Female Diseases

Symptoms of anemia in women. External signs after menstruation, pregnancy, after birth through breastfeeding. Treatment

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Anemia in women - a complex hematological symptoms, the manifestation of which is characterized by an abrupt or gradual decrease in the level of hemoglobin.

Such a condition often associated with a decrease in red blood cell concentration in the blood. Without timely and adequate treatment of the disease is able to move in complicated forms and the concomitant pathology of blood and internal organs.

The content of the article:

  • 1 varieties of anemia
  • 2 Causes of anemia in women
    • 2.1 pathological causes
    • 2.2 after menstruation
    • 2.3 After childbirth
    • 2.4 during pregnancy
    • 2.5 Breastfeeding
  • 3 symptoms of anemia
  • 4 diagnosis of anemia
  • 5 treatment of anemia
    • 5.1 Drug treatment of diseases
    • 5.2 Products containing iron
    • 5.3 Traditional recipes
    • 5.4 vitamins
    • 5.5 Acceptance of dietary supplements
    • 5.6 Blood transfusion
  • 6 Dangerous consequences of anemia
  • 7 Forecast
  • 8 Videos about anemia

varieties of anemia

Anemia, which is manifested in women common symptoms, are diagnosed only on the results of laboratory analysis of the selected biological material. Hematologist physician determines the kind of disease, by analyzing clinical parameters of venous blood composition. The table below lists the types of anemia, but also contains the brief description of the disease.

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Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
varieties of anemia
kind of anemia Description
iron It develops due to lower the concentration of iron in the human body, or else it is disturbed absorption. As a result of the disease process decreases the level of hemoglobin, the red blood cells are affected.
thalassemia Hereditary blood disease that is characterized by a disturbance of the polypeptide chains forming the hemoglobin molecule. It is transmitted from a parent who is a carrier of pathogenic gene.
hemolytic The rate of decomposition and removal from organism killed erythrocytes exceeds the rate of new cell formation capable of performing oxygen transport function.
hemorrhagic Anemia wearing short-term effect, and its occurrence is caused by loss of blood (menstrual bleeding in women, trauma, surgical procedures previously transferred).
neoplastic It develops as a consequence of various diseases of the bone marrow, as a result of which the flow body is not able to fully perform its function of blood cell synthesis.
aplastic It occurs when under the influence of various factors in human bone marrow slows down or completely stops the synthesis and growth of the three cell lines.
Vnekostnomozgovaya This type of disease is a reaction to the hematopoietic system is available in the body of malignant neoplasm.
Vitaminodefitsitnaya In medical terminology is found under the name "pernicious anemia". It occurs disrupt the hematopoietic system, nervous system and bone marrow cells, which is caused by prolonged lack of vitamin B12.
folievodefitsitnoy Most often it occurs in people whose diet is limited to uniform products pose no biological value. Anemia develops because of the constant folic acid deficiency.
myelodysplastic Pathological state of the bone marrow that is characterized by its dysplasia. At any given stage can move in acute leukemia.

Symptoms of anemia in women occur in proportion to the severity of the disease. They can be light, medium and heavy. Determination of disease species is a prerequisite for the formation of effective diagnosis and course of treatment.

Causes of anemia in women

Anemia is a hematological disease that is always evolving under the influence of pathological factors, or else has a hereditary nature of origin. Listed below are all the reasons, the presence of which may be a precursor to the emergence of this disease of the blood and hematopoietic system as a whole.

pathological causes

Symptoms of anemia in women more often associated with the presence in the body associated with chronic forms of diseases.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Causes of anemia in women

Identify the following pathological causes of anemia:

  • extensive insemination tissues and internal organs tuberculosis wand;
  • bacterial endocarditis type;
  • brucellosis;
  • catarrhal infection or inflammation of the kidneys;
  • abscess of lung tissue;
  • osteomyelitis occurs in acute or chronic form;
  • rheumatoid arthritis;
  • fungal infections;
  • lupus erythematosus;
  • malignant bone marrow tumors;
  • Horton's disease;
  • cancer tumors in other tissues and internal organs;
  • bronchiectasis;
  • myocarditis.

Anemia caused by the above diseases can be cured only if the doctor has organized an effective treatment of underlying pathology. Otherwise, the cell composition of blood will remain unchanged, and the hemoglobin level and red blood cell indices are unsatisfactory.

after menstruation

Symptoms of anemia in women can be manifested without the presence of pathological causes. This is possible if the female reproductive system is in the active phase of the menstrual cycle. For several consecutive days is a natural blood loss. In this connection there is a physiological reduction in red blood cells and hemoglobin.

The acuteness of the current symptoms depends on plentiful monthly. Indicators of blood tests and health women come back to normal after 3-4 days of completion of menstruation. Specialized medical treatment is required. At this time a woman should be provided with rest, good food and a favorable environment.

After childbirth

In the postpartum period, the female body is undergoing tremendous stress. There is a change in hormonal levels, putting additional pressure on the endocrine glands, which must adapt to the new conditions of life, but without the fetus developing in womb.

