
How to treat scoliosis of the thoracic spine?

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How to treat scoliosis of the thoracic spine?

Contents of the page

  • 1 Reasons for
  • 2 Essence of the disease
  • 3 Symptoms of
  • 4 Degrees of scoliosis of the thoracic spine
  • 5 Treatment of thoracic scoliosis
  • 6 Massage
  • 7 Prevention of the disease

In Greek, the term "scoliosis" can be translated as "curve", "curved"," Hunched ".The simplest interpretation of this concept is the deformation of the spine, accompanied by the rotation of the vertebral bodies. Scoliosis of the thoracic spine is one of the most common pathologies in childhood and adolescence.

Reasons for

Scoliosis can act as a symptom - a clinical manifestation of a disease, a syndrome - a combination of symptoms, or a single disease.

The role of the scoliosis symptom plays in the following cases:

  • with radiculitis - acute vertebrogenic pain with unilateral lesion causes muscle tension, resulting in "twisting" of the vertebrae around its axis;
  • with minor injuries, injuries of muscle fibers that are asymmetric in nature - are the same as in the situation with radicular pain syndrome.
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Here, the cause that caused the scoliosis is clear and can be eliminated by treating the underlying disease.

If the cause is known, but it can not be eliminated, scoliosis is a syndrome. This situation is typical for:

  • The causes of scoliosis neurological diseases( cerebral palsy, syringomyelia, myopathies of various genesis, neuroinfections transferred);
  • systemic diseases( hereditary pathologies of connective tissue, among them the Ellers-Danlos syndrome and the Marfan syndrome);
  • congenital malformations of the skeleton - vertebral column, thorax;disorders of the development of the spinal cord;
  • consequences of severe spinal cord injuries, chest, upper limb belt( for scoliosis of the thoracic region).

The third option is scoliosis as an independent, idiopathic disease with a certain clinical course and symptomatology. Next we will consider it in this aspect.

The essence of the disease

The essence of the disease Scoliosis is a pathology in which the spinal deformity occurs simultaneously in three planes. It develops during physiological growth, its prevalence ranges from one to three percent in the population among adolescents;according to other screening data, the incidence of the disease reaches 12%.

Initial manifestations of scoliosis can be noted already at the age of 6-8 years. In 15% of cases, the disease has active course, in half of the variants - with marked progression up to the situations in which surgical intervention is required. In this case, the faster the spine grows, the faster the scoliosis progresses.

Symptoms of

The main symptoms of scoliosis of the thoracic region:

  • asymmetry of the thorax;
  • pain in the thoracic, thoraco-lumbar spine, thorax;
  • changing gait;
  • impaired mobility of the spinal column.

For a more detailed description of the symptomatology, refer to the classification of scoliosis in degrees. The lateral curvature of the spine is particularly clearly seen on the radiographs, along which the angle of scoliotic deformation is measured. A specific degree is assigned depending on this angle.


It is based on performing radiography of the thoracic spine in two projections, the clinic and complaints of the patient. If it is necessary to clarify the stability of the spine, additional pictures are taken lying down. Degrees of scoliosis of the thoracic spine

  1. Thoracic scoliosis of the 1st degree Thoracic scoliosis of the 1st degree - the angle of deformation is not more than 10 degrees. Clinic: in the vertical position there is a different level of standing of the shoulder-blades, the blades are located at different distances from the vertebral line. Deformation is particularly noticeable when the patient is tilted;apparently stoop is insignificant. Pain occurs when heavy or heavy load, a monotonous posture.
  2. Thoracic scoliosis of the 2nd degree - the range of the angle varies from 11 to 25 degrees. The stoop is noticeable externally, with the inclination markedly protrude the ribs to the side. The compensatory tension of the corresponding muscles is observed. There is a decrease in working capacity, pain syndrome develops faster and more often.
  3. From 26 to 50 degrees is the value of the angle of curvature for the third degree. There is already an obvious stoop, asymmetry of the chest, deformation of the spine in the standing position, the severity of the rib hump when tilted. The patient complains of persistent, severe pain in the back. The work of all internal organs is broken. Scoliosis of the chest is dangerous in this respect - it is here that the vital organs are vital: the heart and lungs. There is shortness of breath, fatigue, immunity decreases, the risk of respiratory infections increases. Violated blood circulation in the thoracic spinal cord.
  4. fourth degree With a deformation angle of more than 50 degrees, the fourth degree is diagnosed. Deformation reaches irreversible changes. There is a strong displacement, compression of the chest, their function is violated. The patient complains of intolerable, intense pain in the spine. Perhaps the development of paralysis and paresis due to compression of the nerve roots, spinal cord. In fact, the quality of life is reduced to disability.
Classification by other features

