Childhood Diseases

Leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. Norma content, function, how to raise, lower the level, the overall analysis and notation

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The main indicators of the state of health of the child - the white blood cells in his blood. a significant increase in cell-level fact is a direct indication for the parents take their baby to receive a qualified technician.

Parents should be aware of the role played by the white blood cells in the body, for whatever reason, their level may to deviate from the norm, as well as what to do to prevent it or to bring the figure in norm.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The role of leukocytes in the blood
  • 2 Which affects the amount of white blood cells
  • 3 Diagnosis leukocyte level
  • 4 Designation in the analysis
  • 5 Decoding performance
  • 6 Norms of white blood cell count in children
  • 7 The reasons for lowering rates in the child
  • 8 Reasons elevated leukocyte
  • 9 How to raise the level of white blood cell count
  • 10 Increased leukocyte via supply
  • 11 Traditional methods
  • 12 Video of elevated white blood cells in the blood of a child

The role of leukocytes in the blood

Leukocytes in the blood of a child (raised or lowered is determined by total blood analysis) are produced by the bone marrow. Considered cells are important for the general human condition, and the deviation from the norm of their level always indicates the body fight with the existing disease.

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Stability leukocytes indicator is provided a process of their formation and destruction. Parents are important to control the concentration of leukocytes in the blood of their baby, as these cells perform vital functions.

Among the most important experts allocate:

  • defense against bacterial and viral infections of different origin;
  • minimizing the risk of falling into the child's body of parasites;
  • preservation of tissue homeostasis in proper condition;
  • catalyzing properties during repair tissue integrity;
  • the destruction of the old, the sick cells of its own body;
  • storing harmful microbes and bacteria which occur when a child, in order to develop immunity to reinfection in the future;
  • protecting the body against substances that can cause the baby allergic reactions.
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level

To form a complete picture of the role of white blood cells in the child's body must be emphasized that the subject cells have also their internal classification. Depending on the type (monocytes, macrophages), the basic functions of a particular group of leukocytes vary.

Which affects the amount of white blood cells

White blood cells in the blood of the child (can be increased for a number of reasons), in particular, their number can vary not only because of the presence of serious illness, but also the general exhaustion of the body, as well as usual cold.

Affect the concentration of leukocytes can:

  • unbalanced diet (prevalence in the daily diet of porridge, fruit of one species, dairy products);
  • receiving a number of drugs, one component of which is a plantain, motherwort or clover;
  • approaching menstruation (relevant for children aged 10-15 years);
  • physical and emotional stress for a long time;
  • a hot bath with herbs;
  • aggravation of allergic reaction;
  • benign and malignant tumors;
  • viral diseases;
  • infections of different nature;
  • presence of inflammation or increased production of pus;
  • the lack of a number of essential vitamins, such as vitamins B;
  • radiation sickness;
  • spleen injury;
  • brain disease;
  • leukemia.

In order to avoid a significant increase or decrease in white blood cell count, parents need to control life child, and regularly carry out surveys of his body (take a common blood and urine tests, visit the pediatrician).

Diagnosis leukocyte level

Diagnosis of the level of white blood cells, depending on the baby's complaints, as well as its age, possible in several ways. Required method for determining the status of immune function of the organism chosen physician, based on current circumstances and the patient's history.

leukocytes in the blood of the child (raised, lowered or normal), or more precisely, their concentration in the body, is diagnosed in the following ways:

  • General blood analysis. The maximum popular method of determining the number of cells examined. Apart from the fact that the CBC in most cases reflects the true picture of the health of the child, preparation of biological material shall be effected very quickly with minimal discomfort for a little patient.
    leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level
  • General urine analysis. The results of this study may signal a qualified doctor about this disease in the body. In this case, it is advisable to follow the recommendations of experts in preparation for the examination. Child day before urine collection should not be overstrained emotionally or physically, and to eat hard digestible foods. It is also important to know that the biological material to be delivered to the laboratory within 2 hours of collection. Otherwise, the results of this type of research will be unreliable.
  • Swab from the vagina. This type of diagnostic leukocyte levels may be assigned to a girl with suspected presence of diseases related to sexual state of the system, e.g., the inflammation of the ovaries. for the collection of biological material transactions carried out a professional gynecologist after hygienic procedures in the child, carried out under the supervision of their parents, and for 3-5 hours delivered to the laboratory.
  • General analysis of feces (Kaprogramma). Studies of this type are appointed extremely rare. This is due to a non-specific indicator, which should be considered only in conjunction with other analyzes of the little patient. A decision on the necessity of putting feces to determine the leukocyte concentration in it, is usually taken when the doctor pronounced acute forms of dysfunction of the gastrointestinal tract.

To obtain reliable information about the index of leukocytes necessary to carry out several types of research, and then compare the results and to come to an objective conclusion about the state of child health.

