Female Diseases

Do not go monthly. The reasons besides pregnancy, white / brown / yellow discharge

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Regular menstrual cycle means that the reproductive system of women is normal. There are times when the monthly do not go. Besides pregnancy, a woman does not think about other causes of the condition. Although there are many factors which upon exposure, discharge stops.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Normal cyclical monthly
  • 2 What is amenorrhea?
  • 3 Norms delay menstruation in girls and women of all ages
  • 4 How to understand that began delay?
  • 5 Do not go monthly when you need to worry?
    • 5.1 Delay from 1 to 4 days
    • 5.2 A delay of 6 to 10 days
    • 5.3 Delay of 10 days
    • 5.4 A delay of more than 2 weeks
    • 5.5 Delay 2 months
    • 5.6 Delay 3 months
  • 6 Factors causing delay menstruation
    • 6.1 pubescence
    • 6.2 stresses
    • 6.3 Physical exercise
    • 6.4 climate Change
    • 6.5 weight problems
    • 6.6 Intoxication
    • 6.7 Heredity
    • 6.8 inflammation of the uterus
    • 6.9 hysteromyoma
    • 6.10 ametria
    • 6.11 Ginatreziya
    • 6.12 polycystic ovaries
    • 6.13 Hormonal disorder of ovarian function
    • 6.14 endometriosis
    • 6.15 hyperprolactinemia
    • 6.16 oral contraceptives
    • 6.17 medication
    • 6.18 climacteric
    • insta story viewer
    • 6.19 Breast-feeding
    • 6.20 Abnormalities in CNS
    • 6.21 Diseases of the endocrine glands
    • 6.22 Diseases of internal organs
    • 6.23 Oncological diseases
  • 7 Why women saved the pain of a delay?
  • 8 Dangerous than the constant delay menstruation?
  • 9 Video of the month delay

Normal cyclical monthly

The menstrual cycle is a continuous process which is characteristic of the female body. Normally, every month should be accompanied by red secretions. It is an indicator of the reproductive system, there is no deviation. The cycle lasts from 21 to 35 days.

The term depends on the individual, but should not go beyond the optimum values. Ideal figure - 28 days. The duration of menstruation 3 - 7 days.

The cycle is divided into three phases:

  • Follicular. In this phase, the egg matures in the ovaries. Period lasts 15 days and starts from the first day of the month.
  • Ovulation - release of an egg from the ovary. phase duration is less than 5 days.
  • Luteal. The phase begins at the end of ovulation and continues until the beginning of the first day of menstruation.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

Selection begins with puberty and continues until menopause. But menstruation ceases during pregnancy. That is, when the ovulation phase was fertilized.

What is amenorrhea?

Do not go monthly (except pregnancy causes include stressful situations) - a condition that has a different name in medicine - amenorrhea. There are 2 types of pathology.

Type of disease Description
Primary State characteristic of adolescence. That is, if a girl to 18 years do not appear monthly - is a primary amenorrhea. Violation occurs due to genetic problems that before puberty do not make themselves felt. For example, abnormalities in genetics, diseases of reproductive organs.
Secondary A condition in which menstruation took place normally, but then abruptly stopped. In secondary amenorrhea allocation may be missing more than 3 months. This form is most common in women. It occurs due to reproductive organs.

Norms delay menstruation in girls and women of all ages

In some cases, monthly delay is normal. For example, when the discharge is just beginning in girls - teenagers. Within 1 - 2 years possible irregular periods. The cycle is not yet formed, so the delayed allocation, are chaotic. But you need to consult a doctor if there is no menstruation before the age of 18.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

If a woman of reproductive age should be the highlight, but they do not come - that is no reason for concern. Delay of up to 7 days is the norm, as the cycle may deviate slightly.

After labor menstrual cycle is restored. Therefore, the selection may be delayed to go chaotic. This is especially true with breastfeeding. Hormone which produces milk, inhibits progesterone, menstruation cycle thus changed. On average, the normalization condition takes about 1 year.

For 45 years the reproductive system of women is weakened, disrupted menstrual cycle. The condition is called menopause. At this time, the possibility of pregnancy, although the probability is small. Menopause occurs in several stages. Over time, the discharge becomes smaller, and then they stopped altogether.

