
Red spots from acne: how to remove than to get rid quickly at home, bleached, treated. Masks, creams, tinctures, oil stain on the face

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Red spots from acne on the skin, in the absence of proper treatment, can remain for a long time, spoiling the appearance as the months and years to come. Remove them only cosmetic help, folk, or drug therapy.

The content of the article:

  • 1 The reasons for the appearance of red spots after acne
  • 2 Effective ways to get rid of the red spots from acne
  • 3 Cosmetic procedures as a method of getting rid of stains
  • 4 How to remove red spots from acne at home
  • 5 Recipes home cosmetic formulations of red spots from acne
  • 6 Simple masks of spots, pimples on the face
  • 7 Masks for lightening spots
  • 8 whitening cream
  • 9 Natural clay from spots after acne
  • 10 Essential oils to remove darkening of the skin
  • 11 skin rubbing
  • 12 Tincture of spots after acne
  • 13 Drugstore remedies for red spots
  • 14 What other tools can help get rid of red spots from acne
  • 15 Features care of different types of skin
  • 16 How long are the marks of acne
  • 17 length of treatment
  • 18 Prevention and Care for problem skin
  • 19 Videos of red spots on the skin of acne and how to get rid of them
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The reasons for the appearance of red spots after acne

The causes of red spots can be several, but one and the most "popular" ones - is an independent relief from acne, that is squeezing them. Almost always, this method leads to the fact that the wound becomes infected, which prevents further healing of the skin.

Sometimes it also happens that pus pimple burst, does not go out, it penetrates into the deeper layers of the epidermis, entering the bloodstream. This leads to the appearance of the rash in even more, and as a consequence, the emergence of more dark and serious marks on the skin, which is much more difficult to fight.

The second reason, leaving redness - melanin. Dark pigment gets extra stimulation-induced skin inflammation. In the latter case, the substance is activated with more force, causing spots on the face begin to penetrate deep into the epidermis.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

Self squeezing pimples is strictly not recommended, exactly as long as ignoring the problem. Avoiding the use of medical cosmetics (such as "Baziron AC" and "Klerasil") is fraught with the appearance of "deep" spots on the skin.

Effective ways to get rid of the red spots from acne

In order to select a therapy, determine the complexity of the traces left behind by the rash. For example, with pinkish barely noticeable, or spots of suitable cosmetic or popular method of treatment. Well, if the spots are in a more "aggressive" in nature, namely, have a roughness and a dark red color, there will only comprehensive treatment.

When severe inflammation can also seek the assistance of medicines (ointments on the similarity ihtiolovaya).

Cosmetic procedures as a method of getting rid of stains

Red spots from acne, how to clean their prompt professional beauty salon. Turning to the cosmetology office with the problem of post-acne, you can learn about the positive impact of microcurrent therapy, as well as fractional photothermolysis.

Each of the procedures aimed at the rejuvenation of skin cells. Stimulated regeneration of the epidermis, because of which the body generates an active collagen and elastin. After some time, due to the acceleration of the exchange process in all layers of the skin, spots disappear.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

There is a more classical method - peeling. Face Peeling effectively treats superficial traces of acne. In the specialized salons for skin recovery procedures used trehuksusnaya acid. To fix the result cosmetologists, experts advise to combine therapy with retinoids.

Red spots from acne, how to remove traces of safely and efficiently in less than a month will tell a beautician, is responsible for the laser treatment of problem skin areas. With this procedure, the redness will go away completely.

Ointments and creams are more relevant to medical methods of removing post-acne redness, but involvement in cosmetology therapies also looked through.

To remove stubborn redness will use ointments and creams, which include hydroquinone. But before therapy is necessary to consult a doctor who will schedule procedures. Caution is necessary, because hydroquinone in a lot of ways to provoke oncological disease of the skin.

Effective means of involving alpha and beta hydroxy acids:

  • Glycol.
  • Dairy.
  • Lemon.
  • Salicylic.

These ingredients help transform the skin and remove dead stand in the "extra-gentle" mode. To get rid of dark spots and will also help with the preparation of azelaic acid in the composition.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

During treatment it is necessary slightly dampen the substance responsible for the production of pigmentary - melanin.

For effective treatment with suitable drugs:

  • Kojic acid.
  • Arbutin.
  • Magniyaaskorbilom-2-phosphate.

It is worth to remind that these tips are mostly medical in nature, because such treatment is carried out under the supervision of a dermatologist. Also, drugs with these components can not be combined with traditional methods cosmetology and skin care.

How to remove red spots from acne at home

For the treatment of superficial stains postacne effective mask, essential oils, etc. Such procedures can be performed at home, because the components of the home remedies, in particular, gippoalergenny and very nutritious.

