
Watery eyes. Causes and treatment in adults. What if reddened, itchy, stings one eye, both, without the reasons for colds. Drops and other treatments at home

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Eyes - one of the most important sensory organs in the human body. Watery eyes may occur due to various environmental factors, lack of relevant substances in the body or developing the disease.

If there were tears and held for several hours - days, nothing to worry about. But when the eyes water a day, you must take steps to correct the problem.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of watery eyes
  • 2 Causes of watery eyes in children. dacryocystitis
  • 3 How to treat watery eyes
  • 4 Popular medicated preparations
  • 5 Treatment methods of traditional medicine
  • 6 Videos on the topic: Why watery eyes

Causes of watery eyes

Watery eyes, causes and treatment of this disease are varied. First we need to understand what is irritating the mucous membrane of the eyeball.

The reasons for this may be several:

  1. The natural reaction of the mucous membrane in the natural and environmental factors. The eyes may water by strong winds or bright sun. To protect themselves from such an impact, it is necessary to wear safety goggles. They protect not only on the mucous membrane irritation, but also from the harmful effects of ultraviolet rays on the retina.
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  2. Stressful situations. The relationship between stress and tear is psychological. In this case, the medication can do nothing. Need help therapist or neurologist.
  3. Allergic reactions. Very often, the tears begin to act because of the excitatory effect of some allergens on the mucous membrane of the eye. In most cases, his role is played by pollen in the spring. Also, this may be a variety of aerosols, pungent smells. In such situations, you need to contact your doctor.
  4. Contact with the eyes of different subjects. Usually when the eye gets anything, it is not only tears. Discomfort or pain with every movement. In this case, an urgent need to go to the hospital. If you do not provide timely assistance, you can injure the cornea.
    What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops
    Watery eyes. Causes and treatment should be identified slice to get rid of the problem. It not only causes discomfort, but also may indicate damage to the eye.
  5. The girls watery eyes often associated with the use of poor-quality cosmetics. It may also be a reaction of the organism to the individual components of the means for skin care.
  6. Drying mucosa. In most cases, this problem occurs after long-term watching TV, computer, phone, read a book, precise operation, and requires close attention. When the opinion is focused on something, a person does not notice that almost stops blinking.
  7. Morning watering. After sleeping place recovery processes associated with the lacrimal glands, which lose their functions during the holiday.
  8. Reduction of the lacrimal sac due to changes in facial expression. It can be a long laugh, yawn, different faces.

There are a number of reasons related to internal processes in the body:

  1. The eyes may water, if the body lacks vitamin B2, A and E. They are responsible for the eye operation. If these are not enough, there may be a variety of disorders associated with vision and eyes.
  2. Metabolic changes. Simply put, when a person has considerably changed the diet, perhaps a manifestation of a tear. This may be associated with different diets or frequent overeating.
  3. Diseases associated with the skin. The eye area is very delicate and thin skin. Because of this, any problems with the epidermis may affect themselves eyeballs.
  4. Injury to the eye or the weakening of the lacrimal glands due to age. Older people have cancer data may not function in young and very often there is involuntary discharge of tears.
  5. Cold or viral diseases. The most common viral disease is conjunctivitis. It causes tearing, redness, burning, and photophobia eye.
  6. Migraine. Very often, severe headaches accompanied by tearing eyes.
    What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops
  7. Sinusitis. When the sinuses become swollen from overflowing their pus can be observed frequent allocation of tears.
  8. Acne. It mikrokleschey, which you can learn from animals in close contact with them.

Causes of watery eyes in children. dacryocystitis

The body of young children most strongly exposed to external factors. Their unformed immune system can give a fitting rebuff to most viral, infectious and bacterial diseases.

If the child's eyes water, in 75% of cases the reason for this is dacryocystitis. It is an infectious disease that causes inflammation. It is treated with conservative methods. In the case of this ophthalmologic diseases, can not be idle. If you run it, do not provide timely treatment, it may develop into a chronic form.

Can diagnose the disease in the first month of baby's life. The first symptoms are redness, itching, tearing and pus formation. However, when compared with dacryocystitis conjunctivitis, in the first case, a loss of only one eyeball. All symptoms will only apply to it.

One can clearly see the changes after sleeping child. If the disease is present, after the baby is awake, it will be difficult to open the affected eye. After several attempts razomknotsya eyelid and on the eyeball will be based on a noticeable film of pus.

What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops

Upon detection of the disease, is urgently needed complex treatment. For this purpose, the physician may prescribe the affected eye rinsing constant infusions of strong tea or chamomile (cooled down). Together with this, you must use commercially available drop "albutsit".