If the woman taking contraceptive agents in the tablets, the cycle changes. After drug withdrawal periods may be irregular. State normalized after 2 - 3 months. If this does not happen, you need to visit the doctor.

How to understand that began delay?

Latency represents one of the following states:

  • menstrual cycle for more than 35 days, have meager selection character, constantly delayed;
  • interval between periods longer than 2 months, allocation continues 1 - 2 days.;
  • girl watching allocating at least 4 times a year;
  • no release for more than 3 months.

Do not go monthly when you need to worry?

If regular monthly linger, do not go for a long time, they are irregular, then you should visit a gynecologist.

Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to doThere are the following types of amenorrhea:

  • 1 - 4 days;
  • 6 - 10 days;
  • for 10 days;
  • more than 14 days;
  • more than 2 months .;
  • more than 3 months.

Delay from 1 to 4 days

Do not go monthly (except pregnancy causes include climate change) 1 to 4 days - it is a condition that can occur due to:

  • severe stress;
  • increased load in the workplace;
  • climate change;
  • lifestyle changes;
  • termination of contraceptive drugs;
  • eliminating the use of funds from the hormonal composition;
  • labor;
  • diseases of viral nature.

The condition is not considered a disease. Menstruation is normalized independently.

A delay of 6 to 10 days

Delay in 6 - 10 days may be due to high stress, high stress. And if a woman takes the time to rest. When the pain in the lower abdomen is not available, then no reason to worry.

You must change the way of life, to devote time to rest. But when the symptom is present, it indicates the different pathologies. Delay in 6 - 10 days may indicate an ectopic pregnancy. That is, the ovum was attached outside the uterine cavity.

Signs of a pregnancy:

  • sudden appearance of pain in lower abdomen;
  • nausea;
  • general weakness;
  • fatigue with minimal exertion;
  • dizziness;
  • highlight brown.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

If a woman worried about these symptoms, you should immediately contact your gynecologist. In case of untimely treatment increases the probability of disorders in reproductive organs and infertility.

Delay of 10 days

At a delay of 10 days is required appeal to a gynecologist. Women are prescribed a full examination of the body.

This is required to detect a variety of diseases:

  • tumor;
  • thrush;
  • vaginitis;
  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS);
  • candidiasis;
  • myoma.

If the abnormalities could not be found, it is recommended to visit a doctor the other specialization. That is, a gastroenterologist, endocrinologist.

The fact that the absence of menses more than 10 days may be due to:

  • gastritis (including chronic);
  • diabetes;
  • anorexia;
  • duodenitis;
  • pyelonephritis.

A delay of more than 2 weeks

Delayed menstruation 14 days do not need to be ignored. Therefore, we recommend an urgent visit to a gynecologist for a full examination of the body. Delay menstruation for more than 2 weeks is not normal and may be indicative of many diseases.

Delay 2 months

When the selection is not there for more than 2 months., Necessarily need to see a gynecologist. Appoint a woman passing a full examination of the body for ovarian dysfunction. State appears due to diseases of viral or fungal origin.

Delay 3 months

The absence of menstruation for more than 3 months. It called amenorrhea. The condition can occur due to many reasons.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do Often these are serious diseases of the genital organs. Therefore, a full examination of the body is required. Should not delay the campaign to the doctor.

Factors causing delay menstruation

Do not go monthly - is a sign that can be caused by exposure to various factors.

In addition to the absence of pregnancy discharge occurs due to the following reasons:

  • puberty;
  • stressful situations;
  • strong physical activity;
  • a sharp change in climatic zone;
  • weight problems;
  • improper diet;
  • intoxication;
  • hereditary factor;
  • application of some groups of drugs (hormonal contraceptives);
  • diseases of the reproductive organs - fibroids, tumors, polycystic ovary syndrome, and other;
  • other diseases of the internal organs;
  • menopause;
  • lactation;
  • oncology.


The formation of the reproductive system occurs in 8 - 10 years. Usually 10 - 12 years appears first menstruation. Due to the lack of formation of hormonal levels, often caused disturbances in the cycle. That is, the monthly flow is irregular, may be delayed. This is normal.

If 2 years after the onset of menstrual cycle is not normalized, it is recommended to consult a gynecologist.

