Skin Diseases

Nevi on the body. Causes, photo, treatment of a child by an adult. Folk remedies, ointments, procedures

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Nevi on the body - a common problem among people of different sex and age. Most often, such formations appear in adult patients. Reasons for education professionals identify in the first place, to appoint the most effective treatment. To prevent complications is not recommended to self-medicate.

The content of the article:

  • 1 Causes of nevi on the body
  • 2 Risk factors
  • 3 classification of Education
  • 4 It looks like growths and symptoms of nevi
  • 5 Diagnostics
    • 5.1 Laboratory research
    • 5.2 hardware diagnostics
  • 6 Treatment
    • 6.1 medicines
    • 6.2 Folk remedies
    • 6.3 Eliminating education surgically
    • 6.4 Cosmetic procedures to remove nevi
    • 6.5 diet therapy
    • 6.6 LFK
  • 7 complications
  • 8 Video of the nevi

Causes of nevi on the body

Nevi, or moles, as they are popularly called, are benign growths that appear on the human body as a result of violations of production and distribution of melanin.

The main causes of the growths are the following:

  • Hereditary predisposition to the appearance of tumors.
  • Violation of melanin distribution under the skin. This pigment responsible for the color of the skin. When exposed to sunlight it changes the skin tone.
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  • Injuries of the skin.
  • Long-term and regular presence on the open sunlight.
  • Hormonal disorders.
  • Congenital defects of the skin.
  • Viral and infectious diseases. It is particularly important to identify the body of HPV. In most cases it provokes the appearance of papillomas but mutations certain strains possible activation processes of nevi.
  • Long-term use of potent drugs, especially hormonal.
  • Chronic skin diseases in the acute stage.

One or more reasons provokes the appearance of single or multiple tumors in different parts of the body.

Risk factors

Nevi on the body, the causes of which may be different, there are patients at risk. These include patients whose professional activity is associated with frequent and prolonged exposure to the sunAs well as people who for various reasons are forced to regularly take hormonal medications.

Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures
Nevi on the body appear from frequent exposure to the sun

In addition, risk factors include stress, disorder of metabolism and deficiency of vitamins and minerals. In each individual case, the risk factors may differ. However, they are considered in the diagnosis.

classification of Education

Experts identify several varieties of tumors. Each has its own characteristics.

Depending on the size of the formation of isolated small, medium, large and giant nevi. The first is considered the most safe, almost never cause the patient discomfort. The remaining species are more dangerous, but most do not cause trouble. The most dangerous are the giant nevi, which occupy a large area and can provoke serious complications.

In view of the base fabric, which takes part in the formation of moles, experts allocate 3 groups neoplasms. They do not always contain the pigment melanin, but the doctors call them nevi.

Hemangiomas affect small vessels and almost always have a bright red color. Can be formed in different parts of the body, sometimes causing discomfort. Sebaceous nevus sebaceous glands are affected, and in most cases are placed on the scalp. Usually they have no color.

Anemic tumor is considered a type of hemangioma. As the name implies the conclusion that such birthmarks also have no color. In most cases do not cause discomfort and do not cause complications.

In addition to the basic conventional classification, there is another division of the true nevi, which are formed due to incorrect distribution of melanocytes:

  • Novokletochnoe border education - usually in the form of different size spots. It can act or not to act on the skin surface. Size may also vary. Typically nevus located between the upper and middle layer of the skin.
  • intradermal nevus It is located directly in the thickness of the dermis. This species is the most common.
  • Layered pigment neoplasm It looks like an ordinary mole, several towers over the surface of the skin. Very often in such formations are coarse hair, its color may be different shades of brown or even black.
  • intradermal nevi also it rises above the surface of the skin, but unlike the other types, the surface uneven. Most often, education is located in the neck, head, appears in patients under 30 years.
  • amelanotic,or basal nevus often it appears in patients of different age. Outwardly, it looks like an ordinary mole, but the color is not very different from the body color.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

There are other types of tumors, but these are considered to be the most common.

It looks like growths and symptoms of nevi

Nevi on the body, the causes of which may be related to hormonal disorders, almost always appear gradually. In the initial stages of the skin in the area intended buildup changes color from an area becomes darker.

After some time, it may cause itching and discomfort. The size of tumors when it appears usually minor. For several months, and even years, the spot area increases.

In rare cases, it remains the same, and in exceptional - an outgrowth self disappears. Externally, the formation looks like a stain or a small rise krichnevogo light brown or dark brown color. Sometimes the buildup immediately turns black.

Typically, after the formation of nevus it does not cause discomfort to the patient. When it is damaged person experiences pain when the injury is serious, the blood appears. Stop minor bleeding from moles is difficult, even in patients with normal blood clotting.

Only in some cases around the build-up appears redness, irritation, and a man concerned about severe pain. But these symptoms usually occur when the damage newly-formed moles.


