Dental Disease

Stomatitis. Treatment of adults: drugs effective ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

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Stomatitis is common among patients of different age. disease treatment in adults take a little longer than in children therapy, since the regeneration of the mucous membranes delayed in these patients.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The causes of disease
  • 2 classification of diseases
  • 3 disease symptoms
  • 4 Diagnostics
  • 5 treatment of the disease
    • 5.1 Topical medications
    • 5.2 systemic medications
    • 5.3 antibiotic
    • 5.4 Folk remedies
  • 6 How to speed up the recovery by using diet therapy
  • 7 Video of stomatitis

The causes of disease

Stomatitis is a disease of the mucosa of the oral cavity characterized by the appearance therein of ulcers of different sizes. They can be single or multiple, depending on the variety of the disease. There are many reasons that can trigger disease.

The most common are the following:

  • Failure elementary rules of oral hygiene.
  • Use of substandard products dentifrice.
  • Irritation of the mucosa of the oral cavity is too rigid toothbrush.
  • The use of sharp, salty and acidic foods in large quantities.
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  • Poor-quality dentures, traumatic mucosa.
  • The lack of vitamins and minerals in the body, chronic vitamin deficiency.
  • The weakening of the immune system as a result of fatigue, frequent stress and other factors.
  • Taking potent medicines from the group of antibiotics and cytostatics.
  • Eating too hot and cold dishes on a regular basis.
  • Excessive use of the products for rinsing violates microflora of the mouth.
  • Helminths infecting organism.
  • The presence in the body hearth purulent infections such as sinusitis or chronic tonsillitis.
  • Severe anemia, diabetes running.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

At risk are patients infected with the AIDS virus, as well as patients who recently suffered severe and prolonged illness. In addition, after the removal of the risk of tooth stomatitis increases several times.

classification of diseases

Stomatitis (treatment in adults often involves the use of funds from different groups) can be accompanied by a variety of clinical manifestations. That's why experts classified the state into several varieties.

Aphthous stomatitis is considered the most common form. The disease is characterized by the appearance of a single small sores covered with a whitish bloom. In this hearth is localized at the inner side of the lips or cheeks.

The viral form of the disease is also called herpes, because it becomes the result of activation of the body of herpes simplex virus. Thus on the oral mucosa appear small vesicles, filled with clear or turbid liquid with a yellow tinge. They quickly opened, in their place are erosion.

Thrush is a fairly common, as is caused by prolonged use of antibiotics and disorders of the oral cavity microflora. If mucous inspect the patient's mouth, it can be seen that the original white curd plaque present on their surface. When it is detected flushed removing surface covered erosions.

The bacterial form of the disease is also common. In most cases provoked by microorganisms falling within the oral cavity when used unwashed vegetables and fruits. Sores are small, they are usually multiple, damaged surface layer on the focal spot remains wound surface.

Stomatitis can also be allergic. In this case, on the surface there is a kind of rash that does not bring discomfort, but it is often damaged, leaving in its place a miniature wounds.

Any type of disease occurs in several stages, each of which is characterized by clinical manifestations. At the initial stage formed single or multiple erosion, the appearance of which depends on the type of pathology. There are other symptoms that accompany the disease.

In the progressive stage, sores and injury aggravation of symptoms. In some cases joined by a bacterial infection, which greatly impairs the course of the disease and can trigger serious complications.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

Step resolution is considered a final degree of development of disease. At this stage, the coating peels ulcers under which tissue regeneration is rapid.

All symptoms are gradually disappearing, the patient's condition improves. Only in some cases, when stage 2 joins an infection or other complications, the healing is slow or there is worsening condition.

disease symptoms

Stomatitis (treatment in adults is often complicated by the accession of other symptoms) is not always provokes severe clinical manifestations, especially in adult patients. At the initial stage, the patient feels discomfort in the mouth, especially at the site of ulceration. Conducting hygienic procedures complicated, sensitive oral mucosa increases.

As the disease progresses there halitosis, bleeding of the gums during brushing or solids used. The patient speaks of moderate to severe pain, even with the use of water. Usually the pain tolerance, manifested in the mucosal injury during the meal.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

After a while the symptoms exacerbated if the patient does not go to the doctor. Perhaps the rise in body temperature, weakness and poor appetite. The patient tries to avoid taking food and fluids, as these actions provoke pain.

With long-term course of the disease there is a decrease in body weight, worsening of sleep, the patient is not able to perform their duties. Usually these symptoms occur after joining complications. At congenial disease systemic effects are absent.


The disease is quite simple and is diagnosed at an early stage of progressing. To this end, the expert uses several methods to help identify not only the degree of damage to the mucous membranes, but also the specific form of the disease.

