Pain And Symptoms

The pain in his right side under the ribs, front and back, back, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation, home treatment

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According to statistics, the different nature of the pain in his right side under the ribs is diagnosed in 30% of all people. The reason lies in the fact that this part of the organ is closely located to each other. But in any case, the appearance of pain is not the norm, and therefore it is necessary to find out what diseases are manifested in symptoms.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Why do healthy people may experience discomfort under the right rib
  • 2 Classification
  • 3 Discomfort during or after exercise
  • 4 Under the right front edge
  • 5 Under the right rear edge
  • 6 In back
  • 7 On the right side
  • 8 Under the right shoulder blade
  • 9 By clicking on the right side
  • 10 In his right side after a meal
  • 11 Under the right rib during inspiration
  • 12 Traditional medicine: treatment of gallbladder disease
  • 13 Recipes from the pathologies of the spleen
  • 14 How to treat liver at home
  • 15 Bowel problems
  • 16 If it hurts the pancreas
  • 17 treatment of osteochondrosis
  • 18 How to treat heart disease
  • 19 Videos about the pain in his right side, its location and how to treat
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Why do healthy people may experience discomfort under the right rib

If the appearance of uncomfortable sensation on the right side was not triggered by trauma, most likely, it is a sign of the pathological process of one or more internal organs.

The reason may be the following organs of the disease:

  • pancreas;
  • the upper region of the intestine;
  • adrenal;
  • right lung;
  • spleen;
  • bud;
  • duodenum;
  • liver;
  • gallbladder;
  • Right dome diaphragm.
The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment

But in each case, in addition to pain, on this side one feels, and other associated symptoms, which can identify a particular pathology.


The pain in his right side under the ribs has a difference in nature, but the diagnosis the doctor in the first place focused on the figure. Since it is fundamental to the purpose of medical treatment or immediate surgery.

Classification of pain, depending on the nature of discomforts:

  • arching;
  • girdle;
  • acute;
  • sharp;
  • dull and aching;
  • pressing.
The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
The main causes of pain in the right side below the ribs.

There is also a division of the symptoms depending on its location: at the top; at the bottom; in the front and in the back.

Discomfort during or after exercise

The pain in his right side under the ribs in some cases appear during sports or other types of physical activity. Often the discomfort caused by the lack of habit of the body to conduct these studies.

Experts identified a number of additional reasons that contribute to discomfort:

  1. Adrenaline rush. When the load is lost the tone of bile ducts, which ultimately provokes their stretching and subsequent bile stasis.
  2. Filling liver blood. When physical work or playing sports, this factor leads to a stretching of the capsule body and subsequently provokes the appearance of tingling on the right side.
  3. Wrong breathing mode. When you receive a small amount of oxygen during running or other type of load appears spasm, which is felt on the right side. In the case of the surface panting broken diaphragm function, which negatively affects the blood flow to the heart. This eventually leads to its stagnation in the liver and stimulates an increase in body size, which is expressed by pain on the right side.The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
  4. Dense meal. After a meal in the body are activated all the processes of digestion, and therefore any load in this period provokes the flow of blood with a consequent increase in the internal organs. As a result, the pain is felt in the lower abdomen on the right side.

Under the right front edge

Name of entity Type of disease Associated symptoms
Liver Viral hepatitis A, B, C Fever, joint pain, nausea, dark urine, vomiting
cirrhosis Atrophy of muscles, aching, spider veins, bloating, itching of the skin
echinococcosis General weakness, decreased performance, vomiting, impaired chair
gallbladder Cholecystitis Diarrhea, bloating, nausea, constipation, jaundice skin tone
dyskinesia body Heart palpitations, numbness, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, darkening of the stool, bitterness in the mouth, loss of appetite
Cholelithiasis Vomiting of bile, yellowing of the skin, pale stool, fever
acute cholecystitis Low-grade fever, vomiting of bile, nausea
Heart Heart failure Shortness of breath, asthma attacks, heart palpitations, dry cough with hemoptysis, fatigue
heart attack Shortness of breath, dizziness, increased sweating, panic attacks

Under the right rear edge

name of body Type of disease additional symptoms
Pancreas pancreatitis Rapid pulse, shortness of breath, dry mouth, hiccups, vomiting of bile impurities
kidneys pyelonephritis Chills, sweating, fever, malaise, vomiting, muscle pain
polycystic Increased secretion of the sebaceous glands, acne, menstrual cycle failure, obesity, basal temperature
paranephritis Temperature 38 degrees, chills, insomnia, weight loss, general weakness
Intestines Colitis Diarrhea, feeling of incomplete bowel cleansing, bitterness in the mouth, vomiting, seizures, belching, bloating, stool with blood, loss of appetite

