Common Symptoms

Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full body, head, neck, during sleep, exercise after eating. What treatment, folk remedies, purification

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Sweating - a natural physiological process in the body that protects it from overheating and the need to maintain the body's normal temperature. But heavy sweating (hyperhidrosis) may indicate a failure in the functioning of the body. In men, the reasons for this unpleasant situation can be very different.

The content of the article:

  • 1 What is Hyperhidrosis
  • 2 Causes heavy sweating men
  • 3 natural causes
  • 4 symptoms of hyperhidrosis
  • 5 The causes of night sweats
  • 6 Heavy sweating in the armpits
  • 7 Why much sweat face, neck or head
  • 8 Hyperhidrosis of the whole body
  • 9 Sweating of the feet and palms
  • 10 Scheme eliminate sweating
  • 11 Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis
  • 12 Surgery for hyperhidrosis
  • 13 Drugstore means to eliminate sweating
  • 14 Cosmetics to combat hyperhidrosis
  • 15 Traditional methods of removing excessive sweating
  • 16 Baths for hyperhidrosis
  • 17 Meals for hyperhidrosis
  • 18 Videos about hyperhidrosis for men

What is Hyperhidrosis

Hyperhidrosis - a disease in which there is intense perspiration, even with a slight nervous stress or exertion. It can give rise to mental or physical discomfort.

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There are 2 types of hyperhidrosis:

  • Primary. It is diagnosed when the emergence of the cause is not determined.
  • Secondary. The cause is some kind of disease.

Further distinguish the general sweating or certain parts of the body.

Causes heavy sweating men

The emergence of a large number of sweat due to the male hormone - testosterone. The higher hormone levels in the blood, the more sweat released during intense physical stress, high temperature or stress.

Heavy sweating in men (cause of this condition can be different) may hide in the presence of chronic diseases:

  • Excess weight. Sweating may occur especially in the summer.
  • Heredity.
    Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
    General prichiiny heavy sweating men and women
  • Renal operation. There are problems with sweating under tackle urine production or filtration. The reason may serve diseases such as chronic pyelonephritis, urolithiasis, renal ptosis.
  • As a symptom of an infectious disease which is accompanied by a rise in temperature. For example, pneumonia.
  • Manifestation of diseases of the endocrine system. For example, diabetes mellitus is accompanied by excessive sweating in the upper body. And in thyroid diseases unhealthy sweating manifests without specific reasons.
  • Diseases of the nervous system. This may be epilepsy, frequent stress, multiple sclerosis, Parkinson's disease and other nervous system diseases.
  • Fungus.
  • Impaired immunity.
  • Malfunction of the cardiovascular system. Symptom of the problem is the perspiration, which begins with the head and face, and then spreads throughout the body. It is especially dangerous if it hands and feet are cold. For example, it may be hypertension, dystonia, coronary heart disease.

Sometimes the cause of hyperhidrosis is the use of certain types of drugs.

natural causes

Sometimes excessive sweating may occur due to everyday problems. For example, it could serve as a frequent overeating before going to bed, not personal hygiene. Should choose the clothes properly. It should not be too swift, and the body was transferred by the lymph nodes.

At constant nervous tension at work or in the home is also possible to intense sweating.

symptoms of hyperhidrosis

In total there are 170 different diseases in which this symptom may occur:

  • Hands and feet cold. Due to the constant humidity pathological changes.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • When you see a large amount of sweat can also manifest bromidoz, ie stench "flavor".
  • Colored sweat. Different shades of sweat. For example, red, yellow or bloody.

The causes of night sweats

Night hyperhidrosis - a disease which affects a large number of people. Many people do not take this problem seriously, so do not hurry to go to the doctor. But it can be a symptom of a large number of different diseases.

There are natural reasons:

  • Poorly ventilated room. It is necessary for a few hours before bedtime ventilate the room.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • Food. Improper diet or eating a meal before going to bed can cause sweating at night. Especially it concerns the use of hot spices, parsley, carrots.
  • Incorrectly picked up clothes. The best choice is to sleep in cotton clothing. You also need to pick up the blanket properly. But even if properly chosen clothes and the blanket does not give the desired result, then you need to look for a more significant cause.

Personal reasons can be solved very easily, much more difficult to deal with the costs of medical reasons:

  • Infectious diseases. Most infectious diseases accompanied by fever, especially at night. For example, it may be inflammation of the lungs or heart, SARS, fungus, tuberculosis and HIV. Also, when inflammation in the spleen, lymph nodes, ovary, pancreas or liver may cause these symptoms.
  • Malignant seal.
  • Rheumatoid disease.
  • Malfunctions of the gastrointestinal tract.
  • Diabetes insipidus.

