Female Diseases

Muddy / dark urine in women. Reasons to odor treatment, to what doctor to address

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The urine is an indicator of the health of people, women in particular. The biological fluid produced by the kidneys, sometimes dark color and the reason may be the presence of infection or disease develops.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of turbid urine
  • 2 possible diseases
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 When to see a doctor
  • 5 prevention
  • 6 therapies
    • 6.1 Medications
    • 6.2 Traditional methods
    • 6.3 Other methods
  • 7 possible complications
  • 8 Videos about the causes muddy / dark incontinence in women

Causes of turbid urine

Education and urinary diversion - it is an integral part of the big maintenance of a constant internal mechanism human environment, which provides for removal of end products of metabolism, excess saline, water, toxins. The biochemical composition of urine gives an idea of ​​the process of exchange, the state of the bladder, kidney, and the body as a whole.

In drawing up the clinical picture of human disease, a urine test gives an indication of the effectiveness of the prescribed therapy. Color of the urine gives urochrome pigment. Normally, urine should be light to dark amber. But much depends on how it is diluted or concentrated.

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Medicines, vitamins, products are able to influence the change of color, unusual color is often indicative of the disease, the presence of infections. On the color sometimes affects the time of day, in the evening the urine may acquire a brown shade.

Dark urine in women, the causes of which may differ, is formed by:

  1. The use of products that can stain it. Beans, rhubarb gives urine a dark color. Beets, blackberries urine stains in dark red or brown color.
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
    Muddy / dark urine in women. The reasons may lie in the products, coloring the urine.
  2. Drugs. Several drugs, antibiotics (metronidazole, nitrofurantoin), laxatives, which include senna, muscle relaxants, capable of changing the color of urine.
  3. Internal disorders. Liver disease, kidney stones are introduced in them, infectious diseases of the urinary tract impart dark color and haze urine.
  4. Extreme exercise. Damage, muscle tension leads to staining of urine in the color of cola due to muscle protein, myoglobin, which appears in the urine.
  5. Reduced the amount of water consumed per day. Urine is a good indicator of how much water to drink per day. Dehydration increases the risk of kidney stones, chronic renal disease, type 2 diabetes.
  6. Dieting. Mono-diet, fasting, in which consume foods low in carbohydrates, enhance the level of ketones in the blood. Urine is not only change color, but becomes sweet odor similar to acetone.
  7. The presence of hemoglobin. It occurs in hemolytic anemia, accompanied by the disintegration of red blood cells.
  8. organ damage the pelvis.
  9. cancer changes in the liver and pancreas.

Darkening of the secreted fluid is almost always associated with inflammation.

Cloudy urine indicates the presence of:

  • leukocytes above the norm;
  • vaginal discharge;
  • infections in the urinary tract;
  • Crystals of salts of phosphoric acid or uric acid.

During the period of gestation of the child dark urine in women may be due to hormonal changes.

possible diseases

Muddy color of urine may be a sign of women's diseases whose causes are varied, but often superficial symptom. Appearing dark urine in women is accompanied by pain in the back, which is a sign of renal disease or bladder.

Other diseases may have similar symptoms:

  1. Infections in the urogenital system. Bacteria affect the kidneys, bladder, urine output is accompanied by a burning sensation, pain, sometimes there are bloody discharge. One of the most common injuries is cystitis. Along with the color change there is pain in the lower abdomen, the pelvis. Inflammation or swelling of the kidneys, pyelonephritis, caused by a bacterial infection also affects the color change. Additional symptoms of this fever, chills, burning urination.
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  2. Gallstones. Changed the color of urine is accompanied in this case, pain in the right abdomen. Formed of solid deposits of cholesterol stones when moving to block the bile duct. This leads to leakage of the pigment (bilirubin) of bile in the urine, which gives it a dark color.
  3. Diabetes. One of the early signs of the disease is to change the color, the urine becomes cloudy due to the presence of sugar.
  4. liver disease. In disorders of the organ urine becomes dark yellow or brown. This is due to the leakage of bilirubin in the urinary system. Diseases associated with liver cirrhosis, scarring of the liver due to hepatitis, alcoholism leads to widespread damage to organ; cancer, some types are accompanied by the appearance of very dark urine; jaundice, yellowing of the skin and affect a change in urine color; hepatitis.
  5. Anemia. Hemolytic anemia causes the destruction of red blood cells, which gives the color of urine rusty-brown muddy color. Hemoglobin, splitting and leaving the urine, affects the color change.
  6. The obstruction of the bile ducts. Violations in the ducts caused by stones or decrease in the production of bile, cholestasis, change the color of urine in the dark.
  7. Venereal diseases. Infections, sexually transmitted infections that affect the liver, causing dark urine.
  8. sickle cell anemia. Inherited genetic abnormality in hemoglobin structure, in which the red blood cells become sickle-shaped. In this disease, the color becomes red-brown when the disease affects the kidneys.
  9. Pancreas cancer. One of the primary characteristics is dark urine, almost black.
  10. rhabdomyolysis. This is a medical emergency due to damage to the muscles, leading to kidney failure. Other symptoms observed urine brown.
  11. endometriosis. Growing yeast infections are symptom muddy urine.
Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

Some disorders in the gastrointestinal tract result in a clouding of urine. The color change cause systemic, autoimmune disorders, cardiovascular disease. The presence in urine of large amounts of proteins, reduces transparency, suggests begun nephrotic syndrome.

