
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes. What it is, an adult, a child on the leg, in the groin than to treat if it becomes bigger. Photo

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Red spots on the skin can be a symptom of numerous disorders in the body, and the impact of external factors. Depending on the nature of the spots, whether they are itching, inflamed, or get wet flakes, diagnose and then prescribe treatment.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Spots in a child
  • 2 Spots in the adult
  • 3 Diagnostics
  • 4 The reasons for the appearance of red spots on the body
    • 4.1 Allergy
    • 4.2 unbalanced diet
    • 4.3 Infectious diseases
    • 4.4 fungal diseases
    • 4.5 Diathesis
    • 4.6 autonomic dysfunction
    • 4.7 autoimmune processes
    • 4.8 Tumors
    • 4.9 venereal diseases
  • 5 Skin diseases as a cause of red spots
    • 5.1 Shingles
    • 5.2 pink zoster
    • 5.3 Ringworm
    • 5.4 Sycosis
    • 5.5 Lyme disease
    • 5.6 Psoriasis
    • 5.7 dermatomyositis
    • 5.8 Dermatitis
    • 5.9 Eczema
    • 5.10 Scabies
  • 6 Spot on leg
  • 7 Spot in the groin area
  • 8 Treatment of red spots
  • 9 If the spot is greater than
  • 10 If heavily scratched
  • 11 Folk remedies
  • 12 Videos of red spots on the skin

Spots in a child

In the first months of life, when the child's body has not adapted to the environment, periodic red rashes are relatively normal. A newborn baby comes hormonal changes, because of what occurs and a rash.

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Another reason for the appearance of red spots in a child is a food allergy. Therefore, it may appear allergic to lactose - cow's milk protein - or allergens received with mother's milk. In this case, the young mother should reconsider your diet, or pay attention to the mix, which is fed the baby, replacing it with hypoallergenic.

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
Red spot on the skin of children and adults can be a symptom of various diseases. It is important to know what it is.

Red spots in the newborn also appear in the diaper rash. They may itch and peel off. Characteristic red spots spread in areas with chafing baby skin contact with the friction surfaces of diapers.

It is necessary to ensure proper care for delicate skin, use talcum powder, diaper rash cream, and leave the child at a time without a diaper to the skin breathed.

One of the most dangerous causes of red spots in a child - an infectious disease. In this case the inevitable visit to the doctor, and possible hospitalization.

Spots in the adult

Red spots on the skin (itchy and flaky it is in many cases) in adults are diagnosed by their appearance.

This can be:

  • large or small rash;
  • rash, accompanied by swelling;
  • rash with clear or blurred edges;
  • scaly or smooth;
  • towering above the skin surface or are flush with it.
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

If red spots on the skin are not associated with contact dermatitis, they are due to internal causes. Treatment is required for each specific disease. Often the rash is accompanied by itching and irritation.


To properly diagnose the disease, you must specify:

  • whether the spot itches,
  • Is is constantly in one place or one spots disappear and others appear;
  • It is accompanied by red spots painful sensations;
  • Is there symmetry in the arrangement of the spots;
  • where localized spots.

Dermatologist diagnose disease. In the first place necessary inspection of the skin spots. Possible referral to an allergist. Then the diagnosis is aimed at identifying the causative agent. To do this, take a skin scraping. The doctor may also prescribe general urinalysis, blood test for HIV, prothrombin index, liver function tests, koagullogrammu, dermatoscopy and others.

The reasons for the appearance of red spots on the body

Red spots on the skin (itching and scaly or not - must be reported to the doctor) occurs for a variety of reasons. Some of them are less significant, while others require serious medical treatment at home or in a clinic.


Often it appears red spots on the skin, but they can appear in different ways: as a scaly patches or blisters. Caused by exposure to allergens in the body.

Among them are:

  • household chemicals;
  • medications;
  • foods.
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

Pain on palpation is not observed. Rash is located asymmetrically. The temperature can be observed. If treatment is not available, the acute allergic goes into a chronic disease: eczema, atopic dermatitis. Allergy passes yourself unless avoid contact with the allergen. Forcibly retracted allergy symptoms using antihistamines in the form of tablets, drops, ointments.

unbalanced diet

Red spots - a frequent companion of people who abuse fried, sweet, spicy. When the body accumulates harmful substances from which the liver can not rid yourself completely and in a timely manner, the body's cleansing function takes on the skin.

This is manifested as a characteristic rash of red spots. Typical areas of red spots locations with poor nutrition - the upper body and face. To withdraw toxins from the body to help the fasting days, in which the use cleaning products or cocktails.

skin rash may also provoke a lack or excess of vitamins and minerals.

