
IRR: treatment at home - detailed information

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Precursors of vegetative-vascular dystonia( VSD) are heart palpitations, trouble breathing, a feeling of coma in the throat. In addition to the primary signs of the disease, secondary effects can occur in the form of peptic ulcer, heart disease. The prerequisite for the development of the VSD can be not only infection, spine diseases, but even the transferred stress.

Help! According to medical data, almost 80% of people suffer from vegetative-vascular dystonia .

IRR: treatment at home

VSD: treatment at home

Content of the material

  • 1 What is VSD?
  • 2 When does the disease become dangerous?
  • 3 We change the way of life with VSD
  • 4 Recommendations for improving the condition of seizures of various types of VSD
  • 5 Treatment with medications( which medications are effective in the IRR)
    • 5.1 Video - Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia
  • 6 Physiotherapeutic procedures at home
  • 7 Nutrition
  • 8 Application of folk methods
    • 8.1 Video - How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia
    • insta story viewer
    • 8.2 Prevention
    • 8.3 If the decline in the strength of the VSD
    • 8.4 If insomnia with VSD

What is InSD?

This is a symptomatic complex of individual ailments that are associated with neurology, hormonal indicators, somatics. The second unofficial name is a disease of a sensitive heart. Therefore, it can be concluded that this disease develops on the basis of regular nervous experiences.

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia?

What is vegetative-vascular dystonia

The characteristic features of the VSD is:

  • a headache that occurs very often;
  • unjustified appearance of a feeling of inner fear;
  • sleep disturbance;
  • excessive sweating;
  • blood pressure jumps;
  • heart rate irregularities;
  • often cold limbs;
  • there is noise in the ears;
  • loss of strength and constant lethargy;
  • shortness of breath.
Symptoms of an AVR

Symptoms VSD

Treatment VSD is not simple enough, so it is necessary not only to stop the manifest symptoms, but also to eliminate the underlying cause of the development of the disease. The patient should understand that the therapy will be long, but without the need for hospitalization.

Warning! During IVD treatment, it should be remembered that the ailment develops primarily due to regular stresses, worries, experiences, unstable emotional state, so psychotherapy may additionally be required.

When does the disease become dangerous?

If we consider the ailment as a whole, then it does not represent any danger to the patient. But, when the syndrome is supplemented with a chronic disease, there are complications of the course of the VSD and restrictions in the conduct of certain medical procedures. Proceeding from this, several types of VCD are distinguished.

Cardiac diseases lead to the development of hypertonic type. In this case, the patient needs to keep an eye on blood pressure indicators at all times. After all, a critical moment can be a sharp increase in blood pressure. To do this, it is best to limit the excessive use of liquid, especially hot herbal drinks( with properties that raise blood pressure), and physical activity.

In cases of gastrointestinal and liver diseases, care should be taken with the use of phytotherapy, if there are assumptions on the VSD.Plants that can irritate the gastric mucosa are excluded from the course of treatment. When there are disturbances in the endocrine system in parallel with the VSD, non-traditional treatment is strictly prohibited in order to avoid serious complications. No less dangerous combination is VSD in case of craniocerebral trauma, therefore it is recommended that the patient be under the care of a specialist. In this case, a diet will be prescribed, the use of phytotherapy and the main course of treatment. Therefore, the treatment of VSD in various combinations with ailments requires a special approach.

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Causes of vegetative-vascular dystonia

We change the way of life with VSD

As the disease depends on nervous experiences, first of all experts advise to reconsider the character and become less emotional person. In addition, you can distract yourself by hobbies, which will help not only to not pay attention to stressful situations, but also to relax. You can do yoga for this.

It is not a little important to lead a healthy lifestyle, including morning exercises( walking in the morning, warm-up) and rejection of bad habits( alcohol and tobacco only aggravate the state of the vessels).Massage techniques in the neck-collar zone will help improve blood circulation and thereby saturate the brain with oxygen.

The main manifestations of VSD can be eliminated with respiratory gymnastics. This is explained by the fact that lack of oxygen is one of the root causes of the development of this disorder. The convenience of this method is that no special devices are required for the procedure.

