
Breast cancer in women. Photos, breast varieties, anatomy, appearance, where they are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

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On the front surface of the chest in women is breast - one of the principal organs of the female body. She is involved in many processes, and is controlled by the hormonal system and the brain. Nature has put in the mammary gland is the only way of survival in ancient times only because of breast milk the baby would survive.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Anatomy of the external structure of the breast
    • 1.1 shape
    • 1.2 The size
    • 1.3 Nipple
  • 2 The internal structure of the breast
    • 2.1 Glandular and fatty tissue
    • 2.2 Connective tissue
    • 2.3 ducts
    • 2.4 blood supply
    • 2.5 Nerves, lymph nodes
    • 2.6 muscles
    • 2.7 mammary gland
  • 3 Location of mammary glands
  • 4 Changes in Breast Cancer
    • 4.1 During puberty
    • 4.2 In different periods of the menstrual cycle
    • 4.3 During pregnancy
    • 4.4 Breastfeeding
    • 4.5 age-related changes
  • 5 Artificial change the size and shape
  • 6 Abnormal development of mammary glands
  • 7 Kinds of diseases of the female breast
  • 8 Breast Hormones
  • 9 Breast Care
  • 10 Videos about the anatomy of the breast

Anatomy of the external structure of the breast

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The appearance of the breast is laid in utero, so to sexual maturity the difference between female and male breast almost none.


Breast cancer in women have a different appearance. In form it is symmetrical convexity 2, located roughly in the middle of the rib bones. In the center of the prostate is the areola and nipple in the center of it.

The shape of the breasts are divided into:

  • pyriform - base far below the top point;
  • discoid - a circular base;
  • mastoid - low base nipples look down;Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age
  • hemispherical - height and center on the same level.

The size

Developing breasts differently in each woman. It depends on the work of the hormonal system and heredity. Breast asymmetry is not uncommon, but this option is not an aberration.

On average, the breast is not a nursing woman weighs about 200 grams, but during breast-feeding iron may reach 900 At the end of the lactation period it takes the old weight, but the shape of the former will be gone. It is believed that the amount of breast milk is produced depends on the initial size of the breasts, but it is not. Also, the size of the breast affected by the hormonal system.


The nipple is in the center of the areola, and the shape may be tapered or Valium. The color of the areola depends on the woman's skin tone, as well as whether she breastfeeds. As a rule, during breastfeeding areola becomes dark brown because of excess pigmentation.

Located under the areola of her glands and sebaceous and sweat. Nipples is very thin and sensitive skin that responds not only to the direct impact, but also temperature differences. The nipple may be small, convex, or retracted, that is not a pathology.

The internal structure of the breast

breast anatomy is the same in all individuals of the female sex. Its internal components aimed at the production of breast milk.

Glandular and fatty tissue

Breast cancer in women consist of about 20 cones, similar to a bunch of grapes. Inside the breast cavity are the alveoli, they produce breast milk. With the help of a manual scan, you can touch to determine the amount of adipose tissue.

Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age
Breast cancer in women. structure photo

On external factors mammary gland protects the fatty tissue, in addition, it helps to maintain the right temperature to produce breast milk.

The glandular tissue is entirely dependent on the hormonal system of the woman, so the size and appearance of the breasts in is constantly changing during the menstrual cycle. Due to the fact that in nulliparous women have more glandular tissue, their firm breasts.

Connective tissue

Connective tissues are held between the lobes and segments of the breast. They embrace the glandular tissue, supporting her.


Ducts are the top share, and end milky pores in the nipple. Before the duct holes formed small capsules in which the breast milk accumulates. The diameter of the duct is 1.8-2.3 mm, but often they are fused.

blood supply

Mammary glands are surrounded by a vast network of veins and arteries. This is clearly seen on the breast feeding woman. The main large artery: the lateral, inner, medial.

Nerves, lymph nodes

Nerve endings in the mammary gland are preferably in the space between the ribs and above the clavicle, they bind directly to the nervous system. plexus nerves most of all concentrated in the area of ​​the areola and nipple, it is for this reason that this area is the most sensitive.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

The lymphatic system of the breast - a complex structure. Lymph nodes are concentrated to a greater extent in the armpit and on the sides of the breasts.


Mammary glands are surrounded by muscles that make up the sternum. It protects them serratus anterior muscle, which is located next to the biceps muscle of the shoulder, and next to them is a small part of the spinal muscles. These muscles support and protect the breast from the top and sides. Directly into the cavity of breast muscles are absent.

mammary gland

The main and the only function of the mammary glands - the production of milk for infant feeding. The process of production of milk is called lactation. Breast milk is a unique natural product, as part of which contains all the micro and macro elements necessary to the newborn and 80% water.