Recipes home cosmetic formulations of red spots from acne

For DIY create a drug composition will need essential oils:

  • Lavender.
  • Neroli.
  • Incense.
Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

Suffice 2-3 drops of each vial, then the oil must mix. The mixture is applied to each spot separately. daily procedure. When the redness will begin to fade, the course should be completed.

Yabolchnogo mixture of vinegar and water (in a proportion of 1 to 3) is a therapeutic lotion, which will have a positive effect if they wipe the face every day after awakening.

Simple masks of spots, pimples on the face

Red spots from acne, how to remove them, using a tool such as Green Clay know not many, but with the participation of this product is very effective mask:

  1. The clay powder at a rate of 2 teaspoons added to the oil of rosemary (Half a spoon). The mixture was supplemented with cold water. Stir the components necessary as long as they do not acquire a creamy consistency. The mask is designed for a 15-minute procedure (applied 2 times a week).Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home
  2. Protein and Lemon in tandem extremely effective. You need protein egg and 1 tbsp. tablespoon lemon juice. The components should be mixed and then the mixture was applied on each spot separately. Mask as "15-minute", with 2-3 treatments per week is enough.

Masks for lightening spots

White clay copes with lightening age spots. For effective therapy clay (2 hours. l.) was coupled with lemon juice (1 tbsp. l.): the components are mixed, then "slurry" is applied to each spot separately. The mask should be kept not more than 10 minutes. The procedure should be repeated 1 time per week.

It makes skin lighter the same white clay, but with cinnamon. It needs clay, 1 tbsp. l. and cinnamon in the same amount. Then, in the need to add water at room temperature and stir until homogenous state. The mask is applied by a point at 20 minutes. 2 times per week.

whitening cream

In selecting the most effective creams need to trace the presence in it of the following components:

  • Aloe, jojoba. The components are designed to nourish the skin nourishing moisture, which is important, because a sufficiently hydrated skin is most able to deal with imperfections.
  • Extracts from medicinal herbs.
  • Acid: milk and almond.
  • Required vitamin E. It promotes the regeneration of skin cells and stops the excessive pigmentation.
  • Vitamin C. It slows down the production of melanin and has a positive effect on blood circulation, complexion evening.

If the cream there is even more of the components, be sure to use it will benefit in the treatment of post-acne. To effectively combat redness should pay attention to such a face cream as «Precision Performance Anti-Taches Dark Spot Correcting Cream« Chanel ». It is produced in the format of 50 ml. The approximate cost of 3000 p.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

As part of the cream has vitamin C, A and extracts from medicinal plants.

Natural clay from spots after acne

Red spots from acne, how to clean them at home - one of the most popular questions people with skin problems, the answer is no it is popular - "Therapy with clay." Therapeutic clay differ in color and can be red, blue, black, white, green, yellow ... Each color speaks about the natural features of the product and its capabilities in the fight against skin imperfections.

But dermatologists especially secrete the healing properties of clay is white, she weakly expressed acidity, and it is more delicate to cope with the task - removing traces of post-acne. Natural clay is endowed with absorbent properties, very useful to humans, which allows to fix the result of the course of procedures for facial whitening with natural cosmetics.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home
White clay - the perfect tool for getting rid of red spots that remain from acne.

Referring specifically to white clay, then its value will please any shopper. For example, the price for white clay firm "Medikomed" in the format of 100 gr., Fluctuates between 40 and 50 rubles.

Essential oils to remove darkening of the skin

Remove red marks from acne can be by means of essential oils, such as "Lavender" and "Tea tree". But if in the treatment of post-acne spots only involved this cosmetics, no doubt, it should be from the category of citrus.

With any type of skin redness cope lemon oil. However, for very dry skin is better to use "orange" and greyprutovoe oil suitable for very oily. Treatment of skin with essential oil is better to make before going to bed.

Vesicles with therapeutic oils are sold in a volume of 30 ml. For example, orange oil company «Now Foods», in the classical format, will cost 250-300 rubles.

skin rubbing

Rubbing the skin - this addition to the main post-acne treatment. Wipe the face can be like an ice cube (frozen chamomile broth) and fresh cucumber slices or cucumber lotion. Repeat procedure should be used twice a day - morning and before bedtime. Then apply on face nourishing cream (choice of which depends on the degree of skin fat).

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

With the help of lotion on the basis of a cucumber can cause the skin in order, as he perfectly whiten the upper layers of the epidermis. Among Russian buyers is best known for such brands as "New Dawn". In pharmacies and specialized stores this cucumber lotion is sold in 100ml format, and cost varies between 80 and 95 rubles.

Tincture of spots after acne

Tincture of the spots on the skin - these are the same herbs, cooked on a particular recipe (or recipes). Such infusions suitable for wiping pigment zones.

