective treatment will be his elimination.

Tactics of treatment for children 1 to 3 years, as follows:

  • give the child an antihistamine;
  • in the early hours of treatment made to appoint an enema;
  • apply a special cream or lotion (recipe prescribe pediatrician) on the damaged areas to relieve the itching and inflammation;
  • to avoid irritation, use a moisturizing soap and a hypoallergenic washing powder;
  • make cold compresses in areas with eruptions;
  • include in the treatment of the sorbent to remove the allergen from the body;
  • If hives - the result of an infection caught in the body, appointed by antiviral therapy;
  • child drink warm water;
  • it is recommended to adhere to a specific diet for several weeks;
  • minimize walking in the sun or take a hot bath;
  • treatment of the underlying disease, which is caused urticaria (if any).

For preschool children provided similar activities, and a detailed treatment is discussed with the pediatrician. School children and adolescents should pay attention to the condition of the nervous systems, the amount of physical activity, as well as to minimize the pressure on the backpack or shoulder bag.Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,

The preventive measures appointed sedatives: Glycine, Motherwort, Valerian.

What can be done at home

Rash in a child is often treated at home, but only a specialist on the basis of the symptoms can prescribe the correct and effective treatment.

Urticaria is dangerous because it can develop into a wide angioedema. If time does not start treatment, there is a risk of suffocation.

can be used in the home:

  • hydrogen peroxide - 1 hr. l. mixed with 1 hour. l. water. Cotton pad is wetted and applied to lesions sites. This recipe does not relieve the inflammation, but temporarily eliminate the painful itching and burning;
  • cool compresses or bath - slows the release of histamine. For the best effect it is recommended to add 2 hours. l. oatmeal finely ground;
  • baking soda - combining soda and water paste is obtained. It is applied to the seat of lesions. This means stops irritation and reduce the unpleasant feeling of itching;
  • vinegar - means perfectly relieves itching. Vinegar is mixed with warm water (1 hr. l. + 1 tbsp. l.). Moistened cotton pad and applied to the site of formation of urticaria.

To prevent inflammation, you can start giving your child fish oil.


The attending physician may prescribe treatment include the following groups of products:

  • antihistamines - 1 generation products, eliminating the symptoms of allergies. The most effective: Suprastin, Ksizal, Klarisens;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
  • nonhormonal ointments and creams, relieves itching and have anti-allergic effect: Gistan, Bepanten, La Cree;
  • hormonal ointment (Appointed in severe cases): Soderm, Advantan, hydrocortisone;
  • antihistamines2-generation drugs: Zyrtec, Claritin, Aerius;
  • chelators: White coal Polisorb, activated charcoal;
  • normalization of sleep: Valerian, Motherwort.

Folk remedies

Effective folk remedies:

  • turmeric - a natural antioxidant and antihistamine spice. Turmeric is used topically and taken orally. For this 1 h. l. spices mixed with warm water. The child should be given 2 times a day;
  • ginger - removes puffiness, removes allergens from the body and relieves inflammation. Ginger root sealed in boiling water, and the resulting tea can be mixed with honey;
  • green tea - an effective antihistamine, enhancing immune function. The child can be given a maximum of 3 cups of tea per day, excluding the reception before going to bed;
  • nettle - displays the allergen from the body and removes puffiness. In 200 ml of boiling water brewed 2 hours. l. nettle leaves. The resulting infusion given 2 times a day;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,
  • Echinacea - relieves inflammation, has antibacterial and antiviral effect. 1 h. l. leaves of a plant sealed 200 ml. boiling water. 1 child is given once a day at bedtime.


Authorized products prohibited products
The first dishes, cooked with water or low-fat broth. You can add grains and vegetables. bee products, confectionery products based on cocoa butter
Smoked, canned and sausage.
Porridge, boiled in water:
  • oatmeal;
  • rice;
  • buckwheat;
  • barley;
  • corn. It is not necessary to give preference to the ladle.
Low-fat dietary meat: rabbit or chicken.
  • Strawberry;
  • raspberry;
  • cherry;
  • currant;
  • red apples.
Vegetables should pay attention to:
  • cauliflower;
  • zucchini;
  • broccoli;
  • pumpkin;
  • string beans. Be sure to include green, leafy salads, and spinach. Potatoes before eating soaked for 9 hours.
Sauces, mayonnaise, spices
Bread, bread without yeast content nuts
bananas mushrooms
green apples All products containing colorants, preservatives, thickeners, emulsifiers.
apricots Chips, crackers, products containing palm oil.
pears Caviar and seafood

should reduce the amount of sugar, salt and butter.

To cure hives, it is important to observe a drinking mode:

  • Purified carbonated water takes about 4 times a day for an hour before a meal;
  • used weak black tea without additives, and if not diagnosed allergen, can be used green tea;
  • You can drink fruit drinks and homemade compotes, if they do not have the prohibited products;Urticaria in children. Photo looks like, causes, symptoms and treatment. Folk remedies, ointments, creams,

You can not drink:

  • coffee;
  • nectars;
  • cocoa;
  • strong tea;
  • carbonated drinks.

The consequences of the disease

Urticaria in the child (symptoms and treatments affect the future life of the child) is not always occurs without consequences.

Complications may include:

  • krapivochnoy fever spread throughout the body;
  • passability problem with upper respiratory tract (angioedema the larynx);
  • a malfunction in the digestive tract.

In most cases the rash does not leave any consequences.

Advice of Dr. Komarovsky

Dr. Komorowski believes that the most important thing - to eliminate contact with an allergen.

According to the doctor should follow the standard scheme:

  • find out the cause of the disease, after collecting all the necessary analyzes;
  • eliminate the factors promoting the development of hives;
  • take antihistamines;
  • remove puffiness;
  • enterosobrentami cleanse the body;
  • control the humidity in the room;
  • Set the correct diet;
  • itching to use menthol ointment;
  • pay special attention to the child's clothing.

Urticaria in the child - a disease which is characterized by certain symptoms and requires prompt treatment.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about the causes of hives in children

Elena Malysheva talk about the causes, symptoms and treatment of urticaria in children:

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