For 18 years the girl secretions can not be. This is rare and is not normal, need expert help. Be sure to identify the cause of the condition.


Stressful situations - a common cause, which may lead to delay menses. For example, with heart-pounding atmosphere at work, in the event of the session.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

You must otherwise apply to different situations, not to pay attention to what is happening. In serious cases, you can turn to a psychologist to help a woman learn to analyze the situation and safely treat it. As well as helping change of residence, work.

Stress can occur as a result of insufficient rest. That is, if a woman only works, not giving time to relax the body, little sleep.

Physical exercise

When excessive exercise breaks down hormones. Therefore, athletes suffer a delay menstruation and often can not get pregnant. But we should not think that a daily walk or cycling can disrupt the menstrual cycle. We are talking about heavy loads. For example, when a woman works hard.

climate Change

Menstruation can be delayed due to the change of climate zone. This often happens when a woman goes somewhere - somewhere far from home. When changing climate body is under stress. May worsen the situation prolonged exposure to sunlight or stay in the tanning bed.

weight problems

Menstruation may be absent because of a problem with weight. When overweight, adipose tissue is formed too much estrogen, the cycle changes. If women are underweight, the body perceives it as an emergency. Survival Mode is turned on, so perhaps the absence of menstruation in the long term. When the weight is in the optimum values, normal cycle.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

Absence of menstrual periods may be related to malnutrition. Therefore, you must change your lifestyle. Feed frequently need (5 - 6 times a day) every 3 - 4 hr. Portions should be 200 - 300 g It is recommended to exclude fried, salted, smoked.

As well as fast food, sweet, flour. It is better to cook steamed, roasted or boiled. We should not forget about drinking regime. The recommended amount of pure non-carbonated water per day - not smaller than 1.5 l. It is better to eliminate soda, strong coffee or tea.


Menstruation may be absent in cases of poisoning organism toxic substances. A condition called intoxication. Use of alcoholic beverages, drugs and smoking negatively affects the entire body, including the reproductive system. A intoxication can also occur due to work in hazardous environments.


Menstruation may be absent due to heredity. For example, if a mother or grandmother were long delays in discharge, while the girl is more likely the occurrence of these disorders.

inflammation of the uterus

When the inflammatory process in the uterus, disturbed production of hormones that are responsible for the maturation of the egg. Therefore, a woman may be a delay of menses.

In this case, there are the following symptoms:

  • change in the volume and nature of the discharge;
  • pain in the lower abdomen;
  • back pain.

Often, a woman can not get pregnant after the inflammatory process. And also increases the risk of tumors. inflammation of the uterus happens after unprotected sexual intercourse, when there is insufficient intimate hygiene. Also, if the uterus has been damaged. For example, post-abortion, curettage, labor.


Periods may linger, if a woman has uterine fibroids. Allocation change in intensity, become irregular. Moreover, the delay may be from a few days to months.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

Despite the fact that education is benign, it is dangerous. There is a risk of degeneration into a malignant tumor.


Aplasia - a condition in which a woman can carry and give birth to a child. The disease is characterized by underdevelopment or absence of the uterus. This condition often find it at puberty. That is, the girl does not go menstruation. Sometimes selection begins in adolescence, but stopped as they grow older.

The main complaints, which may indicate uterine aplasia:

  • the absence of menstruation for monthly pulling sensation of pain in the abdomen;
  • nosebleed;
  • pain in the head;
  • problems with sex life, that is, the occurrence of unpleasant sensations;
  • the inability to conceive.


Ginatreziya - a violation of cross-channel sexual women as a result of his infection. As a teenager, able to detect the period of menstruation.

And adult women ginatreziya appears after heavy inflammation in reproductive organs. Allocation does not appear, remain in the body. Further blood can spontaneously flow into the bladder.

polycystic ovaries

Menstruation can not go due to PCOS. Because the disease is disturbed cycle because the level of hormones changes. Ovulation in PCOS is broken or missing.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

In addition, there are the following symptoms:

  • weight gain;
  • increased hair growth;
  • rashes on the skin.

Hormonal disorder of ovarian function

Hormonal disorder called ovarian dysfunction. The condition occurs due to inflammation or endocrine disorders. Characterized by menstrual irregularities. Delayed allocation (the cycle is greater than 35 days) or come too early. As a result, the state increased the likelihood of developing endometriosis, fibroids, cancer.