If there are calendula or St. John's wort, then the agent is considered to be particularly effective in based tinctures.

Calendula. Pharmacy infusion with this plant pointwise applied, using a cotton swab. St. John's Wort is generally prepared. Dry grass (2 tbsp. l.) is added to the alcohol (200 g.). Ready means one and a half weeks, they also (dot) wiped traces of post-acne.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

Infusion of marigold is sold in 25 and 40 milliliter butylkov. The cost of a smaller volume -. 25-30 rubles more - 30-35 rubles. St. John's wort is sold mainly in a packetized format (10-20 bags per bundle), the cost of funds - 50 rubles.

Drugstore remedies for red spots

Cope with spots on the face to help pharmaceutical topical preparations. To effectively combat is to choose tools, useful saturated acids: glycolic, salicylic and azelaic.

Fighting postacne will be more effective if purchased in a pharmacy salves. The task of whitening skin rash and traces copes Zinc Ointment (30 gr. - 17-80 rubles)..

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

It gives the desired effect and salicylic ointment (25 g. - 22-27 rubles).. Ihtiolovaya ointment also helps get rid of the redness (25 gr. - 80-211 rubles).. Any of the means chosen to apply strictly dot, can not keep the ointment on the skin over an hour. The course lasts 1 week, daily procedure.

What other tools can help get rid of red spots from acne

Skin cleansed through ultrasonic peeling. Sound vibrations issued cosmetology apparatus, help to get rid of skin imperfections. This procedure takes place, not only the effect of post-acne, but the shallow wrinkles, and greasiness far.

Red pigment spots from acne eliminate visit collagenaria. It is as a sun deck, but more streamlined and useful device which is capable to remove saturate skin redness and vitamin D.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

collagenaria secret of his special lamps (600-700 Nm emission spectrum), which affect the skin rejuvenating, preventing premature aging, eliminating traces of acne. To bring the skin in order will take approximately 20 visits kollogenariya (just the 1st 10-minute treatments per week).

Features care of different types of skin

Red spots from acne, how to remove them completely for oily skin - issues are resolved, but difficult, because due to the increased sebaceous secretion, treatment can last for more than 1 month.

To clean the skin needs regular use of facial scrubs (2 times per week), moisturizers - several times a day. Nourishing Cream is needed after procedures with masks made of clay, or wiping the face with a special lotion.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

If the spots on the dry skin can not get involved in an alcohol-outdoor use. Apart from post-acne mask, be sure to carry out the procedure with a hydrating mask (1-2 times per week) or the results of the anti-redness masks will be minimal. After wiping the skin in the morning, it is necessary to apply a nourishing cream at once.

Combined and normal skin with post-acne also needs a nourishing mask at least once in two weeks. Treating stains with this type of skin at the selected therapies flows standard and usually within a week or two spots are.

How long are the marks of acne

Red spots with proper care will be fairly quickly (sometimes quite 1 week) for the skin, even if before skin suffering from deep and inflamed pimples. Shallow spots on the well-groomed skin practically impenetrable (to remove them can be both 1 day and 2).

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

If acne is pressed, or nothing at all had been taken for the recovery of the skin, these traces (and sometimes scarring) of the ulcers, acne, etc. can stay for a long time (from 1 month to several years). Such stains are difficult to treat.

length of treatment

If the treatment of post-acne was timely, even the most complicated case will not take more than a crescent. If the redness is not so serious, then the therapy can last from 2 days to 1 week.

Leather, for which long time was not made any care after the acne vanishing needs long and careful treatment of deep redness. Therapy takes 1 month to six months.

Prevention and Care for problem skin

Problem skin, if it is oily and combination type, needs regular Scrubbing and nutrition. In order to avoid spots, acne should not be allowed, because washing with cold water, hydrating mask once a week and healthy diet - the only key to healthy skin.

Red spots from acne. How to remove quickly than bleach, to treat skin at home

Dry skin also needs a nourishing mask, which can be done more frequently - 2-3 times a week. After a morning and evening washing, to prevent acne, you need to put on face cream with a high degree of hydration. Sometimes the skin may require re-application and in the middle of the day.

"Quiet," the skin less likely to suffer from imperfections such as post-acne, so moisturizing and nourishing cream should always be at hand. A home should be a whole arsenal of products for skin care.

Spots and redness of acne with careful care recede quickly, and remove them is not too difficult. The main thing to choose the most appropriate treatment option. In this therapy, as the elimination of post-acne are equally good and beauty, and people, and medical methods, but the latter case requires a doctor's advice.

Videos of red spots on the skin of acne and how to get rid of them

How to eliminate post-acne at home:

Traces of acne: how to deal with them, expert advice:

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