Proteinuria, which caused a darkening of the urine, a sign of increased pressure. The disorder is characterized by women during pregnancy.


Cloudy urine in women, the causes of which are not always clear, can be detected in laboratory tests that provide three-dimensional information about violations in the body. Urine consists of 97% water and from protein decomposition products, salts, acids, urea. Indicators urine will talk about the work of the endocrine system, kidneys, and urinary tract.

The diagnostic method of research includes:

1. Sensory evaluation:

  • the volume of urine, the figure is needed in all cases, if the measured urine output, urine is collected throughout the day;
  • the color, the presence of unusual color says most of pathology, but also changes the foreign products, drugs;
  • the smell, the smell of normal should be weak;
  • transparency, normal urine preserves transparency within a few hours, may appear turbid because it contains mucus or the epithelial cells, a strong opacification attach blood cells, bacteria, salt;
  • foaminess as indicator composition changes occur when increased amounts of protein.
Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

2. Biometrics:

  • protein, which may increase after exercise, exercise, or indicate which began malignancy;
  • sugar, the amount indicates the development of hyperthyroidism, diabetes mellitus, stroke;
  • bilirubin, bile pigment that urine stains dark-yellow in color;
  • ketone bodies, which are products of metabolism, indicate the violation of lipid or carbohydrate metabolism.

3. The chemical and physical characteristics:

  • density, determined by the presence of salts, urea;
  • acidity rate 5-6rN;

4. Microscopic characteristics:

  • cylinders, the generalized name of protein compounds;
  • bacteria present in the case of acute inflammatory processes;
  • blood cells, increased number of white blood cells indicates violations of the kidney, bladder;
  • fungal, figures appear in immunodeficiency, normally they should not be;
  • salt, an increased amount of evidence of violations of the urinary system.

Table of the main indicators of incontinence for women:

Options Indicators are normal
Transparency transparent
Color light yellow
Acidity pH of less than 7
Smell weak
Density 1,012-1,024 r / l
Bilirubin not available
Sugar not more than 0.8 mmol
Protein not more than 0,033 r / l
ketone bodies no
cylinders hyaline single
bacteria no
mushrooms no
salts no

To pass a correct analysis of the urine should adhere to certain rules:

  1. Urine should be collected in the morning on an empty stomach.
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  2. Before collecting the analysis should be carried out hygiene in the genital area procedures.
  3. The process of urination is carried out in two stages, is suitable for the analysis of urine during the second phase of collection. In the initial urine contains many of the epithelial cells of the urinary tract, which are unsuitable for analysis.
  4. Before harvesting should not take medicines, foods that urine stains.
  5. You should not take alcohol per day.

Cloudy urine in women, factors influencing the change of color, the appearance of protein, blood - everything has to be taken into account when making a diagnosis. Comprehensive analysis of urine - this simple examination, but allows the doctor to compile a comprehensive picture of the disease. The clinics can investigate the composition of urine, the cost ranges from 200 to 300 rubles.

If necessary the doctor will prescribe diagnostic tests:

  • smear on genital infections, cost analysis from 800 thousand to 1. 200 rub .;
  • Ultrasound of the kidneys, urinary organs, the prices for treatments ranging from 300 to 1 thousand. 500 rub .;
  • examination by a gynecologist;
  • urography kidney, price radiologic procedure starts from 2 thousand. rub.

When to see a doctor

The higher the concentration urochrome in the urine, the richer its color. In the morning urine is much darker, due to lack of fluid in the body, its small intake at night. During the day a normal healthy urine becomes lighter shade.

If browning occurs regularly in the morning and in the afternoon, accompanied by the release, uncharacteristic odors, cramps, pain in your side, you should see a doctor and get tested.


When the turbidity of the urine should drink more pure water.

In the following simple rules to adhere to:

  1. Reduce alcohol consumption.
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  2. Exclude products that affect the color change.
  3. Abandon the exhausting diets.
  4. Reduce the exercise, if any.
  5. Pay attention to medications and vitamin complexes, which are accepted, or have recently taken.
  6. Try not to supercool the body and do not expose strong overheating.
  7. Exclude for some time from the diet acute smoked sausages, canned foods, that retain water in the body, and prevent the cleaning effect.
  8. Limit the use of protein foods, salt.


The treatment method depends on the underlying cause:

  1. If the urine is cloudy for physiological reasons, has an unpleasant smell, it should first of all pay attention to the composition of the products excluded from the diet that affects the allocation from the body.
  2. If you also changed the color, there are other clinical symptoms, you should get tested again to determine the exact causes.
  3. If blood is detected in the urine appointed corticosteroids.
  4. Inflammatory diseases are treated by antibiotic therapy, to remove the infections in the urinary tract antibiotics are used to cleanse the body in 2 weeks.
  5. Operative intervention is used in the presence of a kidney stone operations are carried out by means of ultrasound shock wave.