In back

Name of entity Disease symptomatology
Spine osteochondrosis Increased pain on exertion, dizziness, headache, presence of spots in the eyes, blurred vision, numbness of tongue
Intercostal neuralgia numbness of the skin, sweating, muscle cramps, sensitivity disorder, burning sensation
Nervous system a pinched nerve Muscle spasms, numbness of the skin, sensitivity disorder, generalized weakness

On the right side

name of body Type of disease additional symptoms
Colon Appendicitis Nausea, diarrhea, vomiting, fever, indigestion, belching, heartburn
Colitis Nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite, stool with mucus, bitter taste in the mouth, bloating, shortness of breath
malignant tumor bloating, indigestion stool, persistent nausea and vomiting, increased sweating
Spine dorsopathies limited mobility, muscle tension back, tingling and numbness in the extremities, increased dryness of the skin of the palms and soles
Bladder Cystitis Frequent urge to the bathroom, burning during urination, weakness, irritability

Under the right shoulder blade

Name of entity Type of disease Related symptoms
gallbladder calculous cholecystitis Regular vomiting, a violation of a chair, stool light yellow skin tone
kidneys Nephritis Diarrhea, limb cramps, brittle nails, muscle pain, increased rate of blood pressure, thirst, dry mouth

By clicking on the right side

Internal organ Name of disease additional symptoms
adnexa adnexitis The temperature of 39 degrees, impaired menstruation cycle, pain when urinating, the presence of impurities precipitates with pus
Duodenum ulcer body Heartburn, belching with a sour taste, constipation, anxiety, causeless irritability, insomnia, weight loss
Stomach Gastritis General weakness, irregular stools, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, causeless white patches on the tongue, rumbling
Rectum Crohn's disease The presence of blood in the stool, impaired appetite, drastic weight loss, exhaustion, weakness, fatigue, cracking near the anus
Abdomen Strangulated hernia Occasional vomiting, gas retention, painful urination, skin swelling, fever

In his right side after a meal

The name of the internal organ Disease Associated symptoms
Duodenum Ulcer Constipation, belching with a sour taste, heartburn, anxiety, insomnia, weight loss
Duodenitis Reduced mental performance, dizziness, flatulence, headache, irritability, weakness
Stomach Gastritis General weakness causeless tiredness, nausea, vomiting, irregular stools, white coating on the tongue, rumbling
Cholecystitis Eructation, bitter taste, nausea, vomiting, low-grade fever,
biliary tract dyskinesia Loss of appetite, dark-colored feces, yellowing of the whites of the eyes, numbness, dark stool, bitterness in the mouth, heart palpitations

Under the right rib during inspiration

Name of entity Disease additional symptoms
Respiratory system Pneumonia or pneumonia Fever, cough with purulent sputum, difficult breathing with a feeling of lack of air
Pleurisy Flatulence, hiccups, muscle tension trouser press, febrile temperature, loss of appetite
Thromboembolism or pulmonary embolism Dizziness, ringing in the ears, throbbing neck veins, fever
Intervertebral hernia Dizziness, neck pain, numbness in the fingers, hallucinations, fatigue, drowsiness
Diaphragm Hernia Vomiting of blood impurities, shortness of breath, shortness of breath, heart palpitations, fatigue
Diafragmatit Voltage abdominal muscles, flatulence, febrile, hiccups, loss of appetite
subdiaphragmatic abscess Hiccups, obsessive dry cough, rapid breathing, fever, weakness, sweating
Heart Pericarditis Chills, mild fever, dry cough, heart palpitations, heaviness in the muscles

Traditional medicine: treatment of gallbladder disease

Gall bladder performs a significant function in the body, which means the accumulation and concentration of bile in the body. In addition, it normalizes metabolism and controls the water-salt balance. Any violation of his works have a negative impact on the work of other bodies, therefore it is necessary after the diagnosis of the disease to pass the required course of therapy.

The pain in his right side under the ribs, as a symptom of gallbladder disease, help identify abnormalities at an early stage, which will allow for effective treatment of traditional medicines.