Exercise with respiratory gymnastics by the technique of Strelnikova:

  1. The patient gets comfortable.
  2. Bends arms and legs, and palms turn from themselves.
  3. On the compression of the fists, a deep breath is drawn, when the fists are released, one can exhale.
  4. In one session, you need to do eight deep breaths( 20 approaches).
The rules of breathing exercises Strelnikova

Rules for breathing exercises Strelnikova

It is important to observe a diet during the treatment period, which is based on buckwheat, greens, vegetables( especially carrots), dried fruits. To prevent headaches, you need to use citrus fruits as often as possible, which stimulates blood flow. To improve the condition of the vascular system should adhere to the milk diet.

When the patient has fears, there is panic, you can attend special auto-training, after which the patient will be able to overcome fears, become much more self-confident. Autotrenings are based on the techniques of Levy and Kurpatov. In addition, psychological training helps to eliminate panic attacks, which are frequent in the IRR.

Recommendations for improving the condition of seizures VSD of different types

Type Symptoms Recommendations
Hypertonic high-pressure indicators;
impairment of pulse;
emotional overexcitation;
heart pain;
panic attacks
First of all, the patient must take himself in hand, calm down, because it is panic that favors the renewal of the memory of the VSD, which leads to the ensuing sequential consequences.

Most patients suffer from a fear of a heart attack, there is a panic about a possible early death. Therefore, if the panic attack is not eliminated, the patient's condition will be critically aggravated.

Urgent relaxation is needed, which can be done by breathing exercises. To begin with, the patient needs to take a comfortable position, disconnect from unnecessary thoughts and begin to imagine how relaxation occurs from the top to the bottom, while it is recommended to take inhalations. It is also recommended to carry out the patient head massages, activating the biologically active points. No less important are outdoor walks and hot bath techniques.
Hypotonic marked a sharp drop in blood pressure;
there is a sudden panic attack;
the patient has an unreasonable desire to cry
Due to the influence of an irritant, the thoughts of the dominant become active, which provokes a panic state. To eliminate this condition, you need to take a contrast shower, spend ten minutes of respiratory gymnastics, conduct auto-training
Cardiac attack of severe pain in the chest;
occurrence of panic thoughts
Similar manipulations are carried out to calm down and bring thoughts in order to eliminate a panic attack. Take a hot-hot shower and massage the neck-collar zone
Vagotonic is accompanied by severe headaches;
the emergence of panic thoughts and internal anxiety;
fear of near death;
overexcitation is replaced by a self-contained
To improve the condition, a warm shower is recommended on the occipital area for ten minutes, and after a head massage with an effect on the active points. The headache can be blocked by making a hot foot bath with the addition of sea salt
Mixed can be characterized by both lowered and elevated blood pressure;
soreness appears behind the sternum;
the patient may be too overexcited or inhibited;
there are no controlled panic thoughts
In this case, respiratory gymnastics in the form of an elongated warm exhalation will help calm down. Apply gymnastics after taking a hot shower( depending on the pressure can be a contrast shower).
Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Treatment with medications( which medications are effective for the IRR)

The course of treatment should include two main vectors of direction - the first one, based on taking medications that eliminate the underlying cause( thyroid or adrenal gland diseases) and the second -for the immediate therapy of VSD and the blocking of panic attacks.

Group of preparations Name and application
Soothing 1. Based on extracts of herbs( Pustyrnik and Valeriana).
2. For adults of general action( Persen, Sedafiton).
3. Strong action( Barbovale, Valocardin)
Tranquilizers It is recommended to take with stable nervous disorders after severe stresses.

1. Buspirone.
2. Adaptol
Neuroleptics Used to normalize blood pressure and stabilize the heart rate, as well as reduce irritability.

1. Ridazine.
2. Neurispine
Sleeping pills With sleep apnea, sleep disturbances are observed with subsequent headaches, therefore, a soporific solution is necessary to eliminate them.

1. Donormil.
2. Zolpidem
Nootropics Used to improve memory and eliminate dizziness.

1. Pantogam.
2. Piracetam
Neurometabolites The effects are similar to those of nootropics.

1. Actovegin.
2. Cerebroside
Cerebroangiocorrectors Normalizes blood circulation in the brain.

1. Stugeron.
2. Oxygen.
3. Cavinton
For lowering blood pressure 1. Anaprilin.
2. Metoprolol.
3. Bisoprolol
To increase the blood pressure of 1. Mezaton.
2. Tincture of ginseng.
3. Tincture of Schizandra
For metabolism in the heart of If during the attacks there is chest pain.