Heavy sweating men, the causes of which are hidden in the disease should be treated. If you eliminate the cause of, and the symptoms go away completely. Initially, you need to address to the therapist, and only then he will send to the necessary experts, depending on other symptoms.

Heavy sweating in the armpits

Determine how much sweat should be allocated in a particular person, it is impossible. Approximately determine the violation will sample Minor. For this is applied to the armpit initially iodine, after the starch and drying. Then you need to put on a white T-shirt. When a load starts to secrete sweat, the shirt is colored purple.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies

Depending on the radius of the circle determined degree:

  • Strong. Spot with a radius of up to 10 cm.
  • Average. The radius of 5 to 10 cm.
  • Easy. Up to 5 cm in radius.

The reasons for the appearance may be:

  • Powerful emotions. For example, fear, anger, excitement.
  • Admission spicy food.
  • Fatigue.
  • Diabetes.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • Disruption of the central nervous system.
  • Enlargement of the thyroid gland.

Escape from this unpleasant "signal" is possible by means of deodorants and antiperspirants. They help to eliminate the unpleasant odor due to alcohol, which kills bacteria. Deodorants are able to mask the smell of sweat, but not completely eliminate it.

Antiperspirant gel creates plenochku. It helps reduce the sweat excretion. Limitation to their use is the presence of cuts on the body or allergic to the ingredients.

Why much sweat face, neck or head

Determine why strongly sweats in men's head, face and neck, the doctor can only. The presence of such symptom triggers generation of a large amount of complexes, the need for extra care. If a person is constantly among the psychological pressure, the depression may occur.

In addition, there are symptoms such as hair exhaustion, unpleasant odor, redness of the skin, the presence of a viscous sweat on his face. Hair is constantly greasy. Heavy sweating head in men is common.

The reasons for this may be different:

  • Genetic predisposition. Due to heredity because of the large amount of iron this unpleasant symptom may occur on the head. It can be eliminated only through drugs or surgery.
  • Bad habits. Drinking alcohol leads to disruption of the CNS and brain vessels.
  • Obesity. In the presence of excess weight increases the load on the entire body. In addition to increasing the load on vessels, there is a malfunction of hormones, and therefore there is excessive sweating of the head.
  • malnutrition. Products that are sold in stores contain copious amounts of preservatives. They "zashlakovyvayut" body. Also, this may cause acute, smoked and salty dishes. They feel worse and lead to a failure in the development of sweat.
  • Hypertension. Because of this disease is a violation of the nutrition of tissues, including the brain.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies

Treat manifestation of excessive sweating of the head, face and neck must be complex. To do this, you need to eliminate not only the symptoms but also the cause of. Ideal treatment with medications, psychological counseling, and the use of traditional medicine methods.

Hyperhidrosis of the whole body

Heavy sweating men of the whole body in some cases there is absolutely safety reasons. For example, perspiration in hot weather, intense physical stress.

But we must pay attention to the state of his body in the following cases:

  • If the pot has acquired a certain color.
  • Odor.
  • Clammy sweat.
  • The sharp increase in body temperature.
  • Nausea, weakness, or dizziness. As well as fatigue.

The main reasons can serve the following diseases:

  • Malfunction of the endocrine system. For example, it may be thyroid or diabetes.
  • Cold. The body begins to fight the infection, the body temperature rises. He strives to quickly remove toxins by means of the excretory system. First of all, it's sweating.
  • Allergy.
  • Poisoning. When excessive stress body toxins increased sweating.
  • Malfunction of the urinary system. Especially with prostate cancer. Tumor overlaps urethra.
  • vascular disease. For example, it may be pressurized or vascular dystonia.
  • Chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

Sweating of the feet and palms

No man will be able to feel comfortable when the pot is poured over the body, especially when hands and feet are constantly wet. Men greet handshake, and this unpleasant symptom may cause ridicule. For a long time, hyperhidrosis is not attributed to the disease.

This condition may occur due to the following reasons:

  • Increased body temperature. Normal body temperature - 36.6 degrees. But in the vegetative-vascular dystonia people live a long time with a temperature of 37.2. This is due to the failure of the central nervous system. Also, the elevated temperature may be observed in the inflammatory process.
  • Nervous tension. For example, when an unpleasant conversation, speech in public, there is an increase adrenalin production. The body comes to tone, heartbeat quickens, hands and feet start to sweat.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • Malfunction of the endocrine system. When violations of the brain, pancreas and thyroid may appear in such unpleasant symptoms.
  • Avitaminosis.
  • Malfunctions in a thermoregulation.
  • In the presence of parasites in the body.
  • Problems with the urinary system.
  • Diseases of the cardiovascular system. Sometimes the "wet limbs" can indicate that a heart attack or stroke.

Scheme eliminate sweating

Medicine is constantly evolving, there are all new and new methods of medical treatment. But, not looking at it, to cure hyperhidrosis completely impossible.

