Childhood Diseases

Adenoids in children. Symptoms and Treatment, photos, how to delete, laser therapy, hypertrophy, how to treat inflammation, inhalation, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy means

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Enlarged adenoids in children in the early stages may not have typical symptoms. With the progression of the disease the child loses the ability to breathe through the nose, which can lead to oxygen starvation and irreversible changes in facial bones. To prevent serious complications, treatment should be started when the first symptoms of disease.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of hypertrophy of the adenoids
  • 2 symptoms
  • 3 The danger of inflammation of adenoids
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 vasoconstrictor agent
  • 6 hormonal treatments
  • 7 antiseptics
  • 8 Antibiotics as a spray in the nose
  • 9 Homeopathy
  • 10 nasal lavage
  • 11 inhalation
  • 12 types of Physical Therapy
  • 13 kriolechenie
  • 14 Breathing exercises
  • 15 Removal by surgery
  • 16 Adenoidectomy in children Laser
  • 17 Video of the adenoids in children

The causes of hypertrophy of the adenoids

Adenoids in children, symptoms and treatment which should be monitored by a specialist, can occur for a variety of reasons.

The most common factors that can trigger the proliferation of lymphoid tissue are:

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  • Violation of fetal development due to exposure to toxic substances, active ingredients medicines, the reception of which is prohibited during pregnancy, radiation or an unfavorable environment.
  • Injuries to a child during its passage through the birth canal.
  • Routine infection by viral infections, the transition of the disease into a chronic form. If we neglect the treatment of colds, infectious agents are concentrated in adenoids, causing inflammation and swelling of the tissues of the pharynx, as well as the stagnation of blood and lymph in the tonsils.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • Genetic susceptibility to an increase in lymphoid tissues.
  • Climatic conditions. Dry air, the heat in the room during the heating period as well as the use of conditioners leads to inhalation of a large amount of allergens, nasal congestion and weaken Immunity.


Adenoids in children, symptoms and treatments which involve the release of the child from the training sessions are shown as follows:

  • Shortness of nasal breathing due to enlarged tonsils, nasal cavity to be filled. In this case, the patient is free to breathe through the mouth.
  • Cough. Infected adenoids irritate nerve endings responsible for the cough reflex. Also, the reason can be a hit of mucus in the airways.Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • cold. Increased activity nasopharyngeal tonsil and progressive inflammatory irritate the nasal mucosa and provoke the appearance of abundant discharges. Over time, the nasolabial folds become red due to the aggressive action of the mucus containing components aimed at the destruction of pathogenic microorganisms.
  • hearing impairment. Overgrown adenoids can block opening of the auditory tube. In this case, the ear cavity is not supplied air and the eardrum loses mobility necessary for clear sound.
  • The child often wakes up at night, There may be momentary cessation of breathing, snoring.
  • the patient's voice becomes nasal.
  • Fever. Fever can be caused by colds that afflict children with enlarged tonsils and also toxic substances secreted by pathogenic bacteria, which develop in the affected colonies tissues.
Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
Adenoids in children have different symptoms, such as fever. Identify the disease need to start early treatment.

Irreversible changes occur only after prolonged course of the disease. Early treatment helps to restore nasal breathing and prevent complications.

The danger of inflammation of adenoids

Any pathology manifested in childhood, should be eliminated as quickly as possible, until the disease-causing bacteria that spread throughout the body, does not cause negative effects.

Complication Cause complications
facial deformation In the absence of therapy severe degree of pathology leads to a change of the facial bones. Due to the long-term nasal congestion child walks with his mouth slightly open, even after complete recovery. This leads to disruption of occlusion, adhesions in the TMJ, sky strain and growing teeth
mental disorders Due to the constant lack of oxygen the baby becomes irritable and nervous
Underdevelopment When the nose is not breathing, the brain is not fed enough oxygen. As a result, mental and psychological development is braked. Also deteriorating memory and ability to concentrate


Adenoids in children, symptoms and treatments which require a comprehensive approach, diagnosed using the following methods:

  • anterior rhinoscopy - visual inspection of the nasal passages. To see the overgrown adenoids, a specialist pre-burying the child's nose vasoconstrictor drops. At the time of swallowing, the soft palate is reduced and it is possible to notice a bulk oscillation tonsils.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • pharyngorrhinoscopy - Study of the nose moves through the pharynx. Through a special mirror doctor sees tumorous growths. With increased gag reflex, this method of diagnosis is not carried out.
  • X-ray - considered the picture side view of the nasopharynx, it is possible to determine the degree of hypertrophy of the tonsils.
  • pharyngoscope - it indicates the presence of pathogens in secretions from the nose.
  • endoscopy recognized as the most effective method of diagnosing inflammation adenoids. The baby's nostril tube is inserted at the end of which is fixed microchamber. The monitor displays all the captured information indicating the location of the body, its scope, the general condition, and the degree of overlap gaps Hoan. The image can browse not only the specialist, but also the child's parents.

vasoconstrictor agent

Formulations narrowing vessels mucosa, have anti-inflammatory effects and reduce the volume of precipitates. Such means temporarily facilitate respiration and may be used at bedtime.