1. Riboxin.
2. Mildronate.
3. Hawthorn
Wegetotropic Primary for general improvement of condition.

1. Bellataminal.
2. Bellaspon.
3. Platifillin
Antioxidants Promote the cerebral circulation.

1. Mexidol.
2. Cratched.
3. Succinic acid
Vitamins It is necessary for the complex treatment of VSD and improvement of the nervous system.

1. Neurovitan.
2. Neurorubin.
3. Non-

Note! All of the above drugs should be taken as directed by a specialist in certain dosages. Duration of admission is also determined by the doctor, and the patient is not allowed to interrupt therapy on his own.

Video - Treatment of vegetative-vascular dystonia

Physiotherapeutic procedures at home

The use of physiotherapy helps to minimize the intake of drugs. It is recommended that you take this course in a sanatorium, but if you can not, you can resort to independent procedures. To do this, you can use a contrast shower, or depending on the indices of blood pressure hot-warm.

But, in general, the patient needs to undergo electrophoresis, paraffin baths, acupuncture.


If the patient is diagnosed with vegeto-vascular dystonia, then nutrition is important, which directly affects the patient's condition. It is very important to exclude products that can excite the nervous system - in the first place, alcohol and caffeinated drinks, fried, spicy, fast food. After seven in the evening, food intake is not recommended for those suffering from vegetovascular dystonia.

To improve the condition, you can reduce weight by using unloading days. A hungry diet is strictly contraindicated, because in this case the body will get even more stress.

The Pyramid of Healthy Eating

Pyramid of a healthy diet

Application of folk methods

In addition to the main treatment scheme, you can use a folk prescription based on medicinal plants. The duration of such an unconventional treatment should be for four weeks.

  1. To prepare the broth, you need to take twenty grams of leaves of cowberry and bearberry, sixty grammes of horsetail and strawberry, forty grams of rose hips( fruit) and nettles, ten grams of rose petals.
  2. All the above ingredients are mixed and poured with boiling water. It will take half a liter of water.
  3. Then on a small fire cooked for half an hour, but not boiled. After cooling, the broth is ready for use.
  4. It is recommended to take daily in the amount of one hundred and fifty milliliters.

The second recipe provides for the use of dill and valerian. These plants are rich in such vitamins as C, PP, B6.To prepare the broth you need to take a glass of dried fennel and just two tablespoons of valerian, pour boiling water( one liter).You can store in a thermos. Treatment provides for a three-time reception of the decoction of one spoon daily for three weeks.

Video - How to treat vegetative-vascular dystonia


For prophylactic purposes, it is recommended to take a herbal decoction half a cup twice a day. For preparation it is necessary to take ingredients in a proportion of 1: 1( rose hips, birch buds, chamomile, St. John's wort, elecampane).The herbal mixture is poured with boiling water, and then boiled for one minute. On the fact of cooking, the decoction is filtered. The preventive course lasts for one month after which attacks of VSD are not observed.

Please note! This broth can be bitter, so it can add a small amount of honey, which will greatly improve the taste.

Prevention of IRR

Prevention of VSD

If the decline in the strength of the

VSD This recipe will help eliminate one of the main symptoms of VSD - a sense of rapid drowning. To do this, take a glass of oat grains and pour warm water to form a gruel and cooked. After the readiness, the liquid merges, mixes with milk( one hundred grams) and honey( one spoonful).For one day you should drink up to four glasses of oatmeal. It takes at least one month.

If insomnia with

occurs In order to normalize sleep, you need to take thirty drops of hawthorn, motherwort, valerian and dilute in a glass of water. This medicated mixture of sedative is taken twice a day for twelve days.

Warning! Taking sedatives excludes work that requires increased attention.

Thus, the VSD is not a verdict and can be treated at home, the most important thing is timely assistance in case of panic attacks.

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IRR: treatment at home - detailed information

IRR: treatment at home - detailed information

Precursors of vegetative-vascular dystonia( VSD) are heart palpitations, trouble breathing, a feeling of coma in the throat. In addition to the pr...