In the thoracic section, the cervicothorax is distinguished( the apex of the curvature at the level of the third and fourth thoracic vertebrae), the thoracic( vertex at the level of the bodies of the eighth to ninth vertebrae) and of the lumbosacral scoliosis ( the apex at the level of the two lowerthoracic vertebrae).With the flow, progressive and non-progressive forms are isolated.

Scoliosis can be stable and unstable. In the second case, the deformation angle decreases in the horizontal position.

The static function is distinguished:

  • compensated scoliosis( axis from the last cervical vertebra, lowered down, directed through the fold between the buttocks);
  • uncompensated scoliosis( this axis is deflected to the side).
  • In the direction( depending on which direction the top of the arc has):
  • right-sided thoracic scoliosis ;
  • left-sided thoracic scoliosis .

Also distinguish C-, S- and Z-shaped forms of curvature( by the number of deformation arcs).

Treatment of thoracic scoliosis

Treatment of breast scoliosis At the moment, no less than three hundred methods of treating scoliosis have been proposed. For each patient an individual therapy and rehabilitation program is being developed. The main problems experienced by specialists:

  • lack of continuity in the treatment of the patient( when changing to a different clinic - for example, during a change of residence - the modification of the tactics of patient management, loss of medical documentation is possible);
  • some methods have contraindications, which are often not taken into account by the attending physician in choosing tactics;
  • in private clinics - use of treatment methods that do not have official certification;
  • unreasonable designation.

Treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic spine can be divided into:

  1. Lead, corrective-stabilizing appointment.
  2. Optional. Increases the effectiveness of leading techniques.
  3. Additional - acting on concomitant diseases.
  4. Basic, carrying information load for the patient.

Treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic spine 1-st degree thoracic scoliosis is treated with massage, exercise therapy, physiotherapy, swimming. Therapy is designed to prevent the progression of the process and the gradual restoration of the physiological position of the vertebral bodies.

Nursing scoliosis of the 2nd degree suggests in addition to the above therapy the wearing of orthopedic corsets, trips to the sanatorium, stretching of the spine.

The third degree is treated with conservative methods only until the ossification of the vertebral bodies is completed. In especially severe situations, 3rd and 4th degrees require surgical intervention. This applies to persons with complete development of the skeleton.

Obviously, an orthopedic or vertebrologist should be monitored at least once every six months.


Healing Fitness Therapeutic physical culture is one of the main ways to treat scoliosis. LFK demands from the patient strict self-control over movements and posture, careful observance of medical recommendations. Exercises are aimed at strengthening the muscular corset of the chest, which helps maintain the correct, physiological position of the spinal column.

The main indications for exercise therapy are deformations with an arc of up to 20 degrees in patients with incomplete spinal column growth and deformation of up to 40 degrees in a group of patients with complete development of the skeleton.

Classes should last at least one and a half and not more than three hours a day, with a frequency of 2-3 approaches, and include:

  • respiratory gymnastics;
  • restorative and corrective exercises;
  • exercises to improve coordination;
  • power elements for strengthening the muscular corset.

The effectiveness of exercise therapy in scoliosis reaches 60% at the first degree, 40% - at the second and 10-20% - for the fourth degree. Hence the importance of early diagnosis and timely treatment of scoliotic deformities.


Massage is indicated for patients with 1 st and 2 nd degrees of scoliosis. At these stages, the changes are still reversible, so massage can have a positive effect. For the third and fourth degrees, this technique can only serve as a palliative, slightly pain-relieving agent or as an auxiliary therapy during the rehabilitation period after surgery.

Massage is usually performed in medical institutions, on a special couch. All elements are selected taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient, the magnitude of the deformation angle, the duration of the disease. The course is held every 6 months.