The causes of postpartum anemia can be caused by the following factors:

  • hormonal imbalance;
  • blood loss during labor, soft tissue tears;
  • active formation of the mammary glands of milk and breastfeeding a child;
  • decreased immunity and the decline of physical strength caused by heavy labor.

Anemia, which arose after birth, requires monitoring and surveillance on the part of the physician, but in most cases, the disease runs its own, as soon normalize the physiological processes in the body women. On average, it takes from 2 weeks to 3 months. depending on individual factors.

during pregnancy

During the childbearing need of the female body in the gland increases several times., Maintained the full development of the child to protect the normal life of the future mother, it is necessary to use 3.5 mg of this mineral daily.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
during pregnancy

The bodies of the digestive tract is not able to absorb more than 2 mg of iron per day, which is supplied together with food. For this reason, it may develop anemia zhelezodefetsitnaya. Most often its symptoms manifest themselves 2-3 trimester of pregnancy, when the fetus is experiencing the greatest demand for the supply of nutrients.


Symptoms of anemia in women performing breastfeeding a newborn baby, arising from the fact that the mother is forced to provide nutrients to the baby. Most of the vitamins, minerals and other natural elements are sent to the milk that the baby consumes.

If in addition to this woman eats badly, eats repetitive products and in its diet lacking fresh fruits, vegetables, herbs, eggs, meat, then the probability of anemia equal to 80%. The state of health of the mother gradually returning to normal after the end of the lactation period.

symptoms of anemia

Symptoms of the disease may not manifest itself over a long period of time until the anemia is severe not acquire, or did not find a malignant stage. In the early stages of the disease, most patients do not even know they have the hematological pathology. This only becomes aware of the results of laboratory examination.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Symptoms of anemia in women

In general, patients show the following symptoms:

  • noise in ears;
  • dizziness;
  • pale skin and mucous membranes;
  • loss of appetite;
  • fatigue, decline of physical strength after minor exertion;
  • shortness of breath, combined with the violation of the rhythmic activity of the heart (the patient feels a sudden cardiac tremors occur);
  • deteriorating sleep;
  • decreased libido.

Pernicious anemia form capable of expressing such additional symptom as alhlorgidriya. This feature of the disease is characterized in that the composition of gastric hydrochloric acid disappears completely. This leads to disruption of the entire digestive system.

diagnosis of anemia

To confirm the patient's anemia, or refute the presence of this disease, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination of the body.

To do this, the person having the outward signs of disease, prescribe delivery of the following types of analyzes:

  • the blood from the veins for its biochemical research;
  • morning urine to determine the overall performance;
  • blood from the ring finger beams for performing a clinical assay for the level of its principal components;
  • bone marrow puncture to further laboratory testing of its cells.

If necessary, the physician may prescribe hematologist ultrasound or CT diagnosis of individual internal organs, if present suspicion for possible tumor tissues in their processes.

treatment of anemia

Treatment of anemia requires a comprehensive approach. Conservative treatment in the form of drugs to be applied, containing iron oxide, vitamin complexes, and dietary compliance. Listed below are all the methods of getting rid of anemia.

Drug treatment of diseases

The modern pharmaceutical industry offers a wide range of drugs that stabilize the level of hemoglobin in the blood, as well as to prevent further destruction of red blood cells.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Drug treatment of diseases

For medical treatment of anemia is recommended to use these drugs are the most effective:

  • active iron - tablets covered with a protective sheath which contains in its composition the ferrous iron, taken 1-2 tablets three times a day for 14 days, after which the patient repeatedly donate blood for analysis (cost of packaging 80 tablets of 120 rubles).
  • totem - complex mineral agent comprising iron gluconate, and manganese, and copper. Allows you to restore the optimal cellular composition of the blood, is effective for various types of anemia (assumed rate of 3 to 6 months. 1 ampoule of the drug 3-4 times a day, which dissolve in a glass of water for 10 minutes. before meals and medication cost is 380 rubles. 10 vials of 50 mg);
  • tardiferon - the active ingredient of the drug is iron sulfate, take 1 tablet 1 time per day on an empty stomach at one and the However, it approved for use for children from 7 years of age (therapy ranges from 1 to 3 months, and drug price -. 450 rub. per piece);
  • Ferropleks - as part of the drug are at once two substances that contribute to the elimination of anemia - is a bivalent ferrous sulfate and ascorbic acid, is taken 2 tablets 3 times a day with a total course of therapy to 3 months. (The average cost of the drug is 380 rub.);
  • Maltofer - each tablet of a medicament comprising a trivalent iron hydroxide, can be used for both prevention, and for the systemic treatment of iron deficiency anemia, take 1 tablet 3 times during the day 3-5 months. (The price of the drug is 550 rubles.).

The above drugs and other drugs for anemia should be assigned exclusively hematologist physician or therapist. Unauthorized use of medications that affect the cellular composition of the blood, can worsen the condition of patients.

Products containing iron

Drug treatment of anemia necessarily combined with the observance of dietary regulations.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Products containing iron

The diet of a woman following products must be present:

  • veal, rabbit, turkey;
  • boiled eggs;
  • Ocean Fish;
  • all kinds of fresh fruit, herbs, vegetables (especially apples, pomegranates, carrots, citrus fruits);
  • boiled calf's liver;
  • cheese;
  • blood sausage;
  • buckwheat;
  • peas, beans, lentils, soybeans;
  • beetroot cooked cooking method.