Infectious diseases

Rash contagious nature diagnosed with rubella, chickenpox, scarlet fever, typhoid fever, meningococcal infection. And all of these diseases are common in children. In adults, red spots can be a symptom of syphilis, lichen, sycosis, Lyme disease.

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

Infectious diseases are accompanied by additional symptoms, so they are relatively easy to recognize. When eruptions infectious nature man feels weakness, drowsiness, poor appetite, fever. After some diseases formed lifelong immunity, e.g., after chickenpox and meningitis.

fungal diseases

Red spots on the skin often causes the fungus. The surface may peel off and itch. The fungus is spread by contact with an infected person or animal. Treated with antifungal agents.


Children, especially infants and breastfed, found diathesis. It appears first on the cheeks, and then, at long contact with the allergen, spreading to other parts of the body. Thus digestive system reacts to the use of more unusual foods, sweets and fruits.

autonomic dysfunction

Such stains heavily shelled and itch, appear due to constant heavy stress, poor nutrition, lack of sleep, a specific reaction of the cardiovascular system. Photodermatosis - one of these reactions occur under ultraviolet light.

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
Photodermatosis - the cause of red spots. So that the skin does not suffer in the summer, it is necessary to defend it.

It manifested in the form of small edematous rash that is characterized by severe itching. From cold spots may appear too - first red, and then covered with white bubbles, so it manifests itself cold allergy. May appear red spots and after water treatment due to the impact of washcloths.

autoimmune processes

One such disease is lupus erythematosus. Red spots appear mainly on the hands and face. Symptoms are accompanied by pain in the heart and joints.


This refers first of all basal cell carcinoma. This disease appears red spots. Can grow into tissues and bone metastases but almost does not.

venereal diseases

Red spots are characteristic of secondary syphilis. On the skin appear symmetrical lesions, which then pass.

Skin diseases as a cause of red spots


The causative agent of herpes zoster is varicella zoster virus. The man at the first contact with the sick with chickenpox. This usually occurs in childhood. In adults, the rash appears as red spots along the nerves. Spots not only itching, but also deliver painful.

pink zoster

Caused by the herpes virus. On the skin first appears, one or more parent entities. Then there are smaller ones. They itch and flake. Theoretically, the disease is contagious, but infectiousness is not great.

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

Stains go away without treatment within 6-9 weeks.


Vysokozaraznoe disease caused by fungus Trichophyton and Microsporum. Particularly susceptible to infection with children. In the center of the spot is shelled, and the perimeter is surrounded by a bright rim, consisting of bubble rash. If the stain appears on the scalp, the hairs break off at this point. Itching is present, but not strong.


He is most common in men between the ages, as the infection is entered by shaving. It can be caused by Staphylococcus aureus or streptococcus. Accompanied by erythema, edema, formation of purulent crusts.

Lyme disease

It is caused by specific bacteria. Because of them, on the body are formed large patches of red that itch and flake.


Chronic autoimmune disorder characterized by alternating exacerbation and remission stages. Red spots often form in the knees and elbows, reminiscent projecting horny plaques, severely shelled, covered by white flakes.

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

Touching the spots provokes pain and itching. After removal of scales shiny red surface underneath is detected.


The spots are located in most cases at the outer side of the hand, extensor digitorum, but the rash can also appear on the upper back, around the eyes, on the neck.


The following types of dermatitis:

  • Contact - it appears as a result of contact with any substance to which a person is formed idiosyncrasy.
  • Allergic - direct contact with the allergen is optional. Possibly the penetration of allergens from food or airborne droplets.
  • atopic - a disease of allergic nature caused by hereditary sensitivity to certain allergens.
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
  • Perioral. The name suggests that the spots are concentrated in the vicinity of the mouth, and around the mouth is necessarily present rim of healthy skin.
  • Seborrheic. The disease is caused by a fungus. Seborrhea is dry and oily. Dry differs greatly the appearance of dry scaly patches. Oily - pustular rash.


It is an acute and chronic. However, the acute form is transformed quickly into a chronic. The mechanism of occurrence is not fully understood, but it is noted that eczema is often present an allergic component, associated with exposure to household chemicals, cosmetics.

A major role is also given to nutrition and emotional state, as with stress and the use of harmful products of the patient's condition is getting worse.


Pathogen - tick. The female mite is doing in the skin moves and lays eggs. The disease is highly contagious and is accompanied by severe itching, especially at night. Accompanied by the appearance of characteristic spots and distinguishable subcutaneous moves.