To diagnose the condition and identify the nature of education professionals use several methods of examination.

Laboratory research

If you experience any signs of abnormalities of the skin or internal organs of the patient is undergoing several types of laboratory tests.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

Method Description
Clinical study of blood Standard method, which examines the vital signs. The specialist determines the erythrocyte sedimentation rate and the level of white blood cells and red blood cells. It is also important to determine the number of platelets. Due to the method of the expert can detect abnormalities of other organs
biochemical analysis Blood for analysis is taken from a vein. Thanks to the results we can assess the functioning of the cardiovascular and digestive systems
Blood test for hormones Determining the level of sex hormones and thyroid hormones often shown for female patients. Finding allows to determine the amount of each hormone and the deviation caused by the imbalance. Men are less likely to prescribe a similar study
Histological examination nevus sample in vitro For suspected malignancy nevus prescribed histological examination, consisting in the formation of a small sample of the fence followed by placing it in a special solution for a day. Thereafter made microcuts sample being studied under a microscope. The results help determine if there is a possibility of transition education in malignant

Thanks to the laboratory diagnostics specialist can get a general idea of ​​the condition of the patient and the possible risks to their health.

hardware diagnostics

Nevi on the body, which causes are often related to hereditary factors can be diagnosed by special purpose hardware techniques.

Special dermatoscope instrument can be used to study the nevus directly on the patient's body without sampling. The method is called fluorescent microscopy. Before diagnosing tumors in the area of ​​applied special oil that enhances the skin highlighting.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

Computer diagnosis is considered the most accurate method. It is painless and allows you to explore new growth, to get his shot. For this purpose a special device, which is applied to the field of education. He displays an image on the monitor screen, and his specialist studies.

Due to hardware techniques doctor examines nevi and may prevent it from malignancy in the event of such symptoms.


To eliminate tumors and symptoms that may occur during the development of complications, experts use some common methods.


When a single or multiple nevi means physicians prescribe different groups.

Some of them have different performance:

  • antiviral medications (Groprinosin, Isoprinosine) are assigned to suppress human papillomavirus, as well as activation of the body's defenses. This virus is present for more than 70% of the population in the blood, so it can complicate the situation in the formation of moles. Its suppression is important for successful treatment. Daily norm of a particular agent is usually 5-6 tablets. Share it is necessary for 2-3 reception. The minimum duration of the course - 10 days.
  • Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory agents (Ibuprofen, Nimesulide) are shown in the case of inflammatory symptoms. Patients are usually worried about pain, redness in the nevus. Tools help eliminate the symptoms and prevent the progression of the disease. You must take no longer than 5 days in a row in an amount of 2 tablets per day.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures
  • Hormonal contraceptive drugs from the group (Novinet, Yasmin) are assigned to women when it was found between hormonal imbalance and form nevi. They should take 1 tablet per day for 3 or 4 weeks depending on the agent. Course duration - from 2 to 4 months. Typically specialist in each case individually decides assignment of a medicament, as well as the reception duration.
  • vitamin complexes (Vitrum, Complivit) are shown for all patients. They help to improve the general condition, restore deficiency of essential substances. Generally, the treatment regimen involves taking vitamins, 1 tablet or capsule per day for 4 weeks.

Drug treatment is the only way to support the patient's body. She will not be able to remove the cause, so often used as an auxiliary method.

Folk remedies

Nevi on the body, patients often try to eliminate the most popular folk remedies. The reasons for this desire is most often associated with a fear of referral to a specialist, and confidence in the efficacy of natural ingredients.

High-quality apple cider vinegar - a common remedy for moles. Fans recommend alternative medicine from 2 to 4 times a day applied directly on the drop formation means, avoiding contact with the horse blanket. If you believe those who used the method, after 5-7 days the tumor will disappear on their own.

Celandine juice is also considered to be an effective tool. Need 2 times a day to process outgrowth fresh juice, without affecting healthy skin. After 4-8 days the mole will disappear. When larger entities will need up to 2 weeks of regular treatment.

Compress of potato considered to be effective in moles. You just need to grind the raw potatoes on a grater, to make a lot of moles, to fix the plaster and leave overnight. Repeat for 7 consecutive days. After that, the tumor must separate yourself from the skin.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

Lemon juice is used for moles that are barely raised above the skin surface and have a light brown color. It should be 2 times a day handle spot pure product. Duration of the course - 7-10 days. During this period, the spot becomes lighter and almost merge with the skin tone.

It is important to remember that the most popular recipes are a danger to health and even life of the patient.

Even in the case where the patient is confident in the effectiveness of a composition, should consult a doctor and undergo a traditional course. This will reduce the risk of complications. Self-medication in most cases leads to malignancy tumors.