It is unacceptable consumption of semi-finished products, mayonnaise, ketchup and other sauces containing preservatives in its composition. Under the categorical prohibition is alcohol, tobacco, confectionary, pickles, smoked meats.

Traditional recipes

There are alternative methods of increasing the level of hemoglobin and increase the number of red blood cells.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Traditional recipes

following traditional recipes are used actively in the fight against signs of anemia:

  • 3 to take a medium-sized beets, wash them under running water, peel, cut into cubes, and then squeeze the juice using a juicer. The resulting pulp is taken in 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day for 10 minutes. before a meal, a root juice drink 100 g of the meal in the process, duration of treatment 12 days;
  • grate 2 carrots, add 1 h. l. honey of grasses, mixed thoroughly and eat on an empty stomach in the morning of day (this folk remedy used 1 time per day, and therapy is not less than 20 days);
  • take 200 g Viburnum berries, pour them into an enameled metal container, pour the 2 tbsp. l. sugar, put for 24 hours in a refrigerator (after drug juice started up, it is necessary to take 1 hour. l. 3 times a day for 10 minutes. before meals for 1 month.).

Anemia is a dangerous and complicated hematological diseases, so it is not recommended to use folk remedies, as the primary method of treatment. It can be applied as an adjunct together with medicines, food and dietary intake of vitamin and mineral complexes.


Along with the standards of dietary and medical therapy in general treatment of the patient treatment included vitamins and minerals.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding

In such a case, the following drugs can be used:

  • Aktiferrin;
  • Alvito;
  • Velma;
  • Vitamax;
  • Gemofer prolongatum;
  • Plus iron;
  • Vitamin C;
  • Pregnavit F.

Which mineral complex to assign a particular patient is determined solely on the basis of the doctor hematologist anemia species, as well as the results of the biochemical analysis of venous blood. By the same principle set optimal dosage to avoid supersaturation organism excess of vitamin and mineral complexes.

Acceptance of dietary supplements

Treatment of anemia biologically active additives qualified physicians not practiced. Products of this type does not belong to the category of medications, or else vitamin-mineral complexes. The therapeutic effect of taking dietary supplements is very doubtful, and haematological disease which is anemia, is virtually impossible to treat this kind of products.

Blood transfusion

When a woman has aplastic anemia form, or as a rapid fall in hemoglobin levels to levels of 70 grams per liter, hematopoiesis disorders process procedure used Transfusion blood. On average, blood transfusions are performed 1 time in 3-7 days.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Blood transfusion

Patient set intravenous drip hematologic pictures. After each procedure performed blood chemistry. Number of therapeutic procedures depends on the severity of anemia, as well as recovery dynamics. In combination with blood transfusion is shown administering glucocorticoid and anabolic hormones.

Dangerous consequences of anemia

With long-term preservation of iron deficiency is not excluded complications and secondary diseases of internal organs.

Anemia in women. Symptoms and treatment after menstruation, childbirth, pregnancy, breastfeeding
Dangerous consequences of anemia

Anemia in women, which is not subject to adequate medical treatment, is able to serve cause these harmful effects:

  • heart failure with impaired body of rhythmic activity, the development of extensive edema of the lower extremities;
  • anoxia organism;
  • cerebral circulation and the central nervous system, memory impairment;
  • fetal hypoxia and child retardation in mental development, if a pregnant woman suffered from anemia;
  • decrease the functional activity of bone marrow tissue;
  • a radical change in the cellular composition of the blood that lead to excessive bleeding due to minor damage to the skin and mucous membranes;
  • hypotension and loss of consciousness;
  • development of pernicious anemia and its transition to a phase of acute leukemia.

The latter complication is actually a cancer of the blood and can cause the onset of death. To avoid the negative effects of anemia, it is necessary to lead a healthy lifestyle, eat a variety of quality, to give up alcohol and nicotine dependence.


A further outcome of anemia depends on its type, individual features of the female body, the degree of activity of the hematopoietic system.

In general, the prognosis may be as follows:

  • iron-form - the forecast for recovery is favorable if the first 3 months. after the diagnosis of disease a woman held a medical course of medication, replenishes iron shortage (in 90% after the first quarter therapy blood parameters are satisfactory with no signs of hematologic disease);
  • Hemolytic and hereditary forms - the forecast depends on the frequency of falls krizovoe hemoglobin level and destruction of red blood cells, as well as on what period of time the woman was suffering from anemia and do not receive proper treatment;
  • aplastic form - in most cases unsatisfactory prognosis, as the patient is required frequent blood transfusions own hematopoietic system works poorly, increases the risk of leukemia.

To minimize the risk of complications, provide a favorable prognosis for recovery, the woman It should immediately seek help from a medical facility as soon as the symptoms could discover anemia. Otherwise, the trigger is quite difficult for a hematological disease, and therapy will be long and difficult.

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How to treat anemia:

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