Female Diseases

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

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Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp is a disease in which on the inner layer uterine tumor formation appears, composed of glandular cells and connective cells tissue.

Education can occur in patients of all ages, while it occurs as an independent disease or complications of other conditions. It is worth noting that women in menopause often faced with the problem.

The content of the article:

  • 1 types of diseases
  • 2 Stage and grade
  • 3 symptoms
  • 4 Causes of
  • 5 Diagnostics
  • 6 When to see a doctor
  • 7 prevention
  • 8 therapies
    • 8.1 Medications
    • 8.2 Traditional methods
    • 8.3 Other methods
  • 9 possible complications
  • 10 Video of endometrial polyps

types of diseases

Experts classify polyps depending on the type of cells that form the basis of education. That is why the isolated functional and basal polyps.

Functional considered hormone-occurs in most cases with a deficit of progesterone in the blood and excess estrogen.

This creates favorable conditions for the formation of tumor formation, growing directly from the endometrium. In the initial stages of the growth on the mucous membrane is small, but slowly growing. In addition, the formation of multiple polyps, which are much more common.

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Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Basal polyp is composed mainly of cells of the basal layer of the uterus, it has a thin leg may reach a large size and be localized in any portion of the inner layer of the uterus. There is also a separate classification of basal growths, based on differences in the structure and progression of education.

Experts identify indifferent, proliferative and hyperplastic polyps basal. The former contain a greater amount of neutral cells, the latter often become inflamed and are accompanied by abnormal growth of the inner layer of the uterus.

The third type is considered dangerous because it is characterized by the rapid growth of the internal cells, and the formation of a fairly extensive basis for future attachment of polyps.

Stage and grade

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp, regardless of its species develops in 3 stages, each of which is accompanied by individual displays. Only difference is the time during which the disease progresses.

Basal polyps grow quickly and develop independently of hormonal women. Despite this, any entity provokes polyposis, develops in 3 stages.

The initial or latent stage is considered to be the easiest, because there are no symptoms of the disease, and changes in the inner layer of the uterus can be seen only during ultrasound diagnostics. In this case, the formation of a small size.

The second, or progressive stage is accompanied by the rapid growth of the polyp and the appearance of pronounced symptoms of the female reproductive system. If the patient is in the menopausal period, all the manifestations of it can associate it with these changes, making it difficult to diagnose.

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of
Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp is dangerous because it can be reborn in adenocarcinoma

Launched stage is characterized by the emergence of several large polyps. This disrupts the natural function of the uterus and appendages, as well as closely spaced bodies. Symptomatology is exacerbated by, the patient goes to a doctor. It is worth noting that at this stage more than 70% of women with polyposis visit a specialist, which complicates the treatment, making it durable.


At the initial stage of the patient does not notice the changes in the reproductive system, because the formation is small. Quite often, the disease is hidden until the polyp is not significantly increased in size.

After a while the symptoms of which are a cause for concern:

  1. The disorder of the menstrual cycle. If a woman has not started menopause, these changes indicate any violation.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of
  2. Pain in the lower abdomen, aggravated by exertion or stress.
  3. Severe discomfort or even pain during menstruation.
  4. Plentiful monthly, accompanied by deterioration of general condition.
  5. Soreness during intercourse.
  6. Changing the consistency and amount of secretions. They become slimy and abundant, indicating that an increase in education.
  7. Headache.
  8. Nausea and vomiting, especially during menstruation.
  9. General weakness, apathy, decreased performance.
  10. Poor appetite, weight loss.

External signs of disease may be absent, but more often the skin becomes cold and pale, celebrated their dryness. As the disease progresses the patient noted bruising under the eyes, skin peeling and a fine rash. If a polyp is formed in the womb of a young woman trying to conceive, miscarriages observed in the early stages.

Sometimes a woman talks about the strong, paroxysmal pain. Such manifestations, in most cases, evidence of the development of complications, therefore, recommended to see a doctor immediately.

Causes of

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp functional type is caused by a hormonal imbalance in a woman's body and a lack of progesterone in the blood. When this condition can be triggered by long-term administration of hormonal drugs at high doses. Basal polyps arise from different causes.

The principal will be the following:

  1. Frequent stress, psycho-emotional disorders.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of
  2. Metabolic disorders.
  3. Deficiency of vitamins and minerals in the body of a woman, chronic vitamin deficiency.
  4. Frequent injuring the endometrium during interruption of pregnancy or curettage to obtain the sample material.
  5. Overweight or severe obesity.
  6. Long-term use of hormonal medications.
  7. Wearing IUD for several years.
  8. Infectious diseases of the genitourinary system.
  9. Thyroid disease of varying severity.
  10. Diabetes first type hypertension.
  11. The weakening of the immune system as a result of a long illness.

