
Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, reviews, analogues

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Regetsin - is an effective means of blackheads in the form of a gel, regenerating and anti-inflammatory action with a simple composition. Specified in the instructions for use hyaluronic acid basic component - of maintaining the essential trace element for healthy and beautiful skin.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Description of the preparation
  • 2 Structure and Composition
  • 3 Indications
  • 4 Mechanism of action
  • 5 Methods of Use
    • 5.1 In the treatment of acne
    • 5.2 When dermatitis and consequences laser correction
    • 5.3 Rules for applying anti-wrinkle
  • 6 Contraindications
  • 7 drug interactions
  • 8 Adverse reactions
  • 9 Storage and price
  • 10 analogs
  • 11 special instructions
  • 12 Videos about regetsine

Description of the preparation

Development was carried out by Russian Regetsina pharmacists to create antimicrobial, healing funds allocated to fight the pathologies of dermatological nature of the primary and secondary level gravity. Regetsin - gel instruction manual which indicates its high efficiency in the treatment and prevention of acne skin diseases caused by various etiological factors.Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

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Thanks to the active components in the composition of its antimicrobial qualities appear to facilitate the removal of skin inflammation, removal of erythematous spots caused by acne. Active cooperation of the basic substance of the preparation - hyaluronic acid - with protein and other molecular compounds components improves the formation of the extracellular matrix, intended to increase the elasticity, firmness, and rejuvenation skin tone.

In addition, gel-based component accelerates the regenerating tissue processes. By entering into the zinc involved in cell division, eliminates pathogenic microorganisms and viruses in the inflammation of the epidermis. Regetsin copes with the consequences of problem skin. Effective active ingredients of the drug makes it an indispensable drug.

Structure and Composition

Besides hyaluronic acid, a major component of the drug in the composition Regetsina includes:

  • sodium salt of hyaluronic acid;
  • potassium salt of sorbic acid;
  • zinc chloride;
  • caustic soda;
  • carbopol.
    Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Additional components assist the main active ingredient in the fight against inflammation, infection dissemination and updating the epidermis. Form release Regetsina - gelatinous substance therapeutic amount of 10-15 mg, placed in a tube. The tool is designed exclusively for external use.


Regetsin - gel instruction manual which confirms that the drug is effectively used in the treatment and prevention of acne (acne) of varying severity caused demodicosis or seborrheic dermatitis. Mono-therapeutic use Regetsina directed to treatment of mild to moderate acne.

In the treatment of the drug used in the treatment of rosacea, seborrheic dermatitis. In addition, the gel is used as a regenerating agent, eliminates the negative effects of laser resurfacing, epidermal face coverings.

Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

In rare cases Regetsin used in cosmetology for negative age-related changes. The elimination of wrinkles gel rezultativen less than the funds specifically aimed at combating skin folds. Nevertheless, refresh your skin and remove small defects drug capable.

Mechanism of action

Regetsin - an extremely effective means antiugrevoe. In addition, the gel removes spots and stains formed due to acne epidermal lesions. means the mechanism of action, due to the ability of interaction with hyaluronate active ingredient molecules, proteins and other compounds which form - extracellular matrix (connective epithelial the cloth).

Taking an active part in the proliferation - the reproduction of new cells by the division, hyaluronic acid has beneficial effects on increasing flexibility, elasticity and skin tone. Actives gel catalyze the regenerative processes in the tissues, optimize the circulation.

Zinc chloride is involved in the fight against acne, actively influencing:

  • for drying tissues and the removal of accumulated liquid exudative;
  • inhibition of growth and reproduction of pathogenic microorganisms, fungi;
  • relief of inflammatory processes;
  • reduction in the size of pustules;
  • stimulation output horny masses of comedones (blackheads).

Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviewsAfter 2-3 days, the systematic application of drug, normal blood flow in the outer and inner layers of the skin. Damaged tissues are replaced with new young and healthy cells. In addition, by means contained in the sodium hyaluronate gel, filled depressions in the dermis and facial wrinkles are smoothed.

Among other positive qualities gel stands out:

  • absence of photosensitizing properties;
  • regardless of the duration of treatment, the lack of risk of skin damage;
  • colorless therapeutic substance, odorless.

The main active ingredient in the composition of the gel penetrates the epidermis, nourishes tissue nutrients. Increasing blood circulation, promotes the normalization of biochemical means subcutaneous processes, eliminating wrinkles and unhealthy skin pigmentation. At the same time alignment of the epidermis color it is not due to bleaching and removal of the etiological factor.

Methods of Use

Regetsin gel is applied in the manner prescribed in the application of this tool, or individually chosen doctor scheme instructions. Typically, a thin layer of a gel is uniformly applied to the skin. Then he gently rubbed on the perimeter of the problem areas.

Before starting the procedure, the face should be washed thoroughly and wipe dry. Classical therapy involves two-time daily treatment of inflammation foci. A single dose must be applied in a uniform layer, distributed over the affected area of ​​the epidermis. Term course of treatment 35-50 days.

In the treatment of acne

When acne Regetsin used as mono-therapy or with the inclusion of other pharmaceutical products (hormones, antibiotics). The treatment method depends on the intensity of the flow and the degree of disease severity. Typically, the gel in a small amount must be applied to the cleaned and dry surface of the skin and rub in a circle to its full absorption.

The procedure is performed - 2 times a day (with advanced stage disease three times a day). Duration of treatment - up to 3 months.

Acne treatment, a mild form, involves applying a gel inflamed skin uchastochki multiplicity of 2 times a day for 40-60 days. For maximum effect, the means required to apply a dry portion of the epidermis, rub until complete absorption. Long-term therapy in excess of two months is contraindicated.

Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

In mild cases of problems with the drug skin used in mono-therapy and is able to independently fix the damaged areas of the epidermis. Acne Regetsin acts gradually, reaching a positive effect after 2-3 weeks.

Complex and advanced cases involve the integrated use of the drug with the inclusion of antibiotic medicines group. As a preventive measure, to prevent dermatological pathologies gel coating procedures are less frequent. Means, used twice a week for 30 days.

When dermatitis and consequences laser correction

Seborrhoeic dermatitis is treated by two or three times daily application of gel to the duration of one month of treatment. Treatment laser correction effects is the rapid restoration of impaired morphology of the skin layer and the healing of traumatic lesions. Multiplicity applying means - 2 times a day.

The therapeutic course lasted 5-10 days (including rate of tissue regeneration in injured sites). The prophylactic use of the drug is limited to use in a few week. When the residual traces of laser correction of exposure therapy is 1 time per day for no more than 1 week.

Rules for applying anti-wrinkle

Regetsin - gel, instructions for use which indicates that in addition to the treatment of acne and eliminate the damage caused by laser resurfacing of the face, a means used in cosmetology. Application of the gel improves the properties of skin prone to age changes.Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Means, which increase the elasticity of the skin layer, stabilizes the blood circulation and has an impact, smoothing wrinkles and fine wrinkles. Also, the active component of the gel has the ability to align color and relief of the skin. Application means operates most effectively when detecting primary, wrinkled folds.

Anti-wrinkle gel is applied to the following algorithm:

  1. The facial skin is cleansed of impurities and makeup.
  2. skin steams damp cloth preimpregnated with hot water (napkin is applied to the face for 2-3 min.).
  3. skin face veil is dried by a soft towel.
  4. The gel using circular motions gently applied to the problem area of ​​the epidermis.
  5. After applying the composition is not washed off prior to complete absorption.

Application of the gel is recommended at night before bedtime. This is the optimal time for such a procedure. A significant advantage of the pharmacological product - low price, allowing for access to compete with or masking smoothing wrinkles creams.


To avoid possible injury, be sure to take into account contraindications funds.

Gel Regetsin unacceptable for use:

  • asthma, hypersensitivity to active and auxiliary components of the drug;
  • burn injuries and severe incurable skin pathologies;
  • pregnancy and breastfeeding (given the lack of data on the effect of the gel components on child and maternal health of the organism, the application is admissible only in extreme cases).Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

In case of doubt about the use of the drug, it is advisable to consult a dermatologist.

drug interactions

The negative case, the interaction with local or systemic medications have not been observed. However, as recommended by dermatologists, the gel coating is desirably carried out after half an hour after the application of antibiotic ointments and glucocorticosteroid.

Adverse reactions

Incidental glamor Regetsina seen rarely in the form of redness and itching. If such reactions are observed more than a day, by means of the application must be abandoned. In very rare cases there may be a manifestation of a severe allergic reaction.

Storage and price

Shelf life of the tube with the gel is 2 years. However, provided that the formulation will be stored out of the reach of children and pets dry place at a temperature not exceeding 20 ° C. Means is present in many online and offline pharmacies, which is available without prescription. The average price is 240 rubles. for the tube containing 15 mg of the drug substance.


If necessary, the drug can be replaced for similar in composition or levers mechanism, including:

  • Kuriozin;
  • Skinoklir;
  • Bepanten;
  • Izotreksin;
  • Klenzit;
  • Adaklin;
  • Aziks-Derm;
  • Zener.Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

By selecting analog important to remember that the method of application of a replacement medication may differ from the original drug. Therefore, in order to avoid adverse health effects, the question of replacing the drug needs to be coordinated with the doctor. The following table shows the average prices in Moscow, and in pharmacies SPB Regetsin and similar mechanism honey impact - tool.

drug Name The average price in pharmacies
Moscow St. Petersburg
Regetsin 253-260 rub. 230-236 rub.
Kuriozin 630-695 rub. 523-548 rub.
Skinoklir 641-645 rub. 554-564 rub.
Bepanten 664-677 rub. 581-605 rub.
Klenzit 607-615 rub. 619-660 rub.
Adaklin 581-597 rub. 562-574 rub.
Aziks-Derm 683-707 rub. 667-705 rbl.
Zinerit 740-800 rub. 713-730 rub.

special instructions

In the absence of visual enhancements on the skin, a month later, the systematic application of Regetsina need to discuss with your doctor the problem. The medical specialist will complement the paradigm of treatment more potent antibacterial and anti-inflammatory drugs, including for external use with the active components.

Manifestation of any side reactions stoped by washing the face with warm water and soap. At sensation of itching, the problem eliminating receiving plan antihistaminic agents (Klarotadin, Lourdes). The next step - an appeal to the doctor for medical advice with the subsequent appointment of the course of symptomatic therapy.Regetsin gel. Instructions for use, price, analogs, reviews

Regetsin - gel, instruction manual which warns of his Bad use in lactation period and during pregnancy. Pregnant or lactating patients, the drug can be used exclusively in extreme cases due to low efficiency of less hazardous drugs.

Anti-inflammatory and antibacterial effect Regitsina allows fairly quickly eliminate acne and acne. These qualities make the drug an extremely useful remedy for problem skin. Regetsin quite effective (based on price) gel.

The combination of hyaluronic acid and zinc, the main components according to the use instructions in its composition, a beneficial effect on the skin face. However, to cope with severe dermatologic diseases it is only able to complex with more potent anti-inflammatory drugs.

Videos about regetsine

Regetsin of facial wrinkles:

Author: Breyman Andrew

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