The last thing a doctor may prescribe - special massages, the essence of which is to break the plug formed in the tear duct. And diseases will take place much faster if you eliminate it, all the pus come out. When the complex treatment does not work for 2 weeks, the doctor may prescribe sensing procedure. With it, tear ducts cleaned physical way.

For the procedure you will need a local anesthetic effects.

How to treat watery eyes

When watery eyes, the causes and treatment can be varied. To cope with the disease conjunctivitis is only possible with the help of medications. And if you hit a foreign body, it is necessary to consult an ophthalmologist specialist drew it from the eye of the eyeball area.

Treatment watery eyes problems can be divided into 2 groups:

  • use of medications;
  • the use of traditional medicine.

Popular medicated preparations

Preparations prescribes doctor, these include drops, ointments and tablets.

List of effective drugs with a brief description:

What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops
  1. allergodil - drops, designed to combat the symptoms of allergy. They also help with involuntary relaxed lacrimal sac. Doctors prescribe these drops people who suffer from allergies in the spring and in case of conjunctivitis. Allergodil does not cause side effects and can be used for a long time.
  2. Tobrex - known drugs used in ophthalmology. With it possible not only to eliminate the causes watery eyes, but also to treat various ocular diseases. It is used as a treatment for adults and children alike. Depending on age, dosage change.
  3. Okomistin - antibacterial drops. Is a powerful antiseptic, disinfecting the surface of the eyeball. Drops of destroying not only pathogens, but also prevents the spread of fungal diseases disputes.
  4. sulfacetamide - drops have antibacterial effects on the affected area. Are written for adults and children. They are effective in various diseases that are infectious in nature. Stop inflammation.What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops
  5. Vizin - using these drops, you can remove the puffiness around the eye area. These vessels constrict, thereby eliminating the occurrence of unintentional tears. These droplets act only outside. They are not absorbed into the bloodstream and have a powerful impact on the advanced disease.
  6. Artelak balance - Drops soothe irritation, reduce the itching sensation, eliminate red eyes. Take effect within two minutes after instillation.
  7. Floksal - a drug used for the treatment of the eye in children. Has an antibacterial effect on the mucous membrane, it calms the nerves.

Treatment methods of traditional medicine

Knowing why watery eyes, causes, and treatment with the purchased assets, it is necessary to know how to cope with the problem of using traditional medicine.

The main ways:

  1. Infusion of Aloe. For the preparation of this agent need 1 teaspoon pulp of aloe leaves, about 100 ml of boiled water. After mixing the ingredients necessary to give the mixture to stand for 3 hours. Then, using cheesecloth to separate the liquid from the pulp. Irrigate to receive infusion of eyes in the morning and evening. The course of treatment - 1 week.
  2. Propolis. For this infusion required piece of dry propolis (not more pea), 100 ml of water. You need to carefully grind the dry propolis and mix it with water. Let the mixture for one hour infusions. Strain through cheesecloth. Flush eyes in the morning, day and evening until full recovery.
    What if watery eyes. Causes and treatment if itches, stings the eyes, tears. Folk remedies, drops
  3. Compress on the basis of lily of the valley. For this method you will need a teaspoon of dried flowers and leaves of lily of the valley, a glass of boiled water, 2 cotton pads. To pour the dry parts of the plant with boiling water and let stand for 30 minutes. After that, strain the infusion, dip cotton pads in it and attach them to the eyes. Hold at this position for 15 minutes. You need to put compresses twice a day. The course of treatment - up to the disappearance of a tear.
  4. Cornflower and cumin. Very effective and requires special preparation. For it will need 1 tablespoon cumin seeds, the same cornflower petals and leaves of the plantain. To start, you need to pour the cumin seeds in boiling water and leave them to simmer, stirring slowly. When the water boils again, wait 3 minutes and add the remaining ingredients. Next you need to put out the fire, cover the container with a lid and leave for a day. 2 times a day, you need to dig a few drops of the resulting funds in the eye. The course of treatment should not exceed 7 days.

If the methods of traditional medicine did not relieve redness and eliminates lacrimation, you must stop using the selected method. In case of discomfort or pain, you need as quickly as possible to see a doctor. In some cases, a person is faced with an allergic reaction to the grass.

During prolonged watery eyes, you need to try to wash the eyes with strong tea or chamomile broth on for several days. If such treatments fail, then the cause lacrimation in the other and you can not delay the campaign to the doctor.

Author of the article: Kaptsevich Vadim

Registration of the article: Lozinski Oleg

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