
A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back, a little. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

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Bump on the head appeared almost everyone. But few of us know what it can be, especially if education takes place in itself and does not bring a person discomfort.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Bump on the head due to injury
  • 2 Allergy
  • 3 Lipoma (wen)
  • 4 Osteoma
  • 5 atheroma
  • 6 Furuncle
  • 7 hemangioma
  • 8 Fibroma
  • 9 Wart on his head
  • 10 painful bump
  • 11 The hard painless lump
  • 12 other causes
  • 13 Bump on the head of the child
  • 14 Diagnostics
  • 15 antibiotics
  • 16 Home remedies and methods
    • 16.1 Tea tree oil
    • 16.2 Aloe vera gel
    • 16.3 Apple vinegar
    • 16.4 Hamamelis
    • 16.5 warm compress
  • 17 Video of the bump on the head

Bump on the head due to injury

After hitting a bump appears only on the head. This may be due to the feature of the structure of the dermis, which contains almost no subcutaneous fat. In other areas of the body after the impact from ruptured blood capillaries in the subcutaneous tissue is absorbed at this portion is shown bruise. The skull tissue region is almost no fiber, blood flows under the skin and forms an abrasion-cone.

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  • bruise formed very quickly, within minutes;
  • Pain is felt when pressed;
    A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address
  • after trauma may feel dizzy.

First aid after a head injury - it's cold. In this case, use a towel soaked with water, ice, wrapped in cloth, metal objects. If the hand is not cold, to help vegetable oil. Cloth soaked in it, is applied to the damaged area for half an hour.


If an allergic response in the skin appear papules with edema. Shishechki usually small volume, have a solid or a pinkish color. With pressure pain there, but strongly itch, swell more. When the first symptoms of allergies need to take an antihistamine. Topical creams and gels are used to reduce inflammation and relieve itching.

Lipoma (wen)

According to statistics, talc is present in every person, but they are so small that they are imperceptible. Lipoma - a non-cancerous growths of character, which are formed from fatty tissue. Lipoma grows rather slowly and have practically no influence on human life.

Signs of lipoma:

  • by external examination lipoma well palpated;
  • neoplasms of the soft structure;
  • visually it looks like a bump in the skin tissues or outgrowth;
  • It does not bind to the surrounding tissues.
A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

Rid yourself of the lipoma is impossible. Treatment surgeon performs. Removal lipoma occurs via cosmetic surgery. Among modern techniques - excision laser beam and the absorption of fat tissue by administering medicinal injections.


Bump on the head (it can be set without a doctor is difficult), which grows slowly, is an osteoma. It is formed from bone tissue and is considered benign tumors. Osteoma is safe because it does not develop into a dangerous tumor.

Symptoms of osteoma, depending on its location:

  • maxilla: headaches, sore throat, impaired motor activity of the mouth, nose bleeds;
  • lacrimal and ethmoid: blurred vision, foreign body sensation, the displacement of the eyeball.

If not osteoma increases and has no symptoms, it is not necessary to treat.

Otherwise, it will be deleted:

  1. Surgically. Neoplasm is excised together with the periosteum and part of the healthy tissue. By resorting to this method, if osteoma is growing rapidly, it has a negative impact on neighboring organs.
    A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address
  2. laser evaporation. Excision of damaged tissues with a laser beam. Used in small amounts osteoma.

Secondary osteoma is rare.


Atheroma - a soft formation on the scalp, which occurs due to blockage of the sebaceous glands. In almost all cases it occurs in the scalp area. Little atheroma asymptomatic and not visible to humans. During the growth tumor can grow to sizes of chicken eggs.

Symptoms atheroma:

  • It has a yellow tint (which distinguishes it from lipoma);
  • palpation soft;
  • adjacent tissues are swollen and sensitive only in the case of getting infections.
A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

atheroma Treatment folk methods effectively, but a bump in most cases grow in the same place after some time.

The classic method of treatment - surgical opening and drainage of sebaceous duct.