When enlarged adenoids are used nasal drops:

  • Otrivin. Besides ksilometazolina contains a part of sorbitol and hypromellose, avoid the discomfort and dryness in the nasal passages. Dosage: 1-2 drops 2 times a day.
  • tizin. The active ingredient - tetryzoline. Means administered to children older than 2 years. Dosage: 1-2 drops every 4 hours.
  • Nazivin. Oxymetazoline quickly eliminates mucosal edema and normalize breathing. Dosage: 1-2 drops 2-3 times a day.

hormonal treatments

Products containing hormones may be used for the treatment of patients aged 3 years. Drugs differ cumulative effect, so to get rid of the disease may require repeat therapy several times.

Reduce the tissue of the adenoids help following sprays:

  • Fliksonaze. The main component - fluticasone propionate. Positive effect occurs within 3 h after use of the drug and persists for days. Children aged 4 to 12 years is assigned one injection into each of the nasal passages per day. The course of treatment - 4 days.
  • Nasonex. Included in korkosteroidov group comprises mometasone furoate. For children up to 11 years is enough single injection of the drug. After 11 years, the dosage is doubled. The course of treatment - 10 days.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • Avamys. The active substance - fluticasone furoate. The drug should be used every day at the same time. Children dose - one infusion, and adult - 2. The course of treatment - 10 days, it can be extended if necessary.


For disinfection of inflamed tissue following drugs are used adenoids:

  • Protargolum. Drops containing silver ions, have no age restriction. Initially, the drug is available in powdered form and mixed with water already in the pharmacy immediately prior to sale. For infants therapy using 1% concentration for older toddlers - 2%. Standard dosage - 2-4 drops 2 times a day for 7-14 days.
  • Derinat. It contains sodium deoxyribonucleat used for 7-14 days. The optimum frequency of the drug - 4 to 6 times a day for 3-5 drops.
  • colloid silver. Active components - albumin and colloidal silver. Dosage: 2-3 drops twice a day.

Antibiotics as a spray in the nose

Drugs, which include topical antibiotics, can quickly stop the acute inflammation.

The complex treatment includes the use of such sprays:

  • Izofra. Active component - framycetin sulphate possessing broad spectrum of activity. The medicament is sprayed into the nasal passages every 3 hours.
  • Polydex. Administered to children older than 2.5 years. It contains neomycin sulfate and polymyxin. The drug is used 3 times a day.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • Sofradeks. It includes framycetin, dexamethasone, gramicidin. Administered twice a day.


Expert opinion about the effectiveness of homeopathic remedies differ. Such drugs have a natural composition that does not adversely impact on the body, but in severe forms of pathology is necessary to use them in combination with antibacterial drugs.

The most famous assets include:

  • Tui oil. Resin, volatile and essential oils to fight pathogens and increase the body's resistance to infection. For the treatment of adenoids must be administered 3-4 drops of oil into each nostril in the morning and evening. The tool can be used continuously for one month, then you need stop therapy for 7 days and continue to apply medication to the extinction disease symptoms. It is important to bear in mind that for the landfill is only suitable means to the concentration of essential oils is not more than 15%.
  • Sinupret. For production of the preparation used extracts sorrel, verbena, elder, cowslip and gorechanki. In the form of drops, he is allowed to treat children from 2 years old, and in the form of pills - from 6 years. Drops diluted with drinking water in a ratio of 1: 1 and taken inside. Duration of treatment - 2 weeks. Patients from 2 to 6 years is recommended to use 15 drops 3 times a day. The optimal dose for children 6-12 years old is 25 drops or 1 tablet 3 times a day. Teenagers from 12 years are allowed to take 2 pills 50 or homeopathic drops, 2 times a day.
  • Limfomiozot. Means comprising a collection of medicinal herbs, reduce inflammation and preventing the proliferation of lymphoid tissue. 15-20 drops of the drug should be connected to 100 ml of boiled water and take three times a day. Course of treatment: 8-12 days.

nasal lavage

Ate the nasal passages is not completely closed, appointed lavage.