Location of mammary glands

Mammary glands in women are positioned symmetrically on the front of the chest, between 3 and 7, an edge. The cavity of the chest is maintained pectoral muscles.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

In some anomalies of the breasts may be asymmetrical, but often their functionality is not compromised.

Changes in Breast Cancer

Over the life of a woman changes occur that are directly related to hormone function. It can not affect the state of the mammary glands.

During puberty

At the age of 10 years, the body begins to transform the girl. Mammary glands up to that time had not been developed, it was visible only to the areola and nipple. But with the onset of puberty girls hormonal system begins to actively produce the hormone estrogen, which triggers the formation of mammary glands, and together with this first occurs menstruation.

At the beginning of puberty, you may notice swelling of the areola around the nipple and seal Montgomery tubercles. It grows from the center and the chest. Areola gradually becomes darker in color, and the nipple becomes larger.

Later, the chest takes its shape and stops at a certain amount, which depends on genetic factors and the body of the girl.

Mammalogy recommend to start wearing a bra with the moment when the chest was formed and took shape.

Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

It is important to choose the right underwear to the breast was not constricted. Finally, the mammary glands are formed by 14-15 years and will only be changed with the onset of pregnancy.

In different periods of the menstrual cycle

Mammary glands are changed in each phase of the menstrual cycle. At the beginning of every woman there is discomfort. This is due to the hormonal system. A few days before the critical days, usually breasts swell and become sensitive due to the proliferation of the glandular tissue and the end of the cycle the breast takes the previous form and condition.

Before ovulation (13-14 day cycle) occurs enhanced production of estrogen, so the discomfort begins in this period. Cause breast changes during the cycle - the work of estrogen and progesterone. In the second phase of the cycle in the chest the blood flow increases, there is a high breast tenderness.

pain following may occur:

  • weight and feeling of fullness in the chest;
  • tingling;
  • the pain is centered in the nipples;
  • It appears simultaneously with drawing pains in the abdomen.

Discomfort in the period of the cycle are the norm, but if the pain is not tolerated, without pain medication, you need to see a gynecologist.

During pregnancy

Mammary glands during pregnancy and change, but the nature of these changes is somewhat different. Begin conversion from the conception.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

There is an increase of adipose tissue engorgement nipples, mammary glands become very sensitive to the slightest influence (even painful sensations arise, in contact with clothing). By the middle of the first trimester, the breast increases in the size of 1, and by the end of 9 months each breast can become heavier on average 500 g

Often the discomfort in the chest at the beginning of pregnancy are similar to those that a woman feels at the beginning of menstruation. Therefore, he learns about the ensuing pregnancy immediately. Also, by increasing the blood flow becomes visible venous network. Due to high levels of estrogen areola becomes dark, and then around the nipple of released substance that prevents the skin from drying.

By the beginning of the second trimester starts discharge from the nipple and yellow green hue. This is colostrum, which is converted into breast milk after birth. Compared with milk colostrum is very thick and sticky.

With an increase in breast skin is stretched, itching and stretch marks (striae). To prevent their occurrence, you can use a moisturizing cream or oil.


In the first days after delivery breast milk may not appear, but the colostrum, which is contained in the chest, a very valuable and nutritious food for a newborn. 3-4 day comes milk, the breast becomes hard, felt a tingling and itching.

After birth, the milk produced by a lot, because the body does not know how much milk is needed for the child. But over time, the amount is normalized according to the "supply and demand". In other words, how much milk the baby drank so much and will be produced later.

Breast after birth becomes difficult not only because of the milk production, but also from the fact that the increased circulation of blood and lymphatic fluid.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

Nipples after birth may not be ready for constant exposure. At the wrong he can capture the nipple bleeding, blisters are formed. To prepare them for feeding enough to take a contrast shower, a towel and rubbing nipples during pregnancy, risk of premature birth.

When feeding a child holders of inverted nipples are concerned, if I can grab the baby the breast correctly. In this case, experts say that a newborn will take any breast.

age-related changes

As we age, namely with the onset of menopause, the hormonal system of the woman being rebuilt. This is reflected in the mammary glands. A few years before menopause, many women experience swelling and soreness in the chest. This is due to the fact that the glandular tissue is completely replaced by fat as childbearing age behind.

During this period, the breast loses its shape, falls down and becomes soft. This is the result not only of restructuring hormones, but also periods of pregnancy and breastfeeding.

It is important to note that with age, the risk of breast diseases, including cancer, is significantly increased, so it is worth to visit mammalogy.

Artificial change the size and shape

Modernity is that every woman can adjust the shape and size of their breasts, regardless of age. The most durable and effective way - plastic surgery.