The choice of medication depends in each case on the symptoms, etiology of developing the disease:

Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
disease preparations Price in rubles.
Liver Hepatosan








gallbladder Ursosan












Infections in the urogenital system amoxicillin






kidneys spazgan






Dehydration GIDROVIT forte






All drugs are prescribed based on the results of analysis and individual patient characteristics. A comprehensive treatment plan should provide reception vitamin complexes to maintain the patient's general condition.

If abnormal liver function are used vitamins:

  • lipoic acid;
  • omega-3;
  • vitamins E, A, C, B2.

With the defeat of the gall bladder, urinary ducts are vitamins useful:

  • group B;
  • folic acid;
  • Groups A, C, E.

If it is determined that the turbid urine was the result of kidney disease, the recommended drugs:

  • tocopherol;
  • omega-3;
  • retinol;
  • B vitamins;
  • vitamin C;
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  • calcium, magnesium and sodium.

Traditional methods

Cloudy urine in women, the causes of which are installed, can be eliminated with the help of home remedies:

  1. Hydrotherapy. A large volume of water, drunk during the day will help cleanse the kidneys, urinary tract, because dehydration may cause turbidity.
  2. Baking soda. Its alkaline nature helps neutralize uric acid, reducing the symptoms of infections in the urinary tract. Often enough 1 hour. l. soda, dissolved in water and drunk throughout the day to lighten the urine.
  3. Blueberry juice. The blueberry antioxidants, compounds that help to suppress, eliminate the bacteria that cause infection.
  4. A pineapple. Contained in it bromelain, an active enzyme, it helps fight infections.
  5. Parsley. When mixed with water acts as a diuretic, increasing the frequency of urination and thus sodium excretion.
  6. Celery. Green plant is filled with antioxidants, vitamins, actively remove bacteria from the body.
  7. Caraway. Seeds to fill with water, boil, let it brew. After straining the infusion can be added in Article 1. l. honey. Take in the morning, the evening before the normalization condition. 250 ml of boiled water is taken 1 hour. l. seeds.
  8. Spinach. Squeeze the juice from fresh spinach, mix in equal parts of milk. Taken before each meal for 2 tablespoons. l. You can add fresh and boiled spinach in cooked dishes.
  9. Pomegranate rind. Chopped peel mixed with water to form a paste. Pasta take ½ hours. l. within a week, 2 times a day.
  10. seedfenugreek. 1 h. l. seeds, pour a glass of boiling water and infuse for a few minutes until cool. The drink is taken once a day for ½ cup. For fenugreek seeds can add a little ground ginger.
  11. Cranberry juice. Cranberry - one of the best natural remedies that prevents E. coli from sticking to the walls of the stomach and esophagus.
Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address

If you change the color of urine associated with urogenital system, you can use herbal teas:

  1. Roots blackberry, 20 g, red wine pour 400 ml. Cook until until half the liquid evaporates. Drug take 4 times a day for 1-2 tbsp. l.
  2. Celery mixed with young leaves of nettle, all crushed, pour 500 ml of water and bring to boil. After cooling, strain and take 1-2 tbsp. l. every hour.

Other methods

The complex therapeutic treatment includes various methods, not only medicines.

In the presence of urolithiasis is useful to carry out the procedure:

  • short-wave therapy, treatment by means of high frequency magnetic field;
  • amplipulse therapy, method of influencing modular sinusoidal currents to the affected areas.

Cystitis shows procedures:

  • UHF-therapy;
  • paraffin;
  • sodium or chloride bath with running water;
  • an infrared irradiation lamp.

kidney disease, polycystic addition, hydronephrosis, acute pyelonephritis, can be treated with physical treatments:

  • UHF-therapy;
    Muddy / dark urine in women. Causes and treatment, to what doctor to address
  • Treatment constant currents;
  • sodium chloride baths;
  • diathermy is to restore blood flow.

In all cases, useful in the treatment of the mineral water, which should be prescribed by a doctor.

possible complications

Dark or cloudy urine - a common symptom, occurring in many diseases. Consequences depend on the underlying cause that provoked it.

What can happen to the body, if time does not pay attention to this feature and leave the disease without treatment:

  1. Cirrhosis of the liver.
  2. Hepatitis.
  3. Chronic urinary tract infection.
  4. Intrauterine changes.
  5. Stones in the kidneys.
  6. Dehydration.

Left unattended signs, delayed treatment leads to intoxication and deterioration of the general condition. Urinalysis in women is the most informative method of research. For changes, the appearance of a muddy color, odor, allows the physician time to pay attention to changes in the body, find the cause and begin treatment.

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

Videos about the causes muddy / dark incontinence in women

Cloudy urine in women, what causes are covered:

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