The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment

The most effective recipes for medicinal products:

  1. Cholelithiasis. Connect in equal proportion of dried marigold flowers, chamomile drug, Helichrysum arenarium, and tansy. To the mixture added to add the stigma of corn, rhizome dandelion and sage collect the same amount. Water (500 mL), pour the resulting mixture (30 g). Within 10 minutes of boil means insist 2 hour. The volume of fluid brought to the initial amount, adding boiling water. Take during the day 4 times with 100 ml of product for 1 time. Procedure is carried out for 40 minutes before the main meals. A full course of treatment - 10 days.
  2. Cholecystitis. Boiling water (400 ml) to fill the collection celandine (30 g). 6:00 drink stand in a closed ceramic container. Before taking clear. Infusion must take the morning or in the evening before bedtime, drinking 150 ml. Duration of treatment - 12 days.
  3. Hepatitis. Grind the dried stems of immortelle (15 pcs.) Together with flowers to a powder consistency. The resulting mixture boil for 10 minutes in 1 liter of water, without giving much boil. Receiving conduct with warm milk three times a day, combining the components with 100 ml. you can add honey to improve the taste properties. Consumed means 4 days, followed by 2 days to take a break and go on like 2 months.

Recipes from the pathologies of the spleen

Traditional medicine has many effective recipes that allow to treat inflammation of the spleen of different properties. Their application in the initial stage of the pathological process makes it possible to cope with the pathology without drastic treatments.

  1. Chicory. Pour boiling water (1 tbsp.) Root of the plant (15 g). Withstand 40 minutes in the heat with the lid closed. Accept treating agent 3 times a day for 30 ml. And so 3 consecutive weeks.
  2. White cabbage. Grind the vegetable leaves, squeeze the juice. Drink taken before meals, with 100 ml of drinking for 1 time. Treatment was continued for 2 months, using only freshly prepared juice.The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
  3. Herbal. Connect nettle, plantain and sage in equal proportions. Store the mixture in a ceramic container. For the preparation of the therapeutic agent must be obtained by collecting (20 g), pour boiling water (300 ml). Within 40 minutes to insist and be ingested in purified form to the food. Disposable rate is 100 ml beverage. Duration of treatment - 1 month, then break for 60 days and repeat.

How to treat liver at home

The pain in his right side under the ribs is most often seen as one of the symptoms of liver disease. Timely drawing attention to this feature, you can identify an inflammatory process at an early stage.

The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment

This will provide an opportunity to conduct an effective treatment for liver disease at home by agreeing on a course of treatment with your doctor.

The most common national agents in liver pathologies:

  1. Cirrhosis. Mix in particulate form Agropyron, nettles and rose hips in a proportion of 2: 1: 2. Pour 25 grams of the mixture and pour into a thermos to 400 ml of water. Closing the lid push 8 hours. Receiving performed every 4 hours for drinking 60 ml of the product. Duration of treatment - 1 month.
  2. Hepatitis B and C. Mix of birch leaves, grass cudweed and collection of Hypericum in the ratio 4: 4: 3. Add to the resulting mixture, 2 parts fennel, marigold flowers, maize and stigmas celandine. A boiling water (500 ml) to fill the resulting paste (30 g). Infuse in a closed thermos 7:00. Take during the day 3 times with 50 ml of a beverage until the end of all means. Then a break for 2 weeks. A positive result will be achieved during the full 3 courses.
  3. Hydatid disease. Dry cloves, tansy and Artemisia in equal amounts. Grind herbs to powder consistency. Conduct reception means 15 ml before meals. Duration of treatment - 10 days. Repeat the course every 3 months.

Bowel problems

Pain under the ribs on the right side, too, can be shown in connection with intestinal diseases. To eliminate the unpleasant symptoms, you can use the methods of traditional medicine to help relieve the pain and increase the body's resistance to pathogens.

The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
  1. intestinal spasm. Wash the watermelon and remove from it the upper layer. Dry the cake in the oven and grind to a powder consistency. Pour boiling water (0.5 L), the resulting mixture (50 g) stand 4 hour. Take up the main meal, drinking for 1 times 30 ml of infusion. Course Duration - 1 month.
  2. Dyskinesia. Connect motherwort, sage, peppermint, yarrow flower, oak bark and zverovoy in equal proportions. Pour 30 grams of the mixture into a container and add water (500 mL) to boil for 1 hour. Allow the infusion to cool, and to bring the liquid volume to the original by adding boiling water. Take the first 3 days 100 ml of at least 4 times.
  3. Colitis. Mix sage, blueberries, Potentilla root, flowers and fruits of Helichrysum cumin in a ratio of 4: 3: 1: 1: 1. Boil for 7 minutes, the resulting charge (100 g) in a water bath, adding 1 L of water. Within 2 hours insist cleaned and ingested 100 ml of product for 15 minutes before the main meals. Therapy continued for 2 weeks.