Method Description
General examination and patient survey The most simple and accessible method of diagnosis, which is listening to the patient's complaints and to identify the reasons for the alleged violations. It helps immediately determine the type of the disease and the extent of tissue damage. When this is examined not only the oral cavity. But the skin of the patient.
Clinical study of blood Standard methodology, aimed at evaluating the overall condition of the patient and the identification of associated abnormalities.
Blood chemistry An additional method of research, which often helps determine the cause of the disorder and to detect complications in the internal organs.
Smear with oral mucosa The result of research helps the doctor to see what type of microorganism caused pathology, if suspected bacterial type of stomatitis.
PCR method The technique of polymerase chain reaction used to confirm the presence of herpes virus in the body, because it shows the antibodies formed by the body in response to this pathogen. It is possible to confirm the origin of the virus theory stomatitis.
Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

Complex diagnostics reveals the extent of tissue damage and assign the most effective treatment.

treatment of the disease

Stomatitis (treatment in adults involves the use of several medications at the same time) is treated with local and systemic agents, and antibiotics. However, the latter are only used in certain types of disease.

Topical medications

At the first sign of stomatitis it is recommended to use different groups of local funds for the elimination of ulcers and associated symptoms.

The most effective drugs are the following:

  • antiseptics of natural origin, for example, Ingalipt, Chlorophyllipt. Funds are available in the form of spray, containing an extract of the leaves of eucalyptus. Due to this is a local antiseptic and anti-inflammatory action, which allows for a gentle life to get rid of the acute symptoms and prevent further progression of the disease. Assigned sprays for treatment of the oral cavity from 2 to 5 times per day, the duration of the course - not less than 7 days. If necessary, extend the course up to 2 weeks.
  • Means to accelerate tissue regeneration (Solcoseryl) is usually produced in the form of ointments or gels. Help to quickly restore the mucosa, prevent ulcers increase in size and a bacterial infection. Apply the gel must be a thin layer on the affected area 3 to 5 times per day. The duration of treatment is 7-14 days depending on the severity of the condition.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways
  • Complex products with anti-inflammatory, antibacterial and regenerative propertiesFor example, Holisal gel is considered the best treatment for canker, bacterial and allergic stomatitis. They help for a few days to reduce the number of outbreaks and prevent the attachment of complications. Use gel should be at least 3 times a day, to apply a thin layer, repeating the procedure 10 consecutive days. Instead, patients are often prescribed Holisal Kamistad gel, which further comprises a chamomile extract has strong antiseptic properties.
  • antiviral ointment (Acyclovir, Viferon) are assigned in the diagnosis of viral stomatitis running form. Without the use of these medications is not possible to achieve a pronounced therapeutic effect. Medicines applied to the affected area 2-3 times a day for 10 days. If necessary, the course is extended to 2 weeks. Means are highly effective and rarely trigger adverse reactions.
  • Preparations containing iodine as the active component. The most common means of Lugol spray is considered. He has a pronounced anti-inflammatory and antiseptic effect, which allows 7-10 days to significantly reduce the number of ulcers or even eliminate them. Use medicament neobhodimo2-3 times a day, irrigating the affected surface. It is important to bear in mind that iodine often causes allergic reactions, it is contraindicated in patients with severe hyperthyroidism.
  • local anesthetics (Lidohlor, lidocaine Asepta) are available in the form of a spray and gel for external use. They help eliminate the pain that often accompanies advanced forms of stomatitis of any variety. To do this, the drug is used 5-7 consecutive days from 2 to 4 times a day. It is necessary to handle the skin surface to eliminate a strong discomfort. Some patients are even some medications do not help relieve the pain completely, but make it much easier for the disease.
  • Antifungal ointment and gel (Nystatin, miconazole) are used in detecting a fungal severe stomatitis. Prescribed in combination with systemic means to help provide local antimycotic action. Experts recommend patients from 2 to 4 times a day to handle the affected area with ointment, course duration - 10 days.
  • glucocorticoid means (Hydrocortisone ointment) are shown in the case of running allergic stomatitis when other drugs do not relieve the patient's condition. Apply the tools necessary to 2 times a day for 3-5 days. Typically, this short course is sufficient to achieve a therapeutic effect.

Any of the means used only after complex diagnostic examination. Self-medication can aggravate the condition.

systemic medications

Stomatitis usually requires the use of local resources for treatment. However, in adults the disease is often complicated, so you need to use systemic drugs to reach pronounced therapeutic effect.

Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide) are assigned with increasing body temperature and severe pain that local anesthetic is not stopped.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

In this case, treatment is usually short and does not exceed 5 days. Every day before going to bed the patient should take 1-2 tablets. Over long-term use is not recommended because of the risk adversely affect the digestive system.

Antihistamines (Loratodin, Diazolin) used for identifying allergic stomatitis. They help to relieve swelling of the mucosa and discomfort, which in this case appears. You must take the tablets for 1 thing 2 times per day during the course of treatment the local media, that is 10-14 days. If necessary, the course is extended after consulting a doctor.

Antiviral tablets (Isoprinosine, Groprinosin) assigned when form stomatitis virus. They not only suppress the herpes virus activity in the body, but also stimulate the immune strength of the patient. Already after 10 days of regular reception tablets marked improvement in general condition.

Even after cessation of the immune system for a long time on their own to fight against various diseases. Must take 2 pills 3 times per day. Funds are considered potent, so appointed by a specialist.