  • sweating treatment is for a long time.
  • Treatment rather expensive.
  • Doctors do not have a common method for treatment. Since every body is different, and that replacement therapy is also highly individual.

The treatment regimen may consist of one method of treatment, and several:

  • Hygienic rules. You need to bathe twice a day, morning and evening. It is necessary to give priority to cotton clothing and leather shoes. Clothing should necessarily be cut free and was transferred by the lymph nodes.
  • Proper nutrition. It is necessary to abandon the use of spicy, smoked or salted food. You should also give up the tea, coffee and chocolate.
  • The use of antiperspirants. It is necessary to choose a drug that would be ideal to help in the case.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • The use of drugs.
  • medicines which will address the causes of the disease.

Drug treatment of hyperhidrosis

Heavy sweating men, the causes of which are hidden in different diseases should be treated with medication. For example, Klonopin, propranolol, atropine. The dosage prescribed by doctors. Possible side effects such as drowsiness, vision problems, vomiting, irregular heartbeat, nausea. When the additional symptoms should consult a doctor.

Surgery for hyperhidrosis

Treatment of hyperhidrosis running stages is possible with surgery:

  • Laparoscopic lumbar sympathectomy. This surgery, through which you can stop excessive sweating feet. This method is rarely used because of the scars that remain on the body. The advantage of the operation is that the operation is very effective. After the man next day may return to a normal lifestyle.
  • Sympathectomy. This operation is used for excessive sweating of hands and armpits. Surgery is performed under general anesthesia. Make three small incisions in the armpit. With hospitals people can go through the day. Seams completely eliminate 7 days. It is very effective against excessive sweating.

Drugstore means to eliminate sweating

Positive effect on the organism injections of botulinum toxin A. It is considered one of the best action in the treatment of heavy sweating. But the course of treatment must be repeated every six months.

Cosmetics to combat hyperhidrosis

Profuse sweating men whose causes are associated with intensive physical activity or elevated air temperature can be eliminated by means of antiperspirants and deodorants.

  • Antiperspirants. It cosmetics that help reduce excessive sweating. Drugs can eliminate bacteria and fungi. Thanks to the body temperature, they are able to form a gel film. They help protect the body from removing copious amounts of fluid.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies
  • Deodorants. They eliminate unpleasant odor due to perfume and alcohol. Deodorants can kill bacteria due to alcohol and for a time reduces the release of odors. They "disguise" bad breath.
  • Application alyumohloridov. For example, "Maxim", "Drisol" or "Odoban". They help reduce sweating. "Downside" is that they often cause irritation.

Traditional methods of removing excessive sweating

The best option for the treatment of hyperhidrosis in men is the use of drugs in conjunction with traditional means:

  • Ammonia. It is necessary to take in 1 liter of water 15 g of the alcohol. Make a bath for the hands and feet. It is important to observe the correct proportions, so as not to get burned.
  • Lemon juice. They should wipe the skin areas that are most prone to sweating.
  • Melissa. It is necessary to prepare a decoction and drink throughout the day instead of tea.
  • Mint. It is necessary to take 25 g of dry leaves and pour 200 g of boiled, hot water. Used for trays to eliminate symptoms.
  • Oak bark. Raw materials can be purchased at any pharmacy. For the treatment need a half cup of bark pour hot boiling water and leave to infuse overnight.
  • Camomile tea. It should be purchased at the pharmacy daisy. We need to take one tablespoon of dry plants and pour boiling water (200 g). Added to the bathrooms for bathing.
  • Infusion of walnut. For the treatment need the leaves of a walnut. Their pre-grind (75 g) and pour alcohol glass. It should be placed in a cool place for 2 weeks. The course of treatment is two weeks. It is necessary to lubricate the parts of the body that are most sweat at least 5 times a day.

Baths for hyperhidrosis

Well it helps eliminate the unpleasant smell of sweat and increased sweating baths. Additionally, you should use chamomile, sage, herb collection.

Good for the body to use douches. This is the most simple and effective remedy for the problem. It helps to train the blood vessels, resulting organism in tone, strengthens the immune system work.

Meals for hyperhidrosis

Often the cause of hyperhidrosis is dysbiosis. It is necessary to adjust the power.Heavy sweating men. Reasons for the night, on the face, underarms, full-body, during sleep, exercise after eating. Treatment of folk remedies

It is necessary to accept more food fruits and vegetables. You should also abandon the use of salty, smoked, acute. It is desirable to eliminate bad habits, especially alcoholic beverages.

Heavy sweating in men is very common. The main aim is to defeat this disease is to eliminate the causes. Only in this way, you can forget about the disease once and for all.

Registration of the article: Mila Friedan

Videos about hyperhidrosis for men

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