If it hurts the pancreas

The pain in his right side in pancreatic pathologies can be removed at home, resorting to folk remedies. But it is necessary to strictly adhere to the preparation of the algorithm, the dosage of the components and the method of application.

For the treatment of pancreatitis should use the following recipe:

  1. Potato juice. Wash and clean the 3 tuber pink potato varieties. Grind to a slurry consistency, squeeze the juice. The drink is taken before meals 4 times during the day, but should use it only freshly prepared.
  2. Herbal. Connect yarrow, chamomile and calendula officinalis in equal proportion. A boiling water (300 mL), pour the resulting mixture (50 g). Infuse for 40 minutes to clear. Take 4 times for 1 day, but the reception should be carried out for 45 minutes before eating, drinking for 1 time 100 ml of beverage.The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
  3. Barberry. Grind to a powder consistency of the dried root of the plant. Pour 50 g of body weight 1 L of vodka. Pour the mixture into a ceramic container and infuse 15 days in a closed form. Every day should be a means to shake. Admission to spend every morning and evening, drinking 15 ml of tincture of 1 times.

treatment of osteochondrosis

To get rid of the unpleasant symptoms in osteochondrosis can use healing folk remedies. They are able not only to eliminate the discomfort, but also help to strengthen overall immunity of the organism.

  1. Celery with lemon. It should be 2 kg of crushed stalks of celery and overwind 1 kg of lemons, without removing the peel. Add to this mixture 200 g of honey, stir until homogeneous. Serving remedy 2 weeks 4 times a day, eating 50 grams per reception.
  2. Sorrel. Wash and gently dry the fresh leaves of the plant, and then finely chop. The resultant mass 100 g pour 300 ml of water and boil, but without giving much bubbling. Press 1 hour daily for 2 weeks to take a drink, using 30 ml before meals.
  3. Lemon and garlic. Wash and chop 1 and 5 lemon garlic cloves. Pour the resulting mass of cold boiled water (500 mL). In a closed ceramic containers to insist 40 hours. Conduct 1 time daily intake of 100 ml. Full course - 10 days.
  4. Oats. Wash with 200 g corn and add water (250 mL). At low heat boil until 25% of the water evaporates. Clear and ingested 100 ml to the main meal, to improve the flavor can be used a little honey.

How to treat heart disease

Pericarditis therapy at home can be done with the help of some folk remedies, which are based on herbs. This will help get rid of unpleasant feelings and a positive impact on the work of the heart muscle.

The most effective recipe of traditional medicine:

  1. Coniferous infusion. Grind young needles needles in the amount of 100 g You can use any of the following types of plants: juniper, pine, fir, spruce. Pour the mixture of 600 ml of boiling water, and then boil for 10 minutes. Means to insist 8 hours and clean. Taken orally 4 times a day, drinking 100 ml of infusion.The pain in his right side under the ribs, back, front, side, under the shoulder blade, when pressed, after eating, during inhalation. Diagnosis and treatment
  2. Birch catkins. For the treatment it is necessary to select the largest specimens. Fill them 75% liter cans. Pour in the vodka container to the top. Put in a dark place and close. Withstand 20 days, occasionally shaking tincture. Before receiving means you do not need to be cleaned. Take half an hour before the main receiving 20 drops of food. Therapy is conducted until the end tincture.
  3. Herbal. Mark motherwort, uliginose, hawthorn inflorescence and chamomile in a ratio of 3: 3: 3: 1. All thoroughly and pour 30 g of the resulting collection of 300 ml of boiling water. Means insist 8:00 in a ceramic container covered with a lid. Every day, 3 times a day, drinking for 1 times 50 ml of infusion. The whole course - 2 weeks.

The presence of the different nature of the pain in his right side under the ribs is a sign that the body has a problem. But before proceeding to remove them, no harm will be examined and identify the root cause unpleasant symptoms. Only in this way can prevent further progression of the disease and do not harm health.

Videos about the pain in his right side, its location and how to treat

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