Designation in the analysis

White blood cells, namely, their concentration in the blood of the child, can be determined by the parents themselves. Elevated levels of cells considered or not, can be found by estimating the results handed over analysis.

Depending on the laboratory that conducted the study, white blood cells may be marked in different ways. Medical document can contain the name of the cell, prescribed fully, some Russian letters or Latin abbreviation. The most popular and generally accepted designations leukocytes embodiment is an abbreviated form - WBC.

Decoding performance

Explanation indicators leukocytes must not be carried out separately, but in conjunction with other points result the total blood analysis. It is also important that the laboratory standards for this type of cells are floating.

Given this fact, a slight deviation from the reference concentration values, e.g., for a few Tenth, is not a reason for the appointment of additional examination of the child and is considered acceptable this.

Only research conducted using biomaterial, taken on an empty stomach in the morning, it can be considered reliable and evaluated by your doctor.

In order to avoid unjustified experiences with parents about the health of their baby, it is not necessary to decode performance tests on their own, without possessing sufficient knowledge in the field of medicine and physiology person. The doctor did not simply analyze the obtained during the research component, but also to evaluate it in the context of the leukocyte formula.

leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level

Its components is considered to be:

  • eosinophils (Actively neutralize foreign protein that enters the body of a child);
  • basophils (Responding to the reproduction of parasites and intoxication of the body of the child);
  • neutrophils (Fight bacteria, parasites, fungi);
  • lymphocytes (Stored harmful organisms for forming subsequent immunity, suppress cancer cells, stimulate the production of antibodies);
  • monocytes (Children protect the body from viral infections, cancer cells and various blood related diseases it clotting).

Norms of white blood cell count in children

Leukocytes in the blood of a child (raised or lowered can be determined by comparing the analysis result with the conventional the reference value), particularly in the normal concentration whether the estimated medical specialist, based on the following age norms.

Age of the child Reference value leukocytes
The first 5 days of life 30 x 10 9 / l
0 - 1 month 12.1 x 10 9 / l
12 months - 3 years 10.5 x 10 9 / l
35 years 8-10 x 10 9 / l
5-10 years of age and older 5-9 x 10 9 / l

In addition to general rules directly in blood leukocytes for a reliable assessment of children state the body should be analyzed and considered values ​​subtypes of cells, usually expressed in Percentage.

Eosinophils (EOS):

Age group of child A common rule
The first 5 days of life 0,5–6
0 - 1 month 0,5–7
12 months - 3 years 0,5–7
35 years 0,5–7
5 - 10 years and older 0,5–7

Basophils (BAS):

Age of the little man Meaning leukocytes norms
The first 5 days of life 0-1
0 - 1 month 0-1
12 months - 3 years 0-1
35 years 0-1
5 - 10 years and older 0-1
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level


Age of the child reference values
The first 5 days of life 45-80
0 - 1 month 15-45
12 months - 3 years 25-60
35 years 35-65
5 - 10 years and older 40-65

Lymphocytes (LYM):

The amount of time from the birth of the baby The indicator, which is considered the norm
The first 5 days of life 12-36
0 - 1 month 40-76
12 months - 3 years 38-73
35 years 27-61
5 - 10 years and older 23-51

Monocytes (MON):

Age of the child Indicator of absolute child's health
The first 5 days of life 2-13
0 - 1 month 2-13
12 months - 3 years 2-11
35 years 2-11
5 - 10 years and older 2-11

The reasons for lowering rates in the child

A state where the concentration of white blood cells in the body of the baby significantly below commonly accepted indicators, called leukopenia.

The reasons for its development could be:

  • autoimmune diseases;
  • diabetes;
  • intoxication;
  • continuously taking a number of drugs, such as antispasmodics, antibiotics, drugs for tuberculosis, and so on;
  • beriberi, in particular vitamin deficiency group B;
  • immunodeficiency virus;
  • birth defects;
  • infections of the body;
  • thyroid dysfunction, e.g., hypothyroidism;
  • growth of malignant or benign tumors.
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level

The state in the child's body is extremely dangerous for life and health of the child. Accordingly, upon detection of a significant reduction in blood leukocytes toddler parents it is advisable to immediately contact a qualified technician to assign additional survey.

Reasons elevated leukocyte

Condition opposite to that described above in which white blood cells significantly exceeds the level of reference values, equally dangerous. In this case, it mentions the existence of leukocytosis.

It can be caused both to natural causes (improper diet, excessive physical activity or emotional excitement, hot bathing in the bath) and serious diseases.

Upon detection of elevated levels of leukocytes, a child as soon as possible to inspect for the presence of:

  • purulent processes;
  • inflammations;
  • intoxication or mild poisoning;
  • viral infections;
  • bone marrow lesions;
  • dysfunction of the spleen;
  • injuries of different nature;
  • damage integrity of the skin;
  • allergic reactions;
  • benign or malignant tumors;
  • in the body of fungi and parasites.
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level

Physiological also considered the increased concentration of leukocytes in the blood of the child in the case of recently undergone little man operation.