Furuncle (boil) - is an acute inflammatory focus, the contents of which are infected. It refers to the risk of formation of the head and often occurs in the tissues that surround the hair follicle. Boil on the head more dangerous than in other areas of the body due to its proximity to the brain.

The symptoms of boils:

  • color cones bluish-purple;
  • palpation it is painful;
  • It is growing rapidly;
  • around the swollen tissue formation;
  • warmer bump other tissues, it pulsates.
A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address
Bump on the head can be boils, open that alone is not recommended.

As the boil on top of the rod is formed surrounded by pus. When the formation of a "revealed" it implies the pus green-yellow color with an unpleasant odor. alone can not open the boil. Firstly, in its place will be a scar, and secondly because of the injury to pus tissue can enter the bloodstream. Sepsis - the most dangerous complication of boils.

boil treatment is carried out in a health institution. Cone smeared with antiseptic ointment and ichthyol. When the boil opened, the area is cleaned and drained of pus. After that carry out preventive action against the formation of new entities.


Gemangeoma - a lump, which appears due to the deformation of vessels or capillaries. Small gemangeomy not carry great danger to health, the large can cause inflammation and adversely affect the surrounding tissue and organs. The most dangerous are the formation of the mouth, ear and nasal mucosa.

Hemangioma is bright red thick lump. In most cases, it appears immediately after birth.

A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

Education Treatment depends on the size and location. Hemangiomas in open areas "cauterize" liquid nitrogen, laser or electric shock. Bloody seal in ears, nose and mouth are destroyed with radiation therapy.


A small degree in the connective tissue. Small fibroids like a wart or no effect on health. Large tumors can be transformed into cancer and become infected if damaged.

Fibroids are asymptomatic, it grows very slowly. Palpation soft and painless. It is recommended to only remove large lumps of fibroids. This occurs surgically, via laser, electrical or liquid nitrogen.

Wart on his head

Warts - are small tumors, the occurrence of which provokes the human papilloma virus. cancer risk depends on the type of HPV.

Symptoms of warts:

  • formation has a spherical shape;
  • palpation is not painful;
  • It has a slightly rough surface;
  • Color: from corporal to brown.
A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

Large warts and tumors in the area of ​​the scalp is recommended to remove. They are negative aesthetic effect and are easily injured by scratching Small cauterize warts celandine extract or other folk remedies. Large tumors are excised with a scalpel, laser or processed liquid nitrogen.

painful bump

Seal on the head pain is often a lymph node. When inflammation it increases in size and forms a knot like a lump in the neck or behind the ears.

Education is accompanied by symptoms:

  • pain on palpation (usually aching than acute);
  • Body temperature rise;
  • headache;
  • skin around the node first pink and then to dark gray-violet;
  • there is a weakness, diarrhea and other symptoms of intoxication.

When inflammation of the lymph node is an urgent need to seek medical help. This is a sign of inflammatory and infectious diseases. To eliminate bumps and uses heat warming massage. This facilitates lymph drainage and reduce edema.

The hard painless lump

A solid lump without pain appears after a strong blow. Compared to abrasion, it is formed as a consequence of injury to bone, but not soft tissue and blood vessels. It does not require special treatment.

A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

Go to the doctor is necessary only in case of growth or large size. Treatment consists of grinding the bones of the skull surgically.

other causes

Other factors are the emergence of the bumps on the head:

  • insect bites;
  • pimples and acne;
  • inflammation after scratches and pricks;
  • penetration of parasites into the skin.

Bump on the head of the child

Abrasions in children occur almost regularly. The reason is related high mobility in carelessness and movements. After a fall or injury is an urgent need to make something cool, but keep it for long, so as not to chill healthy tissue. In any case it is impossible to pour cold water on the child's or an ice pack for a long time.

If after all the child moody, moving little, complaining of a headache and vomiting, should call the doctor - maybe a concussion.

A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

When you see other types of seal, it is necessary to show the child specialist or start self-treatment. Children quickly combed and injure her.