For the procedure, the following fluids are used:

  • In 200 ml of warm water must add ½ hours. l. sea ​​salt and mix well to dissolve the crystals completely. Thereafter means need strain through a cheesecloth, because sea salt often contains impurity in the form of sand. It is also possible to prepare a solution of a conventional sodium chloride and iodine drops. Salt copes well with the bacteria, promotes healing of tissues and stimulates blood circulation.
  • tablet furatsilina to grind to a fine powder and diluted in 1 liter of heated water. The drug has strong antiseptic effect, quickly relieves swelling and inflammation.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • chlorhexidine and warm water must be boiled to combine in a ratio of 1: 2. Do not use hard water from the tap, it healing properties of the drug is partially lost. The liquid may cause burning, so it is necessary to monitor the reaction of the child. If you experience discomfort, you need to stop the procedure. Chlorhexidine - a potent drug, which hit in the gastrointestinal tract is not allowed. In order not to swallow the solution, instead of your regular wash inserted into each nasal passage of the duct. Through the first tube should inject the composition, and through the second pumped it.
  • Decoctions of herbs. Quick relief from disease symptoms helps wash adenoids infusions mother and stepmother, chamomile flowers, celandine or oak bark.

If you need to wash the baby nose, you need one hand to hold it in a horizontal position, and the second burying a drug into the nose using a pipette.

For children up to one year may be used only saline solution. In each nostril should be reached by means of 2 drops. After the procedure, you must use a nasal aspirator or syringe to clear the nasal passages of mucus and excess fluid.

If the child is an adult, while washing it can be slightly bent over a bathtub or sink. The nostrils are washed alternately. First, you need to pour the solution slowly, and when the patient gets used - to increase the pressure. If breathing is hindered, for 10 min. before the procedure should take advantage of vasoconstrictor drops.

Syringe, a syringe without a needle or a small teapot is filled with warm water, and bring to a nostril, slightly penetrating into the cavity so as not to miss. Before infusion should ask the child to hold his breath. If the procedure is performed correctly, the liquid together with mucus freely out through the other nostril.

Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy

Irrigate nasopharynx is required each day for 10-15 min., The course consists of 10 sessions. After that, a break of 7 days. As a general rule, to normalize the volume of the tonsils must be 2-3 courses.


Inhalation applied both during exacerbation and in remission. When the expansions of the adenoids is forbidden to breathe the hot steam. This may lead to increased growth of lymphoid tissue and pus. The procedure implemented with the help of modern instrument - nebulizer nebulizing the medicament in the form of mist which the patient inhales through the mask.

When used inflamed tonsils groups such preparations:

  • antiseptic: Miramistin stimulating immune defenses, which accelerates the healing process of tissues and kills the pathogens. Analogs - Dekasan, Chlorophyllipt.
  • antibacterial: Fluimucil thinning and outputting phlegm, eliminating inflammation and cleansing the respiratory tract of toxins. It is used for children older than 2 years 2 times a day for 3 ml.
  • mucoactive: Lasolvan, Ambroxol, Ambrobene. Stimulate motor ciliary epithelium decrease sputum viscosity and outputting it from the body. The inhaler is filled with the drug, diluted with saline in the ratio 1: 1. Patients under the age of 6 years assigned means 1-2 ml 1-2 times a day. Children older than 6 years can make inhalation 2 times a day, 1 reception using 2-3 ml of the drug.
  • bronchodilator: Atrovent, Salbutamol, Ventolin. Adjust the amount of secretions emitted glands bronchial mucosa, possess bronchodilatory effect, inhibit the inflammatory process. Maximum daily rate for patients aged 6 - 0.5 ml of 6 to 12 years - 1.5 ml, and children over 12 years assigned to 2 ml of the drug per day.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • Immunokorrektiruyuschie: Derinat. It contributes to the child's health, accelerates the healing of tissue, reduces inflammation. For inhalation use 1 ml means coupled to 4 ml of sodium chloride. Procedures are carried out in the morning and evening.

inhalations course is 10 days. If necessary, a specialist may recommend a medication change or extend the treatment.

types of Physical Therapy

The positive effect of physical therapy can achieve the following activities:

  • intranasally ultraviolet irradiation of the nasal cavity dries, removes swelling and suppresses propagation of pathogens. The rehabilitation period after exposure is surgery of UV rays on the whole body.
  • laser therapy considered one of the most effective methods of eliminating manifestations of the disease and prevent relapse. Under the influence of the rays increases blood circulation in the affected area.
  • electrophoresis. For the procedures used silver nitrate, Novocaine, Potassium iodide, diphenhydramine. Under the influence of electrical impulses, drugs to quickly penetrate into the deeper layers of tissue. Electrophoresis has no harmful effects on the body, but under 3 years is not recommended for use for children.
  • magnetotherapy - heating of the affected areas the influence of high-frequency current. Inductothermy relieves pain and improves the body's ability to resist infection.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  • mud therapy. Peat, sapropel and healing mud sludge containing biologically active substances, improving circulation and stopping the inflammatory process.
  • arsonvalization. During the procedure, carried out the local impact of high-frequency current to the inflamed areas. Collar area is processed electrode resembling comb. Darsonvalization helps the body fight infection and accelerates blood flow.