Massage with scoliosis of the thoracic spine Purpose of massage:

  • strengthening of muscular corset;
  • strengthening of the press( lumbosacral scoliosis );
  • improved innervation, blood supply to organs and the spine.

Before the session, the masseur gets acquainted with the medical documentation and takes into account the direction of the arcs of curvature when performing massage receptions. For example, on the side of the concave part of the arc, there is always compensatory muscle tension, they need to be relaxed by stroking, light movements;on the convex side, the muscle fibers are too weak, so they need to be strengthened.

For this reason self-massage for scoliosis is highly discouraged. Improperly executed movements can worsen the condition and increase curvature.


Posture Corrector An irreplaceable tool for the treatment of scoliosis in the early stages is the posture corrector. Up to 12 years old, it can seriously reduce the curvature of the spine. The method is used in conjunction with the main conservative therapy.

The corrector operates simply: it fixes the vertebrae in a certain position, reducing the load on the affected area and applying pressure to the deformed areas. The corset reduces the pathological mobility of the spine and helps maintain proper posture.

Posture correctors have their drawbacks: their prolonged wearing leads to the development of muscle weakness, so it always requires extra exercise therapy. An incorrectly selected corset can worsen the course of the disease.

Therefore, it is highly discouraged: independently, without a doctor, to select a corrector;Use the corset as the only method for treating scoliosis.

To avoid the progression of the pathology, the corset is worn according to a certain pattern. Begin to wear from two hours daily, gradually increasing the time to six hours.

After such adaptation, the proofreader wears about 3 months for six hours daily. Then the scheme goes in the reverse order: the wearing time is gradually reduced to a complete cancellation.

Prevention of disease

Prevention of disease Development of scoliotic deformation is possible and should be prevented. For this it is necessary: ​​

  1. To take vitamins of group B and folic acid during pregnancy on the recommendation of the leading obstetrician-gynecologist.
  2. Beginning to sit down the child only after the set deadline.
  3. Early prevention of scoliosis in adolescents in children boils down to the right position at the desk, wearing a knapsack instead of a bag.
  4. In childhood - vitamins in the required quantity.
  5. Since three years, gymnastics are useful for strengthening the muscles of the chest. A strong muscular corset is the guarantee of correct posture.
  6. Day regimen( do not allow the child to sit for a long time at the computer or for a few hours in a monotonous, tiring posture.)
  7. Volleyball and swimming are the main sports that have a beneficial effect on spine mobility

There are certain recommendations for scoliosis patients in the imageThey must be observed even in case of complete cure( this is possible in the early stages). recommendations for patients with scoliosis


  • inactivity - lack of movement leads to weakening of m
  • asymmetric loads;
  • long stay in one pose;
  • weight lifting;
  • intensive physical activity;
  • undercooling:
  • sharp turns( lead to additional displacement of vertebrae);
  • jumps, attacks, flips;
  • bridge, hanging on a horizontal bar,slopes, "bicycle", scissors, other exercises that contribute to the instability of the spine;
  • simultaneous lifting of the feet;
  • exercises with one hand or foot.


If the angle of scoliosis deformation exceeds ten degrees, the following sports are prohibited:

  • acrobatics, gymnastics( of all kinds);
  • weightlifting;
  • running and parkour;
  • snowboarding, football and hockey;
  • single combat;
  • fencing and tennis;
  • badminton.
Treatment of scoliosis of the thoracic spine at home

If you wish to cure scoliosis without seeking a doctor, remember: incorrectly used methods, an inadequately assessed situation can lead to faster deformation progression and irreversible changes in the spinal column.

Very actively promotes breathing exercises: Strelnikova - in Russia and Katarina Schrot - in Western countries. Both variants favorably influence scoliosis, but only in combination with other methods.

From non-traditional techniques it is worth mentioning Evminov's prophylactic( softly springing board to reduce the load on the spinal column).The essence of the method is in the gradual extension of the spine.
From folk methods are useful fortifying, immunostimulating herbs: lemongrass, ginseng, sagan-dile( taking into account the age of the patient).Well affect the condition of the patient bath procedures, hardening, stay in the fresh air.

In the early stages of the disease, you can use a set of exercises from yoga( preferably under the supervision of a specialist).

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