Bump on the head (that is it can be diagnosed at the health center) must be examined:

  1. surgeon. Diagnoses and treatment of most types of bruises and tumors.
  2. oncologist. Prescribe treatment at neoplasms benign and malignant nature.
  3. traumatologist. Abrasion appeared after injury, is large and very painful.
  4. LORom. Inflammation localized in the lymph nodes.
  5. beautician. In the formation of pimples, blackheads, Wen.
  6. allergist. If you experience swelling of the face and neck, multiple papules.

Diagnostic studies are required to install the causes of lumps on the head:

  • X-rays of the skull;
  • CT of the head;
  • sample on allergens;
  • Ultrasound lymph nodes.


Antibiotics are appointed in the case of infection of microbial microflora. Be sure to use them in case of boils (furuncles appearance of several at the same time).

Antibiotic treatment is carried out in several ways:

  1. injections. The drug is mixed with ledokain or novocaine and injected into the cavity furuncle. This helps to stop the growth of lumps and to prevent the emergence of new inflammatory lesions.
  2. Pills. They will be appointed at damage boil and frequent formation of inflammatory foci. Tablets are necessary in the case of bacteria entering the surrounding tissue, organs, and the bloodstream.
  3. Ointments and creams. Used for the surface treatment of furuncles opened and peeled. Help prevent germs from entering healthy skin.

The most popular antibiotics for the treatment of inflammation:

A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address
  • lincomycin;
  • cephalexin;
  • amoxiclav;
  • Fuzidin- sodium.

Antibiotics can also be used for prevention in other cases.

Home remedies and methods

Bump on the head (as it may be, should immediately check with a specialist) for treatment without doctors can only under these circumstances:

  1. After receiving no abrasions dizziness, headache and nausea.
  2. The lump is small, not associated with other tissues.
  3. If you are not allergic to the active ingredients treatment.
  4. Treatment of medical and surgical method is impossible.

The most popular means:

  • celandine extract;
  • tincture of golden whiskers;
  • pulp of aloe and kalanchoe;
  • essential oils;
  • compresses hot salt;
  • compresses infusion leafs.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is considered one of the strongest antiseptics natural origin. When the bumps on his head can be used for the prevention of infection with large warts, boils.

Especially useful to use the tea tree for dandruff and oily scalp.

A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

For treating neoplasms using 5-10% agent solution. It is applied with a cotton pad or ear sticks several times a day.

Aloe vera gel

Aloe vera gel is recommended for the treatment of small children. The plant is safe and does not cause skin irritation. The gel is necessary to apply a thick layer several times a day. With a large formation of a bruise can make a compress with a thick layer of gel, which is on top of warming. This will accelerate the penetration of the active agent into the tissue and rapidly eliminate hematoma.

Apple vinegar

Compresses on the basis of apple cider vinegar used for the treatment of bruises and bumps osteomas. To prepare the means necessary to mix 3 tbsp. l. chopped fresh celery and 1 tbsp. l. natural sea salt. The mixture was poured 1 glass of cider vinegar and infused 20-25 minutes until complete dissolution of the salt.A bump on the head. What could it be, if the back, under the skin does not hurt, solid at the back. The reasons as to get rid of, to what doctor to address

The liquid wets a piece of gauze or a bandage and is attached to the cone for a few hours, but better - at night. Suffice it to 3-4 procedures.


Witch hazel extract of the plant is widely used as an antibacterial, healing and anti-inflammatory agent. It will help get rid of the bumps after the impact, pimples and boils.

Witch hazel is used only locally. To put it (ointment, tincture or gel) must be 2-3 times a day until the bump does not disappear.

warm compress

Warm compress helps to remove the bump after the injury. Exposure to heat quickly reduces inflammation and promotes the prompt resorption of subcutaneous structures.

can be used for manufacturing a compress:

  • boiled egg;
  • preheated in a pan salt;
  • boiled potatoes.
  • a hot water bottle.

Any of these ingredients must be wrapped in a piece of natural fabric. Then applied to the damaged place for 30-60 min. Bump on the head does not always require treatment and observation. But it can be possible only after a visit to the doctor.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Video of the bump on the head

What is a lipoma and how to fix it:

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