Most often, the plastic surgery helps women who are by nature small breasts, but it is possible and to reduce the size. Big breasts bring discomfort - it is difficult to engage in active sports, Port posture and appears stoop, difficult to pick up underwear and clothes.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

As a rule, plastic surgery used by women who have lost breast shape after breastfeeding or weight loss as a result. implants inserted whose size is varied in a breast.

Mastopexy - an operation for breast shape correction. If a woman has a desire to reduce large breasts, this is done by removing excess skin and fatty tissue part.

In addition to surgery, modern cosmetology offers the use of special adhesive tapes for disposable breast lift, which of course have a short-term effect. Also popular are all kinds of silicone bras and corsets.

Perhaps the most commonly used method of artificial breast augmentation is a bra with the effect of push-up. At the bottom of the cup is made durable foam rubber pad, lift the chest.

Abnormal development of mammary glands

Abnormal development of mammary glands - the phenomenon is not frequent and some defects can not be changed:

  • amazia - no breasts;
  • monomastiya - one breast;
  • polimastiya - extra gland, dangerous malignancies;
  • mikromastiya - underdeveloped breasts (due to disruptions in the endocrine system);
  • makromastiya - excessive breast enlargement. Girls in their teens in this case it is necessary to adjust the endocrine system. In boys, this is due to the violation of the gonads;
  • mastoptoz - drooping breasts.

Kinds of diseases of the female breast

All breast diseases can be divided into 2 groups: tumor (mastitis) and inflammatory:

  • mastitis - appears due to penetration of bacteria into the mammary gland via the teat. Lactation mastitis accompanied by stagnation and the appearance of lumps. In this case, a woman has a high fever and chest pain;
  • disease of the breast - it is the result of hormonal disorders, namely increased prolactin. The most dangerous - a diffuse disease of the breast, can cause breast cancer;Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age
  • fibroadenoma - a spherical seal between the ducts;
  • cyst - seal, inside which is a liquid, but more often than not bear the dangers;
  • intraductal papilloma - growths in the ducts, as well as the outside, around the nipple;
  • lipoma - seal, appearing as a result of proliferation of fat and connective tissue;
  • mammary cancer - can be treated by removing rarely. The last step in 90% of cases are fatal.

Breast Hormones

Any changes in the breast are due to the work of hormones, which are controlled by the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus. Under the action of estrogen in the first phase of the menstrual cycle is the division of the breast tissue cells. This is to ensure that the chest was ready for a possible pregnancy. Also hormone progesterone directly affects the secretion of breast milk and lactation itself.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

Another important hormone - oxytocin. Thanks to his work, and there is removal of milk from the alveoli and ducts. STH enables to increase the breast, like during puberty and during pregnancy. By the end of the cycle, the level of hormones decreases, menstruation occurs.

When planning a pregnancy to check hormone levels, there are health problems, regardless of whether or not.

Indicator Norma (female)
FSH (follicle stimulating hormone) 1-11,8 mIU / ml
LH (luteinizing hormone) 1-8,8 mIU / ml
prolactin 67-726 mIU / l
estradiol 43,8-211 pg / ml
Progesterone 5,3-86 nmol / l

Breast Care

Breast cancer in women may lose their attractive appearance, not only because of age or as a result of feeding, but also due to improper care. The right will take care of the breast from the moment she was finally formed.

The most common causes of untrimmed chest:

  • bad posture and passive way of life;
  • the negative impact of the sun's rays;
  • improper diet and as a result of shortage of micro and macro elements;
  • improper or lack of underwear.Breast cancer in women. Photography, Anatomy, which are, as a change in feeding, pregnancy, age

Important to keep the breast skin in good shape. This is facilitated by douches and rubbing ice cubes. In them, you can add essential oils and herbs. After water procedures need to wipe the chest light blotted movements, stiff towels irritate the delicate skin of the breast. You can make a mask for the chest, in the most effective are eggs, honey and oatmeal.

Particular attention should be paid to the chest large size, because it is more susceptible to deformation and sagging. Owners of more than 3 breast size, you should wear a bra all the time, at night, you can choose a convenient linen pitted.

The skin of the breast requires intensive moisturizing. In addition to beauty treatments it is recommended to go in for sports. Exercise with a focus on the pectoral muscles will help keep longer breasts tightened.

Nutrition plays an important role in skin condition, it is necessary to use a sufficient amount of healthy fats and fiber.

Mammalogy advised to perform regular breast self-massage for the skin elasticity and prevent loss of form. In this case, it is better not to use cosmetics and to perform clean hands, avoiding the nipple. The massage is performed with light, smooth movements.

Another important aspect of the care of the state of the mammary glands - properly chosen clothes. Summer women should avoid direct sunlight on the chest, be sure to use sunscreen.

Author: Pestova Catherine

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Videos about the anatomy of the breast

The structure of the breast:

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