During the rehabilitation period, and the tissue repair process, the indicators examined cell will be raised, due to activation of protective functions of the child's body.

How to raise the level of white blood cell count

To bring the level of white blood cells in the normal way medication, parents should consult with a specialist about the wisdom of this decision. Typically, to correct the situation by means of drugs, physicians prescribe sparing agents, corrective function of the immune system.

It can be:

  • Immunal;
  • comedones;
  • pharmacy tincture of Echinacea and Siberian Ginseng;
  • leucogen;
  • Methyluracilum and so on.
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level

If the deviation from accepted norms is not essential for restoring the concentration of cells considered in the child's body can resort to the adjustment of supply or folk methods.

Increased leukocyte via supply

For normalizing leukocyte counts using the power should be deleted from the daily diet baby liver and meat fat varieties. In drawing up the menu for the child suffering from a low content of white blood cells, the parents should be guided by the advice of qualified professionals.

They are advised to give preference to:

  • citrus;
  • nuts;
  • fish red varieties;
  • chicken;
  • turkey;
  • spinach;
  • cabbage;
  • beets;
  • all sorts of berries;
  • dairy products;
  • hard cheeses;
  • pumpkin;
  • peas;
  • lentils;
  • beans.

In addition to inclusion in the diet of a child above products, parents should experiment with dishes prepared with their use.

The monotony of the proposed food can not only cause a protest from the baby, due to the necessity adhere to a special diet, but also provoke a deterioration in his state of health, because of the meager an unbalanced diet.

Traditional methods

Traditional methods of influence on the level of leucocytes in the child's body does not have proven effectiveness. However, given the maximum of natural ingredients that make up this kind of recipes, they are unlikely to harm the child's body.

Among the most commonly used methods for increasing the concentration of leukocytes can be noted:

  • The infusion of sweet clover: 3 hours. l. melilot herb dry mixed with 500 mL of potable water at room temperature. Withstand the resulting mixture in a dark place for 5 hours. Drain and divide into 2 equal parts. The resulting tincture taken 3 times a day, drinking half a glass of 1 reception. The duration of treatment in this way should be at least 2 months.
  • A decoction of wormwood: Article 5 must be mixed together to obtain health-improving broth. l. dry wormwood with 1 liter of boiling water. Let it brew for 5-7 hours, then drain thoroughly, drink as much as possible sparing of grass. For maximum results you need to take the resulting herbal tincture 1 glass strictly before meals for 1-2 months.
    leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level
  • Pollen: mixed with normal pollen honey in a ratio of 1: 2. The resulting substance is left in the dark, dry place for 3-5 days. Such a tool is recommended to take daily 2 times a day for 1 hour. l. before meals. Given the specific flavor mixture, the child may request its liquid drink. The ideal in this case is milk with low percentage of fat.
  • Broth hips: 100 grams of dried flowers of rose hips pour 300 ml of water and put on fire. Continuously stirring the mixture, to bring the media up to the boil. Reduce the heat and leave to languish broth for half an hour. After a specified time to take a drink from the heat and place in a dry dark place. Leave it for 4 hours. Take the resulting herbal medicine is necessary before a meal three times a day, pre-mix 1 h. l. broth with 2 tablespoons. l. honey, for 2 months.
  • Oat drink: 3 tbsp. l. oats mixed with 750 ml of drinking water. Put mixture on fire and bring to boil. Stirring constantly, to maintain the achieved temperature for 20-30 minutes. Further, the beverage should be removed from the heat and let it brew for a day, after which the broth must be carefully drain. Take 3 times daily before meals half a glass for 1-2 months or until visible improvement of indicators of leukocytes in the blood baby.
  • Tincture of flax seeds: Pour 100 grams of flax seed 3 liters of drinking water, mix thoroughly and put on fire. Periodically stirring the mixture, to bring the beverage to the boil and cook thus further 3 hours. To use the resulting infusion is necessary in the middle of the day after the immediate meals for 2-3 weeks.
leukocytes in the blood of the child increased, decreased. The general analysis, the rate of content. How to raise, lower level
If your child has elevated white blood cell count, you can use a decoction of flax seed.

When deciding on the use of specific national prescription means acting on blood leukocytes child, parents should make sure that there is no allergic reaction in a child at any of the available funds components.

From the emotional tension to serious pathologies, the blood leukocytes of the child can be raised for a number of reasons. Despite the availability of a wide range of options to influence the concentration of these cells in order to normalize their level, it is advisable to parents to prevent a sharp increase or decrease in their number in the body baby.

This can be done, first of all, by ensuring a balanced diet and routine visits to the pediatrician for the purpose of examination of the child's body.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of elevated white blood cells in the blood of a child

What does an elevated white blood cell count:

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