Endometriosis - a pathology in which endometrial cells grow outside the uterus. As a result of menstruation may be delayed. Additionally, there are pains in the lower abdomen.


The disease is characterized by an increased amount of prolactin in the blood. This increases the likelihood of ovulation disorders and infertility.

Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do
The reason why not go monthly hyperprolactinemia can be caused by hypothalamic disease

Hyperprolactinemia is characterized by a change of heavy menstrual period or no emissions.

oral contraceptives

Drugs from the group of contraceptives may cause a delay of menstruation. This occurs when changing medication or when passing from one package to another. In this case, a slight delay.

When a woman is just starting to use contraceptives, menstruation may come within 10 - 15 days. If you cancel the cycle must return to normal medication, it takes up to 2 months.


Many groups of drugs may cause menstrual irregularities.


  • antibacterial;
  • antidepressants;
  • diuretics;
  • anti-TB.

In the application of selection of medicines rarely linger, but such cases happen. This is mainly due to incorrect use. The doctor will be able to find a replacement for the drug or change the dosage.


After 45 years of age is often a woman's menopause begins. The discharge becomes irregular and the slim. The reproductive function of the woman dies, the sex hormones are produced in a minimal amount. But there is a likelihood of conception or pregnancy, as well as serious pathologies.


Delayed menstruation may be breastfeeding. Most often this happens if a child is not on a mixture of nutrition. That is, a woman feeding the baby exclusively breastfed.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do

To normalize the state can take up to 1 year. If the woman does not feed the baby at night, then the allocation of no more than 6 months. But if you hold strictly to the interval between feeding, reproductive system recovers faster. It takes 3 - 4 months.

Mixing-feeding - this alternation and mixture of breast milk. Menstruation occurs after 2 - 3 months. after labor.

Abnormalities in CNS

Periods may be delayed due to disturbances in the central nervous system. The entire body is interconnected. As a result, broken and hormonal changes menstrual cycle.

Diseases of the endocrine glands

Menstruation can be delayed due to endocrine abnormalities. For example, in hypothyroidism. Violates the synthesis of hormones, the egg does not mature. Ovulation does not occur, menstruation delayed.

Diseases of internal organs

Inflammatory diseases of the internal organs can lead to hormonal disorders. As a result of delayed menstruation.

Oncological diseases

Oncology may delay periods.

This happens in the following cases:

  • under the influence of the hormones produced by the tumor in the minimum amount;
  • tumor adversely affect the cells of healthy organs, they are not updated, menstruation delayed.

Allocation may change its profusion according to the type of tumor.


  • Cervical tumors are characterized by scanty at the initial stage, and then they are amplified. The secret becomes brown, it has an unpleasant odor. Additionally, itching may be present in the vagina.Why not go monthly. Reasons other than pregnancy, what to do
  • Ovarian tumor is characterized by scanty.

Why women saved the pain of a delay?

Do not go monthly (except pregnancy causes include endometriosis) - a condition that may be accompanied by pain in the abdomen. The process depends on the individual.

If a woman has pain in the lower abdomen, it is necessary to visit a doctor. The condition can be natural or indicate pathology. For example, inflammation of the uterus, aplasia, endometriosis, and more.

Dangerous than the constant delay menstruation?

Physiological delay (after stress, physical exertion) has a short duration, menstruation appears after a few days. If the selection is constantly held up for a long time, it may indicate a variety of diseases in the body. Condition is dangerous for a woman, it is necessary as soon as possible to establish the cause of the condition and begin treatment.

As complications are the following states:

  • neoplasm malignant nature;
  • diseases of the heart and blood vessels;
  • diabetes;
  • a weakened immune system;
  • premature aging.

Regular menstrual cycle indicates the normal functionality of the reproductive system. If menses do not go, it may indicate a variety of diseases. Furthermore pregnancy causes include myoma, endometriosis, and other conditions.

But also periods may be delayed due to physiological reasons. For example, after intense physical stress or load. If your period does not come for a long time or permanently delayed allocation, better consult a doctor. The specialist can determine the reason for the delay and assigns therapy.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the month delay

The reasons for the delay menstruation:

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