Eliminating education surgically

To eliminate the tumors surgically, there are concrete indications. The operation is prescribed for the appearance of bleeding and pain in the nevus, and change its color. Absolute indication is considered the rapid growth of tumors, changes in its structure.

In addition, the intervention is indicated when other means to remove the birthmark is impossible, and it causes patient psychological discomfort or permanently injured during hygienic procedures affecting clothing. Operation is almost always performed under local anesthesia, special training is required.

Specialist simply appoint a general and biochemical blood tests, visually exploring new growth.

Procedure for manipulation as follows:

  1. The patient is on the operating table, free from the body of the garment, which is the mole.
  2. The surgeon handles the operative field with antiseptic solutions several times.
  3. Thereafter, the anesthetic is injected around moles.
  4. The next stage of operation - moles scalpel excision within healthy tissue with subsequent coagulation vessels special laser.
  5. Bleeding is not developing. The entire manipulation takes 20 to 40 minutes.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

After the procedure, the patient can go home, if there are no complications. Due to the coagulated vessels wound heals quickly, ligation may be performed on an outpatient basis. During the recovery period it is recommended to avoid strenuous exercise and injury impact area. Usually, the patient is completely recovered after 2 weeks.

Cosmetic procedures to remove nevi

Neoplasms quite simply derived using cosmetic procedures. It is worth noting that they are only effective for a small amount of buildup.

Laser ablation can be performed with local anesthesia or without depending on the sensitivity of the patient. The essence of the procedure in a birthmark burning out a special device that allows the impact point of the laser beams on a nevus. After removal of the patient can go home immediately. After healing of skin scars are not usually remain. The entire procedure takes less than 30 minutes.

Removal nevus liquid nitrogen to extremely low temperatures. This method is also popular. Its essence lies in the stratified freezing neoplasm nitrogen, whose temperature reaches -2700FROM. In this nevus it darkens instantly reduced in size and peeled from the healthy skin. With deep its location may take up to 3 treatments.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures

After nitrogen impacts the skin is restored quickly enough, scars remain rare. In carrying out manipulations can use local anesthesia. Both methods are effective. There are other ways, but they are less effective and popular.

diet therapy

In order to improve the general condition, experts recommend a diet. It is necessary to exclude fried and salty foods, canned food. It is to abandon smoked, sour and spicy dishes. In addition, it is important to eliminate alcohol, fizzy drinks and strong coffee.

Allowed to eat the following foods:

  • Wafer biscuits.
  • Lean meat.
  • Boiled and baked fish.
  • Eggs in raw or cooked form.
  • Vegetables, fresh or stewed.
  • Fruits and berries.
  • Juices and herbal teas.
  • Cereals.
  • Soups without fat meat.

Approximate daily menu should include a healthy and light dishes:

  1. Breakfast: porridge on low-fat milk, boiled egg, tea black.
  2. Dinner: rice soup with chicken broth, chicken fish, steamed, mashed potatoes, apple juice.
  3. Dinner: vegetable stew without meat, yogurt or a glass of milk. If it is impossible to use a particular dish, you can replace it with another. For snacking good fit nuts and dried fruits in small quantities. Sticking to a diet is necessary for at least 4 weeks.


Nevi on the body, the causes of which may be different, often the result of common disorders in the body, so proper nutrition is necessary to reinforce the exercise. They must perform daily, preferably in the morning for 15-20 minutes.

Standard and easiest complex consists of several exercises:

  • The rotation of the head in a clockwise and counter-clockwise in a standing position. Repeat for 30 seconds.
  • Squats without interrupting the heels off the floor, and bending forward of the trunk. Run 20 times.Nevi on the body. Photo, causes and treatment of folk remedies, ointments, procedures
  • Torso to the right and left standing. Repeat 15 times on each side.
  • Straight leg climbs up into a standing position. Repeat for each leg 20 times.
  • Hunched posture while standing on his knees, with a focus on the palm, followed by subsidence of the back and lifting the head. In this case, look at the second stage must be directed upwards. Repeat 5 times.
  • Complete relaxation in the supine position with outstretched arms and legs. Continue 1-3 minutes.

Such a complex can not hurt, and will strengthen the muscles and improve overall condition. Training is best done on an empty stomach before breakfast, do not load themselves strongly. Clothing should be loose and made of natural materials.


In case of injury nevus bleeding develops around tumors appears redness and even swelling. In addition, it increases the probability of infection of an open wound, the development of blood poisoning.

The most dangerous complication is considered to be the transition of benign to malignant. Such self-medication is common with or influence of external and internal adverse factors.

Nevi on the body - a common problem among patients of different ages, the causes of which are not clearly established. With the proper behavior of the patient and monitoring specialist complications are rare.

Registration of the article: Vladimir the Great

Video of the nevi

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Skin Diseases

Nevi on the body. Causes, photo, treatment of a child by an adult. Folk remedies, ointments, procedures

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