Antifungal tablets (clotrimazole, metronidazole, Flukonaol) administered to patients with candidal stomatitis form. Help to suppress fungal microflora in the body that speeds recovery and helps to relieve the patient's general condition. You must take 2 tablets a day for 10-14 days. Duration of the course depends on the state of neglect.

Means for normalization of intestinal microflora (Linex, Bifiform) are needed when using antibiotics, as well as the detection of symptoms thrush. You must take 1 capsule 2 times a day for 7 days. These medications help to avoid dysbiosis, which can worsen the patient's condition.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

Vitamin complexes (Complivit, Vitrum, Doppelgerts) is always used in conjunction with primary therapy or after the course. Restores essential deficiency can prevent recurrence of the disease. The course should last at least 30 days. At this time the patient is using 1 tablet or capsule per day.


Antibiotics are not used in all forms of the disease. Prescribe such medicines only for canker, bacterial and allergic stomatitis. Last species included in the list only when severe, because otherwise Antibiotics are not required, but the symptoms can be eliminated by antihistamines and hormonal medicines.

If any of these forms of pathology are allowed to use several groups of antibiotics:

  • macrolides (Azithromycin, clarithromycin) are considered the most effective antibiotics today. They have strong antibacterial properties quickly destroy pathogens and help to speed up recovery. The daily rate for the patient is usually 1 year That is, it is necessary to use 2 tablets per day. Duration of the course does not exceed 5 days. Potent agents is not recommended to take longer, so as not to provoke complications.
  • penicillins (Amoxicillin, Augmentin) are also effective against many bacteria. Patients are prescribed a course of 7-10 days with the use of 2 tablets per day. Usually this time is enough to eliminate the acute symptoms. In many patients, this drug group developed an allergy, so they are appointed not so often.
  • fluoroquinolones, e.g., Ciprofloxacin is often used for stomatitis, since they exhibit pronounced properties help 1-2 weeks to completely eliminate the symptoms of the disease. Course on average lasts 10 days, the patient uses to 2 tablets per day, the equivalent of 1 g of the drug.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

Other groups of antibiotics are rarely used today because it does not have a dramatic effect, prolonging treatment.

Folk remedies

Stomatitis (treatment of adults begins with a diagnostic study) rather successfully treated with alternative medicine prescriptions. They do not have a negative effect on the mucous membranes and help to quickly cope with the disease.

The infusion based on chamomile - the most popular and effective home medication with antiseptic and disinfectant action. Prepare simply: 300 ml boiling water need 5g dry and pre-comminuted herbs insist be not less than 30 minutes.

Thereafter, the composition must be filtered and rinse the oral cavity. Repeat the procedure 2-3 times a day, for each rinse to prepare a new batch of brew. Continue treatment for at least 7 days in a row.

A solution of baking soda and salt are also considered popular medicine for stomatitis. It has anti-inflammatory and antiseptic action. Prepare agent can be from 1 hr. l. soda and the same amount of salt as well as 1 liter of boiling hot water. After dissolution of the components necessary to separate 200 ml of the composition, and to rinse the mouth. Conduct manipulation 2 times a day for 10 days.

Aloe juice - natural and effective means of stomatitis of any shape. It is necessary to cut off a few leaves from the plant, which at least 3 years, chop and squeeze the juice. The finished product is stored in a refrigerator and treating inflammatory lesions 2-3 times daily. Continue treatment for 10 days.

A decoction of calendula also helps to reduce inflammation, pain and accelerates healing of tissues. It is necessary to take 20 g of dried flower plants, add 1 L of water and boil for 5 minutes. After this part of leave to cool, filtered and used for rinsing 3 times a day. Course duration is 5-8 days.Stomatitis in adults. Treatment with ointments, pills, antibiotics, folk ways

Sea buckthorn oil is considered the best natural means which has regenerative properties. It helps to quickly reduce the size of ulcers and gradually eliminates them.

Purchase agent may be at a pharmacy, to process the affected areas three times a day with a cotton swab. Also permitted to make compresses of oil, if there is 1-2 inflammatory focus. To do this, a cotton pad moistened with oil and apply for 20-30 minutes to the hearth. Repeated manipulation every day for a week. Simple treatment is carried out at least 10 consecutive days.

Any folk remedy may only be used after inspection by a specialist.

How to speed up the recovery by using diet therapy

During treatment, stomatitis need to follow a diet that will help minimize the adverse impact of products on the mucous membrane.

It is prohibited to use the following products:

  • Sharp, salty, sour dishes.
  • Smoked.
  • Pickles and pickled vegetables, fruit.
  • Carbonated and alcoholic beverages.
  • Solid fruit, nuts.
  • Fast food.
  • Stale bread, crackers, dried fruit.

All meals should be warm, it is prohibited to use excessively hot and cold foods and beverages.

Portions should be small. Menu during treatment should consist of soups, cereals and cooked meat. Allowed to eat boiled fish, cottage cheese, stewed vegetables. From drinks should give preference warm herbal tea, fruit compote. It is useful to consume dairy products in small quantities.

Stomatitis - common dental disease that affects the mucous membranes of the mouth. Treatment of the disease involves the appointment of several means. In adults, the disease can be severe and induce complications in the absence of timely treatment.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

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