
Treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee joint - medicines, chondroprotectors, sports and diet

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pain in the knee

Knee joint gonarthrosis is a common disease that is , a step-by-step drying of the cartilage tissue of , causing joint deformation with loss of its functions.

This violation is also called osteoarthrosis and deforming gonarthrosis.

Article Contents

  • disease Classification
  • Goals and
  • treatment tasks How to cure a disease
    • Pharmacotherapy
    • Application chondroprotectors
    • External funds
    • Sports and Gymnastics
    • Diet
    • Manual
  • therapy Surgery
  • People's treatment of gonarthrosis of the knee
  • Conclusions
  • Video: Exercises in gonarthrosis

Classification of the disease

Types of the disease:

  • primary - elderly people are affected, although tracing the pathogenesisdisease in this case is impossible;
  • ptorichny - appears due to mechanical damage to the knee or its defeat due to inflammation in the body, has no age restrictions.

Regardless of the type of deviation, 3 stages are distinguished:

  1. On the , the initial stage of the
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    , the patient feels a slight knee pain that appears after a prolonged load or when walking. Joints in this period are not subject to deformation.
  2. In the second stage, the pains of start to increase and become more frequent, and not necessarily because of the loads. The mobility of the joint is worsened, it looks slightly gonarthrosis of the knee swollen and deformed.
  3. At the last stage of , the process is characterized by acute pain syndrome. The patient may have meteosensitivity, and the pain then becomes unbearable. The deformity of the joint can be seen with a conventional look, and the knee has a bloated and cyanotic appearance.

Detail about gonarthrosis of 2nd degree:

gonarthrosis of 2nd degree

What is the peculiarity of

grade 2 ganarthrosis Under gonarthrosis is meant the defeat of cartilage and bone growths arising on the joint, xytic irritation of the articular tissue. Knee arthrosis - deg. ..

Detail about gonarthrosis of 3rd degree:
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Gonarthrosis of the third degree of the knee joint is the heaviest. The disease significantly complicates the life of patients, severely limits work capacity....

Goals and objectives of treatment

The goals of treatment of deforming knee arthroplasty:

  • to neutralize pain;
  • , if possible, restore the affected cartilage and ligaments;
  • to increase the mobility of the joint.

How to cure the disease

Modern medicine offers several techniques.

Medical treatment

All medicamental treatment of gonarthrosis can be divided into 2 types: for internal and external use. Among other things, solutions for injections are also used.

For arthrosis, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are usually used to neutralize pain and inflammation,against a background of severe pain, one can not begin treatment.

Only by eliminating the acute pain, you can subsequently go to massage, gymnastics and those physiotherapy activities that because of the pain would be unbearable.

Among other things, using these tools, it is necessary to take into account that they all have serious contraindications and with long consumption can give tangible side effects.

Therefore, long-term use is better to use selective drugs( movalis).

Application of chondroprotectors

knee joint treatment Chondroprotectors - glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate - substances that feed cartilage tissue and restore the structure of the affected cartilage, the most useful type of treatment for violations.

They influence the cause of the disease: it favors the restoration of cartilage, the improvement of the production of joint fluid and the normalization of its properties.

This effect of the drugs makes them irreplaceable in the treatment of the initial stage of arthrosis.

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Chondroprotectors are not very effective at stage 3 of the disorder, when the cartilage is almost destroyed. After all, it is impossible to grow a new cartilage or to return the form to bones by means of glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate.

Treatment with these substances requires competent and long-term administration in combination with other methods of exposure.

Of all the drugs used in the treatment of arthrosis, it is this group that brings the greatest benefit. In addition, they have almost no side effects.

To achieve a powerful therapeutic effect, chondroprotectors should be applied by courses, regularly, for a long period. It makes no sense to take glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate from case to case.


Ointments and creams can not cure arthrosis of the knees. But they can alleviate the condition and reduce pain in the affected area. To this end, ointments are extremely useful.

So, with arthrosis without synovitis, warming ointments improve the blood flow in the joint. For this use of menovazine, gevkamen, etc. These ointments usually cause the patient a feeling of pleasant warmth. They rarely give side effects.

Ointments based on non-steroid substances( indomethacin, butadione, dolgite) are used when the course of the disorder is combined with synovitis.

Compressors for compresses are more effective than ointments. Of the topical agents used today, the most common dimexide, bischofite, medical bile.

Sport and gymnastics

Many people think that physical activity is forbidden in case of illness. For the normal operation of the joint, he needs strong developed muscles, which is why foot exercises moderate sports activities in the disorder bring only good.

Two-sided gonarthrosis of the knee joint can and should be treated with leisurely exercises. It should be borne in mind that the patient joints can not be subjected to sudden movements and heavy loads.

Except gymnastics, long walks in the fresh air are useful.


The diet for gonarthrosis is a powerful way to influence the course of the disease.

The food should be balanced, but too high-calorie food needs to be removed, tk.they can lead to excess weight, which is one of the main causes of gonarthrosis.

Feature of nutrition is that it must be saturated with animal proteins, because they are involved in the structure of muscles. But to feed the cartilage is necessary to use jelly, broth, brewed from the bones.

There is also a list of products not recommended for arthrosis of the knees. This alcohol, fatty meat, cabbage, tomatoes, pepper, milk, sour fruit.

Manual therapy

Manual therapy for violations of I and II stages gives a remarkable result. Sometimes several sessions are enough to make the patient feel better.

manual therapy This method of treatment is especially effective in combination with joint extension, chondroprotective consumption and intra-articular administration of Ostenil.

Osteoarthritis of the knee joints is a deviation, passing through 3 stages of development.

And if at first you can cure by means of drugs from arthrosis, gymnastics and massages, then if there are already changes in the joint, then the output is the operation.

Surgical intervention

Today, there are several types of interventions that can eliminate pain and discomfort due to impairment. Some of them, for example, artodes, give a certain immobility to the joint, rather than neutralize the pain.

More modern techniques involve the use of prostheses that can replace the joint or improve its work through a special plate.

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Traditional treatment of knee joint gonarthrosis

In many situations, folk remedies are extremely effective. Tinctures and ointments on herbs give a good effect. So, you can rub a sore spot with camphor oil or make a compress with apple cider vinegar and honey.

Many recipes for the treatment of disorders are used as the basis of the leaves of burdock. It is necessary to attach the sheet to the joint, wrap with a film and a warm scarf overnight.

By the same principle, you can use white cabbage leaves. To enhance the effect it is necessary to grease the cabbage leaf with honey.


It is necessary to understand the danger of diseases of knee joints. Means for treatment should be selected carefully, given all the nuances.

At the first manifestations of pain in the knees of , it is worthwhile to find an experienced doctor , which will give effective guidance on preventing this problem.

In the initial stages of gonarthrosis is better treated than late. If you want to live without pain and unnecessary complications, take care of your health and the health of your joints.

Video: Exercises for gonarthrosis

What if the knee is sore and there are suspicions of gonarthrosis? You need to visit a doctor to make a correct diagnosis, and also to study these exercises.

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