Diseases Of The Stomach

Nutrition, diet, food with a stomach ulcer during an exacerbation

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1 Principles for the construction of the

diet Nutrition for exacerbation of gastric ulcers implies a decrease in the load on the body due to 3 principles:

  • mechanical;
  • chemical;
  • thermal.

A similar diet is prescribed if the disease is in the acute stage of the disease. As a rule, this period lasts not less than 10 days, during which patients are allowed to use only mushy food. It is this food that can weakly stimulate the secretion of the stomach. Particular attention should be paid to the calorie content of the dishes. For a day should not eat more than 2000 Kcal.

Do you have gastritis?

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Picture 1

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In the diet when exacerbating the ulcer, it is necessary to include mucus broths, which should be based on cereals.

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Porridge should only be wiped and boiled on water. Eggs are cooked soft, you can eat an omelette for a couple. As a drink you can take jelly, cream, which should be low-fat. The usual milk will do. In the food you can add vegetable oil. Olive will be especially useful. You can cook soufflé from meat or fish. But it must necessarily be semi-liquid, with broth. All other products during the exacerbation of the disease is better to exclude from the diet. It should be remembered that at this time, bread is banned.

The diet at this time should be enriched not only with the necessary amount of fats, carbohydrates and proteins, but also with vitamins. But the use of salt should be limited.

Take food often, at least 6 times a day. In this case, the portions must be small. Chew the food carefully and slowly. One meal should last at least 30 minutes.

Eating with stomach ulcers excludes cold and hot meals and drinks. Food should be moderately warm, otherwise you can do harm to your health. If we consider the menu in more detail, it should look something like this. For breakfast, a scrambled omelet is prepared, as a drink, a weak tea is suitable. The second breakfast should not be missed. For him, a porridge of semolina, which should be prepared on water with the addition of a small amount of butter, is perfect. It is washed down all by home kissel. For dinner, oatmeal soup is suitable. The mucus contained in this croup has a very beneficial effect on the stomach. For this meal, a souffle of meat is still being prepared. You can drink some milk.

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Snack can also not be ignored.

You can make a rice mashed porridge and make a fruit jelly. Supper should be 2. During the first you need to eat potato soup, which should look like a mashed potatoes. The second dinner should be low-calorie. Therefore, there will be enough soft-boiled eggs and dried fruit tea.

Picture 2

2 Dietary menu

The above refers to nutrition in the stomach ulcer during an exacerbation. When the disease begins to subside, the diet should already have a slightly different form. You should know that the next for an acute period lasts also about 10 days. At this time, the menu is allowed to expand somewhat. Now the diet can include white bread, but only in the form of biscuits. During this period, the calorific value can already be about 2600 Kcal.

The diet can include all meals from the previous menu, but they should be supplemented with some more products. You can already add vegetable puree, steam cutlets( both from fish and meat).Mashed porridge is prepared not on the water, but on milk. You can make a dessert syrup or jelly. When the stomach ulcer is not so worried, then the food should be five times a day.

If it's hard for you to decide which dishes should be included in the patient's diet, then you can use the following menu. During the first breakfast you can take a little rubbed non-acidic cottage cheese and combine it with a glass of yogurt. Preference should be given to natural home products. A patient with a ulcer should never miss a second breakfast. It can consist of mashed rice porridge( it can be cooked in milk), you can eat a few crackers and drink jelly. During the meal, oatmeal is served, which must be well-brewed. It can be supplemented with a steamed boilie. It is best to prefer beef meat. During lunch you should eat a liquid dish. To do this, a vegetable soup with mashed vegetables will be perfect. And you can drink all this from tea roses. This is a very useful drink.

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Too much food to eat is not worth it. Enough sweet tea and biscuits. You can bake an apple. As a supper, eat a mashed semi-liquid consistency and soufflé from fish and a bran broth.