Spot on leg

Red spots on the skin (itchy and scaly, it very often) legs appear for the following reasons:

  • atopic dermatitis,
  • allergy,
  • fungus,
  • eczema,
  • psoriasis,
  • lichen,
  • burn,
  • vasodilation
  • blood clots,
  • insect bites,
  • vitamin deficiencies,
  • dysbiosis,
  • liver disease,
  • hemangioma,
  • vasculitis, and many others.

you can not make a diagnosis, you must consider the characteristics of the spot at the place of localization.

Spot in the groin area

The same can be said about the red spots in the groin. However, the most common causes are:

  • diaper rash - caused by mechanical action,
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
  • athlete - red spots accompanied by severe itching, flakes,
  • erythrasma - itching is not always observed, characterized by flaking and unpleasant smell.

Treatment of red spots

How to treat red spots, it depends entirely on what causes they are caused. If you do not know what disease has caused the appearance of red spots, self-treatment can not be started - can exacerbate the disease. Other diseases that appear similar red spots, can be treated by the methods radically different from each other.

Red spots caused by allergies are treated with antihistamines and ointments format tablets, it relates to acute manifestations of allergies and chronic, such as eczema, eg.

They reduce the itching, reduce the intensity of symptoms and eliminate them completely. Such drugs include Claritin, Diazolin, Tsetrin (in pellet form) Loratadine. The course of treatment - a week, on 1 tab. 2 times a day.

Ointments for topical application:

Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
  • fenistil;
  • Gestan;
  • Radevit.

Using the same scheme as in the pill, once the drug is applied directly to the affected areas.

Soothe the skin and help eliminate peeling preparations topical administration:

  • Bepanten;
  • Epsidin;
  • Egzomega;
  • panthenol;
  • Epidel;
  • Elcom.

They also possess healing action and helps to eliminate cracks when severe skin atrophy.

Autoimmune disease is best treated with a hormonal ointments, for example prednisolone, Girokortizonovoy, Dermoveyta, Akriderma, Iricar, Psoriaten and others. These drugs have varying effectiveness, depending on the concentration and type of the active ingredient. Must pick up their doctor, starting with the least active.

Potent ointment can quickly relieve the symptoms, but they are not suitable for long-term use, because they can cause complications. Also in such cases, a comprehensive treatment system. Fungal infections are treated with antifungal agents. This advantageously ointments for topical application.

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Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat
  • clotrimazole;
  • ekzoderil;
  • Terbizol;
  • Fundizol;
  • Nizoral.

They are rubbed into the skin, where there are red spots, flaking, 3-4 times a day for 14 days. Means pick up, considering what a fungus is the causative agent of the disease, so before prescribing the drug, the physician should assign the sample.

For example, ketoconazole is effective in treating seborrhea, athlete's foot, multi-colored lichen. And egotnaznachayut even pregnant women, as it has few contraindications.

If the disease is caused by digestive problems or food allergies, you need to eat, according to a hypoallergenic diet and generally normalize diet. It is also recommended to carry out cleansing of the body.

The spots arising because of autonomic disorders to be treated by means of sedatives, e.g. Novo Passito, Percy, tinctures of valerian and Leonurus.

Infectious diseases, as well as patches that are complicated by the development of secondary infections are treated with antibiotics for example metronidazole. It is active against most bacteria and reduces the risk of relapse. With his help treat scab, acne, spots with pustules. However, it has many side effects.

If the spot is greater than

The increase in the size of the spot speaks about the progression of the disease, seizure of new infection of the skin. If the treatment has not yet been carried out, it is necessary to start it as soon as possible. If treatment is already being carried out, it is necessary to revise it, as it is ineffective.

If heavily scratched

If the red scaly patches unbearably itchy, should not try to comb the skin, as the nails are bacteria and can bring a secondary infection, which will only complicate further treatment.

Calming effect gives wiping stains decoction of herbs:

  • chamomile;
  • succession;
  • calendula.
Red spot on the skin itches and flakes in the adult and child. What to do, than to treat

Insect bites helps soda solution. Of pills are considered effective drugs diphenhydramine and Suprastin.

Folk remedies

Soothe the skin and eliminate scaling, if the reason for the appearance of red spots is not associated with any serious violations, help decoctions of oak bark, birch leaf, striped, camomile. They are added to the bath.

The appearance of red spots on the skin that itch and peel, it is necessary to immediately identify the reason for their appearance, since delay may cause serious degradation, especially if ill child.

Some diseases, such as psoriasis, eczema, meningitis, require elaborate treatment, which should be under the supervision of a physician.

Videos of red spots on the skin

Doctor's advice:

All about psoriasis as a cause of red spots:

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