Treating the symptoms of adenoids in children is cryotherapy in the treatment of overgrown plot of lymphoid tissue with liquid nitrogen. Under the influence of low temperatures adenoids shrink and recovery is faster.

Healthy tissue is not affected during the procedure.

Where indicated, the expert can use liquid nitrogen for painless removal of individual sections of the growths.

Kriolechenie carried out in several stages:

  1. Local anesthesia is produced by spraying nasopharynx Lidocaine.
  2. The nasal passages are inserted into the tube of the endoscope, through which will be supplied to a freezing material.
  3. Specialist comprises supplying liquid nitrogen for a few sec., Then makes a small break, and repeats the procedure until the desired effect.
Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy

The total duration of therapy is not more than 15 minutes. To eliminate the pronounced disease symptoms may require 3-5 such sessions, and 2 months later, repeat the course, for the final disposal of pathology.

Breathing exercises

Adenoids in children, symptoms and treatment which is aimed at the liberation of the nasopharynx by the expanded lymphoid tissue, can promote the formation of habits to inhale air through the mouth.

Regular exercise, which should be done both during treatment and during recovery, preventing the consequences of improper breathing. Before gymnastics necessary to clear mucus from the nose.

The complex consists of such exercises:

  1. "Epaulettes". Stand up straight, hands clenched into fists and hold in the abdomen in the area of ​​the belt. On the inhale to straighten your elbows, fists firmly pushed down. On the exhale, lift the brush back to the waist, the shoulders relax.
  2. "Ladushki". Stand up straight, bend the arms so that your elbows looked down, and his hands were turned toward the face. Quickly, noisily to breathe the air, clenched hands into fists.
    Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy
  3. "Pump". Straighten your back, feet should be placed slightly narrower shoulders. Hands should be lowered along a trunk. Gently lean forward, bringing his fingers to the floor, but not touching the surface, and at the same time with the noise of the air to breathe. During the end of the bow should exhale. Then you need to get up without straightening his back to the end, again inhale and exhale.
  4. "Put your arms around his shoulders." Standing straight, bend your elbows, raise them to shoulder level. On the inhale sharply to the right palm toward each other and at the same time tilt the head back.
  5. "Cat". Stand straight, feet should be placed slightly narrower than shoulder level. Crouch, knees slightly bent, body turned to the right and exhaling sharply. Take the starting position and repeat the exercise with a turn of the body to the other side.

Removal by surgery

Surgery is performed when there are serious indications:

  • Treatment failure and progression of disease.
  • The occurrence of relapse more than 4 times per year.
  • Morbidity disease: respiratory stop seizures, the occurrence of defects of speech, hearing loss and other abnormalities.

Lymphoid tissue has no nerve endings, but most modern clinics carrying out an operation under general anesthetic, so as not to injure the psyche of the child. If you are using a local anesthesia, the patient is administered a tranquilizer. Operation proceeds 20-50 min., Depending on the degree of tissue overgrowth.

For excision of the tonsils can be used a variety of tools:

  • circular scalpel;
  • mikrodebrider;
  • electrocoagulator;
  • radionozh.
Adenoids in children. The symptoms, the treatment of inflammation, the deletion. Laser therapy, inhalations, drops, physiotherapy, cryotherapy, homeopathy

When the bleeding stops, the operation is completed. After a discharge of anesthesia can eat and drink within 2-4 hours, depending on the state of health. Within a week, avoid salty, hot and spicy dishes. Free child from school for 2-3 weeks and is recommended not to engage in active sports for a month.

Adenoidectomy in children Laser

Now experts often prefer modern methods adenotomy, minimizing blood loss and the risk of complications.

There are 2 types of operations performed by laser:

  • vaporization - layer burning overgrown tissue;
  • coagulation - adenoidectomy focused beam.

If the laser can be used to treat the cut after the classical surgery.

To reduce the risk of enlarged adenoids in children, it is crucial to treat infectious diseases, preventing their passage into the chronic form, and the development of complications. Upon detection of symptoms characteristic of the pathology, it is important to follow the treatment regimen recommended by a specialist.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the adenoids in children

Dr. Komarovsky School - adenoids in children:

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