The third stage of the disease also implies special nutrition. With gastric ulcer of the third stage, calorie content can be increased to 3000 Kcal per day. In the diet is introduced black bread, but only in small quantities. Kashi should still be cooked. They can be cooked on water and on milk. Meat should only be eaten in boiled form. It can be a rabbit, a beef or a chicken. The fish is either cooked or steamed. Diet in the stomach ulcer at this time allows even pasta, cocoa and coffee. But you can drink coffee only by adding a little milk or cream.


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Nutrition in the stomach ulcer during the healing period does not prohibit fruit. But only ripe and not too sour. Of these, you can cook mashed potatoes or bake in the oven. The same applies to berries.

Picture 3

By the way, this stage lasts for about 10 days. But one should not think that it is final, because it is not so. Even after all 3 stages have been passed, still have 6 more months to adhere to the basic restrictions. Over time, they will decrease.

3 Prohibited products of

It should be understood that when the patient was diagnosed with an ulcer, even after the end of the period of exacerbation, that is during the final remission, it will be necessary to avoid the use of certain products and observe the basic rules.

Under the ban will be like fatty meat, strong coffee, mushrooms, salted fish. This also applies to sausages and various pickles. Such food should be excluded.

By the way, with any disease of the stomach, you should try to avoid all of the above products. This must be done for the prevention of gastric ulcer.

Moreover, it is necessary to adhere to some other recommendations, especially with exacerbation of stomach ulcers. All meals should be performed at a certain time. There are often, and portions should be small. Every day you need to eat liquid dishes, that is soups, cooked on the basis of broth or milk.

With any disease of the stomach will have to give up bad habits. Smoking and drinking alcoholic beverages can provoke an exacerbation. It is best to eat food in a boiled form, stewed, steamed or baked. From fried, hot and salty it is better to give up altogether.

Picture 4

Many are wondering how to eat with a stomach ulcer after surgery. In the first days you need to stick to the zero diet. It consists of only mucous decoctions, as well as weak broths, jelly. Food should be liquid. After this, it is necessary to go to the very first diet, which was indicated above.

4 Approved

products Some patients are wondering whether those who have a stomach ulcer have bananas. These fruits are very useful, and tasty. They include starch. It envelops the gastric mucosa and thereby protects it from the adverse effects of acid. Therefore, with the diagnosis of stomach ulcers, the first thing you can eat is bananas. They are able to relieve pain.

It is possible to use milk for this disease. But only in a warm form and fat-free. But sour-milk products should not be consumed. Especially it concerns the period of exacerbation, since they act irritatingly on the inflamed mucosa.

By the way, it is not necessary to drink cow's milk, you can give preference to goat, which should be previously diluted with boiled water. Sour-milk products are allowed to drink after a while, when the ulcer heals.

Another useful product for an ulcer is quail eggs. They can be used both for prophylaxis, and directly for the treatment of diseases of the stomach. Thanks to this product, the ulcer will heal much faster, and the aggravation will be prevented. Only quail eggs must be eaten either boiled or in the form of an omelet, but when the period of exacerbation passes, they can be drunk raw.

These rules should not be neglected, because only through them it will be possible to prevent exacerbation, which is characterized by a number of extremely unpleasant symptoms.

Picture 5

Thus, the diet in the disease should be divided into 3 stages. At each stage, the diet will expand.

5 As a conclusion of

This disease is very serious, therefore it is necessary to be examined by a qualified doctor. Diet with a stomach ulcer is only part of the therapy. The second half of the treatment is medication, which only a doctor can prescribe.

It must be remembered that self-medication can lead to serious consequences, so any actions during this illness should be discussed with the doctor.

  • 1 Principles for the construction of the ration
  • 2 Dietary menu
  • 3 Prohibited products
  • 4 Authorized products
  • 5 As a conclusion

Nutrition in the stomach ulcer plays a very important role. The fact is that even the most effective therapy will not give a positive result, if you do not adhere to a certain diet for exacerbation of the stomach ulcer. So how to eat with a stomach ulcer to eliminate this serious and unpleasant ailment?

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