At risk are patients who have a genetic predisposition to such diseases. Such women are advised to regularly observed by a doctor to detect the first signs of the disease.


Fibro-glandular formation, or polyps, which are located on the endometrium, it is difficult to diagnose without additional hardware. That is why professionals use several ways to obtain more accurate information about the state of the internal layer of the uterus.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Method Description Venue and cost
The total survey and examination of the patient It helps to assess the general condition, as well as see the external manifestations of the disease. In addition, it conducted gynecological examination of the vaginal mucosa, which also provides an overview of the disease Held in private and public hospitals, private clinics, comprehensive inspection price is 200-300 rubles.
Clinical and biochemical blood Complete blood count helps to see the rejection of other organs. Biochemical diagnostics can detect changes in the digestive and cardiovascular systems, which may aggravate the disease The method is available for every hospital. In private clinics cost is about 300-500 rubles.
Analysis of the blood to determine the level of thyroid hormones and sex hormones One of the important methods of diagnosis, which allows us to say whether it was the formation of polyps consequence of hormonal imbalance. Blood for the study is taken from a vein, and then using special equipment detected the hormone levels Held in private diagnostic laboratories, the price is about 500-700 rubles.
Ultrasonography of the reproductive system The most effective diagnostic method in which the uterus is studied, as well as the epididymis, bladder. On the screen a specialist can see the size and number of polyps, their degree of sprouting in the uterine tissue Diagnosis is available for clinics where the equipment available. The price is about 500-800 rubles.
Biopsy The technique is not always used, but only in cases of suspected malignant degeneration of cells. Specialist takes a sample of a polyp and then it is placed in a special solution for a day. Further, the study is carried mikrskopicheskih slices a sample with a microscope A similar survey conducted in public and private clinics. cost of diagnosis is about 400-800 rubles.

The most effective method is considered to ultrasound diagnostics, which helps to see the size and number of polyps. In addition, the hormone level of analysis allows us to assess the overall status of women.

When to see a doctor

If signs polyposis recommended to immediately consult a specialist to undergo a complete diagnostic evaluation. Treatment of such pathologies gynecologist performed.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Even when the diagnosis reveals only a single tumor, we should not ignore the disease to avoid complications.


Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp appears in women of all ages, but it is much easier to prevent disease than to treat it. It is necessary to adhere to the principles of a healthy lifestyle, eat more vegetables and fruits, as well as the admission of alcohol.

In addition, it is recommended to pay attention to physical exercise, which will allow to eliminate obesity. Patients who take hormonal medications, you should regularly visit the doctor, he will oversee the level of sex hormones. It is also prohibited to extend their own course and increase the dosage of drugs.

In menopause a woman is recommended to facilitate its status by receiving plant medicaments normalizing hormones. The best method of prevention of the disease is considered to be a regular examination by a doctor, allowing you to detect signs of the initial stage.

If the patient has a genetic predisposition to diseases of the endometrium, to avoid abortion. Must be undertaken on such manipulations only with strict indications.


To eliminate the symptoms of the disease experts use standard medical therapy, as well as allow the use of alternative medicine recipes. In each case, the treatment regimen is made individually.


The course of treatment with polyposis necessarily includes several tools that have a complex effect.

Typically prescribed the following medications:

  1. Janine - hormonal drug with kontatseptivnym action which contains dienogest and ethinyl estradiol. Appointed by the patients of reproductive age with basal polyps are small. Thus it is possible to reduce its size using dragees. You must take the medicine according to the standard procedure, ie 1 tablet daily at the same time for 3 weeks. This is followed by 7 days of a break, the course continues. Its duration is not less than 2-3 months. The price of drugs is about 1,000 rubles. 3 plate.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of
  2. Yarina - hormonal contraceptive, which is also assigned to patients up to 35 years in order to reduce the size of the polyp to its complete disappearance. The course involves taking 1 pill for 21 days in the same time. The break between the plates is 7 days, course duration - from 2 to 4 months depending on the size of the polyp. Tool is efficient and helps normalize hormones. Price 1 plate medication is 400-500 rubles.
  3. sumamed - macrolide antibiotic possessing high efficiency. When polyps often develop inflammation of the inner layer of the uterus, so the inhibition of pathogenic microorganisms makes it possible not to aggravate the condition. Must take medication in pill form on 1 piece (dosage 1 -1000 mg tablets) per day for 3-7 days depending on the severity of the disease. The price of medicines is 300-500 rubles. per pack.
  4. ibuprofen - a nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drug, appointed with severe pain and fever. Means has marked effects, the patient should take 2 tablets per day for 5-7 days. The longer course is not recommended because of the negative effect on the digestive and circulatory system. Price means the plate begins with 50 rubles.
  5. Dicynone - Hemostatic drug appointed under heavy bleeding provoked polyposis. Typically, women are prescribed the solution for intramuscular injection, 2-4 ml per day. Duration of the course - from 5 to 10 days. Medication is not always used, but it helps to stop bleeding. Price 10 vials of medication - 30-50 rubles.
  6. Complivit - vitamin complex, which is used as part of standard treatment to restore the balance of nutrients in the body. You must take 1 tablet of consecutive 30 days. Tool improves the general condition of the woman, restores strength and normalizes metabolism. Price vitamin bottle is about 200-300 rubles.
  7. Ferrum-Lek - iron preparation assigned when polyposis, accompanied by copious and prolonged menstruation. In this case, a woman develops mild anemia, which only exacerbates the overall situation and leads to complications. The drug is administered intramuscularly at 2 ml per day for 10-14 days. Price 10 vials funds is 800 rubles.
  8. afobazol - a light sedative, patients assigned during menopause. Typically, polyps they accompanied by insomnia, nervous tension, so taking 1 pill means bedtime helps to normalize the condition. Duration of the course - 7-10 days. The price of the packaging of tablets starts from 200 rubles.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Such therapy is effective only when a single small polyps. Due to the formation of complex treatment is reduced in size or completely disappears.

Traditional methods

Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp can not be cured by traditional medicine recipes. But the patient can ease their condition with their help.

Tampons with garlic juice introduced into the vagina, are considered a good preventive measure. It helps to prevent the development of complications such as inflammation of the mucous membranes of the vagina. It is necessary to chop a few cloves of garlic, squeeze the juice and moisten it in gauze. After that, it should be inserted into the vagina and leave for 2 hours. Repeat daily for 2 weeks.

Combination 6 cooked egg yolks, 5, Art. l. peeled pumpkin seeds and 100 ml sunflower oil - good therapeutic and prophylactic mixture. Before adding oil, egg yolks, and the seeds should be crushed in a meat grinder. Accept means necessary every morning for 1 h. l., until the composition is complete.

Tincture motherwort helps to cope with psycho-emotional stress, which exacerbates the polyposis.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Means normalizes sleep and general condition. Prepare tincture can be from 100 ml of alcohol and 20 g of previously ground dry material. Infuse composition of at least 2 weeks, and then filtered, and take 20 drops morning and evening. Duration of the course - 10-14 days.

Other methods

In some cases, the conventional therapy does not help deal with the pathology, so the operative methods of treatment used in the formation of multiple growths large.

Hysteroscopy - low-impact and easy way to remove polyps. The procedure is performed using a light general anesthesia on day 3-4 of the menstrual cycle.

The extended cervix hysteroscope is inserted, which helps to remove the polyps quickly, as well as to explore the inner layer of the uterus. After the procedure, 1-2 days a woman is in hospital under observation, after which it was allowed to go home. Typically, the operation does not cause complications.Fibro-glandular endometrial polyp. What is it, the treatment after the removal of

Laparoscopy - one low-traumatic removal of polyps, which usually involves the simultaneous removal of the uterus.

A similar method is used when the specialist suspects rebirth polyp in malignancy. During the procedure, general anesthesia is used, with a few incisions in the abdominal wall body is examined and removed. The procedure often leads to complications and requires a long recovery period.

Laser removal of polyps - modern and safest method to remove entities. This uses a laser beam, and the patient's skin is not damaged. After removal of the patient can go home.

Any of the methods allows fundamentally solve the problem if necessary.

possible complications

If untreated, the patient will certainly develop complications. The first and most common is considered the expansion of the polyp and the emergence of several formations. In addition, the possible squeezing of the urethra, bladder and appendages when polyps grow to large sizes.

Another complication - anemia, which develops as a result of prolonged and heavy menstruation. The most dangerous complication is considered degeneration into a malignant tumor outgrowth.

Fibro-glandular growths in the uterus are considered to be a common problem. Polyps disrupt the functioning of the body and can lead to inflammation of the endometrium. conservative and operative treatment methods are used to eliminate symptoms.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of endometrial polyps

Elena Malysheva tell about polyps in the uterus:

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